State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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I'm still intrigued by the possible ng involvement, usenet. There are some really far out groups and people there. I remember a murder some years ago, I think it was a wife killing IIRC, where the husband had done some postings on usenet prior to the crime.
Are you saying that the calls never happened or that it is impossible for the calls to have happened and that the friends were not aware of the calls? Can't one believe that the calls were made but just not in the presence of anyone?

No, I know the records show the calls were made but they were sitting around at a pool with their kids. I find it hard to believe she would have stepped away several times with two young kids at a pool. It's just odd to me. And strange that HP never mentioned it or the crisis center witness (can't remember her name).
I posted earlier about the posts I saw about the verdict watch, like it was some time when the jury was deliberating and it was "quiet time" on the forum....

I have not seen a response.... does anyone who has previously followed cases here know about it and care to fill me in?

Still waiting........:waiting:
I'm still intrigued by the possible ng involvement, usenet. There are some really far out groups and people there. I remember a murder some years ago, I think it was a wife killing IIRC, where the husband had done some postings on usenet prior to the crime.

Coupla things regarding this. I am pretty sure that there was an early leak/allusion to the fact that it was A.S.H which I am pretty sure is a transfer over from the old NG. which is a really encompassing website for suicide "stuff" (facts, plans, final commiserations, methods, etc)

Also, found this in my hunt: In the coopermotion.pdf (the long 141 page motion to stay) there are a number of user names listed and I think these are going to be an important part of the defense in this case. I had assumed they were brad or associated with brad....but now that Kurtz-y-poo is re-opening some slammed doors, I wonder if they mighta been BC posing as NC.
I posted earlier about the posts I saw about the verdict watch, like it was some time when the jury was deliberating and it was "quiet time" on the forum....

I have not seen a response.... does anyone who has previously followed cases here know about it and care to fill me in?

Still waiting........:waiting:

I think one of the ladies (possibly the poster) responded to you a few pages back, CP.

Have you ever been in a down-trodden urban area without water or power on July 30th of any year? You know how they say heat doesn't mix with people?

Imagine that times like a hundred. Ironically the few cases I have chatted about on here have been guilty pleas before this point, so I can't attest to my participation, but I bet you with the size of the sides on this one, the loonies will come out of the best of us in that last hour (or six days) depending on how everything rests and how many kittens are stuck to the projector string versus how many petards on the last day.
In initial police interviews, HP didn't mention anything about NC's paint plans, nor did 14 people who attended the party with NC on Friday evening.

Then, in testimony, HP said NC DID tell her she was going to finish up painting at JA's when she spoke to her on Friday before the party. So she added that detail to her story just recently.

What doesn't make sense is that HP called BC Saturday morning at the time NC was supposed to be at JA's house and never mentioned any knowledge of NC's paint plans, just was calling to firm up pool plans for later. So why did she call the Cooper's home phone? Why not her cell phone if she told her she was going to be at JA's?

When JA called BC that morning looking for NC, she also failed to mention that NC was supposed to be there.

Another inconsistency is CC said in testimony that NC was running at Lake Johnson on Thursday but HP said she was at the gym and having lunch with her after taking the kids to school.

Plus MH and BC had tennis plans and JA had plans with her kids that morning at 10:30AM according to her calendar. On the police call, she said NC was expected at her house by 9 (that has now changed to 8 in testimony). Why would you have someone come to paint at 9 when you would have to clean up to take your kids somewhere after one hour. Makes no sense. Plus NC told KL she was sick of painting.

I know most of you don't want to discuss this since the "smoking gun" is now known, but I can't let go of this. It really seems like things just don't add up with the friends' stories and I want to know why. IF they are lying, which most of you don't believe, but just what if they are. Why????

I would really like to see some responses to all of those items, or viable explanations of them also.
That document Cooper had about suicide and asphyxiation came from a newsgroup called alt.suicide.methods or something close to that. Doesn't mean he was posting on a usenet group but the document appeared to come from that group since that group title was on the top of the slide showing that piece of evidence.

That specific article did not come from a divorce site with info about the rising suicide rate for fathers who lose their kids in custody fights. Did not. That is what the defense was hoping the public would believe and that is what they argued, but it was clear from the overhead slide in court that it came from a different source, a usenet group versus a web site, it was focused on death through suicide and asphyxiation, and had nothing at all to do with divorce or custody issues.
I posted earlier about the posts I saw about the verdict watch, like it was some time when the jury was deliberating and it was "quiet time" on the forum....

I have not seen a response.... does anyone who has previously followed cases here know about it and care to fill me in?

Still waiting........:waiting:

Someone did respond earlier today, I think Fran, and a couple of others chimed in. Basically they just said that with no court going on, no evidence to pick apart we would start picking at everything already in evidence again. People's nerves might be on edge waiting for the verdict (which could maybe lead to clashes, but I could have made that part up outta my head.)

That's what I remember. I hope that helps. I'm sure someone knows more than me tonight.
I think one of the ladies (possibly the poster) responded to you a few pages back, CP.

Have you ever been in a down-trodden urban area without water or power on July 30th of any year? You know how they say heat doesn't mix with people?

Imagine that times like a hundred. Ironically the few cases I have chatted about on here have been guilty pleas before this point, so I can't attest to my participation, but I bet you with the size of the sides on this one, the loonies will come out of the best of us in that last hour (or six days) depending on how everything rests and how many kittens are stuck to the projector string versus how many petards on the last day.

He said it better than I did. I forgot to mention kittens.
The call logs from Nancy's cell phone were shown in court one day. The logs showed exactly which calls were answered, which ones went to voicemail, and they showed the cell towers the calls pinged off of. All calls for July 11, 2008 were tracked in this report.

That is the only place to verify calls made, the times those calls were made, how long the calls lasted, etc.

The call logs are key.

Trying to use friend's statements to verify call times is simply not going to be accurate. Humans make mistakes. The log files are a source that everyone can refer to as solid.
That document Cooper had about suicide and asphyxiation came from a newsgroup called alt.suicide.methods or something close to that. Doesn't mean he was posting on a usenet group but the document appeared to come from that group since that group title was on the top of the slide showing that piece of evidence.

That specific article did not come from a divorce site with info about the rising suicide rate for fathers who lose their kids in custody fights. Did not. That is what the defense was hoping the public would believe and that is what they argued, but it was clear from the overhead slide in court that it came from a different source, a usenet group versus a web site, it was focused on death through suicide and asphyxiation, and had nothing at all to do with divorce or custody issues.

What you're saying doesn't prove it wasn't a link from that father/custody site. Are you positive it wasn't a link from the original page? If so, how?
Coupla things regarding this. I am pretty sure that there was an early leak/allusion to the fact that it was A.S.H which I am pretty sure is a transfer over from the old NG. which is a really encompassing website for suicide "stuff" (facts, plans, final commiserations, methods, etc)

Also, found this in my hunt: In the coopermotion.pdf (the long 141 page motion to stay) there are a number of user names listed and I think these are going to be an important part of the defense in this case. I had assumed they were brad or associated with brad....but now that Kurtz-y-poo is re-opening some slammed doors, I wonder if they mighta been BC posing as NC.

I wish google hadn't changed a couple years ago. It was so much easier to google ng postings from years ago. Now I get stumped all the time in trying to search out postings from yrs past. I did pick up something about ASH moving to ASBS, I think that was it. alt.suicide.bus.stop, something along those lines. They were trying to shake the trolls & loons yelling 'do it', 'jump'.
Interesting, Brad possibly posting as NC. I hadn't thought of that. I was thinking more along the lines of BC searching out advice, how to's, various methods of strangulation, asphyxiation, ( damn, I need a spell check ) :banghead:
I think one of the ladies (possibly the poster) responded to you a few pages back, CP.

Have you ever been in a down-trodden urban area without water or power on July 30th of any year? You know how they say heat doesn't mix with people?

Imagine that times like a hundred. Ironically the few cases I have chatted about on here have been guilty pleas before this point, so I can't attest to my participation, but I bet you with the size of the sides on this one, the loonies will come out of the best of us in that last hour (or six days) depending on how everything rests and how many kittens are stuck to the projector string versus how many petards on the last day.


Thanks... I have been playing catchup and must not have seen the answer. I thought I had looked pretty carefully for it before the re-post.... thanks for helping me out.

Yeah, I was thinking it must be a quiet time to somberly reflect on the case and keep things quiet until the verdict was in. I am not sure why, but it had never occured to me that we might have a troll fest.

Kurtz's Kittens... has a nice ring to it. He oughtta open a chain of stores.

What you're saying doesn't prove it wasn't a link from that father/custody site. Are you positive it wasn't a link from the original page? If so, how?

Common sense tells us a website dedicated to divorce and child custody issues is not going to link to a usenet group devoted to how to kill yourself, the methods, etc. I saw the heading at the top of the article when it was displayed in court. It had absolutely nothing to do with divorcing fathers feeling sad and suicidal about losing their kids. I know what I saw and I know what it said. The slide showed where the article came from. In big black letters. It was a resource guide of how to kill yourself. Then Kurtz threw a big 'ole fit to keep it out.
The call logs from Nancy's cell phone were shown in court one day. The logs showed exactly which calls were answered, which ones went to voicemail, and they showed the cell towers the calls pinged off of. All calls for July 11, 2008 were tracked in this report.

That is the only place to verify calls made, the times those calls were made, how long the calls lasted, etc.

The call logs are key.

Trying to use friend's statements to verify call times is simply not going to be accurate. Humans make mistakes. The log files are a source that everyone can refer to as solid.

No one is trying to use anyone's statements to verify call times. According to these witnesses they were with NC during the times the calls were made but they never mentioned it. I was simply pointing out that what NC was described as doing at the times of the calls (swimming, eating and exercising), it seems odd that she made several calls. That's all. Especially the Friday pool time.
Common sense tells us a website dedicated to divorce and child custody issues is not going to link to a usenet group devoted to how to kill yourself, the methods, etc. I saw the heading at the top of the article when it was displayed in court. It had absolutely nothing to do with divorcing fathers feeling sad and suicidal about losing their kids. I know what I saw and I know what it said. The slide showed where the article came from. In big black letters. It was a resource guide of how to kill yourself. Then Kurtz threw a big 'ole fit to keep it out.

I don't know anything about alt sites/usenet groups but if it wasn't a link from that site, I don't think the judge would have made it inadmissible.

ETA: I don't want to post the link here, but I did do a quick search and the third site I looked at for fathers/custody did have a sidebar link to suicide. I'll bet that is the site he bookmarked.
Common sense tells us a website dedicated to divorce and child custody issues is not going to link to a usenet group devoted to how to kill yourself, the methods, etc. I saw the heading at the top of the article when it was displayed in court. I had absolutely nothing to do with divorcing fathers feeling sad and suicidal about losing their kids. I know what I saw and I know what it said. The slide showed where the article came from. In big black letters. It was a resource guide of how to kill yourself. Then Kurtz threw a big 'ole fit to keep it out.

Just checked it out, there definitely is a ng on usenet alt.suicide.methods. Not sure if that's it exactly, my server takes me there after just a few letters of the words, so I didn't check as to placement of dots or dashes between the words. Most of the ng's have fallen off since ISP's don't service them anymore. But a couple years ago, which was what I was trying to search, Feb, 2008, the were still much more active. I've never been known for googling skills. Wish I was. I wanted to go back and see if there were any postings from someone searching about asphyxiation .
Does anybody remember exactly where Nancy's labcorp bill for the testing she had done on April 15, 2008 was found in the house? I mean, was it in a drawer, a folder, laying out somewhere?
The jurors are not laughing in the courtroom during the trial (unless a witness says something funny). They are laughing when on break or after lunch in their jury room. They are not discussing the case in there. They are celebrating Bdays, a juror got married, and whatever other little life things they have going on.

I know I am way way behind, and maybe someone else has said what I think is what is going on with this..AS Ido realizes this Loud lughter we have all heard from the jury room..forsome reason has caused some concern....

I definately get just what ya all are thinking..But I have another perspective..We sense the tension, the important of every nuance we see, hear and apply it to things we know already, heard mentioned, then WE get to discuss, debate it....THIS JURY are unable to talk about it to anybody not ask for clearifications, not debate what they heard nor what a fellw juror hear, etc.....Jurors I am sure look for any diversion to vent their tension and maybe inaappripriately giggle, or laugh..but by geesh...IF they kept to themselves, stayed silent and brudded for weeks on end..Me thinks it may become necessary to have psychologist be in constant consultations with jurors...JURY DUTY IS ONE HUGE TOUGH JOB Mentally, emotionally and spiritually..:rocker:

Sorry, I just dont think it is fair to judge their LOL or fun they havoe outside of the courtroom..As humans they do need to have a outlet...and I venture to say when alone they are having real big trouble sleeping!!!

Not meant to judge anyone for being worried, or concerned about their behaviors..Just trying to point out the other side and positive side of that same coin :seeya:
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