State v Bradley Cooper - 3/25/11

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I was just trying to explain that to my husband. In the first couple tapes, you don't hear the pattern as easily IMO. But by tape 6, 7, 8, the self-serving nature of everything he says is so obvious. I think perhaps one has to listen to all the tapes, like I did yesterday, in their entirety, so really get the feel for the way Brad operates. And yes, I noticed the present tense rather than past. I did choke up when the attorney finally said 'who's *WE*?'

I've been watching them again, too, and I know exactly what you mean. The "We," "We," "We," all the way home.
And the absolute GALL to still wear that wedding ring. And he's is so glib and arrogant, knowing without a doubt that he is by far the smartest one in the room. (Yes, I think he is quite intelligent, but his soul is just missing something..human). The more I contemplate his actions here and review his activities, I am certain he is a sociopath... as well as a narcissist. I've studied it in textbooks and spoken with MDs -- we had a somewhat distant relative who got into some legal financial trouble, and we all had to do depos, etc., -- and I am seeing it again with this man.
Yea I know, we'll never know.....but honestly, does anyone really think her text messages would reveal the killer (other than Brad)? Kurtz is hoping this honest mistake by CPD will be magnified into a bumbling, inept and corrupt investigation.

It's more than just text messages or call logs. It would also include her address book. The defense has the right to know who she had in her life.
The Blackberry is being used by a lot of individuals these days, and I agree, it is a great phone. I liked mine so much I got my wife one like it.

The 10 incorrect password = wipe thing is not a big problem. The Blackberry was originally used for businesses, and to tie them into the corporate mail system, it uses a Blackberry Enterprise Server, which also backs up all of the data on the phone. It also contains policies which can cause the phone to automatically lock the keyboard, and will remotely wipe all of the data on the phone if it is lost.

NC was probably NOT tied into the Blackberry Enterprise Server, as most private users would not be, but in that case data is manually backed up by the user using the Blackberry Desktop software. Sadly in this case, that is not mandatory, so the data is likely gone.... but would it not be great if she had recently backed it up?
Yea I know, we'll never know.....but honestly, does anyone really think her text messages would reveal the killer (other than Brad)? Kurtz is hoping this honest mistake by CPD will be magnified into a bumbling, inept and corrupt investigation.

Just-the-fax, I totally respect every one of your opinions and your dialogue on here.

However, the answer to the rhetorical question above is: YES. It is called reasonable doubt. The judge sees it too, and he will allow the State way more lead to prove it one way or the other. He doesn't care about anything but keeping the ground legally level and can't do anything more about it, but we do have to consider it. We have to know if John Pearson sent a text message that said: Kid? My kid? I don't have a kid you crazy ______. That makes a HUGE difference in the grand scheme of things.

I have listened to the former girlfriends and I have listened to the former roommates (on here, as well as in other venues) but the bottom line is: Brad Cooper is an odd kind of criminal (if at all) in the idea that he likely won't re-offend. He poses all kinds of problems for the state as a whole because he is in a position to actually be a contributing member of society. I am posting because of people like him. There is NO criminal record between he and Nancy at all. The only things we have from the state are that A) he sucked as a husband B) he was fair to middling or worse as a father C) that he was a jerk and probably an . But, and this is the hugest of buts out there, NONE of these things, coupled with some neighborhood gossip and technical speculation make him a murderer.

And BELIEVE me when I say: I want to see the link between circumstantial and direct evidence (OR just enough circumstantial evidence) to put him away. But, I have to believe in the machinery in place and what the State is currently feeding me is not enough to keep the gears going to a point where it ends with him in jail.

I was just sitting here thinking how I NEVER want people on a forum somewhere discussing my personal life (or my lawn care capabilities) as a pre-cursor to my release or my incarceration in one of NC's medium to high prison's. I would NEVER wish anything negative on my ex like this, but her lifestyle exposes her to such risk and it would crush my soul to be sitting in jail going "What the &*&^*^T" did she do?" when I knew I had not hurt her. It would kill me to be ripped from my daughter's life because of one of her choices ending her life and THAT is what we are all really here to discuss.

I am aware of the variables (and actually hope the State blows me away in the next ten business/court days) that this requires, but it's one of these cases that makes the other cases (Eve Carson, for example) pale in even comparison.

For a little exercise in where I am coming from, the Christian Newsome cases and the Witchita Massacre are where I cut my teeth on human depravity, so I have to try and tip the balance to even with the NC/BC case because of those cases.
As an example. I was in one of our offices recently. I do not often visit the offices as I work out of my home, on the occasions that I am not traveling.

I met someone in the hall, and when I first saw him, he looked familiar. Not EXACTLY like someone I have known for years, but close. I have not seen that person in several years, and we all change, but he looked so much like the person that as we were meeting in the hallway, I kept looking at him and was about to call his name. As we got close enough to shake hands, I was not not sure if it was this person or not. He saw me looking at him and wondered if we had met, but only when he said his name was I sure it was not the person I know. They had some similarity, but not exact. Since it had been a while since I saw the guy I know, I know people change and it was a pretty close resemblance.

Same here with me about faces,CPro -- I see it more every day -- in my case, it isn't faulty eyesight. What I think this phenomenon is, is that as we get older and see more & more faces, things start to kind of blend together. We've all been mistaken for someone else from time to time, and we do the same thing.

Plus, I think most of us do not observe things as carefully as we think we do. Our brains are full and it's just a matter of sensory overload. :eek:
I'm not trying to paint a dim or scary story here, it's just what happens as we get older and see more folks. That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it!
Partial post by John Fear:

So, it's my birthday weekend and some Wake County folks and out-of-county folks indulged me a fairly lengthy conversation on this case.


No fencers or 'ABBs' have answered my question yet... You know, the one about the sports bra?
My first inclination is that they had NC's phone right away..It was in her I dont know just what this is all about..It is the Defense making this comment in their openings..but we havent heard what was actually found yet.Only logs from AT&T and Cell Towers...

My next question would be how far back would they really want to go anyway when trying to get clues to communication on her phone, whether texts, or calls?..She had only been home from her trip with her kids and her family less than a week before she went wouldnt only those calls/texts relevant only be the ones since she got back?? but more specifically in the preceding 48 hours before she was reported missing..

Whether there were missing calls/texts is only alleged by Kurtz...HOW would Brad know what calls she made on her phone anyway??..unless he made them doing his manipulatings per his remote abilities..But that too is speculation... Whatever Def. says is NOT evidence, it is not based on fact until it is proven by testimony by a witness...Just saying doesnt make it so :twocents:

Good points raised there! I'm all be-droggeled in this testimony, and it's past 2am :eek:, so please forgive it this question is just plain stooopid...

How do we know BC didn't erase her phone?

:eek:fftobed: G'night, all.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's already tomorrow!!!

Reckon what we'll see???
No fencers or 'ABBs' have answered my question yet... You know, the one about the sports bra?

How many black or black and red sports bras did NC have? I know if I were an innocent man and a body had been found, I would desperately be trying to find out if what little I knew of my soon-to-be ex lined up with the find and would use it as an estimate to the time I had left free. Trying to volunteer ACCURATE information is not that shocking (nor sociopathic). In fact, if you were the killer, making that kind of correlation would be idiotic, no?

Also, what was the presentation of the information to him?
Just-the-fax, I totally respect every one of your opinions and your dialogue on here.

However, the answer to the rhetorical question above is: YES. It is called reasonable doubt. The judge sees it too, and he will allow the State way more lead to prove it one way or the other. He doesn't care about anything but keeping the ground legally level and can't do anything more about it, but we do have to consider it. We have to know if John Pearson sent a text message that said: Kid? My kid? I don't have a kid you crazy ______. That makes a HUGE difference in the grand scheme of things.

I have listened to the former girlfriends and I have listened to the former roommates (on here, as well as in other venues) but the bottom line is: Brad Cooper is an odd kind of criminal (if at all) in the idea that he likely won't re-offend. He poses all kinds of problems for the state as a whole because he is in a position to actually be a contributing member of society. I am posting because of people like him. There is NO criminal record between he and Nancy at all. The only things we have from the state are that A) he sucked as a husband B) he was fair to middling or worse as a father C) that he was a jerk and probably an . But, and this is the hugest of buts out there, NONE of these things, coupled with some neighborhood gossip and technical speculation make him a murderer.

And BELIEVE me when I say: I want to see the link between circumstantial and direct evidence (OR just enough circumstantial evidence) to put him away. But, I have to believe in the machinery in place and what the State is currently feeding me is not enough to keep the gears going to a point where it ends with him in jail.

I was just sitting here thinking how I NEVER want people on a forum somewhere discussing my personal life (or my lawn care capabilities) as a pre-cursor to my release or my incarceration in one of NC's medium to high prison's. I would NEVER wish anything negative on my ex like this, but her lifestyle exposes her to such risk and it would crush my soul to be sitting in jail going "What the &*&^*^T" did she do?" when I knew I had not hurt her. It would kill me to be ripped from my daughter's life because of one of her choices ending her life and THAT is what we are all really here to discuss.

I am aware of the variables (and actually hope the State blows me away in the next ten business/court days) that this requires, but it's one of these cases that makes the other cases (Eve Carson, for example) pale in even comparison.

For a little exercise in where I am coming from, the Christian Newsome cases and the Witchita Massacre are where I cut my teeth on human depravity, so I have to try and tip the balance to even with the NC/BC case because of those cases.

I agree with you 100%. If suddenly something happened to any of us and our lives became open to the world to dissect (like we have with the Coopers), there would be things that wouldn't look so great but certainly not criminal. The state of our houses, every little fight we've had with our spouses, all the venting/complaining we've done with our friends regarding our mates, everything would suddenly take an unexpected turn and mean something else. I get it. I assume (and hope) most of our lives wouldn't be as dysfunctional as the Coopers though.

But, as long as there is a proven link between BC's actions and the murder of NC, I have no problem with him being in prison the rest of his life. I don't want the only evidence to be he had the ability to forward a call (but no proof he did). To me, that wouldn't be reasonable doubt.

Now, I don't buy the JP theory though only because of the timing and details. Let's say JP ambushed her when she was running: Why would NC have gone running that a.m. w/out taking her car to the coffee place like usual (or anywhere else). I've never heard testimony that she ran directly from her home? Or, if she didn't go running (but used that as an alibi so she could meet JP), she certainly would have taken her car to meet him. She wouldn't have waited at the corner stop sign.

On another note, the 2 other cases you mentioned - Newsome and Witchita. Those type of animals leave you speechless. With the Newsome/Christian murders I can't read too much about it because it's just revolting.
Good points raised there! I'm all be-droggeled in this testimony, and it's past 2am :eek:, so please forgive it this question is just plain stooopid...

How do we know BC didn't erase her phone?

:eek:fftobed: G'night, all.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's already tomorrow!!!

Reckon what we'll see???

We don't. But, we also don't know that he did. We do know that when JY attempted to unlock the phone, it wiped the phone of any data that was on the phone at the time.

I'm looking forward to the remainder of JY's testimony and more expert testimony.
How many black or black and red sports bras did NC have? I know if I were an innocent man and a body had been found, I would desperately be trying to find out if what little I knew of my soon-to-be ex lined up with the find and would use it as an estimate to the time I had left free. Trying to volunteer ACCURATE information is not that shocking (nor sociopathic). In fact, if you were the killer, making that kind of correlation would be idiotic, no?

Also, what was the presentation of the information to him?

Even BC said he she had so many sports bras it would be impossible to know which was missing.

Don't you think you might have asked if the body was your spouse's first?

And might you have assumed she was wearing clothes on the outside and offered a description of such fitst? Something like a t-shirt that she asked you to toss down to her...or her running shoes? (Surely she had less pairs of those than she had sports bras?)

Here was an exhausted man who'd been up all night cleaning and running around. He had that sports bra in his mind, all right. The fact that he offered it up so 'helpfully,' when he did, makes him look guilty as sin.
BC behaviors did not cry out to me someone who really wanted to give accurate information on clothing last worn at the party, what she was more then likely to be wearing in the am. I would have been frustrated if I did not remember, trying to rack my brain to get a visual of the prior evening, going through drawers to see what I thought may be missing indicating what she was wearing, basically showing that I cared and doing all I could to be helpful. Then on the other hand, if innocent, he may not have been thinking that she was truly missing, just late to make him mad or get even, making him miss his tennis game. I know I have said many times, when my spouse or child is late, that I did not know whether to be mad or worried. But me, I worry first, then once I find out they are ok I get mad. Thats me though, different strokes for different folks.
We don't. But, we also don't know that he did. We do know that when JY attempted to unlock the phone, it wiped the phone of any data that was on the phone at the time.

I'm looking forward to the remainder of JY's testimony and more expert testimony.

Good Morning to You, C-Lady --

There's still a lot we don't know!!! And that's what keeps us coming back, huh?

Yes, I did not forget about JY and the Blackberry (sounds like a children's story almost..), but my question about BC possibly doing it is yet another one we'll never know -- but yes, we must give the benefit of the doubt, for sure.

Here's to a good day in the courtroom!!!
I'm expecting to find out about the blackberry and what happened to it when the defense crosses JY. Am I correct that the prosecution hasn't brought it up yet? We actually may hear it in their questioning since they seem to cover every tiny detail that they believe the defense will bring up.
No fencers or 'ABBs' have answered my question yet... You know, the one about the sports bra?

I can't explain that one either. My question goes more to, if he did this, he knows exactly what she was dressed in (since he put the bra on her). He knows she's only wearing the sports bra, he knows exactly what color it was. So why would he tell LE exactly what she was wearing when 2 days earlier he (according to DD) misdirected about the dress? Why wouldn't he also just say she was wearing something else (different color bra)?
Just-the-fax, I totally respect every one of your opinions and your dialogue on here.

However, the answer to the rhetorical question above is: YES. It is called reasonable doubt. .

I totally understand that point and the defense has a very good reason to flag the honest mistake by CPD. Like any piece of the evidence, or lack of it in this instance, the jury will simply assign a weight when evaluating the entire case. Sure the swiped BB can be important as long as you think, after hearing all the evidence, it more likely favors someone close to Nancy, as opposed to a random abductor or Brad. I thing the big point Kurtz wants to stress is not that her killer could have been revealed in her logs or address book, it was that CPD was inept and Incompetent. Because of this outlandish statement, teh judge is allowing evidence that would normally not be admitted to show they were in fact very thorough and far from "inept and incompetent".
It's more than just text messages or call logs. It would also include her address book. The defense has the right to know who she had in her life.

Her call logs were not the issue....who she called and heard from was documented on the AT&T bill.
I can't explain that one either. My question goes more to, if he did this, he knows exactly what she was dressed in (since he put the bra on her). He knows she's only wearing the sports bra, he knows exactly what color it was. So why would he tell LE exactly what she was wearing when 2 days earlier he (according to DD) misdirected about the dress? Why wouldn't he also just say she was wearing something else (different color bra)?

Because he was trying to back up his claim that she went running.
Because he was trying to back up his claim that she went running.

I understand but why tell them the exact color that it was? He knows what color it was but yet he had no problem telling LE that she was wearing a blue or black dress the night of the party?
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