State vs. Jason Lynn Young 03-01-12 (P.M. session: PT closing arguments)

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Oct 28, 2009
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State vs. Jason Lynn Young

Afternoon thread for Thursday, March 1, 2012

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Remember too this warning:

First - a difference of opinion is NOT a TOS violation. Cheerleading for EITHER side is not a TOS violation, BUT being snarky and disrespectful about that opinion IS.

Second - if a post offends you, ALERT it. Remember, if you respond, it is on you and you may find yourself suffering the consequences for it.

Third - we are moving toward a zero tolerance policy. That means if you are snarky and rude, you may find yourself on TO.

Fourth - the mods will NOT be taking the time to send you pm's and hash it out. You will just see that you can no longer post.

Snarkyness will include avatars and siggy lines that are being used to convey messages you know you can't outright post.

Please keep in mind that ONE side, and only ONE side is going to win here, unless we end up in another stalemate. Whatever the outcome, we will have to deal with it, whether we think it is good or bad. So please keep in mind, that means one side is going to lose. Be a good sport. Don't gloat if you are on the winning side and don't pout and be mean if you are on the losing side. Brace yourselves now in case things don't go the way you want them to.

If you have questions or concerns, PM a mod - DO NOT post them in the thread. Remember all the TOS and rules, please.

Thank you,


I asked my DH about the hotel door newspapers.

- He said if a door was closed without being latched, it would not be nudged open by him slipping the paper on the door handle lever.

-In the course of delivering newspapers, he has seen doors propped open by various means enough to not find it unusual.

-If asked about it, he would remember that a door was propped open but not which one(s).

*This is if the door was propped open with an object and not merely gently closed enough so that it looks closed but doesn't latch. Then he wouldn't notice at all.
Poor Klink is over there fanning himself again..
My heart is pounding so hard.

YES! This case IS solved!
Kathryn L, you asked a question about forced entry.

MF testified the Youngs never locked the door leading from the garage into the home, and the garage door opener was broken as well.

I often wondered why Jason would not just break a lock on one of the downstairs windows to make it look like someone tried to break in...

Strange to make it look like he did it.......
BH: You know that MY was a very different person than JY. She was the type A personality, the planner, the organizer, the striver. Yes, she wanted the white picket fence, she wanted it all, she wanted to be happy. But where she found herself in the fall of 2006 was married to man who didn't want to grow up...
First and only appointment with therapist October 27, 2006... exactly one week before she was beaten to death.
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