State v. Bradley Cooper 4-12-2011

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Sounds like she had been in "hate mode" for many years. Why not leave? Why subject your innocent children to witnessing the screaming, fighting etc? It sounds like NC wanted to be a part of that "elite Lochmere" club of women, but did not have the finances to do so. She wanted to live the dream, but wasn't willing to compromise anything for it.

It's possible. But it ain't so easy to leave when hubby has all the money and doles it out how he sees fit. And with two kids in tow? She obviously finally decided to leave, and go back to Canada with them, but then became trapped.

Then became dead.
Her "night friend", Jennifer stated that Nancy would go over to her house and they'd drink a BOTTLE or 2 of wine and she'd leave late in the evening. So, Brad works all day, comes home and his wife immediately leaves to go drinking with the girls.

Why is he such a bad dad? He was the sole income earner. They lived in a nice neighborhood, 5 star preschools, gym membership to a very nice healthclub, getting his MBA to provide more for his family. I, personally, saw him doting on his children at the pool A LOT more than Nancy did. She was always lounging a chair chatting with her girlfriends while he spent the entire time with his kids in the pool.

They were both terrible in the marriage department. Both equally at fault. But, I do not think it is fair to say he was not a good father. There is absolutely NO evidence of that

But it was an all an act. :rolleyes:
Hello, everybody! I was in the courtroom again today and got "made" by another sleuther. She is a delight, and now I have a new friend. I just was able to make it to my computer tonight, and I read the first few pages, and then the last page of posts...will catch up later. It sounds like people aren't being nice to each other? C'mon, guys!

If anyone has any specific questions about today, I'll answer as best I can. Lay it on me.
How could her cell be in the drawer when JA saw it in her car? hmmm...

Speaking of which, did BC ever call NC's cell phone that morning to see why she hadn't come home, ask where she was, inquire as to her health and well being?
Really? I actually live here in Lochmere. I actually run in the same areas. I actually witness the tons of gang graffiti along our greenways. I have actually called the CDP to bring attention to this. Any you know what? They didn't do a damn thing about it. Cary has a way of covering up its crimes. I had a friend who live along a greenway, in a very nice part of Cary. Some drunken low life crawled into her home's crawlspace and lit a fire - for no reason. So - don't tell me that random acts of violence can NOT happen in Cary.

Settle down.
I never said random violence never happens in Cary.
I am native NC and have lived in Raleigh 34 years.
I know all about how Cary has transformed from the Mayberry sleepy suburb to being a diverse relocation meca from all over the country.
In fact, NY lead the way with the great IBM migration in the early 80's.
Hello, everybody! I was in the courtroom again today and got "made" by another sleuther. She is a delight, and now I have a new friend. I just was able to make it to my computer tonight, and I read the first few pages, and then the last page of posts...will catch up later. It sounds like people aren't being nice to each other? C'mon, guys!

If anyone has any specific questions about today, I'll answer as best I can. Lay it on me.

I saw you feverishly taking notes, so I suspect you have all the details.
If you recalled more details of the 4 log-ins,that would be great.
You guys much be watching a fantasy trial somewhere. BOTH SIDES are bringing up a lot of evidence that isn't ACTUALLY involved in this case (as far as in front of a jury).

Today is the THIRD day in a row that Kurtz has LITERALLY had to walk over (in FRONT of the jury) and get evidence from Zellinger as it's being entered. Not documents mind you, but a binder, several DVDs and photos. He has made it clear in his sneaky way that he's just seeing it.

I don't think this jury is buying what the pros is selling, and the FBI didn't do anything but muddy up the waters.

Guilty or not, this is a really crappy trial all around. I'd bet we are about to wrap. I am thinking the brother, a random "I was jogging in Lochmere" witness and then Daniels and I don't think even his brilliant mind can salvage the damage that has been done so far.

This is a mess. Every time a pros witness opens their mouth to Kurtz or Trenkle, it gets worse.

Also, this is not a case to discuss domestic violence. Save that for the next one.

This case is about a mutually tragic monster-mess of a marriage that two people bounced around in. I remember the standard mantra of the early divorce attorneys saying: She will BAIT you. She will MONITOR you. She will try to TRAP you. It's what people do. (not women, people mind you).

Let's get back to a little more well-fostered debate in here before the mods lock us down.

And if you guys are wanting to rail on someone, feel free to flame me. Not the people that are just trying to get an opinion out there.

I think that Brad exhibited the emotional side of control and manipulation that constitutes Domestic Abuse and yes, there still could be a flaming gun (not smoking at this point) that does him in.

BUT, in the interest of actual justice, this case has been bad for everyone involved except Trenkle and Kurtz & Blum. Why? Because the State has trampled all over themselves and their witnesses in an effort to string six cans together and call it the internet. For every lie that's been told by the defense, we have the prosecution standing up and shouting: THERE! SEE! LIE! AND LIES = MURDER!

For those of you who have never been divorced, count yourselves lucky. For those of you who do not have abuse in their lives, count yourselves lucky.

For those of you who are jumping all over this and the people trying to have an intelligent and interesting conversation about a murder case...stop for a second. Realize that the lives are already lost and for any other reason we would not be here. Think about what you say before you bash their idea and post something a little more backed up and a little more based on what the trial evidence has been about and you will come to the same result, but sound less mean. Then....count yourself lucky that you live in a place that allows you to do that.

Also, if he killed this woman and covered it up....and walks....he should offer his services out to the FBI.

Settle down.
I never said random violence never happens in Cary.
I am native NC and have lived in Raleigh 34 years.
I know all about how Cary has transformed from the Mayberry sleepy suburb to being a diverse relocation meca from all over the country.
In fact, NY lead the way with the great IBM migration in the early 80's.

Sorry if I got a bit huffy. Not my intention. I apologize. I just get so tired of everyone that lives in Cary thinking they are always safe and people not being aware of what is happening around them. We, in Lochmere, have dealt with tons and tons of in home and car breakins lately. People leave their doors unlocked, strangers enter their homes when they are sleeping and rob them blind. No where is safe.

I believe that if this crime would have happened in Raleigh the Raleigh Police would have done a much better job and gathering evidence and broadening their scope for possible suspects. I hate to say this, but I agree with the defendant's attorneys when the said the the CDP is inept at dealing with this situation.

Nancy is dead. Murdered. Taken away from those two beautiful daughters of hers. Exactly what I'm getting from some of the postings here - a rotten mother; a rotten wife and that she pretty much deserved it.

In your words only.
Hello, everybody! I was in the courtroom again today and got "made" by another sleuther. She is a delight, and now I have a new friend. I just was able to make it to my computer tonight, and I read the first few pages, and then the last page of posts...will catch up later. It sounds like people aren't being nice to each other? C'mon, guys!

If anyone has any specific questions about today, I'll answer as best I can. Lay it on me.

Could you please tell us your impression of the jury and any reactions you may have noticed from them regarding the computer usage and email forwarding that BC did that was brought up today? Any info on the jury is much appreciated.
Speaking of which, did BC ever call NC's cell phone that morning to see why she hadn't come home, ask where she was, inquire as to her health and well being?

Why would he call if he knew the cell phone was in the house?
Post 659 on todays thread and the link posted is well worth the 2 minutes it takes to read.
Speaking of which, did BC ever call NC's cell phone that morning to see why she hadn't come home, ask where she was, inquire as to her health and well being?

She didn't run with her cell phone. I thought CC also testified to that.
Cary had always had this image of being "Mayberry". I moved from Raleigh to Cary 8 years ago. Throughout the years I have seen a lot of sketchy people along our greenways, trails and general running areas. I never used to run with a cell phone or dog. Now - I would not run without either. There have been many times I have begun to dial 911 on my runs because of the feeling that someone was following me.

So - I think there is a strong possibility that NC's demise could have been because a senseless act of random violence. I look at it this way - if BC and NC were getting along and she went out for a routine run and never returned back, would we all really be looking at BC as a strong candidate for murder?

Interesting. I've lived in Cary since the early ninties and have never really seen more than a few "sketchy" people. Usually near Regency Lake when there's an event/concert going on. Cary does have a low crime rate, most of the murders that have occurred here were husbands killing their wives. We've had the guy who tossed his wife off the Cary Parkway overpass, the guy who killed his wife and then sat on the front steps and waited for the police, the guy who killed his wife and then set fire to a vehicle (I think somewhere on I-40).

I can't see Nancy running alone and heading down Holly Springs Road to the neighborhood in which her body was found. If she really went running at the time Brad specified, she would have been on trails in Lochmere, or around Regency, that would have people out doing the same thing. These are not places that "sketchy" people tend to hang out. And no, I don't run, but I do walk in Regency and Lochmere.

I think if Brad was really suicidal he wouldn't be using google to figure out a way to asphyxiate himself. I think it's possible he was looking for a way to make Nancy look like she had committed suicide. If Brad and Nancy were getting along and she disappeared on a run, he would have been begging the police to find her, not hiding in the house on the internet! We also wouldn't have all the CE that makes him the number one suspect.
I don't follow. First of all, I've said several times that I think that Brad probably did it and I'm sure that he's going to be convicted.

But, I don't understand your implication that those who don't think that he is guilty somehow don't think that Nancy's life mattered or was important or do think that she deserved to be "thrown away like trash".

Are you only allowed to feel horrible for Nancy, the children, and her family if you are convinced that Brad did it? Is it not possible that you do think her life was valuable and you want to see the right person punished for it and you don't think that Brad is that right person?

Again, I'm not in the "he's innocent" crowd, but I think it is grossly unfair to suggest that those who have already convicted Brad have the market cornered on sympathy for the victim.

I don't believe I implied I was speaking of you. I'm speaking as a whole in the Cary community and surrounding area. I'm talking about *some* insensitive discussions and remarks here, but also the grossly unfair and nasty comments made elsewhere - twitter, GOLO, other media sites. I hope and pray Nancy's family do not read the very ugly and vile things that are said about their daughter by people who never knew her. I feel sorry for them - to have to be in a foreign country because their daughter was murdered here!! and to possibly be exposed to the nastiness on top of that. It astounds me what people have said about a victim - a victim of circumstance, a victim of poor judgement, a victim of emotional abuse, and a victim of a violent crime that stole her life from her children and her family.

I was only expressing MY feelings of sorrow for Nancy's family. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, but I sure hope that if a member of my family were murdered and I had to be in a place other than my own home, at the mercy of another country's laws and court system, that some kind souls would send good thoughts, condolences, and prayers my way whether that be in person, in writing, or transcendentally.
How did he find out the phone was in the house? It must have rang and then he knew?

It rang and had a voicemail on it from her boyfriend that said: Hey, pssst, Nancy, I'm in the cul-de-sac with the money and I'm getting nervous because Howard Kurtz is driving a van full of mexicans around the neighborhood and throwing computer parts out of the window in different driveways. Call me if you can't get here soon. PS. I have the ducks and the sticks and I grabbed all your clothes, oh.....but just one sports bra, so jump out the window and come on over here. Let's "jog". Oh, and bring an extra sports bra. The red and black one. See you soon.....BEEP
So why someone would need to do so much laundry and scrubbing to clean up a murder with no blood - strangulation?
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