State's Witness List Released 2008.11.18 Updated 2008.12 & 2009.01.26

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Updated December 2, 2010 - depositions

- David Bogart - AT& T - depo Nov 16, 2010
- Kristin Brewer - Osceola County SO - depo Nov 29, 2010
- George Duke - Metro. Bureau of Inv. - depo Nov 16, 2010
- Jason Forgey - OCSO - depo Nov 29, 2010
- Steven McElyea - FBI - depo Nov 29, 2010
- Susan Mears aka Gattis - OCSO - depo Nov 29, 2010
- William Moore - Metro Bureau of Inv. - depo Nov 16, 2010
- Denise Nevers - FDLE - depo Nov 29, 2010
- Brian Tittle - OCSO depo Nov 29, 2010
- Christopher Woehr - FDLE - depo Nov 29, 2010

Status Hearing Nov 29, 2010 - new DEADLINES

- Dec 3, 2010 - Defense must give State info on Defense Experts - in WRITING
area of expertise and subject matter of testimony, and all photos and videos and
notes taken by Experts during examination of evidence

- Dec 20, 2010 - 1:30pm Hearing set for Penalty Phase Discovery to be unsealed

- Dec 31, 2010 - Defense must list new TES searcher witnesses

- Dec 31, 2010 - all Motions heard on NON scientific evidence

- Dec 31, 2010 - Deadline stays the same for all "late filed witnesses" (listed after
May 24, 2010) to take depositions

- Jan 13, 2011 - DNA analysis with Report done 45 days from Nov 29,

- Jan 31, 2010 - Defense must list mitigation expert for penalty phase

- Feb 28, 2011 - Deadline stays the same for depositions of all Defense Experts
and Penalty Phase witnesses

- Feb 28, 2011 - Deadline stays the same for Motions on all scientific evidence to
be heard

- March 20, 2011 - depositions of new TES searcher witnesses taken
I doubt they will depose Amy. There is nothing she could say that could benefit the defense. She is a victim herself of ICA. Waste of C Mason's time.

Buts isn't the point of a deposition to find out what the witness will say in court? Surely they want to know what her testimony will be, so that they can prepare some sort of rebuttal?
Buts isn't the point of a deposition to find out what the witness will say in court? Surely they want to know what her testimony will be, so that they can prepare some sort of rebuttal?

That would sort of imply that the concept of planning, strategy and first and foremost proper preparation is one that is not alien to the defense team. JB seems to operate more in a mode of "just wing it, then cry it's not fairrrrrr!!!"
That would sort of imply that the concept of planning, strategy and first and foremost proper preparation is one that is not alien to the defense team. JB seems to operate more in a mode of "just wing it, then cry it's not fairrrrrr!!!"

No....say it ain't so ...... did you not hear JB proclaim in court that the SA wanted things that they had to "roll up their sleves and do work"----(if you believe that Jb and crew have worked harder than SA....I have a few things to sell :blushing:)
DA Adds New Names To Casey Anthony's Witness List
Zenaida Gonzalez Appears In Prosecution's Witness List For Trial

POSTED: 9:05 pm EST December 3, 2010
UPDATED: 9:07 pm EST December 3, 2010

"ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors have added the name of Zenaida Gonzalez to their witness list for the murder trial against Casey Anthony.
....Also on the list is Ricardo Morales.....
.....and corrections officer Sylvia Hernandez...... "

12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List
12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List

The State added Zenaida to their Witness List on Nov 17, 2008. (not new)
The State added Ricardo Morales to their List same day Nov 17, 2008 (not new)
The State added jail guard Silvia Hernandez on May 24, 2010 (not new)

12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List
12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List

"Amended" means they simply updated an ADDRESS for a Witness who was already on their List. Not new witnesses being added.
DA Adds New Names To Casey Anthony's Witness List
Zenaida Gonzalez Appears In Prosecution's Witness List For Trial

POSTED: 9:05 pm EST December 3, 2010
UPDATED: 9:07 pm EST December 3, 2010

"ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors have added the name of Zenaida Gonzalez to their witness list for the murder trial against Casey Anthony.
....Also on the list is Ricardo Morales.....
.....and corrections officer Sylvia Hernandez...... "

12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List
12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List

The State added Zenaida to their Witness List on Nov 17, 2008. (not new)
The State added Ricardo Morales to their List same day Nov 17, 2008 (not new)
The State added jail guard Silvia Hernandez on May 24, 2010 (not new)

12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List
12/03/2010 Amended State Witness List

"Amended" means they simply updated an ADDRESS for a Witness who was already on their List. Not new witnesses being added.

But, but, but, isn't this the station that employs the "illustrious" Bob Kealing? :rolleyes: Guess I don't think much of him. :blushing:

What idiots!

12/03/2010 .... Amended State Witness List
State Witness Thomas Achtizger - ShurTech - Akron, OH .... replaced with witness Mark Charlesworth - Shurtape Technologies - Hickory, NC - EXPERT

12/03/2010....Amended State Witness List
State updated ADDRESSES only for State witnesses:
- Melina Calabrese - friend of Casey - new address in Fullerton, CA (address was Orlando, FL)
- Zenaida Gonzalez - new address for Attorney John Dill with Morgan & Morgan
- Silvia Hernandez - jail guard - new address for attorney Richard Withers of Bogin Munns & Munns
- Thomas Hoffman - TES searcher who searched with Laura Buchanan on Sept 3, 2008 in Blanchard Park - his address added to List
- Robin Maynard - OCSO - address updated to Office of the State Attorney, Sex Crimes Unit
- Ricardo Morales - new address in Winthrop Harbor, IL (address was Orlando, FL)
- Anthony Rusciano - new address in Winthrop, MA (address was Orlando, FL)
- Kena Seegmiller - TES searcher who searched with Laura Buchanan on Sept 3, 2008 in Blanchard Park - her address added to List
Thank you MuzikMan!!

12/07/2010...Notice of Taking Deposition
Defense taking deposition of JOE JORDAN on December 8, 2010 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm
It's amazing to see how many of KC's close friends have relocated in other states, far from Florida.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
Thank you MuzikMan!!

12/07/2010...Notice of Taking Deposition
Defense taking deposition of JOE JORDAN on December 8, 2010 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Who is he again ??

A TES searcher. He illegally recorded his interview with the Defense P.I..
It's amazing to see how many of KC's close friends have relocated in other states, far from Florida.

And out of all of them Amy H. was the one who tried to help Cindy Anthony and the Anthony's turned right around and tried to point the finger at her. Immediately.

It was interesting when Diane D-Burdick asks Lee in his interview (after he said he knew she was a heroin addict) if he knew she came from money and he did not. So much for his research on Amy H. This family has no problem blaming the innocent for this crime - none at all. And I think that is the reason that they have received so much animosity. Although the protestors outside their house were trailer park trash - just disgusting.

But the fact that the three of them go out of their way to try and blame someone else is amazing. George had some idea of how it feels to be on the receiving end of that when his very own said he sexually abused her.

Updated Dec 9, 2010 - depositions

- Jesse Grund - Casey ex-boyfriend - added Nov 17, 2008 [Defense depo
August 11, 2010 - cancelled - rescheduled for Oct 26, 2010 - cancelled
depo Dec 8, 2010]

- Richard Grund - Dad of ex - added Dec 3, 2008 [Defense depo
Aug 11, 2010-cancelled - rescheduled for Oct 26, 2010 - cancelled
depo Dec 8, 2010]

- Silvia Hernandez - OC Corrections - allowed letter passing between Casey and Robyn Adams - added May 24, 2010 [Defense depo Dec 8, 2010]

- Daniel Ibison - searcher with dog - added May 24, 2010 [Defense depo Dec 8, 2010]

- Ricardo Morales - new address in Winthrop Harbor, IL (address was Orlando, FL)
- Anthony Rusciano - new address in Winthrop, MA (address was Orlando, FL)

BBM - Whats up with this... Coincidence or Typo?

ETA - Sloppy Bolding By me!
State Expert Witnesses

Defense Deadline for Depositions of State Experts - Sept 30, 2010 - some extended to Nov 19, 2010

Dec. 23, 2010 - State must file Expert info on all Experts who have not written a Report

as of Dec 10, 2010 Hearing - Every State Expert who will give an Expert Opinion, after examination of evidence, has written a Report.
- only one assistant (Christina Ballard) of Forensic Anthropologist (Dr. Warren)
is listed as an Expert - she did a video superimposition during
Dr. Warren's deposition - No Expert Opinion from Christina Ballard
- some FBI people who handled evidence are technically Experts, but have no
Expert Opinion - did not write a Report

Defense depositions taken, and not taken as of December 13, 2010

1) Thomas Achtziger - ShurTech Ohio - added Aug 30, 2010 - no Defense depo
2) Christina Ballard - C.A. Pound ID Lab - listed as Expert - did video superimposition during Dr. Warren's deposition - No Expert Opinion from Ballard
no Defense depo
3) David Bogart - AT & T - Defense depo done Nov 16, 2010
4) Maureen Bottrell - FBI Lab - Expert - no Defense depo
5) John Dennis Bradley - Cacheback - depo done via Skype Oct 7, 2010
6) Maureen Bradley - FBI Lab - depo done via Skype Sept 29, 2010
7) Kristin Brewer - Osceola Sheriff's Office - dog expert - depo done Nov 29, 2010
8 Mark Charlesworth - ShurTape Technologies in NC - added Nov 3, 2010
no Defense depo
9) C. Douglas Clark - Univ of Central FL - air samples - depo done Oct 7, 2010
10) James Darnell - US Secret Service - defense unsuccessful in getting depo
11) Jason Forgey - OCSO - dog expert - depo done Nov 29, 2010
12) Dr. Jan Garavaglia - ME - depo done Sept 28, 2010
13) Brandon Giroux - FBI Lab - no Defense depo
14) Dr. Bruce Goldberger - Univ FL Toxicology - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville
15) Lorie Gottesman - FBI Lab - depo done April 2010
16) Dr. David Hall - Univ FL - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville
17) Steven Hanson - ME - depo done Sept 28, 2010
18) Dr. Neal Haskill - Entomology - depo done Oct 22, 2010
19) Ed Hughes - US Secret Service - depo done Sept 3, 2010
20) Dr. James Jawitz - water levels - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville
21) Erin Martin - FBI Lab - depo done Sept 29, 2010
22) William Moore - Metropolitan Bureau Investigation - depo done Nov 16, 2010
23) Madeline Montgomery - FBI Lab - no Defense depo
24) Cary Oien - FBI Lab - depo done Sept 29, 2010
25) Rhoda Ralston - DVM - US Dept Interior - Fish & Wildlife - no Defense depo
26) Michael Rickenbach - FBI Lab - depo done Sept 29, 2010
27) Dr. John Schultz - Univ Central FL - Forensic Anthropology - depo Aug 20, 2010
28) Heather Seubert - FBI Lab - depo April 2010
29) Stephen Shaw - FBI Lab - depo April 2010
30) Michael Sigman - Univ Central FL - Forensic Science - depo Nov 3, 2010
31) Kevin Stenger - OSCO - dog Expert - depo done Nov 9, 2010
32) Catherine Theisen - FBI Lab - no Defense depo
33) Dr. Gary Utz - ME - depo done Sept 28, 2010
34) Michael Warren - C.A. Pound Human ID Lab - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville - his assistant - Christina Ballard created video superimposition during Dr. Warren's deposition

OAK RIDGE LAB - Tennessee
- Michael Burnett - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- David Glasgow - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- Madhavi Martin - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- Arpad Vass - depo done Sept 22, 2010
- Marc Wise - depo done Sept 21, 2010
Amy Huizenga - ex friend of Casey - check fraud case - added Nov 17, 2008

- Defense depo April 3, 2009 refused, hired atty

- rescheduled for Aug 6, 2010 via Response to Court's Order for Deposition Schedule filed by Defense on May 17, 2010 (no Notice of Taking Deposition filed with Clerk) - depo not done - No Notice of Cancellation filed with Clerk

- Status Hearing Sept 27, 2010 stated that Amy works on cruise ship - is in Miami
on Saturdays

- Deadline for Defense to take depo was Oct 31, 2010 - Court "Order Memorializing Status Hearing", dated Sept 28, 2010 did not extend deadline for depo of Amy

- No Notice of Taking Deposition on Amy has been filed with the Clerk since the Notice filed March 26, 2009.

Anthony Lazzaro - ex- boyfriend of Casey - added Nov 17, 2008

- Defense depo Oct 30, 2008

- second depo set for Aug 13, 2010 via Response to Court's Order for Deposition Schedule filed by Defense on May 17, 2010 (no Notice of Taking Deposition filed with Clerk) - depo not done - no Notice of Cancellation filed with the Clerk

- Status Hearing Sept 27, 2010 - Defense said Tony in New York City (as excuse for not taking deposition yet)

- Deadline for Defense to take depo was Oct 31, 2010 - Court "Order Memorializing Status Hearing", dated Sept 28, 2010 did not extend deadline for depo of Anthony

- Defense has had contact info for Anthony's attorney, William Jay, since the State filed their Supplemental and Amended Witness List on May 24, 2010. Defense could have done depo via Skype when Anthony moved to New York.

- Order Granting Motion to Compel Timeline, Communications, and Related Notice of Law Enforcement Interview with Anthony Lazzaro was signed by Judge Perry and filed Sept. 28, 2010 (Defense had filed this Motion on Jan 7, 2009).

- No Notice of Taking Deposition on Anthony has been filed with the Clerk since the Notice filed Oct 21, 2008.

12/16/2010 Supplemental State Witness List

"STATEMENT OF GOOD CAUSE FOR LATE DISCLOSURE: Rebuttal witnesses to defense listed witness Laura Buchanan. Deposition and documents received from Mrs. Buchanan August 16, 2010. Deposition completed November 17, 2010."
- Antoinette Marie Chalabi
- Armondo Cruz
- Lori Fusco
- Chase Hoffon
- Thomas Hoffon
- Kasper Khoury Jordan
- Don S. Mitchell
- Thomas James Petro
- Tessa Marie Treu
- David Unger
- John White

12/16/2010 Supplemental State Witness List

"STATEMENT OF GOOD CAUSE FOR LATE DISCLOSURE: Rebuttal witnesses to defense listed witness Laura Buchanan. Deposition and documents received from Mrs. Buchanan August 16, 2010. Deposition completed November 17, 2010."
- Antoinette Marie Chalabi
- Armondo Cruz
- Lori Fusco
- Chase Hoffon
- Thomas Hoffon
- Kasper Khoury Jordan
- Don S. Mitchell
- Thomas James Petro
- Tessa Marie Treu
- David Unger
- John White

Wow, eleven people to debunk Laura Buchanan. ELEVEN. If I were here, I would leave the state and not dare show my face in any courtroom concerning this case. WOW.

Ashton filed a separate response to the court order to provide information about certain expert witnesses for the prosecution. In the response, Ashton says 36 of the state's 38 expert witnesses have submitted reports or co-signed reports about their testimony and opinions.

The remaining two who have not are Christine Ballard and David Bogart.

Ballard is a graduate student working for another expert in the case. Her expertise is forensic anthroplogy. She will testify about the creation of a "video superimposition involving a photograph of Caylee Anthony in life, a photograph of her skull and a photograph of the duct tape found with her skull," the document states.

Bogart is an expert in radio frequency engineering. He will testify about the "interpretation of movement and usage patterns of the defendant's mobile phone," according to the response.

Bogart's work is similar to that of another witness, and Ashton said a report will be provided when complete.

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