State v Bradley Cooper 5-3-11

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I think it would have gone so much better for the prosecution if Boz and Amy F. had done the closing arguments. Amy F. could have presented Nancy as a person/mother/daughter/sister/friend.

There just is no getting around that Fielding Drive search on B.C's work computer.

I'll just be honest with everyone. I believe if the verdict is NG, it will be because of Cummings, his demeanor, and his way of coming across so disjointed. His was the last voice the jury heard. Big mistake, IMO. BUT, I do honestly believe that his heart is in the right place.

Going to catch up with the other cases I am following now.
I would have to go back and pull the words, but I felt like you, Madeline, sunshine and JTF made it in there today. (being very serious and wishing I could remember the exact posts to attribute, but we've posted a lot here. I also feel like ncsu was getting some time) Mainly about the various ways that men and women see things differently, the dresses, the ducks, the DV versus not DV.

I know some of it was obviously general opinions, but it felt cobbled from here and some of the things we all say between 8pm and 6am

Well, I said all along I thought they were all reading here - and I still believe that the defense had some posters here - and I got slammed for it. But I honestly believe it and always will. I loved several parts of Cummings closing. I loved the pony tail - really I did! I loved the JP part. Honestly, I felt like if I were sitting in a jury box, he would have been talking directly to me. The 3 minutes struck me hard and I had tears well up in my eyes - I related it to a coworker later and had goose bumps thinking about it. I can only envision that there are at least a couple jurors who are "like" me - just plain 'ole me, somebody who doesn't need a lot of flash or expertise, fancy suits, and fancy words - just tell it to me like a normal person having a conversation using common ordinary words. People don't like Cummings, but I "get" him - he's my kind of people.
I think it would have gone so much better for the prosecution if Boz and Amy F. had done the closing arguments. Amy F. could have presented Nancy as a person/mother/daughter/sister/friend.

There just is no getting around that Fielding Drive search on B.C's work computer.

I'll just be honest with everyone. I believe if the verdict is NG, it will be because of Cummings, his demeanor, and his way of coming across so disjointed. His was the last voice the jury heard. Big mistake, IMO. BUT, I do honestly believe that his heart is in the right place.

Going to catch up with the other cases I am following now.

Couldn't agree more LaLaw. Hugs! We're both in the same spot. I know regardless of the verdict I will cry.
Nancy was packing several months before...I imagine she would not have bothered with any of the stuff in his home office. Brad forgot to dust when he was doing his 6 hour clean up....

JA didn't leave him enough time to get to that.
I think it would have gone so much better for the prosecution if Boz and Amy F. had done the closing arguments. Amy F. could have presented Nancy as a person/mother/daughter/sister/friend.

There just is no getting around that Fielding Drive search on B.C's work computer.

I'll just be honest with everyone. I believe if the verdict is NG, it will be because of Cummings, his demeanor, and his way of coming across so disjointed. His was the last voice the jury heard. Big mistake, IMO. BUT, I do honestly believe that his heart is in the right place.

Going to catch up with the other cases I am following now.

I cringed when I heard that HC was going to be the other half of the state closing. I cringed more when I found out he was going last. His entire closing was the worst of the day until the end. He pulled that off perfectly! AF would not have been able to do that simulation of a strangulation death. If he had decided not to use the entire hour and 1 minute and done some brief comments followed by that simulation, he would have brought it home much more powerfully. MOO
Well, I said all along I thought they were all reading here - and I still believe that the defense had some posters here - and I got slammed for it. But I honestly believe it and always will. I loved several parts of Cummings closing. I loved the pony tail - really I did! I loved the JP part. Honestly, I felt like if I were sitting in a jury box, he would have been talking directly to me. The 3 minutes struck me hard and I had tears well up in my eyes - I related it to a coworker later and had goose bumps thinking about it. I can only envision that there are at least a couple jurors who are "like" me - just plain 'ole me, somebody who doesn't need a lot of flash or expertise, fancy suits, and fancy words - just tell it to me like a normal person having a conversation using common ordinary words. People don't like Cummings, but I "get" him - he's my kind of people.

Mine too. BC's smirk during the strangulation part of Cummings end of closing spoke volumes to me. I feel for her family and her children and her friends. If he is found NG let him go on and be out of my reading of what he's doing. Something maybe something will prove the jury wrong if the NG case and it can be brought back to trial. He is the entire mastermind, electronic and physical of this crime IMO. God bless the children.
You are soo sooo sooooooo right about this!!! I just have to believe that the jury gets this!!!!

So this part is what we must have missed during the blackout day when the google search came out. Hmm.. makes me think what else did we miss that day the FBI guy was there.
Well, I said all along I thought they were all reading here - and I still believe that the defense had some posters here - and I got slammed for it. But I honestly believe it and always will. I loved several parts of Cummings closing. I loved the pony tail - really I did! I loved the JP part. Honestly, I felt like if I were sitting in a jury box, he would have been talking directly to me. The 3 minutes struck me hard and I had tears well up in my eyes - I related it to a coworker later and had goose bumps thinking about it. I can only envision that there are at least a couple jurors who are "like" me - just plain 'ole me, somebody who doesn't need a lot of flash or expertise, fancy suits, and fancy words - just tell it to me like a normal person having a conversation using common ordinary words. People don't like Cummings, but I "get" him - he's my kind of people.

I agree that it will probably boil down to exactly that kind of thing. What kind of people the jurors are and who exactly they felt spoke to them the most. I don't think Cummings did anything for me personally, but I understand exactly what you are saying.

In a Today Show interview before the trial started both he and wife Donna said they believe that the murder happened in the house, with only 4 people present in that house: the 2 little girls (asleep), Brad Cooper, and then Nancy. It was very clear who they thought murdered their daughter.

I just rewatched that interview, it is here.

Mr. Rentz was, in my opinion, very open to different possibilities, despite his belief that Brad had done it. I was quite impressed with the interview.
I just rewatched that interview, it is here.

Mr. Rentz was, in my opinion, very open to different possibilities, despite his belief that Brad had done it. I was quite impressed with the interview.

Yes, he appeared to think the information he knew directed him to BC but was willing to make sure he was 100% guilty. He was the witness for the Prosecution that carried the most weight for me.

Bradleee used his computer on 7/11, no one else. Bradleee googled a map of the very spot his wife was later found dead. Bradleee borrowed a router from work and never returned it, resulting in a spoofed call from his home to his cell phone to attempt to cover his tracks. Bradleeee murdered his wife plain and simple. Bradleeee should pay the ultimate price of freedom for trying to cheat reality to gain freedom from his marriage - and why? Because he didn't want to pay up alimony and all that came with a divorce.

Guilty people walk this earth every single day. He might also. OBL just got his due - Bradleeee might not see his just reward in a WC court room, but he will get his due, sooner or later. If he's not found guilty, I hope he will forever face financial ruin, live a lonely, sad, friendless life - and IF he gets his children back I hope he sees Nancy's face in their eyes every single time he looks at them, if he doesn't commit suicide (and hopefully doesn't take them with him). I hope that someday they'll ask Bradleeeee the hard questions. Hopefully that will take the smirk off his face.

Kurtz & Company will move on. Zell and Cummings will move on. CPD - as much as they are hated by so many that post here and on some other less reputable sites - will continue to protect and serve the citizens of Cary or some other community because that's what dedicated public servants do. Fact is, if Kurtz or Trenkle or even BC called 911 in Cary for an emergency, CPD would respond immediately and attend to their needs regardless of this trial, what was said about them, how they were portrayed, lies that were told about them.
I know people have their opinions about what the verdict would be, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone would be surprised by an NG verdict?

My first post.. hopefully I dont break any rules or get flamed....

A NG verdict would not surprise me but its because I work in the IT field and I see how bad all that evidence has been butchered. I also dont believe for one second that BC could have faked that call without someone finding a trace of it somewhere. Either the prosecution did a terrible job with data forensics or the call was legit. Ive done a fair amount of forensic work (Im not an expert by any means) and its scary the stuff that can be recovered without going to extremes and Im sure LE has better tools than I do. If BC was able to cover his tracks that well, its mindboggling to think he missed the Google search if it was incriminating.

I also feel like if it was possible to spoof that call, they would have shown it being done in court. Their whole case hinges on that call and they dont have a shred of evidence that the call was faked other than what they think.
I listened to Boz' closing again since I missed small parts of it, while on my lunch hour. I found it very compelling. I understood all of it. Maybe it helps that I'm a Yankee and can keep up with fast talkers. He hit major points and he hit them hard.

There was NO tampering on BC's computer.

Further, BC was logging in to a secure Hilton Honors site on 7/11/08, along with those other secure bank sites. And lo and behold, BC is searching for flights when his wife's body is found! Connection! Travel! One search before the murder and one when NC's body was found.

I loved it every time Boz used the word "coincidence."

When Boz brought up the Google search and showed those tiles, in the exact order that Brad created them, verified to the millionth second on the timestamp, it was the first time I saw that search. That testimony was blacked out so I could only imagine what it looked like based on Star12's description of her day in court. It literally gave me chills to see it. He was right over the spot. There was no denying what I was looking at. And there's no denying when he did that search. There is simply no innocent explanation for it. Boz is right--that alone takes you beyond reasonable doubt.

It took me beyond ALL doubt.

Mr Cooper was hoisted by his very own petard. His actions even before he murdered his wife sealed it for me.

I pray for justice for Nancy, her girls, the entire Rentz & Lister family, and all the friends and people who love Nancy.
Nancy was packing several months before...I imagine she would not have bothered with any of the stuff in his home office. Brad forgot to dust when he was doing his 6 hour clean up....

Really though, what man dusts? If my husband cleans (which is unusual) he would never think of dusting. He doesn't even see it.
Bradleee used his computer on 7/11, no one else. Bradleee googled a map of the very spot his wife was later found dead. Bradleee borrowed a router from work and never returned it, resulting in a spoofed call from his home to his cell phone to attempt to cover his tracks. Bradleeee murdered his wife plain and simple. Bradleeee should pay the ultimate price of freedom for trying to cheat reality to gain freedom from his marriage - and why? Because he didn't want to pay up alimony and all that came with a divorce.

Guilty people walk this earth every single day. He might also. OBL just got his due - Bradleeee might not see his just reward in a WC court room, but he will get his due, sooner or later. If he's not found guilty, I hope he will forever face financial ruin, live a lonely, sad, friendless life - and IF he gets his children back I hope he sees Nancy's face in their eyes every single time he looks at them, if he doesn't commit suicide (and hopefully doesn't take them with him). I hope that someday they'll ask Bradleeeee the hard questions. Hopefully that will take the smirk off his face.

Kurtz & Company will move on. Zell and Cummings will move on. CPD - as much as they are hated by so many that post here and on some other less reputable sites - will continue to protect and serve the citizens of Cary or some other community because that's what dedicated public servants do. Fact is, if Kurtz or Trenkle or even BC called 911 in Cary for an emergency, CPD would respond immediately and attend to their needs regardless of this trial, what was said about them, how they were portrayed, lies that were told about them.

I turned to my husband during the defense closing and said, "I hope neither of these defense attorneys ever speed in Cary, NC."
My first post.. hopefully I dont break any rules or get flamed....

A NG verdict would not surprise me but its because I work in the IT field and I see how bad all that evidence has been butchered. I also dont believe for one second that BC could have faked that call without someone finding a trace of it somewhere. Either the prosecution did a terrible job with data forensics or the call was legit. Ive done a fair amount of forensic work (Im not an expert by any means) and its scary the stuff that can be recovered without going to extremes and Im sure LE has better tools than I do. If BC was able to cover his tracks that well, its mindboggling to think he missed the Google search if it was incriminating.

I also feel like if it was possible to spoof that call, they would have shown it being done in court. Their whole case hinges on that call and they dont have a shred of evidence that the call was faked other than what they think.

It doesn't hinge on that call. Can you explain the google search of where the body was found of his wife and the mother of his children?
I am still stunned by the poster Otto asking why NC;s sister didn't have her hair pulled back in a hair band. Where did that come from??????

That comment makes zero sense. KL had her hair in a ponytail on many days of the trial. I specifically remember at least 4 of them because I was noticing and liking her earrings as Chad Flowers did closeups on her profile. Some days her wore her hair down, some days in a ponytail. All I can say is, "WTF?"
Really though, what man dusts? If my husband cleans (which is unusual) he would never think of dusting. He doesn't even see it.

I guess I must have the anomaly. He vacuums, he dusts and he does all the grocery shopping. He also cooks. (How did I get so lucky?) But he doesn't touch the laundry. I had to go somewhere one day and asked him to put the dog bed/blanket in the dryer. I was walking out the door and said, "If you can figure out how to turn on the dryer". If was a joke but not. He hasn't done the laundry in over 30 years.
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