State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet, but it does appear that the judge allowed testimony yesterday re: the suicide site that BC bookmarked.

There's a quick mention of it about 2/3 of the way down the page (didn't appear until the 7:13pm update of the article):

It's also mentioned toward the end of this video:

Gessner allowed testimony about the website on Thursday

In initial police interviews, HP didn't mention anything about NC's paint plans, nor did 14 people who attended the party with NC on Friday evening.

Then, in testimony, HP said NC DID tell her she was going to finish up painting at JA's when she spoke to her on Friday before the party. So she added that detail to her story just recently.

What doesn't make sense is that HP called BC Saturday morning at the time NC was supposed to be at JA's house and never mentioned any knowledge of NC's paint plans, just was calling to firm up pool plans for later. So why did she call the Cooper's home phone? Why not her cell phone if she told her she was going to be at JA's?

When JA called BC that morning looking for NC, she also failed to mention that NC was supposed to be there.

Another inconsistency is CC said in testimony that NC was running at Lake Johnson on Thursday but HP said she was at the gym and having lunch with her after taking the kids to school.

Plus MH and BC had tennis plans and JA had plans with her kids that morning at 10:30AM according to her calendar. On the police call, she said NC was expected at her house by 9 (that has now changed to 8 in testimony). Why would you have someone come to paint at 9 when you would have to clean up to take your kids somewhere after one hour. Makes no sense. Plus NC told KL she was sick of painting.

I know most of you don't want to discuss this since the "smoking gun" is now known, but I can't let go of this. It really seems like things just don't add up with the friends' stories and I want to know why. IF they are lying, which most of you don't believe, but just what if they are. Why????

I would say a lot of this can be attributed to just human nature. I have tons of friends...and I certain ly DON"T tell them all the same detail about my life and what I am doing. You are assuming that Nancy had to have told them all the same thing...I personnally don't think happens in day to day life.
I would say a lot of this can be attributed to just human nature. I have tons of friends...and I certain ly DON"T tell them all the same detail about my life and what I am doing. You are assuming that Nancy had to have told them all the same thing...I personnally don't think happens in day to day life.

If there wasn't a pattern already built by their testimony that indicated that NC apparently told them all the exact same details of her life then I might find this argument more compelling.
I don't think there are any people that are defending Brad. <modsnip> Many people just believe in justice and that means they want to see and hear all the evidence before making a decision. Some people also don't think that every typical normal day activity has some ulterior motive to it especially since we do not know if the action is normal for a defendant or not, so those people wait until all the evidence is in and push for fairness in the Court room which is how our Judicial system is supposed to run.

Well said.

I must say, withholding judgement until all the facts and testimony is in, until all parties have been heard is the both the mark of a fair jurist/judge and as you mention, our judicial system. Thank God for that.

There is nothing wrong with forming your own opinion based on the presentation of only one party, but when you do so - you choose to ignore testimony and evidence you have not even heard yet: "I've heard enough! Guilty!"

There IS something wrong with ridiculing and questioning the sanity of those who choose to hear all parties before firming up their opinion of what happened and who is to blame.

If YOU were wrongfully accused of a crime (and please, I am NOT stating as fact that BC is wrongfully accused) who would you want as your juror/judge...? someone who will wait to hear your side of the story before rendering you GUILTY! or someone who takes a posture that you are GUILTY! before hearing your side of the story, or in the case of many here, before the trial starts.

Those of us withholding judgement ("on the fence") are the jurors you want at your trial. Remember that before ridiculing our sense of fairness.

In my opinion, BC was going to walk, 100%, even with no defense presented, before the testimony re: accessing the online map.

Some here would argue that there was enough CE without the "smoking gun". I think that sentiment comes more from emotion than anything else.

About that "smoking gun"...I can think of several ways to explain that map search that do not include CPD tampering. I'll give you two examples from different perspectives.

1) Laptop was seized 7/16, 2 days after the discovery of the body. It's completely plausible to me that BC looked up the location once he learned where the body was found. Remember, he still had his laptop and it was at the house on 7/14. Is the dating on the data/images subject to a different interpretation or explanation? I don't know...but is possible the dating was off by 3 days for some reason or another. Its NOT IMPOSSIBLE that the dating is off, no one on this forum knows this for sure with the info that's out.

2) Suppose NC was meeting someone, occassionally. We know there will be testimony to this effect. There would of course be communication to arrange these meetings. What if BC saw a text mssg FRI morning or some time earlier in the week that said something like "meet at Fielding sat 7". That would certainly give him a reason to look up the address (Where is Fielding? what's at Fielding?). For this explanation, you would also need to consider that BC would not tell CPD at the time that he was aware she was meeting someone...for this would indicate he was privy to her personal communications. Once the body was discovered there his previously undisclosed knowledge of where she was possible meeting someone coinciding with the location of the body (in his mind) then became more of a liability and an indication of his guilt or involvement. So, he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps he figured they would see the text on her phone and figure it out themselves. was wiped.

I didn't post the two scenarios above because I personally believe them, just to show that when you think you have a "smoking gun", you may not. Let's hear what the defense with its witnesses and experts has to say - and not ridicule those of us who think outside the box (wife murdered in middle class neighborhood=husband).

If the defense cannot explain the map search, if BC now take a plea, it doesn't mean I am wrong, and the BDI folks from day 1 are just means it takes a more thorough and complete picture to convince me.
Well said.

I must say, withholding judgement until all the facts and testimony is in, until all parties have been heard is the both the mark of a fair jurist/judge and as you mention, our judicial system. Thank God for that.

There is nothing wrong with forming your own opinion based on the presentation of only one party, but when you do so - you choose to ignore testimony and evidence you have not even heard yet: "I've heard enough! Guilty!"

There IS something wrong with ridiculing and questioning the sanity of those who choose to hear all parties before firming up their opinion of what happened and who is to blame.

If YOU were wrongfully accused of a crime (and please, I am NOT stating as fact that BC is wrongfully accused) who would you want as your juror/judge...? someone who will wait to hear your side of the story before rendering you GUILTY! or someone who takes a posture that you are GUILTY! before hearing your side of the story, or in the case of many here, before the trial starts.

Those of us withholding judgement ("on the fence") are the jurors you want at your trial. Remember that before ridiculing our sense of fairness.

In my opinion, BC was going to walk, 100%, even with no defense presented, before the testimony re: accessing the online map.

Some here would argue that there was enough CE without the "smoking gun". I think that sentiment comes more from emotion than anything else.

About that "smoking gun"...I can think of several ways to explain that map search that do not include CPD tampering. I'll give you two examples from different perspectives.

1) Laptop was seized 7/16, 2 days after the discovery of the body. It's completely plausible to me that BC looked up the location once he learned where the body was found. Remember, he still had his laptop and it was at the house on 7/14. Is the dating on the data/images subject to a different interpretation or explanation? I don't know...but is possible the dating was off by 3 days for some reason or another. Its NOT IMPOSSIBLE that the dating is off, no one on this forum knows this for sure with the info that's out.

2) Suppose NC was meeting someone, occassionally. We know there will be testimony to this effect. There would of course be communication to arrange these meetings. What if BC saw a text mssg FRI morning or some time earlier in the week that said something like "meet at Fielding sat 7". That would certainly give him a reason to look up the address (Where is Fielding? what's at Fielding?). For this explanation, you would also need to consider that BC would not tell CPD at the time that he was aware she was meeting someone...for this would indicate he was privy to her personal communications. Once the body was discovered there his previously undisclosed knowledge of where she was possible meeting someone coinciding with the location of the body (in his mind) then became more of a liability and an indication of his guilt or involvement. So, he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps he figured they would see the text on her phone and figure it out themselves. was wiped.

I didn't post the two scenarios above because I personally believe them, just to show that when you think you have a "smoking gun", you may not. Let's hear what the defense with its witnesses and experts has to say - and not ridicule those of us who think outside the box (wife murdered in middle class neighborhood=husband).

If the defense cannot explain the map search, if BC now take a plea, it doesn't mean I am wrong, and the BDI folks from day 1 are just means it takes a more thorough and complete picture to convince me.

About different opinions - I think it's 'unfortunate' that some people take different opinions/viewpoints so personally that they make comments that puts them in a TO. It's just an opinion, you don't have to agree with it. Normally it's just easier to scroll past (although I agree that sometimes that's harder than it seems).

About your alt theories on the map search:

1 - The agent was pretty adamant about the date being July 11th at 1:15PM. I find it hard to believe they didn't make absolutely sure that the date was accurate (since it's so vital to how damaging the evidence is).

2 - Even if it's true that he intercepted a 'meeting' text, it's very unlikely that meeting was happening at Fielding. You'd have to know the area to know what I'm talking about. It's a subdivision that's not even in a well populated part of the county. Not only that, but the image they got was zoomed in on the exact location of the dump site. I find it highly improbably, basically impossible that NC is meeting some guy in the back of some undeveloped subdivision, near a drainage pond.
From the VERY BEGINNING, NC's friends told LE NC had plans at 8:00 a.m. the day she disappeared. Saturday.

911 calls in Nancy Cooper's death released

Raleigh, N.C. — A friend of Nancy Cooper tells 911 dispatchers in a call released Tuesday that the slain Cary mother of two was in the middle of a divorce, that there was tension in her friend's marriage and says her apparent disappearance "would not make any sense."

"She was supposed to be at my house at eight and just because of the situation with the divorce, I'm just wondering – I don't know what I should do," the caller says in the July 12 call, made at 1:50 p.m.

The caller, Jessica Adam, tells dispatchers that Nancy Cooper's husband, Brad Cooper, said his wife went out early for a run – he believed with a friend.

Adam says that although it was possible Cooper had forgotten about their meeting, it was "weird" that she had not heard from her.

"She would have made contact with me or her other friend by now – who both had expected her today

But her police call said she was due by 9. That was the freshest in her mind and she definitely said it.

Coupled with everything else I mentioned above, it doesn't fit, IMO.
About different opinions - I think it's 'unfortunate' that some people take different opinions/viewpoints so personally that they make comments that puts them in a TO. It's just an opinion, you don't have to agree with it. Normally it's just easier to scroll past (although I agree that sometimes that's harder than it seems).

About your alt theories on the map search:

1 - The agent was pretty adamant about the date being July 11th at 1:15PM. I find it hard to believe they didn't make absolutely sure that the date was accurate (since it's so vital to how damaging the evidence is).

2 - Even if it's true that he intercepted a 'meeting' text, it's very unlikely that meeting was happening at Fielding. You'd have to know the area to know what I'm talking about. It's a subdivision that's not even in a well populated part of the county. Not only that, but the image they got was zoomed in on the exact location of the dump site. I find it highly improbably, basically impossible that NC is meeting some guy in the back of some undeveloped subdivision, near a drainage pond.

I wish there were images of exactly what they saw at the time they discovered the map search on BC's computer. Perhaps there are images of it. It is hard to understand exactly what he saw since the google maps have changed since then. What we see now is not what we saw then. IMO presenting this image would definitely help the state's case rather than having to guess what he saw. Any thoughts on that and are those images in court as exhibits?
But her police call said she was due by 9. That was the freshest in her mind and she definitely said it.

Coupled with everything else I mentioned above, it doesn't fit, IMO.

I remember 9 also which struck me odd since BC was planning to play tennis at 9:30 that morning. Who was going to keep the girls?
Most of the people on this thread wouldn't be eligible for the jury pool on this case. I feel it is reasonable to assume that those of us nowhere near the jury pool or selection can speculate, opinionate, and postulate to our hearts content. At the very beginning when a lot of us were posting on the Cooper thread were doing so because she was a missing person and on this board (not all web boards) a lot of people want to attempt to help - they try to encourage people to search, contact law enforcement officers with any information. Heck, they even try to figure things out by posting and using a "collective head" approach where people come together and pool their ideas and thoughts hopefully to think of something that hasn't been thought of yet or been brought to the authorities attention. It is a board for arm-chair sleuths who like to figure out puzzles and mysteries.

In my local community I have served jury duty. I knew nothing about the case, had never heard or read one word about it. I would have been forthright in my questioning during jury selection if I did or had or had formed any opinions of guilt or innocence - and at that time I'm sure I would have been excused from serving that jury on that case.

I don't think because I have determined that I feel BC is guilty after having studied, read, and discussed this case since July 2008 makes me a bad person. I've watched the depositions. I've read the affidavits. And I probably have more information than a jury member has. I *think* he's guilty as sin. I'm not sitting on the jury, so I can *think* anything I want to. Just so it's clear I already *think* Jason Young is guilty and I already *think* Raven Abaroa is guilty - because I have followed those cases from minute one also - and again, I'll never be called for jury duty in either of those cases either.
About different opinions - I think it's 'unfortunate' that some people take different opinions/viewpoints so personally that they make comments that puts them in a TO. It's just an opinion, you don't have to agree with it. Normally it's just easier to scroll past (although I agree that sometimes that's harder than it seems).

About your alt theories on the map search:

1 - The agent was pretty adamant about the date being July 11th at 1:15PM. I find it hard to believe they didn't make absolutely sure that the date was accurate (since it's so vital to how damaging the evidence is).

2 - Even if it's true that he intercepted a 'meeting' text, it's very unlikely that meeting was happening at Fielding. You'd have to know the area to know what I'm talking about. It's a subdivision that's not even in a well populated part of the county. Not only that, but the image they got was zoomed in on the exact location of the dump site. I find it highly improbably, basically impossible that NC is meeting some guy in the back of some undeveloped subdivision, near a drainage pond.

I would also add that BC's Google Maps search was for "27518" (not "Fielding Drive"), and to get to Fielding, he manipulated the map, then zoomed in on the dump site.

That being said, I would like to know what emails of hers he intercepted that morning. I'm not sure it was in any testimony, but one of the search warrants stated that a forensic preview of BC's Cisco laptop indicated that he read NC's email at 12:31pm and again at 1:00pm.
Well said.

I must say, withholding judgement until all the facts and testimony is in, until all parties have been heard is the both the mark of a fair jurist/judge and as you mention, our judicial system. Thank God for that.

There is nothing wrong with forming your own opinion based on the presentation of only one party, but when you do so - you choose to ignore testimony and evidence you have not even heard yet: "I've heard enough! Guilty!"

There IS something wrong with ridiculing and questioning the sanity of those who choose to hear all parties before firming up their opinion of what happened and who is to blame.

If YOU were wrongfully accused of a crime (and please, I am NOT stating as fact that BC is wrongfully accused) who would you want as your juror/judge...? someone who will wait to hear your side of the story before rendering you GUILTY! or someone who takes a posture that you are GUILTY! before hearing your side of the story, or in the case of many here, before the trial starts.

Those of us withholding judgement ("on the fence") are the jurors you want at your trial. Remember that before ridiculing our sense of fairness.

In my opinion, BC was going to walk, 100%, even with no defense presented, before the testimony re: accessing the online map.

Some here would argue that there was enough CE without the "smoking gun". I think that sentiment comes more from emotion than anything else.

About that "smoking gun"...I can think of several ways to explain that map search that do not include CPD tampering. I'll give you two examples from different perspectives.

1) Laptop was seized 7/16, 2 days after the discovery of the body. It's completely plausible to me that BC looked up the location once he learned where the body was found. Remember, he still had his laptop and it was at the house on 7/14. Is the dating on the data/images subject to a different interpretation or explanation? I don't know...but is possible the dating was off by 3 days for some reason or another. Its NOT IMPOSSIBLE that the dating is off, no one on this forum knows this for sure with the info that's out.

2) Suppose NC was meeting someone, occassionally. We know there will be testimony to this effect. There would of course be communication to arrange these meetings. What if BC saw a text mssg FRI morning or some time earlier in the week that said something like "meet at Fielding sat 7". That would certainly give him a reason to look up the address (Where is Fielding? what's at Fielding?). For this explanation, you would also need to consider that BC would not tell CPD at the time that he was aware she was meeting someone...for this would indicate he was privy to her personal communications. Once the body was discovered there his previously undisclosed knowledge of where she was possible meeting someone coinciding with the location of the body (in his mind) then became more of a liability and an indication of his guilt or involvement. So, he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps he figured they would see the text on her phone and figure it out themselves. was wiped.

I didn't post the two scenarios above because I personally believe them, just to show that when you think you have a "smoking gun", you may not. Let's hear what the defense with its witnesses and experts has to say - and not ridicule those of us who think outside the box (wife murdered in middle class neighborhood=husband).

If the defense cannot explain the map search, if BC now take a plea, it doesn't mean I am wrong, and the BDI folks from day 1 are just means it takes a more thorough and complete picture to convince me.

Excellent post. I really wonder about alternative #2 that you posted. I am still don't like her cell phone being wiped, and it does put alternative # 1 into contention since they left the laptop on hooked to the network or internet for 27 hours.

The laptop was secured on the 15th.
I remember 9 also which struck me odd since BC was planning to play tennis at 9:30 that morning. Who was going to keep the girls?

A reasonable thought was she was taking them with her to paint. She took them around with her every day of the week except the part-time they were in a pre-school class or summer camp.
But her police call said she was due by 9. That was the freshest in her mind and she definitely said it.

Coupled with everything else I mentioned above, it doesn't fit, IMO.

I don't know what to tell ya, except this was an article in WRAL that took the wording verbatum from the 911 call. That was their FIRST contact with LE.

About different opinions - I think it's 'unfortunate' that some people take different opinions/viewpoints so personally that they make comments that puts them in a TO. It's just an opinion, you don't have to agree with it. Normally it's just easier to scroll past (although I agree that sometimes that's harder than it seems).

About your alt theories on the map search:

1 - The agent was pretty adamant about the date being July 11th at 1:15PM. I find it hard to believe they didn't make absolutely sure that the date was accurate (since it's so vital to how damaging the evidence is).

2 - Even if it's true that he intercepted a 'meeting' text, it's very unlikely that meeting was happening at Fielding. You'd have to know the area to know what I'm talking about. It's a subdivision that's not even in a well populated part of the county. Not only that, but the image they got was zoomed in on the exact location of the dump site. I find it highly improbably, basically impossible that NC is meeting some guy in the back of some undeveloped subdivision, near a drainage pond.

If it was an early morning clandestine meeting it may have been there.
I remember 9 also which struck me odd since BC was planning to play tennis at 9:30 that morning. Who was going to keep the girls?

Exactly. Couple that with MH specifically asking JA if NC was planning to bring the girls and JA answered no.
1) Laptop was seized 7/16, 2 days after the discovery of the body. It's completely plausible to me that BC looked up the location once he learned where the body was found. Remember, he still had his laptop and it was at the house on 7/14. Is the dating on the data/images subject to a different interpretation or explanation? I don't know...but is possible the dating was off by 3 days for some reason or another. Its NOT IMPOSSIBLE that the dating is off, no one on this forum knows this for sure with the info that's out.

2) Suppose NC was meeting someone, occassionally. We know there will be testimony to this effect. There would of course be communication to arrange these meetings. What if BC saw a text mssg FRI morning or some time earlier in the week that said something like "meet at Fielding sat 7". That would certainly give him a reason to look up the address (Where is Fielding? what's at Fielding?). For this explanation, you would also need to consider that BC would not tell CPD at the time that he was aware she was meeting someone...for this would indicate he was privy to her personal communications. Once the body was discovered there his previously undisclosed knowledge of where she was possible meeting someone coinciding with the location of the body (in his mind) then became more of a liability and an indication of his guilt or involvement. So, he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps he figured they would see the text on her phone and figure it out themselves. was wiped.

Respectfully snipped. I like your well thought post!

I think scenario 1 will be shown to be true. (JMO). I've been thinking that for the past day too because it seems very logical that one would do a search after the body was found to see where it was. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense that he would choose a spot that quickly with a google map search, which would have to mean he already chose it but wanted to take another look. But why would he risk having that on his computer? After all the careful planning and all that would have gone into spoofing the call.

We shall see.
I don't know what to tell ya, except this was an article in WRAL that took the wording verbatum from the 911 call. That was their FIRST contact with LE.


They played the call in court and you can hear JA say 9 am.
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