State v. Bradley Cooper 4-29-2011

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I was mentioning an operating system mismatch. (Thinking flash drive, drop in) However, I was also referencing the fact that BC appears to have a standard up-to-date Cisco IBM Thinkpad which in my experience around the May 2008 would have been Vista Business 64 with an XP Pro overlay.

The timestamp would be part of the directory entry, created by the OS. It would not be part of the file.
You think that all 500 google files were dropped in, and none were there naturally?
That would be very odd.
Remember 100% of google files had the exact same issue, not just the incriminating one.
IMO, G is out as a possibility. The jury has no idea what other witnesses the defense has not called and what their effect on the pros case would be; therefore, I believe they think they have heard enough to justify reasonable doubt.

They certainly could come to NG, and they certainly have reasons to. But, I doubt there's an attorney in that room who doesn't think G is a possibility, IMO.

If there's one thing I know about how jury's will read evidence and return a verdict, it's that I don't know how jury's will read evidence and return a verdict!

Either way, it won't be long now.
I can honestly say that assuming nothing groundbreaking happens in rebuttal (and that's a big if), I wouldn't be surprised with any of the possible 3 choices for a verdict (G, NG, hung) at this point in time.

I'm all the way out on the limb with you on this one! :rocker:
I'm very curious as to how the closing statements will differ from the opening statements.
I'm very curious as to how the closing statements will differ from the opening statements.

One thing to know is that closing is called an argument v. the opening statement, and in closing the attorneys have a broad latitude to say things v. the opening which should merely be a forecast of evidence. IOW, closing should be a lot more exciting than opening.
Well, I'm starting out fresh & smart this morning. I responded to your question above but stuck our pal gracielee in my greeting. Please excuse. I obviously need at least one more :cup: . Forgive my fogginess, snowshuze and gracielee!!

LOL, you know, I went back twice to figure out what I'd say you were replying to, after only one sip so far of my morning coffee. :waitasec: Couldn't figure out WT hay was going on. Any other American Idol fans here? I'm beginning to feel a bit like Steven Tyler, start to say one thing, WTand then have to change my direction before I get in trouble. :great:
Random thought, but I have to say I'm impressed with the way HM handled this whole thing. She has been a lightening rod from the beginning, but she didn't go out in public, didn't speak to police, didn't speak to the press, did not give any affidavits, and was not called to testify. I'm beginning to think HM is smarter than I may have thought.
Well to be honest, I wasn't feeling particularly gleeful this morning, so I was

Random thought, but I have to say I'm impressed with the way HM handled this whole thing. She has been a lightening rod from the beginning, but she didn't go out in public, didn't speak to police, didn't speak to the press, did not give any affidavits, and was not called to testify. I'm beginning to think HM is smarter than I may have thought.

Until she comes out with a book 6 months down the road.
Did defense say that after this display table, they are finished? What does that mean for the new Cisco router information? How does that play into this?
Anyone a little surprised that neither CM or MM was called?

I'm shocked, seems like there are more things to address. Yes, I'm surprised about the M&M's. And I'm surprised no one from Cisco has been called by the defense too. No one either about brad's job or simply his demeanor/life/style at Cisco.
Random thought, but I have to say I'm impressed with the way HM handled this whole thing. She has been a lightening rod from the beginning, but she didn't go out in public, didn't speak to police, didn't speak to the press, did not give any affidavits, and was not called to testify. I'm beginning to think HM is smarter than I may have thought.


And that's all I have to say about THAT.

I found that note quite nervy, myself...LOL. <exclamation point>

I agree snowshuze (I know who you are this time!). That last sentence n the note iwas a bit much and comes close to being impolite -- but I'm not up there with them, and I'm not missing my job, as they are, at home or at work. And I'm sure things at home and in "the office" are really piling up for them... It's hard being a good citizen sometimes....

I wonder if the note truly was a note from "all" of them or just from the one who wrote it...
soo no google expert? nothing to refute the google testimony to the jury?

not good for the defense. interesting.
How does jury deliberation go in a non-sequestered trial? Do they discuss and then leave at 5 each day and return every morning to discuss (assuming it takes more than a day).
I'm shocked, seems like there are more things to address. Yes, I'm surprised about the M&M's. And I'm surprised no one from Cisco has been called by the defense too. No one either about brad's job or simply his demeanor/life/style at Cisco.

There are two trains of thought. One) is the defense feels the states case is thin at best and they have already provided enough reasonable doubt to the jury or two) they feel that whoever they have left isn't going to substantially change the facts of the case (for example, they don't have anyone that's going to provide any more proof that she went jogging that morning) and hoping for an NG and if not, go to war in a appeal.
Ha. Nice try. It's called "Unix Time" because it is based off of the Unix Time Epoch, which is 1/1/1970. Windows uses it too.

It's just a number between 0 and 4,294,967,296. (2 to the 32)
Bits are bits. There are not unix bits and windows bits.

What do you think about every single google file (500+) having the same issue? Were they all planted? If only the Fielding Drive Zoom file had this issue, you might have a point. But since all the files have the same symptoms, it points to a systemic error with a boring non-nefarious reason.

Maybe, but I think not. Someone accessed the original laptop disk after it was powered down by CPD without using a writeblock, at least a functioning one used correctly.

The nature of the timestamp errors and the issue with deleted files having all timestamps from creation to deletion identical were highly suspicious to M. Also mention of something involving the registry.

M has done over 400 cases as a forensic expert. He is careful what he claims and at the moment he sees Spoliation of Evidence and tampering. He is still studying the disk.
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