State Wants Evidence From Casey's Defense Team

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DNA Solves
I can't WAIT to see this motion discussed before Judge Strickland!

Baez: "I'm sorry judge, all we have is speculation." :)

Muzikman, Or, better yet, they will say, "Your Honor, we don't have any written, hard copy evidence to give the prosecution. We have what KC has said. She has told us she's innocent. So therefore, it IS".


The important thing that happened that made this motion from the SA possibly, was TM going into open court stating for the record, they HAVE significant evidence showing the body was not placed there until after KC was in jail. So, IMO, I agree with Kathi Belich, this was a mistake! Had they not stated this in court, they wouldn't have had to turn anything over, at least in regards to this, just yet. Now that they said they have it, the state says ok, let's see it. They have 15 days from the time they made that statement to give it the state. We shall see what happens at the hearing.
I just want to take A Lyon and the other one to the hair salon and do some power shopping before court. Their outfits drive me crazy and they could look so much more professional in 2 maybe 3 days. Okay 4 days. The "I just rolled out of bed Your Honor" is not a good look when you are fighting for someone's life. JMO.

Maybe we could find her a '60s wig hat?

Looked like one was balancing roadkill on one's head, but they were very popular!
Still hear crickets on the defense side...surprised JB isn't falling all over himself to get to a microphone as he usually does to declare how unfair the the SA office is oh yeah and his client is innocent. Guess they shut him up with their put your money where your mouth is evidence request.
Not sure I ever heard that entire phone call until now. Wow, one phone call is almost all the jury has to hear to determine the mother of the said missing child does not care at all that her child is "missing"! This mother can't be bothered to discuss it further. The police don't know how to look up ZFG on the computer is the only problem, and its hardly of concern to her. Yeah, sure, LE doesn't know how to do computer searches. Yeah, sure, LE has it out for her to pin this on her. Pin what on her?

So, her child may be alive while she's in jail being questioned, and she doesn't want to talk to even her own family about finding Caylee, or supply any real information to help find her. She's having a hissy fit because she wants to talk to her boyfriend who she states knows nothing about where Caylee is. Lo and behold, defense is now going to say Casey is innocent. Do they expect anyone to believe that?

Please don't tell me any jury listening to that call would have any doubts the mother is guilty of killing her child. Can't imagine the defense, no matter what dazzling stories they come up with, can undo that one crucial phone call. Then, the jury can add up all the other actions of the mother during the time she was "doing her own investigation" trying to find her daughter at clubs and tattoo parlors, even avoiding mentioning her daughter was missing for 31 days.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to believe someone else killed Caylee and dumped her body. Come on, Defense, let's see what feeble evidence you can come up with to support your story that someone else killed/disposed of that precious little girl. IMO, no way, the defense can not spin this to make Casey look innocent of killing her daughter.

What happens if the Defense team doesn't come up with the evidence the State has asked for in a timely manner? Will they have to drop that line of defense?
I just turned NG on for a few minutes and she is covering another case, but her "special guest" tonight is Henry Lee.....which got me thinking and wondering....

Didn't Baez have Dr Lee fly out to examine the car early in the case (Aug) and report HIS findings to Baez, with the intentions of him being the defense expert witness?

I would assume there was an oral conversation, but would also assume this was followed up with some type of written report?

Why haven't we seen this in a document dump? It has been over a long does Baez have to turn this over to the prosecution? Or is it possible that Dr Lee's opinion didn't differ from the investigative scientists, so his testimony/report isn't really helpful to the defense?

Are there any Floridians who followed that boxer's daughter case (?) that was Baez' other murder trial? Was there as much public interest in that case, which produced doc dumps due to requests from the media (Sunshine Law)? Curious as to Baez' previous history of timeliness in turning over documents to opposing side......

Are there any Floridians who followed that boxer's daughter case (?) that was Baez' other murder trial? Was there as much public interest in that case, which produced doc dumps due to requests from the media (Sunshine Law)? Curious as to Baez' previous history of timeliness in turning over documents to opposing side......

IIRC the only other murder trial JB had he lost (and was late to the sentencing I believe because of KC's indictment). That defendant later made, among other claims such as poor counsel, that "the prosecution had it out for him because he would not plea" or something incredibly similar to what Ms. KC penned herself on that silly motion. I find it very odd that in JB's two murder trials both defendants made an extremely similar paranoid claim about the charge. Almost sounded like they'd been coached...
I just turned NG on for a few minutes and she is covering another case, but her "special guest" tonight is Henry Lee.....which got me thinking and wondering....

Didn't Baez have Dr Lee fly out to examine the car early in the case (Aug) and report HIS findings to Baez, with the intentions of him being the defense expert witness?

I would assume there was an oral conversation, but would also assume this was followed up with some type of written report?

Why haven't we seen this in a document dump? It has been over a long does Baez have to turn this over to the prosecution? Or is it possible that Dr Lee's opinion didn't differ from the investigative scientists, so his testimony/report isn't really helpful to the defense?

Are there any Floridians who followed that boxer's daughter case (?) that was Baez' other murder trial? Was there as much public interest in that case, which produced doc dumps due to requests from the media (Sunshine Law)? Curious as to Baez' previous history of timeliness in turning over documents to opposing side......

Well, for that matter, we're 1 year and 2 months out from JB stating he had evidence to exonerate KC apparently from all charges (sans the murder rap) associated with Caylee going missing! I would think if his evidence exonerated her when Caylee was just missing, it would damned sure clear her of the murder, right? So...from the FIRST time JB stated he had exculpatory evidence would be over a year!

Article with JB's statement:

1) She told LE she didn't HAVE any working #s for ZG, and,

2) LE has TL's phone records, IIRC. No calls to ZG? Another lie.

Why Silly, Cindy had all those important numbers somewhere in that house if only she could remember where she left them. If she ever found them she would like LE know.:innocent:
IIRC the only other murder trial JB had he lost (and was late to the sentencing I believe because of KC's indictment). That defendant later made, among other claims such as poor counsel, that "the prosecution had it out for him because he would not plea" or something incredibly similar to what Ms. KC penned herself on that silly motion. I find it very odd that in JB's two murder trials both defendants made an extremely similar paranoid claim about the charge. Almost sounded like they'd been coached...

IIRC JB is also counsel for a jail mate who either escaped or almost escaped. Man, if someone could have drawn that picture better.

Novice Seeker
okay i dont know where to put this maybe a veteran here can move it or bump it to help.
but i found some info on a jose baez out of miami that owns a nemovision corporation and am having a hard time connecting the dots or even finding a thread to post. any help would be appreciated.
Ya know, if the defense tries to point the finger at TonyL, (I saw they were on a fishing expo by requesting his phone records) All the state has to do is play this infamous phone call. KC herself states - "Tony has nothing to do with Caylee at all"(ph) many times. Priceless! Not to mention she has no care in the world about where Caylee could be......

Thanks for posting that! I've never heard it in is entirety. What a disgusting waste of space she is :furious: and her little pseudo wannabe New York accent she's faking makes me want to gag too :puke:
But wait - there's more :crazy:

Here's another Sentinel story link with comments:,0,4084690,comment-display-all.story

Check the fifth comment down. :eek:

Ok this to me is INCREDIBLE! The sixth post down, if what she says is true, that is a very damning statement. Is there a way to find out who each poster is? Would the SA's office be able to prove where and who this post came from? If they can prove it was (take a guess!) that is bad bad news for her. That would say to me that she did not value Caylee's life very much. I am just blown away that she would post such a thing. Just MO tho.

I'm not sure where to post this...hopefully I won't get into trouble...but it does have to do with evidence...

The Internet history and cookies for the user "bobby" was extracted via
Netanalysis. All were saved as comma delimited files to the Evidence\Internet
History\Casey laptop folder for viewing with Excel.

Who would Bobby Be???

Some are speculating that this bobby hacked the computers...does anyone know anything about this.

This is on page 2
Yep, she did say "fasten your seatbelts." Here's the clip from the movie for proof, if you want to see for yourself: YouTube - All About Eve - Bumpy Night

And seatbelts were invented in the 1800's... before Bette Davis was even born. :p

However, I think the quote applies to this case either way! :eek:

OMG I can't believe you found this clip Talison! TY! It was great just to watch a little clip of it. My gosh is there ANYTHING one can't find on youtube? LOL

Love the last line of the clip---BD lifts her glass and says "Ah men". Chuckling.

"Bobby" was also the person who wrote "Diary of Days" for her myspace when she was supposedly enroute to get her implicating tattoo of the good life.

\c\documents and settings\bobby\desktop\diary of days.doc

She did tell Lee that the password was going to help to get to the bottom of things.
I'm not sure where to post this...hopefully I won't get into trouble...but it does have to do with evidence...

The Internet history and cookies for the user "bobby" was extracted via
Netanalysis. All were saved as comma delimited files to the Evidence\Internet
History\Casey laptop folder for viewing with Excel.

Who would Bobby Be???

Some are speculating that this bobby hacked the computers...does anyone know anything about this.

This is on page 2

If I am not completely crazy from following this case, the laptop or computer, not sure which, was purchased used. Bobby was most likely the previous owner and they did not know how to change the folders and setting from that owner. When they changed the user logins, they just changed the name and not the underlying information. I know that I read this somewhere but I don't take notes...just go from memory so I don't remember where I read it.
If I am not completely crazy from following this case, the laptop or computer, not sure which, was purchased used. Bobby was most likely the previous owner and they did not know how to change the folders and setting from that owner. When they changed the user logins, they just changed the name and not the underlying information. I know that I read this somewhere but I don't take notes...just go from memory so I don't remember where I read it.

Oh, that could very well be...TY so much!!!
Ya know, if the defense tries to point the finger at TonyL, (I saw they were on a fishing expo by requesting his phone records) All the state has to do is play this infamous phone call. KC herself states - "Tony has nothing to do with Caylee at all"(ph) many times. Priceless! Not to mention she has no care in the world about where Caylee could be......

Listened to the entire thing again and you know what? I can TOTALLY see that creature duct taping her daughters face up and throwing her in the trunk and then tossing her out like so much garbage...That call should be played in its ENTIRETY for the jury...

Hearing this, after so much time:

1) It's clear that LA and Kristina both suspect KC, and

2) If KC was innocent, her first words woulda been, "Have you heard anything about Caylee?"

ITA! I'd forgotten how totally disdainful and smarta$$ed KC sounded on this call. My Gawd! The difference between KC and Christina's emotions is like night and day! KC has no idea how to sound like a mother whose daughter is missing. What a selfish b!tch she is! :furious:

And then there is CA....bragging about her four cameos! Geesh...tree-meet-apple! :rolleyes:

I actually listened through this can anyone that listens to this think she is innocent. I could NOT believe her harshness when her friend broke down crying about the baby...

Incredible...absolutely incredible.

Thanks for posting that! I've never heard it in is entirety. What a disgusting waste of space she is :furious: and her little pseudo wannabe New York accent she's faking makes me want to gag too :puke:

I don't know what you guys are SO upset about. I mean what? You act like a mother who's child has been missing for 31 days should be frantic, consumed with fear over the safety of her child, and should not cop an attitude when the family and friends ask questions to find the child!! I mean geesh---can't a girl whose baby is missing want to talk to her boyfriend instead of being worried about her kid? What's wrong with saying with a tude-- "all they care about is getting Caylee back?" I just don't know what you guys are talking about! What is so wrong with getting pizzed at your folks/brother when in the beginning it looks like they aren't going to back you for murdering your kid? I mean come on....

Sorry I just couldn't help myself---if anyone has some sarcasm coming her way it's KC. Brini said it best, KC is a.......STONE COLD _ _ _ _ _ _ (pick your poison---anything any of you insert will work) Any of these works too :liar: :nuts: :butthead: :snake: :devil: :wolf:


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