State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

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It's pesky "reasonable" word.

Yah! That one trips people up all the time. The instructions given in CA courts are something a little different which I think better defines the meaning. They include verbiage that says it doesn't mean you don't have any doubt because there is always some level of doubt in everything...

Don't remember if they say that here or not. I'm still shocked when people write "beyond a shadow of a doubt." That was never the standard outside of TV shows.
Then the puzzle would be, uhmmmmm, puzzling.

There are not nearly that many pieces missing in this case, at least for me.

The funniest thing as I sit here and posts the things I do about how guilty I believe JY to be, is that I served on a murder trial back in the late 90s in Chatham County (next door to Wake), and I was one of the defendant's strongest supporters during deliberations. We eventually found him not guilty.

I am not a person who views all defendants as guilty, but I sure as hell think JY is.

I have followed this case since the day after the murder and have never been certain.

Right after the murder when we didn’t have a lot of actual information and I was surprised that so many people were certain he was guilty just because he hired a lawyer and shut up.

Later I was thinking that that he had an accomplice who did the actual killing while he was in the hotel.

During the first trial I thought that he would be found not guilty and would walk.
I have followed this case since the day after the murder and have never been certain.

Right after the murder when we didn’t have a lot of actual information and I was surprised that so many people were certain he was guilty just because he hired a lawyer and shut up.

Later I was thinking that that he had an accomplice who did the actual killing while he was in the hotel.

During the first trial I thought that he would be found not guilty and would walk.

Still think he had an accomplice and he stayed at the hotel, frank?
I'm going to throw in my vote for 9-3 for acquittal now. (Yup, hung-jury prediction)

I think the case muddied (every day) a very solid investigation because of the gaps and the likelihood that there was some form of conspiracy (accomplice, hit person, etc).

Why? What examples? I'll say there are about five people here that are super smart that are convinced that JY did it and have laid it all out. I'd say there are hundreds here who are relatively smart and say he did it. I'm in the next layer of people. The folks that are average intelligence and like to see things laid out.

So, I'm about the high end for the average NC jury majority.

Here's what I would have problems with:

1) There's only roughly 200-600 of these shoes available according to HP expert. BUT
yesterday, the Pros had a witness on who widened the size of the shoe and then conceded the possibility of other shoes having a similar layout (knockoffs, etc)

2) All these folks here with their analysis, but the guy was wearing gloves to prevent injuries and then left his prints at key moments int he struggle.

3) His shoes from the above #1 are printed at the scene, but he didn't have them when we forgot to ask for them and there's unidentified prints at the scene and there's other identifiable prints at the scene. (two sizes two small)

4) This gas stuff is ridiculous. One guy says the lady had no usable information. The lady herself said she had had some brain issues. The other guy swears by her. I'm going to throw out the cashier altogether and forget about that for proof because it doesn't quite add up to what they are telling me.

5) The first lead investigator kept investigating, as did several technicians, leads that did not lead to JY, but they never go hits. What about the prints? What about the blood?

6) The little girl didn't call the second doll Daddy. Why did she call the first doll Mommy and the second doll nothing? She didn't know that person's name?

7) They've thrown so much stuff out here, surely they can connect the dots better than this.

8) This guy is up on the screen and he's relatively normal. Weirdo? Yeah. *******? Yeah. Swapping a lot of booty? Yeah. Why would he kill his babysitter and make his life this hellish? That doesn't compute.

9) They have a bunch of stuff they say they are missing, but they didn't ask for it in a timely manner? How is it missing then?

10) Did Judge Stephens just say something about Mexi-cali grill on Friday? Can we get margaritas if it's a short-day?

11) Why dos this lady say Ummm and Your-analysis so much? It sounds like urinalysis.

12) Why is juror number five asleep? He's going to make this difficult. I can feel it.

13) Hey, this video is still playing. Why are they letting him testify without testifying? ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
How many "objection"...."Judge, can I be heard?"


:pullhair:Oh, pleeeeeze No, :notgood: No, :eek:hwow: No, :noooo::pullhair:

Arrrrgggghhhhh!! The bane of the members of the Bench.
Hey John, I have a pair of Hush Puppy knockoffs i'll sell for a steal.
They look like the real thing, I promise. :floorlaugh:
Still think he had an accomplice and he stayed at the hotel, frank?

Hope that you are well tonight.

Not at all! I had the accomplice theory in the first few weeks.

Remember the days of arguing with Mimi the definition of a fax and receipt? I am glad that we have facts to discuss.

Now that you are seeing this trial, what do you think of the first?
I hadn't even heard of this case until 2008. No idea why, I was living in this area back in '06. I don't think I was under the proverbial rock, but perhaps I was and didn't know it. I don't usually follow local crime cases very closely and hadn't except for the Bennett case and then not until the Cooper case.
Hope that you are well tonight.

Not at all! I had the accomplice theory in the first few weeks.

Remember the days of arguing with Mimi the definition of a fax and receipt? I am glad that we have facts to discuss.

Now that you are seeing this trial, what do you think of the first?

LOL, that was 5 years ago. I remember smacking mimi and getting banned on a weekly basis. She had a JD, MD, Phd & CPA, so you could never win.

Don't think he had help. Though it seems well planned, I think it was an impulsive plan put together in fairly short order. The size 10 shoes were a plant, just wonder why since he could not have expected a lot of blood. However, he did expect some with the knockout blow, so maybe that was the plan. Stage a few 10 prints by the bed.

I think the postal worker that saw the vehicle is dreaming...way, way too many minor details to be credible. I think she enjoys the spotlight and inserted herself into the case.
I am not convinced that the figure of 195 is the "smoking gun".

It was testified earlier that there were 3 different shoes made by HP that had the identical sole. The 195 number were the brown shoes only of the orbital and did not include any other colour of shoe. Nor did it include, as testified, that there were other models made that match this or the various colours that were made.

The bottom line is that the number of 195 is misleading not factual with respect to representing the shoes that could of been on the market at that time or previous. How many years did HP use this particular sole for these shoes? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years?

It as well does not include the knock-offs.

If you refer back to the testimony, it cannot be compared to the wear patterns.
There is circumstantial evidence (the adult Tylenol, the Pancof PD, and the dropper with no fingerprints in her bedroom found on Friday, Nov. 3rd) and there is direct evidence (CY's DNA on the medicine dropper and lab results showed that the adult medicine and Pancof PD was in the dropper).

What do you need other than this that she was drugged that night?

A simply blood test would show whether this was in fact in her system. Since this was not done it cannot be stated factually that this was indeed given to her that night.

As well it cannot be stated factually whom gave her the medication or when....
Most "knock-off" items I have seen are versions of expensive designer items.
Counterfeit HPs? Are you serious?

Allusonz, we had this debate before. I pointed out (as did the HP rep) these shoes are not widely sold. The Raleigh area has 2 boutique shops as well as DSW selling the brand.

It is a fact, that any men's HP shoe is rare in the Raleigh area.
Agent Tart was the best.
You could see he did not even want to admit what he wrote down.
That she couldn't remember.

But, when the news carrier was not only found but called LE to say
he had not witnessed anything, that was the end.


His notes where critical as was his testimony regarding the newspaper guy stating he had not witnessed this.

Glad you had such a wonderful VD :). I pack light and bet it did not take you long either.
Gracie also told LE that a customer in the store was in there at that time and said Jason was being rude, and they can't find him.

To this day, they can not find him.

They placed surveillance videos in the store and printed up fliers in an attempt to do so.

Later, Gracie said the news carrier was there.
We were told the news carrier had died.

Yesterday testimony from Agent Tart said the news carrier contacted him and said he never saw such an incident.

That might not seem important to some, but without video , L E was inclined to look for some type of back up.

Besides, just think, with Gracie's ID of Jason, there should have been an immediate arrest.........


The installing of video for 60 days then not having Gracie look at those is very telling to me.
Anyone else think there might have been an accomplice paid in drug samples?

Did not think of it in the accomplice point of view.

I did think of it as in someone knowing what he did for a living and hoping that there were drug samples in the home.

Two things have surprised me here. The first being that the defense has not introduced this as a posibility.

The second being that LE did not investigate this angle.

It appears that they were given reasons to suspect JY from the start (I am going to gather from family) and in the process may of developed tunnel vision.
Spivey will try to attack Jasons testimony then...

So, they are not calling some of the people from the first trial, like

Tiki Ingrams, the mgr at the gas station or Jennifer Sproles, the

medical director from his app't in Clintwood?

Hmm. Interesting.

I believe this is exactly what is planned.

I think where they are going to go after him is the financial aspects.
I remember this case from the beginning. Perhaps because I have young, married daughters, grandchildren. And Michelle reminded me so much of Laci Peterson. The Laci Peterson case grabbed my attention because my youngest daughter was the same age as Laci, and expecting her first baby, a boy, at the same time as Laci. For so long after, every time I held my newborn grandson, I'd think of poor Sharon Rocha. :( I remember hearing about JLY hiring or attempting to hire Roger Smith. That peaked my attention immediately, because the poor woman hadn't yet been buried and her husband is attempting to hire 'one of the top names'. I was far more familiar with this case then the Nancy Cooper one. Oh yeah, my daughter went to NC State at the same time Michelle Young did, too. Just a lot of 'this could be me and mine's'. :(
The defense's case, last time, was very brief but very effective, however, they won't have the shock element of Jason taking the stand this time, if he should.

Not that it should have been a surprise the first time......the state knows there is always that chance, no matter how small.

If I were to bet right now, after seeing Jason's testimony today, I say he will not testify again......


I agree I do not believe he will testify again.

I don't believe the defense should just rest.

A hung jury is just going to mean another trial at the cost of taxpayers.
I remember this case from the beginning. Perhaps because I have young, married daughters, grandchildren. And Michelle reminded me so much of Laci Peterson. The Laci Peterson case grabbed my attention because my youngest daughter was the same age as Laci, and expecting her first baby, a boy, at the same time as Laci. For so long after, every time I held my newborn grandson, I'd think of poor Sharon Rocha. :( I remember hearing about JLY hiring or attempting to hire Roger Smith. That peaked my attention immediately, because the poor woman hadn't yet been buried and her husband is attempting to hire 'one of the top names'. I was far more familiar with this case then the Nancy Cooper one. Oh yeah, my daughter went to NC State at the same time Michelle Young did, too. Just a lot of 'this could be me and mine's'. :(

I think we all pull from our own experience. The case that had me sign up at websleuths was the Zahra Baker case probably since my daughter wears a full leg prosthetic and when I heard that EB made her run up and down a hill I am sure I had a temper tantrum as someone with a full leg prosthetic runs much like Terry Fox did.
I think we all pull from our own experience. The case that had me sign up at websleuths was the Zahra Baker case probably since my daughter wears a full leg prosthetic and when I heard that EB made her run up and down a hill I am sure I had a temper tantrum as someone with a full leg prosthetic runs much like Terry Fox did.

Zahra Baker broke our hearts. :( To this day my husband tears up when he see's her photo, the one where she has the sweet smile on her face. We saw that video of her, speaking about her prosthesis....... That poor sweet girl. Along with the Baker woman, Adam Baker should be hanging by his balls. That child had no one but him in the country to love and protect her. Completely defenseless in the world. And her *father* at the very least, never even noticed she wasn't there?
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