State v Bradley Cooper 5-3-11

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I thought there was a discussion about this the other night that if the call was made through the Cisco Managed call system, there would be record.

But if it was made directly through the router, the person would have to be in close proximity.

NCSU95 or SleuthinNC, is that right?

One of the methods was connecting to the router via the console cable which would require close proximity.

Any other method would require some sort of network connection either through the LAN or if outside the house from the internet or a call placed from the cell phone.
The techies can slice it and spin it anyway they like.
Fact is, the Google map search was real and can't be denied.
Brad almost got away with the perfect murder.
I know some think he snapped, and I think he did, but we have talked about suicidal ideation, but homicidal ideation also plays a role here. Regardless of whether he planned every detail to the last minute, he had fantasized about just getting rid of her. And I think the pros took the wrong strategy with the motive: I do not think it was money, although that played a part, I think it was his image. The fact that he gave that custody deposition says it lawyer would have okayed that. He wanted to do the video because he wanted to rehabilatate his image in regards to what had been reported. If he wanted to absolve himself, and was innocent, he never would have done that video. It shows to me that he was trying in his own way to say, hey, I didn't do this. nd the way that he repeatedly slammed NC in both the initial interviews and with that video show me he was more interested in painting himself as the better person, and justifying his actions, than he was with trying to find a killer.

I will never forget the look on his face when Cummings did the strangulation demo. Perhaps is was graphic, but I think it helped us see things from a killer's point of view, and he did nothing to suggest it wasn't him. I can't even describe his look. It was so unsettling to me, and I know I have already said this here, but the image doesn't leave me....I hope the jurors were watching him, bc everything else can be debated, and yes it is important or not depending on where you stand, but that look in his eyes cannot be take away...I am even crying now thinking of DR and her reaction.

WolfpackWoman, I went back to Boz's closing argument and listened to the last 30 minutes. I missed the exact references to his searches at the 1:15pm time frame. That part begins at 54:40 minutes into his closing but there is another part in which the names of the other entries were named and I missed that part. I am too tired tonight to go back and listen all the way through. But I wanted to let you know that I tried because I want to make sure I heard what I thought, and out of respect for you. I will relisten first thing tomorrow morning.

I appreciate that. But like I said earlier, I can't remember specifically what Boz stated (and I appreciate your tenacity in listening through that again). I hope someone else who was there during Chappell/Johnson can corroborate my written times for the internet searches, since that's what I'm reading from. I have the feeling we'll have plenty of time to re-hash this while the jury is out!
How can you say one paper record isn't accurate, and the other is? That's my point. There are inconsistencies in between all of the "databases" so why is one gospel, and the others are not accurate?

To believe that document that the defense provided that has no verification as to what it is or where it came from, you have to believe that the chat log between GM and Brad was a lie. It is timed and dated and Brad indicated that he had borrowed a 3825 from the lab and it was at his home. The chat log was Jan. 22, 2008.
So, this guy that's being held out as an expert in computers... BC....

he's already physically visited and picked out a dump site

decides, even tho he knows everything about computers and that internet browsers keep a history, to just pull the site up briefly at his work computer to get an overhead looksee??

Doesn't make sense and as Judge Judy says 'if it doesn't make sense, it's not true."

He's not an expert in computers. He's a VOIP engineer. You don't need a computer to run VOIP. Secondly, the dump site is a mere 1.6 driving/running miles from his house. Aren't most people familiar with there surrounding area? It's not like they just moved there either.
This has been nagging at me. Purely speculation, and off-topic for the other discussions. I think the premeditation was BC 'fantasizing' about an outcome that worked in all ways for him. (I think very similar to JY - the other trial coming up.) He's backed into a corner financially, without parents like NC's who will shore him up for the legal fight. He knows he's going to owe gobs of money for a long time. Life is hard inside his house, yet he makes good money and clearly can still attract women. If only, if only, NC goes for a run and 'something' happens. BC gets sympathy, casseroles, etc. etc.

I don't think he snapped as much as reached a conclusion. Clearly I think BDI. The map and the 'testing, testing' message on the morning of 7/12 convinced me.

You and I think a lot alike.
How can you say one paper record isn't accurate, and the other is? That's my point. There are inconsistencies in between all of the "databases" so why is one gospel, and the others are not accurate?

The reason is...we have no idea where the one the defense produced even came from..However the other one belongs to the Cisco guy who testified under oath that it was correct. In addition, he also had the chatlog which was shown in court that Brad borrowed it. The serial #'s are assigned by Cisco and he had them recorded in january when he noted Brad took it home. I believe his records are more complete than whatever piece of paper was produced in Court!!
The techies can slice it and spin it anyway they like.
Fact is, the Google map search was real and can't be denied.
Brad almost got away with the perfect murder.

Don't act non-techy at this point. Introduce yourself.
To believe that document that the defense provided that has no verification as to what it is or where it came from, you have to believe that the chat log between GM and Brad was a lie. It is timed and dated and Brad indicated that he had borrowed a 3825 from the lab and it was at his home. The chat log was Jan. 22, 2008.

I understand what you're saying. But how do we know it's *THE* router, since there's no serial number mentioned in an informal chat? And Kurtz stated it's a document he received from the prosecution, so I don't agree that it has "no verification."

I think we're beating a dead horse here, because we're never going to agree on this point, and I respect that. I just find it hard to reconcile, that this $12,000 router was not missing up until last week (how convenient), and we've been told all through trial that Cisco doesn't track this sort of thing, and now we're supposed to believe they keep meticulous records.
I didn't see any "corruption" during the trial but I guess it all depends on which side of the fence slats you're looking through. Do wish more people felt the same as you though so feel free to talk it up. It's getting pretty crowded on our streets these days since Cary is always ranked one of the top places to live in the US. :tyou:

Your last sentence is the reason I actually think corruption may have occurred. Cary is so image conscious that it's downright odd. Consider the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on the sign ordinance fiasco. The immense pressure that the CPD is under to maintain the pristine image of a perfectly safe community has got to be unnerving, especially when panic sets in around a murder in an upscale neighborhood.
He went with what he knew how to do. Like it's been said before - he should have gone with a story of her never returning from the party. Then he wouldn't have been the last person to ever see her alive and his phone technology/knowledge would never have come into play, would it? No, he reverted to what he felt safe with, his expertise - technology. He thought he was just that smart. Too bad, too sad...

If he went with "she never came home", then he would of had to report her missing when he wakes up at 7am with the kids. That would mean him calling around at 7am to her friends asking if she was there. That would have given him less time to do whatever he was doing in the early morning.

I think-- He was gonna take kids on a play date on Sat 12th, and say she went running at 7am and "before she got home", BC left the house with kids. BC would say he had no idea when she got home from running or when she went missing. JA foiled those plans.
This has been nagging at me. Purely speculation, and off-topic for the other discussions. I think the premeditation was BC 'fantasizing' about an outcome that worked in all ways for him. (I think very similar to JY - the other trial coming up.) He's backed into a corner financially, without parents like NC's who will shore him up for the legal fight. He knows he's going to owe gobs of money for a long time. Life is hard inside his house, yet he makes good money and clearly can still attract women. If only, if only, NC goes for a run and 'something' happens. BC gets sympathy, casseroles, etc. etc.

I don't think he snapped as much as reached a conclusion. Clearly I think BDI. The map and the 'testing, testing' message on the morning of 7/12 convinced me.

With or without her, he was still going to have to provide for his kids so I don't see money as a motivator. I don't believe he was backed in a corner financially. Neither of them seemed in a big rush to move the divorce along.
I disagree about the length of the call meaning it had to go through Cisco managed system. As to "no way he would have taken that enormous industrial size router home", he did. That is in the chat log. He informed GM that he had taken home a 3825. It was in his home according to testimony in court.

he signed out two and only one is accounted for..the other one is missing
If he went with "she never came home", then he would of had to report her missing when he wakes up at 7am with the kids. That would mean him calling around at 7am to her friends asking if she was there. That would have given him less time to do whatever he was doing in the early morning.

I think-- He was gonna take kids on a play date on Sat 12th, and say she went running at 7am and "before she got home", BC left the house with kids. BC would say he had no idea when she got home from running or when she went missing. JA foiled those plans.

He had 9:30 tennis plans with MH. How does that fit into your theory?

Why didn't he just not answer her call if he needed more time?
Is the google evidence/premeditation/facts all we are allowed to discuss at this point? So I can't inject another subject since the focus is on another topic?

No, sorry. Didn't mean it to come across like that. I find the insight from RKAB to be fascinating. I was just pointing out that we've learned more since then that makes him snapping seem less likely. Post all of it, I enjoy reading it.
The reason is...we have no idea where the one the defense produced even came from..However the other one belongs to the Cisco guy who testified under oath that it was correct. In addition, he also had the chatlog which was shown in court that Brad borrowed it. The serial #'s are assigned by Cisco and he had them recorded in january when he noted Brad took it home. I believe his records are more complete than whatever piece of paper was produced in Court!!

Exactly. That invoice wasn't even for the same 3825 and the witness knew nothing about it. Who verified that invoice? No one. Why is it when Kurtz tries to confuse and mislead it's gospel but when BZ does it he lies,lies, lies?
And one other thing... did you notice that JG was completely still in the last five minutes of HC final statment? Have you ever noticed that whenever he is questioning, JG is rocking in his chair non-stop, or pulling on his ear, or doing something to indicate this cannot move faster for me. But today, in those final minutes, he was absolutely still. I think, IMO, it even got to the heart of JG.
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