OMG - THIS is an expert witness???!!! Wow. One word, wow.
Were the giggling neighbors more credible?
OMG - THIS is an expert witness???!!! Wow. One word, wow.
I value your opinion so I'll take your word for it. :seeya:
This is the same guy that was shaking his head during the cell tower illustration, no?
This is the same guy that was shaking his head during the cell tower illustration, no?
This is the same guy that was shaking his head during the cell tower illustration, no?
CitySlick--just my opinion....but don't waste your time going back and reviewing today's testimony when WRAL puts it up. It will work on your nerves.
Yes, between the last computer guy(JW?) saying that Brad has a higher certificate of expertise at Cisco than him....which by the way I thought was priceless, that their expert witness had a lesser certification, and now this witness saying I have never seen this before...... appears that Brad has stumped all the defense witnesses.......or the cops are corrupt and framed him?????? :waitasec:
Were the giggling neighbors more credible?