State's Attorney request transcripts from GA and CA Testimony

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Rewatching this little gem, I am struck by the looks that occur between KC and CA. IMO, it seems as though CA looks at KC as though to say, "Don't worry! I got this! Mama will fix it!" and KC looks at her as though to say, "Get 'em, Mama! They aren't as smart as you! Don't let them pick at me!" Truly demented, but something I think has occurred many times in that family. jmo
I remember in the lost video of the bond hearing where CA was being questioned by LDB about her mortgage payments and CA was NASTY to her.
I'm pretty sure it was that one, and CA looks right at KC while she said there is NO evidence.... She thought she could lie her way out of that one.

I wish someone could find that video. Where is TWA?
I agree, I think the State are going to vehemently fight this motion. And the best way to do that would be to actually demonstrate that they lied during the specified hearings. e.g. offer counter testimony. Note they are not asking for the transcripts when Cindy claimed she placed the drier sheets throughout the car. She gave that testimony on April 1st.`They have limited it to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th March when the miranda /in custody and the agent of the state motions were argued.

One huge whopper that jumped out at me was George Anthony claiming his PR manager (of a week) had heard about Caylee's disappearance on the morning of the 16th. Yuri Mellich when being questioned by Baez at the 07/22/08 bond hearing testifed that the media were not alerted until late afternoon. It may not be directly related to the case, but if they can prove George lied under oath..........job done.

bbm. Wow!! Good catch!! I remember both statements, I just didn't tie them together. Upthread, in the Youtube of CAs testimony, JB asks her if she's ICAs Mother after she states her name and it was like a dagger to my heart. She responds yes, not yes I'm ICAs Mother and Caylee's Grandmother. Again Caylee is lost in the dysfunction.
In the status hearing I've been imagining, when the sequestration Motion is being heard both GA and CA are besides themselves. Sighing, nodding their heads in the negative, begging their Attorney to make JA stop :great:. The more of their own lies they're forced to confront, the greater their angst will be. I think it would be fun if the Drs Danzinger and Weitz were there to testify as the effects of psychotropic drugs on memory when used as prescribed as opposed to popped like mints too but thats a dream I guess.
I'm almost positive this request for transcripts has to do with the motion tomorrow.
Oh! Wouldn't that be wonderful? I would love it if the ones from CA's home were Bounce and the ones from KC's and TonE's vehicles were like Dollar General brand sheets!! That would definately be worth pointing out while CA was on the stand! Another big, fat lie!

i remember one of casey's friends saying they used to always shop at dollar general too! hrrmm...
Had another little thought. What IF the dryer sheet that was found in the trash bag, matches CA dryer sheets? Then what? I wonder if Forensics can determine by strength of frangrace on those sheets, when the one from the garbage bag was placed compared to the ones in the car. I sometimes use the sheets in my car and also in the bathrooms, hidden, but it gives off a fragrance for about a month. I bet SAO and LE has gone over everything with a very toothed comb. I hope, I hope.
I don't think the SA will care about the dryer sheets and Fabreeze on it's own but I do think CA's statement about it being the worst thing she ever smelled "at that time" was the red herring the SA needed. It was just so obvious.

What does that mean (asking to Cindy). Has she smelled something worse since then? Is this the ah-ha moment? Did 2 dead squirrels also crawl up into her car? She wanted "at that time" brought in for a reason, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

Did she smell something in her backyard? Under the playhouse? Under the sandbox? in the uncleaned pool?

IMHO this has something to do with the bombshell.


Had another little thought. What IF the dryer sheet that was found in the trash bag, matches CA dryer sheets? Then what? I wonder if Forensics can determine by strength of frangrace on those sheets, when the one from the garbage bag was placed compared to the ones in the car. I sometimes use the sheets in my car and also in the bathrooms, hidden, but it gives off a fragrance for about a month. I bet SAO and LE has gone over everything with a very toothed comb. I hope, I hope.

AH-HAH~ Didn't ICA do laundry at TL's house? Do you think ICA would go out and buy her own dryer sheets? NOPE! Wanna bet they all match, so there's no telling who put the dryer sheets where. I don't know if ICA would be smart enough to put a dryer sheet in the back seat (by the shoes).


AH-HAH~ Didn't ICA do laundry at TL's house? Do you think ICA would go out and buy her own dryer sheets? NOPE! Wanna bet they all match, so there's no telling who put the dryer sheets where. I don't know if ICA would be smart enough to put a dryer sheet in the back seat (by the shoes).



This item really has me bothered enough I can't sleep, so I traced back as best I could. I found a list of items from what I think was the garbage bag that LE took out of the trash bin from the towyard. Among other things, it lists 5 fabric softner sheets. I have not found the list regarding what was found in the car. I do not want to put cart before horse on this, but can't let it alone. Was there 2 instances of fabric softner sheets found either in the car or in a trash bag that was in the car? I can't remember. I'm just wondering if CA stepped in something she forgot about? Just so crazy. Call made, words said regarding odor, what to do? Throw fabric sheets all around and spray Febreeze before 911 was ever made. I need another rest now.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
What does that mean (asking to Cindy). Has she smelled something worse since then? Is this the ah-ha moment? Did 2 dead squirrels also crawl up into her car? She wanted "at that time" brought in for a reason, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

Did she smell something in her backyard? Under the playhouse? Under the sandbox? in the uncleaned pool?

IMHO this has something to do with the bombshell.



FWIW...... Cindy, in one of her letters to ICA told of some plumbing problem where water got into Caylee's room. She writes ” I don’t know if Jeanene told you, about the water pipe we had broke on Friday, we had water from the pipe outside of Caylee’s room, leak into her room, mostly in her play corner. Carpet was soaked and walls were damp. Everything is drying out but the carpet smells bad. I better watch how I describe it they may take it for discovery. It’s amazing how even clean water can smell rancid after it sits for a while.” bold mine

As lots of us believe Cindy's letters are written for public consumption, it wouldn't surprise me if she uses this little anectdote. Whatever she comes up with, don't expect it to be feesable. :crazy: Cindy doesn't need credible excuses, only alternative ones. :floorlaugh: That's the Cindy MO.......e.g. Zanny could be Amy, Riccardo could be Jeff, chorophyll could be chloroform and 5 minutes "seemed like a very long time". :waitasec:
Maybe it would then relate to the smell she had smelled in her own fridge? I vaguely remember her saying something about that too:crazy:
Side note, be kinda funny if some of those dryer sheets do not match up to what CA used, being from different boxes, different brands, just a thought, nothing more.:banghead:

Seriously! I wouldn't want to smell her fridge!! :loser:
Cindy stated early on that she used Febreeze in the car. This is nothing new. What is new is that she now claims to have used a whole can. I know this was discussed quite a while ago on at least one of the forums and whether or not some ingredient in Febreeze could combine with something in the trunk to form chloroform. I believe the answer was that this ingredient was present, and yes it could form chloroform, but certainly not the amount of chloroform that was found. IMO Cindy picked up on this information and that is why she now claims she sprayed the "whole can".
Seriously, has anyone ever tried to stand there and spray "almost an entire can" of Febreeze on something. My experience with Febreeze is with the pump nozzle. No way would Cindy, in her heightened state, take the time to empty nearly the entire bottle. I'm calling hogfeathers on this one.
My next question would have been- "When, Mrs Anthony, have you had the opportunity since that day to smell something worse than the smell of that car?"

The way she answered his question was disingenuine(MO) (and sp). Sounds like an out-and-out lie to me, she didn't want to answer that question with a yes or no. Blaming medications...come on!!! Plus, don't forget the stress!!:innocent:
You just reminded me how much I can't wait for CA's co-workers to testify. I get the impression she was really high maintenance and spent 1/2 of each work day talking about her dysfunctional life. Gawd they must miss her. :innocent::floorlaugh:
Do you think Ca saying it was the worst smell she ever smelled "at that time"
Was a planned response anticipating a further question where she would have another BS answer to try to change her earlier testimony in a backwards sort of way.:crazy:

So what exactly has Cindy smelled in the past three years that smelled worse than "a dead body in the damn car"?

George? :floorlaugh:

"At that time"... Good grief. If he had asked her, she may have said, "We tested a pizza to see what it smelled like after days in the hot sun, and it was horrible." <cough, cough>

Classic Cindy, indeed. If she pulls any of her tricks during trial, the jury will get a show. Talking back to "Linda" is beyond inexcusable. :takeabow: She should be in Vaudeville or locked up.

I agree, the SA wants those transcripts so they can refer back to them when she pulls another fibbing testimony (a la dryer sheets). JA and "Linda" are good at making her listen to her own words, and all she can say is, "I must have said it if the court reporter wrote it".
Perhaps they needed the transcripts to get an approval for a court order to retrieve a list of all meds Cindy was taking and any new ones that had perscribed and filled. Afterall, she blamed her lie on new medication.
So what exactly has Cindy smelled in the past three years that smelled worse than "a dead body in the damn car"?

George? :floorlaugh:

"At that time"... Good grief. If he had asked her, she may have said, "We tested a pizza to see what it smelled like after days in the hot sun, and it was horrible." <cough, cough>

Classic Cindy, indeed. If she pulls any of her tricks during trial, the jury will get a show. Talking back to "Linda" is beyond inexcusable. :takeabow: She should be in Vaudeville or locked up.

I agree, the SA wants those transcripts so they can refer back to them when she pulls another fibbing testimony (a la dryer sheets). JA and "Linda" are good at making her listen to her own words, and all she can say is, "I must have said it if the court reporter wrote it".

Quip about George is priceless! Thank you for the early a.m. laugh for today:great::floorlaugh::great:

Listened to CA's bond hearing testimony again. Right off the bat she was crying, getting all emotional and relaying she was sorry ? but it had been a week since she last had seen her daughter. Where was her raw emotion when she called Amy? When she went to get ica? When she 1st called 911? There was no emotion that I heard and at that time she hadn't seen ica in 31 days.:waitasec: CA familiarity towards LDB is uncalled for. Is she thinking that everybody is buddy buddy like this is some potluck get-together? :banghead: This 'I must have said it if the court reporter wrote it' is so CA, just like the white dog-if Caylee said it, must be true.
What woe Sin and GA better untwist their brains and ask for a copy of what version they tesified to if sequestered, they repeat the same lies they told before ( meds or no meds Sin ) if you don't get your lies straight or use medical reasons for their existance, you may want to research the punishments for Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, tampering with and destruction of evidence, lying to name a few.......MHOO
Seriously, has anyone ever tried to stand there and spray "almost an entire can" of Febreeze on something. My experience with Febreeze is with the pump nozzle. No way would Cindy, in her heightened state, take the time to empty nearly the entire bottle. I'm calling hogfeathers on this one.

Totally agree with you on this one, JJ! I am also struck by the fact that she uses the term "can" instead of the term "bottle". Febreze Air Effects comes in an aerosol can. It is an air freshener that you spray in the air, like Glade or Lysol, to remove odors. Febreze Fabric Refresher comes in a plastic bottle with a pump spray handle for spritzing on furniture, fabrics, upholstery, etc. Either of these products is potent and does not require large quantities to attain the desired effect. (except in the case of human decomposition. no covering that one) I think that CA may have sprayed some Febreze to cover the smell, but she has an ulterior motive in conjunction with the DT in making this "whole can" reference. IMO, they are going to try to convince a jury that the chloroform in the trunk was from a "whole can" of Febreze being sprayed in there. It won't work, but they will try. Moo.
Perhaps they needed the transcripts to get an approval for a court order to retrieve a list of all meds Cindy was taking and any new ones that had perscribed and filled. Afterall, she blamed her lie on new medication.

Oooh! Excellent thought, coco puff! I wonder if that can be done? You may have it right there! Good thinking!:woohoo:

ETA: I asked on the Attorney Q & A Thread and AZ said no. :( But still good thinking! :)
CA must have loved playing Truth or Dare when she was younger. Her attorney needs to remind her that this is not a game, not her game, and not about helping ICA escape just punishment. Attention CA and GA: This trial is about justice for Caylee Marie. Remember her? Your criminal behavior needs to be punished, your day will come.
Do you think Ca saying it was the worst smell she ever smelled "at that time"
Was a planned response anticipating a further question where she would have another BS answer to try to change her earlier testimony in a backwards sort of way.:crazy:

Yes, I totally agree with you. She was dying for the next question - but SA didn't bite.
What does that mean (asking to Cindy). Has she smelled something worse since then? Is this the ah-ha moment? Did 2 dead squirrels also crawl up into her car? She wanted "at that time" brought in for a reason, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
Did she smell something in her backyard? Under the playhouse? Under the sandbox? in the uncleaned pool?

IMHO this has something to do with the bombshell.



Mel, I think it's just more of the Anthony "word salad" that her and ICA add to all their statements. CA just can't answer yes or no, she has to answer as a sentence or paragraph, and wrap everything she says up in a nice little giftbox, with a big red bow! *rolleyes* I think it really means nothing.

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