State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-22-11

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Jurors are human - they too are wondering why this fella:

- immediately lawyered up,

- never spoke with police to assist in finding out who could have or would have wanted to kill Michelle,

- never contacted LE about the status of the investigation in over 4 years,

- allowed physical custody of his daughter to be granted to Meredith instead of giving a simple deposition,

- in spite of his claim, those computer searches will play a role because his reason for doing them makes zero sense,

- was having affairs, why was he trying to revive an old affair after they are both married,

- felt the need to assault a woman, one that he claims he will always love,

Taken in context of his testimony today - none of the above is even remotely innocent.

Said in jest, but wish you could:

Send this list to BH asap.

Good work, as usual, RC!
I am curious about how much notice the prosecution had about Jason testifying today. Did she get surprised by this and perhaps not have time to prepare a full line of questioning?

He's on the witness list, and they should be prepared for any witness on that list. They also had a full night's notice last night that it was a real possibility. Even if she thought there's no way, it's still her job to be prepared. But this may very well have been a tactical move. We won't know until closing really.
The shirt in the hotel photo almost looks like one of those half-zip pullover sweatshirts. At the very least it's a V-neck shirt. Definitely not the same as what he was wearing at the birthday party.
I feel like BH was not getting the total breakdown of JY that she wanted. However, it could be strategy on her part. Anyway, it was short and did not have the result that we here expected.
You are right, this could have been the case. If so, I will cut her some slack. Hope we find out just when she found out that he would be testifying.
Again, I want L & M F to have a strong sense of satisfaction that the State did the very best it could to prosecute JY when this is all said and done. I hope today's cross examination didn't affect them as it did us.

You're nicer than I am tonight. I'm infuriated with that cross. The state should have been prepared to question *everyone* on the witness list, most especially JLY.

And it's not even that I think she wasn't prepared necessarily, it was the way she went about it. She would ask a good question, get his answer and then usually move on to another question. I kept waiting for the follow-up questions that she could have torn him apart with. Where were those? And as others have pointed out, there were tons of other things she should have worked him over about. Also, I think it would be important (and very easy) to get him enraged on the witness stand. A couple of times they seemed to be heading that way and she would just drop it! Horrible, just horrible.
The shirt in the hotel photo almost looks like one of those half-zip pullover sweatshirts. At the very least it's a V-neck shirt. Definitely not the same as what he was wearing at the birthday party.

No, this shirt at the birthday party is not the same as the one he had in the hotel photo. I have some of the zippered v-neck shirts like the hotel photo. They both had stripes, but after that they were not similar.
Is it possible it's a button up? Unbuttoned it HI and buttoned at the party? Even so, the coloring even just looks off. I don't know that the difference in quality would result in something *that* dark, appearing that light in surveillance. But I really don't know for sure. I would not put money on that being the same shirt.
I guess it could be a button up. But I do not think the birthday shirt is a button up or zippered.
Who is she, glee -- if you feel that you can answer...

They were my neighbors years ago, J is the youngest of three daughters. We were in and out of each others homes on a daily basis. Our kids played together daily, one of the core 'mom's' in our group of SAHM's.
Not even is a crew-neck wool sweater and the other is a zip-neck knit pullover.
JLY blamed his job losses on the media and "internet-website vigilantes"
I hope the jurors ask for both of these pictures for deliberations, or the prosecution uses this in closing. One provable lie in his alibi, and that's all they need.
I am surprised BH did not catch that. I thought it was pretty obvious.
Since we had a break in the ICA today, I wandered over to the trial site. I like the judge - very matter of fact and pleasant with the jurors. I didn't get much of a chance to listen to the testimony to weigh an opinion. Does anyone have a link to Jason's testimony today - I'm afraid I missed it.

I have been reading up on it, and it appears that he's put himself in some hot water (though again, I'm new to this case). I did see his momma on the stand - a true advocate he's got there. And of course it wouldn't be a murder case without the mistress (ala Chris Coleman).

Looks like there are lots of twists n' turns.

If anyone has a link it would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to hear what the inmate has to say!


Since we had a break in the ICA today, I wandered over to the trial site. I like the judge - very matter of fact and pleasant with the jurors. I didn't get much of a chance to listen to the testimony to weigh an opinion. Does anyone have a link to Jason's testimony today - I'm afraid I missed it.

I have been reading up on it, and it appears that he's put himself in some hot water (though again, I'm new to this case). I did see his momma on the stand - a true advocate he's got there. And of course it wouldn't be a murder case without the mistress (ala Chris Coleman).

Looks like there are lots of twists n' turns.

If anyone has a link it would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to hear what the inmate has to say!



Hi Mel, nice to have you join us. The link for the feed is here:
If it doesn't work or you run into any problems, let me know and I'll try again.
He's guilty as all get out, but I'm getting worried about the lack of hard evidence.
O/T: I watched the doctor and the ballerina trial the first of the year, the Cooper trial, the Young and Anthony trials--Anthony is far from over. And when the summer ends I will have to join Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. I am going to work in this room Friday morning rearranging things so that my eliptical is directly behind my computer.
Exactly, thanks NCEast! Most of us accept that our kids aren't perfect, and we do our best to rein 'em in. Even my very young grandson's know better than to moon grandma. :rocker:

I'm not a grandma, but I'm sure many, many g-m's, if mooned, would take that little moon and spank it. I just can't imagine it.

And I think most mothers would agree that, although we know our children aren't perfect, our children would not think about mooning his or her g-mom because they have been taught better. And to condone and praise it is worse than the child's actions, IMO.
Closing...both pics side by side.
The defense desperately wants you to think the chest stripe knit pullover was not missing. Take a look for yourself ladies and gentlemen. This was nothing more than another case of misrepresenting the true facts that show JLY is guilty of murder.
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