State vs Bradley Cooper 4-21-11

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You are overstating what was testified. There is no 'proof' that files were planted, rather, it was demonstrated how files could be planted.

There was testimony which left no doubt that the files were at the very least manipulated. Curiously, there was no cross on this testimony.
Yes! If you read my posts from last night, you will see that it HAD to be planted. It was a static file AND it was a .bmp file. Google Maps does not have .bmp files for searches. The cursor files are .cur. They had to get to this in a roundabout way, but there is no doubt.

The best way to see all this is to clear your own cache and do a simple Google search via your zip code. Zoom in two ways and compare your files.

For the first means, type in your zip code and then zoom in with the buttons provided on the side of the Google tool.

Compare your cache, then empty it again.

Next, type in your zip code, but only zoom in by selecting the small arrow on the lower right of the Google map. A zoom in field will show up that allows you to zoom with your mouse.

Compare the files in your cache.

When I did this last week, I got an open hand cursor file and a closed hand cursor file document in my cache.

The name Google assigns the file has a .cur at the end.

Windows associates this file since it doesn't have a program to read this file as a .bmp file.

I couldn't get this file to open, but it did allow me to see the differences of the files and how they are associated in Windows.

If having a .cur file that Windows identifies as a .bmp file means a computer has been compromised and files have been planted, then that's what I did to myself last week when I tried the process out myself.

If I had time, I'd do a demo.

I'm not a computer professional and this is just something I noticed on my own when the "bombshell" testimony came out last week at the end of the pros case.

It is something that, from what I can see, is natural to a computer using Google and doesn't indicate, at least to me from my playing on my computer, proof that a file is planted.
I guess he is a witness to Nancy overspending and being an ingrate concerning her very wonderful, generous hubby.....

I don't get this 'over-spending' issue continually remarked about in various sources. I recall a number of times hearing that Nancy Cooper bought $50.00 dresses for the girls. I particularly noticed those because I just recently bought my granddaughter 2 new dresses. I usually buy her new dresses for her birthday each year. And she will be turning 5 in a couple months. One dress was $46.00 & the other was $55.00. I bought them at Kohls. This seems to be the going rate for *nice*, dress-up style dresses for little girls. Certainly nothing extravagant or exclusive. When my own youngest daughter was in this same age group, I had a neighbor who had a little girl about two years older than mine. And she had all her child's fancy dresses handmade by an elderly lady. Way back at that time, she paid between $60.00 to $100.00 per dress. And I would buy many of them from her for my own child, as her's out grew them. Beautiful dresses with pinafores and sun bonnets and petticoats. In the Coopers wage group, I don't find $50.00 dresses to be really unusual. JMO
How could he know if Nancy was "deprived" if they didn't see them that much?

And does he even KNOW that Brad followed Nancy to get gas so she wouldn't have cash in her pocket?
There was testimony which left no doubt that the files were at the very least manipulated. Curiously, there was no cross on this testimony.

I don't think Zellinger even caught where defense was going with this when he started asking about the cursor files and google maps. It was the defense equivalent of the "smoking gun" though.
Yes! If you read my posts from last night, you will see that it HAD to be planted. It was a static file AND it was a .bmp file. Google Maps does not have .bmp files for searches. The cursor files are .cur. They had to get to this in a roundabout way, but there is no doubt.

Uh huh.
I am so glad to hear about Nancy~~the victim...she was a very friendly and fun person....This witness is a friend of the Coopers, and just so happens to work for RIM (Research in Motion) yikes..IS Cary a "Silicon Valley" type area??

Think he is on the stand as more of an observer of Brad's behaviors.

I't Silicon Valley in more ways than one. :floorlaugh:
The best way to see all this is to clear your own cache and do a simple Google search via your zip code. Zoom in two ways and compare your files.

For the first means, type in your zip code and then zoom in with the buttons provided on the side of the Google tool.

Compare your cache, then empty it again.

Next, type in your zip code, but only zoom in by selecting the small arrow on the lower right of the Google map. A zoom in field will show up that allows you to zoom with your mouse.

Compare the files in your cache.

When I did this last week, I got an open hand cursor file and a closed hand cursor file document in my cache.

The name Google assigns the file has a .cur at the end.

Windows associates this file since it doesn't have a program to read this file as a .bmp file.

I couldn't get this file to open, but it did allow me to see the differences of the files and how they are associated in Windows.

If having a .cur file that Windows identifies as a .bmp file means a computer has been compromised and files have been planted, then that's what I did to myself last week when I tried the process out myself.

If I had time, I'd do a demo.

I'm not a computer professional and this is just something I noticed on my own when the "bombshell" testimony came out last week at the end of the pros case.

It is something that, from what I can see, is natural to a computer using Google and doesn't indicate, at least to me from my playing on my computer, proof that a file is planted.

Interesting. But did the time/date change when you zoomed? And why wouldn't the .cur files have been on the computer? Why only the .bmp files?
This witness is wearing the golden chile earring. Just observing.
She had a "lovely " conversation with Nancy about Brads affair with H Matour. Uh huh, Right.
I don't think Zellinger even caught where defense was going with this when he started asking about the cursor files and google maps. It was the defense equivalent of the "smoking gun" though.

If it was the defenses smoking gun why are you the only one recognizing this? I didn't read anyone else discussing this defense huge "Fact" yesterday. Why didn't N&O and wral say anything about how important this was? All I read from everyone is that his home system wasn't completely secure.
How could he know if Nancy was "deprived" if they didn't see them that much?

And does he even KNOW that Brad followed Nancy to get gas so she wouldn't have cash in her pocket?

Besides, ones wardrobe doesn't just dissintigrate in a couple months. Just because Nancy is now 'getting an allowance' doesn't mean she doesn't still own the clothes, shoes, possessions she had prior to the 'allowance'. What, she should suddenly lose all her clothes and bags and walk around looking like a homeless person?
She had a "lovely " conversation with Nancy about Brads affair with H Matour. Uh huh, Right.

She's a psychologist - "lovely" probably refers to her opinion of the value of the conversation to NC.
I wonder how many times, while she was alive, friends of Nancy talked about her behind her back?
Your welcome! It was that face that got me. He's got the coolest face/expression. I saw it looking out to me from craigslist about 5 years ago and couldn't resisit. We adore him, but he is the most stubborn dog I have ever come across in over 50 years!

You have my sympathy then. I went from having a Lab who never questioned anything we asked her to do beyond, "Sit? Where? Is here good? I could move over 3 inches if that would be better?? I'm a good sitting dog!!" to my Red Heeler who is really smart but even more stubborn. She is smart enough to pass her Canine Good Citizen test, but no one would ever believe it.

"I hear you asking me to sit, and I'm weighing the pros and you have food because that might sway me?". Same with the "Come!" command. She is smart enough that she knows that "Come!" is usually less fun than squeezing through the door when I'm trying to go to work, running down to Lake Johnson with me trailing behind her in high heels and work clothes yelling at her to "COME!!". The icing on that cake is that 2X now she's done that and both times the same lady has been down there screaming at me that my dog needs to be on a leash. (because don't most people walk their dogs in high heels, panty hose and a skirt/blouse??)
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