State v Bradley Cooper 04-18-2011

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I remember during the Scott Peterson case trial watchers were saying the exact same thing. No evidence, no hard evidence. Just showed that S.P. was a cheater who had a girlfriend on the side, but otherwise no motive. Insisted that S.P. could not have gotten his wife's body into the little boat he purchased. All "evidence" was circumstantial and not compelling. No evidence of what killed Laci. Okay so S.P. lied about stuff, but that was not proof of anything. Pure coincidence that wife's body washed ashore from SF Bay. On and on and on it went. Poor S.P. was being framed by inept and corrupt small town cops, there was no sign of any struggle in the house, his inlaws were mean and were after him and he was just a misunderstood guy. Witnesses swore they saw Laci walking the dog that morning, S.P. had cell phone pings, no witnesses to the killing or disposal of wife's body.

Didn't work for him and IMHO won't work for Cooper either.
I would have agreed with you except for the google map search. I'm really curious what the defense has for that.

I felt that way initially, until I learned that he didn't search "Fielding Drive" - all he did was enter his own zip code - any number of explanations for that.

On top of that, the fact he was only on it for 41 seconds was significant. If he truly was searching a dump site, no doubt he would have spent much longer on it, or looked at it over multiple dates, which would have certainly shown up in the evidence.

Also, the fact that he didn't spoof the phone call, the fact that he supposedly murdered, cleaned up and transported her body without leaving even a minute trace of DNA, blood, bodily fluid, etc. cannot be overlooked.

No to mention there wasn't a shred of any other evidence - foot prints, tire tracks, mud, ANYTHING tying him to the dump site.

I just don't see NEARLY enough to make me press the "guilty" button if I'm a juror...
Some observations - I thought DD was clearly evasive throughout defense cross and that makes it appear that he's not secure and able to firmly stand by his case against BC. He should have answered honestly and accurately with confidence. He didn't at all and it's showing that Kurtz did have reason to question CPD's handling of the case. I'm pretty disgusted with his unwillingness to cooperate.

And speaking of feeling disgusted, the judge is so unprofessional that he's literally making me sick to my stomach. I am outraged at how he is handling this case. I think the judge, prosecutors and CPD are preventing BC from receiving a fair trial. At one point he even put words in DD's mouth to try to clarify for him when Kurtz was questioning him about the garage. I can hardly believe my eyes and ears and there is nothing we can do but sit back and watch this train wreck.
I felt that way initially, until I learned that he didn't search "Fielding Drive" - all he did was enter his own zip code - any number of explanations for that...

Its not going to be that difficult to cast doubt on the map IMO, and that's the ONLY piece of evidence or testimony which might give a juror pause for voting NG at this point. Having said that, there are probably a few jurors who would vote NG at this point regardless.

This is not SP, and this is not OJ. The CE evidence in those cases (especially the later) was a lot more convincing. That, and the difference between pros case presentation/LE competency on the SP trial vs this one is vast.

I do think the pros storyline is not what really happened. I'm not sure if BC is guilty or not, but at this point I think a guilty verdict is a long shot.
TOD has been narrowed down because we know there was a segment of onion left in NC's stomach. She left the party shortly after midnight. By 6am there would have been nothing left in her stomach (possibly earlier). That alone provides a narrowed TOD timeline.

Then add in the bug expert testimony which is consistent with a TOD 1am - 6am.

Then look at the flurry of cell phone activity on a Sat morning starting at 6:05am - 6:45am.

Then look at the different cell towers pinging BC cell phone, which shows he was much further south than his home and HT at one point that morning.

Then add in missing items: shoes, foyer items seen the day before, 2 left shoes of NC., BC clothes.

Then add in NC found in red/black/gray job bra and BC knowing exactly which bra she was wearing when she left, though he says he never saw her in anything but a white Tshirt and didn't see what she was wearing when she left.

Then add in Google search with zoom over Fielding Dr dump site the day before while at work.

Then add in other BC behaviors, lies, etc, etc.

Reasonable doubt? Not any more.
Does anyone actually believe that AS didn't confer with CPD/LE when compiling her list of questions for the custody deposition?
Some observations - I thought DD was clearly evasive throughout defense cross and that makes it appear that he's not secure and able to firmly stand by his case against BC. He should have answered honestly and accurately with confidence. He didn't at all and it's showing that Kurtz did have reason to question CPD's handling of the case. I'm pretty disgusted with his unwillingness to cooperate.
There's no such thing as "cooperate". Did you think Kurtz was "cooperating" with him?
Does anyone actually believe that AS didn't confer with CPD/LE when compiling her list of questions for the custody deposition?

she was allowed to ask anything pertaining to his wife's death and anything that would make him seem mentally unfit...she got questions from a number of people
A.S. could just have easily gotten some of the questions to ask by going to WS or any other online forum discussing the case. There were long lists of questions people wanted to know within just the first month.
Does anyone actually believe that AS didn't confer with CPD/LE when compiling her list of questions for the custody deposition?

Is this an issue, possible collusion or misrepresenting the real purpose of her questioning. It's clear that BC is not going to take the stand and they probably knew this from the get-go. Did the DA, CPD and AS work together to get as close to getting BC on the stand as possible?
so - for those that say "no evidence" - let me ask you this:

Pretend you had $100 on the table by the front door (you are generous to the paperboy at Christmas). You heard a knock and a friend's spouse was at the front door. She/he was dressed well and even though you don't know her/him personally, you know the spouse, asked to use your phone, as her/his car had broken down and her/his phone was dead.

You allowed her/him (and I am calling her a her from now on to save typing) to come in and wait in the foyer.

After she leaves, you notice that your $100 is missing.

Now you know she'd never do that - but then you find out she's maxed out her credit cards, her car was repossessed, your friend is divorcing her because she is mean.

You live with nuns and monks with no history of stealing.

You have no eyewitnesses, but you have a crapload of circumstantial evidence.

Do you start looking for (other) suspects?
Does anyone actually believe that AS didn't confer with CPD/LE when compiling her list of questions for the custody deposition?

confer?! they probably gave her all the questions.

same way they told all of the "neighborhood friends" to ensure the affidavits were consistent.
I wonder if Jason Young will garner this level of support when his trial starts up? That too is "just" a circumstantial case. No eyewitness to the murder itself, he was 150+ mi away, etc, etc, etc. He too was the only "suspect," the only one arrested.
Originally Posted by Maja
The distinction between first-degree murder and manslaughter, a crime of passion, is important. A murder conviction carries a life sentence. Voluntary manslaughter is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

I agree. IMO, even if it was a heat of the moment incident......the act of strangling someone to death takes long enough for the perp to be able to change their mind during the event. Premeditation can take less than MINUTES.

<edited to clarify>

Let's not forget about 2nd Degree Murder - I don't know in this case if 2DM will be an alternative for the jury. (It was in Hare, to no avail.)

Here is what is required for 1DM in NC (all 5 required):
1) Malice *
2) Proximate cause of death *
3) Intent to kill *
4) Premeditation
5) Deliberation - coolness of mind

* Required with the other 2 * to be 2DM.
I have a feeling Mr. Cooper might get off.

I really feel that regardless of the verdict in this trial, we'll never know the truth for sure. I'm sure most of you, like me, have doubt when it comes to guilt. I have gone both ways during this trial, and even though I don't like Kurtz and his grating voice, I think he has a chance here. The state hasn't really done enough to prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I wonder if Jason Young will garner this level of support when his trial starts up? That too is "just" a circumstantial case. No eyewitness to the murder itself, he was 150+ mi away, etc, etc, etc. He too was the only "suspect," the only one arrested.

Oh, he already has some very staunch supporters.
Here's the issue that I see: this is a power point that they were using to help direct their investigation. This power point has not been introduced as evidence. Kurtz is picking apart each idea that was presented in a work product power point. As a work product, things changed as the investigation went on. This is crazy!!!! MOO

And weak - like the straws at whcih K is grabbing. :waiting:
Little K knows his client is going down. I don't think he ever thought he was innocent. It doesn't matter what a defense attorney thinks about his client, btw.
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