Steve Thomas Speaks

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television. If the dna didn't match he would've been missing in action and never show his face on television again. This guy's police work and half-baked theories is the main reason this case is such a huge mess to begin with. He actually said he thinks that Wood may have been the one to open the basement window. He has absolutely no proof and make wild accusations! No wonder this case is in the shape that it is.

They definately have to go back over all the work Thomas did and double check everything done by him and the keystone cops at the beginning.
Anything he has been involved with can't be trusted or relied on to have been done correctly.

Helgoth proves that a proper investigation of suspects hasn't been done at all. He didn't commit suicide. They totally dismissed him and the guy had a stun gun, was guilty of molesting girlfriend's kid, liked to break into homes for thrill, talked about a large sum of money and had a video newsbroadcast tape of another missing girl. Yet they said, "nothing to see here. move along. nothing to do with ramsey. a suicide. the dna doesn't match, so let's go get some donuts."

The detectives need to start from the beginning and question people over again. See if someone has slipped through the cracks or look for thinks they may have dismissed as unimportant. I'm not confident in the job they've done so far in ivestigating people or the analyizing all the facts and evidence. With everything that has happened people shouldn't have much confidence in the case so far. The only way I see them ever "solving" the case is a whole lotta luck, a dna hit from the datbank or a confession. The case won't be solve by the investigators that's for sure. They need new people to take a fresh look at the case. Bring some experienced people from New York or Chicago or new forensic people.

NYPD detectives had a gut feeling in the Imette St. guillen case did follow-up of the falls bar owner. When they questioned him again, he cracked and admitted he lied. Just imagine if they were lazy police like the bolder team, they would've never solved the case. If they didn't do that and don't do a thourogh investigation the killer(littlejohn) would've gone free and gotten rid of evidence.
Hiya Juliet10,

You wrote:
"Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television."

Odd, I didn't get the impression that this man was full of gall, parading or gloating. Can you point me in the direction of things that prove this?

Wow! Imagine if Steve Thomas had been allowed to interview the Ramseys right away!
Wrinkles said:
Hiya Juliet10,

You wrote:
"Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television."

Odd, I didn't get the impression that this man was full of gall, parading or gloating. Can you point me in the direction of things that prove this?

This is from the person that thinks her "handwriting analysis" is correct.

We should glad we have Steve Thomas. No telling how much would have been hidden forever without him.
Wrinkles said:
Hiya Juliet10,

You wrote:
"Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television."

Odd, I didn't get the impression that this man was full of gall, parading or gloating. Can you point me in the direction of things that prove this?

I havn't seen steve thomas on any talk shows for a long time. Only when the dna came back was he confident to comment on the case or show his face.
No can't be can it, Paula Woodward posting on WS, mumble mumble.

Everyone is ignorant only on different subjects, Will Rogers said that, he was very homespun and full of common sense. Yeppers I loved old Will Rogers, may his soul rest in peace.

I am also noticing the same people are baack on WS, and wearing multiple hats, how can that happen in this day of Hi Tec?

Grumble, grumble, more I will not say, but I am noticing!

With a time machine perhaps we could get Lacy to turn back our clocks to Dec 26, 1996, and let the FBI stay when they arrived on the scene. OH and bring a cadaver dog ASAP, and a scent dog ASAP, oh and separate the R's and get quick and good information ASAP.

IF IF WE had done that, then, WE would be discussing something else here today.


Oh come on he worked on this case for a long, I think he knew well before the dna was tested. People who have studied this case for years knew deep down JMK was a farce.
Did you catch Steve Thomas on Nancy Grace? Was almost worth the scratch-on-the-chalkboard feeling I get listening to her.
justice2 said:
This is from the person that thinks her "handwriting analysis" is correct.

We should glad we have Steve Thomas. No telling how much would have been hidden forever without him.
Karrs writing and the ransom note match much better than patsy's.
If he didn't write the note, Patsy surely didn't. His matched much better from only one sample taken 20 years earlier than all the samples patsy submitted combined.

Plus they had about a bazillion samples taken from her and they made her write it exactly the same as the note. the same words and everything and they still only got tiny amount of similarities between a few letters that could happen by chance, ink blob similarities and touching letters that happen in everyones writing. Sharpies are notorious for making letters touch because people write as they would with a pencil and don't compensate for space needed for wider letters. Whole words and sentences should've looked exactly the same if they had that many handwriting samples from Patsy. The writing doesn't match Patsy.
justice2 said:
The handwriting matches Patsy's.
Whole words, sentences, and the letters should've looked the same in every sample, in every line and in almost every word. That didn't happen. Only a few letters look the same. Almost everyone writes their f's, y's, o's and other letters pointed out by the expert in the PDF file the same. The letters weren't very unique versions of "F" etc. Plus they only came up with two out of all those samples.

She is a 4.5 instead of 5, which mean she was almost eliminated.
Juliet10 said:
Whole words, sentences, and the letters should've looked the same in every sample, in every line and in almost every word. That didn't happen. Only a few letters look the same. Almost everyone writes their f's, y's, o's and other letters pointed out by the expert in the PDF file the same. The letters weren't very unique versions of "F" etc. Plus they only came up with two out of all those samples.

She is a 4.5 instead of 5, which mean she was almost eliminated.
Only by you.
Juliet10 said:
Karrs writing and the ransom note match much better than patsy's.
If he didn't write the note, Patsy surely didn't. His matched much better from only one sample taken 20 years earlier than all the samples patsy submitted combined.

Plus they had about a bazillion samples taken from her and they made her write it exactly the same as the note. the same words and everything and they still only got tiny amount of similarities between a few letters that could happen by chance, ink blob similarities and touching letters that happen in everyones writing. Sharpies are notorious for making letters touch because people write as they would with a pencil and don't compensate for space needed for wider letters. Whole words and sentences should've looked exactly the same if they had that many handwriting samples from Patsy. The writing doesn't match Patsy.

JMK was cleared of this case and your still saying his writing was a closer match than Patsy's. Unbelieveable. You just refuse to see the facts. JMK's handwriting is not even remotely as close as patsys. Have you seen all the comparisons posted around here between patsys writing and the RN? You need to look at them again even if you have. Not only are the most of the letters the same, but wordstructure is pretty much spot on.

Funny out of all the people whos handwriting LE took Patsy is the only one who couldnt be eliminated. Wonder why?

Plus, did it ever occur to you that when LE had Patsy rewrite the note she was much more relaxed?
brutaltruth--totally agree--I don't think juliet10 ever bothered going to candyrose or looked at SuperDave's or PagingDrDirects links that show Patti's similarities emphatically---admitting when one is wrong is not always easy
Wrinkles said:
Hiya Juliet10,

You wrote:
"Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television."

Odd, I didn't get the impression that this man was full of gall, parading or gloating. Can you point me in the direction of things that prove this?

I second that request. ST is synonymous with "class act" as far as I am concerned. He kept his mouth shut through this whole debacle. And now when he speaks, he is quite diplomatic, fair, but honest, and accurate, imo, in his assessment of the recent events.

Juliet, I dare you, no I double dare you, actually, I triple dare you to read Steve Thomas's book, and then come back here and tell us your eyes have not been opened. It is quite an education, imho....

ST was JBR's best hope for justice....imho
Remember an old saying, it ain't what you said its the way how you said it?

Not just the handwriting curves and issues that concern a handwriting specialist, BUT what was said that was so familiar, it was also the sentence structure the usage of words.

Twilight, if you are still reading come and please post some of your original work on the structure part of the note.

If Twilight is not posting, then perhaps someone has her work in their records, 'Moderator do WE need permission to quote and repost another posters work who may no longer be posting here?'

Twilights work was brilliant. Her type of analysis was working its way into the judicial court system, would like an update on that too.

Camper, you are a whip for remembering twilight. i just rolled thru her posts, and I am amazed at what an insightful poster she is. A handful of her posts I dug up - post #87 post #31 post# 11 post #113

Thanks Camper, for remembering Twilight....

I would love to see links to other such analyses...i know I have seen them, I just forget where.....
Juliet10 said:
Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television. If the dna didn't match he would've been missing in action and never show his face on television again. This guy's police work and half-baked theories is the main reason this case is such a huge mess to begin with.
Nope! Linda Arndt is to blame for not personally searching the house herself and letting John do it, then when he found the body letting him carry it upstairs!!!
Juliet10 said:
Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television. If the dna didn't match he would've been missing in action and never show his face on television again. This guy's police work and half-baked theories is the main reason this case is such a huge mess to begin with. He actually said he thinks that Wood may have been the one to open the basement window. He has absolutely no proof and make wild accusations! No wonder this case is in the shape that it is.
I disagree here. If the DNA matched, and JMK could be placed in Boulder 12/96, I think Mr. Thomas would have been more than happy to admit he was wrong. I believe that because above all, with all of his heart, Mr. Thomas wants justice for JonBenét.

Juliet10 said:
The detectives need to start from the beginning and question people over again. See if someone has slipped through the cracks or look for thinks they may have dismissed as unimportant. I'm not confident in the job they've done so far in ivestigating people or the analyizing all the facts and evidence. With everything that has happened people shouldn't have much confidence in the case so far. The only way I see them ever "solving" the case is a whole lotta luck, a dna hit from the datbank or a confession. The case won't be solve by the investigators that's for sure. They need new people to take a fresh look at the case. Bring some experienced people from New York or Chicago or new forensic people.
I agree with this. They have mountains of information. I think taking a look with fresh eyes is a good idea. I'd also like more information i.e., let the people who testified for the Grand Jury speak. At this point, what could it hurt?

There are some brilliant minds out here. I've been blown away by the time, effort, and care people have put into this case. With access to all of the information, I really believe we could crack it.
IrishMist said:
I disagree here. If the DNA matched, and JMK could be placed in Boulder 12/96, I think Mr. Thomas would have been more than happy to admit he was wrong. I believe that because above all, with all of his heart, Mr. Thomas wants justice for JonBenét.

I agree with this. They have mountains of information. I think taking a look with fresh eyes is a good idea. I'd also like more information i.e., let the people who testified for the Grand Jury speak. At this point, what could it hurt?

There are some brilliant minds out here. I've been blown away by the time, effort, and care people have put into this case. With access to all of the information, I really believe we could crack it.


A very fresh look is desperately needed in this case.



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