I voted undecided, needs new trial. From watching the documentary, I felt certain that he was not guilty. Then, when I went back over some more interviews with people, like his fiance, I started having doubts about him. To be in prison for so long over a crime that you didn't commit could make you come out hard. Like mean as hell and your going to show the world hard! But, because he'd been in prision, you would think if he really wanted to kill this young lady, he'd would have done a much better job at getting rid of evidence! I mean her car there, really? Her keys? That's where my distrust from law enforcement comes into play. There are just to many questions about all of it.
Yes, he could have bullied his poor nephew, who unless you are just blind, can see is not a high iq young man. He should have had his parents with him or an attorney. I question everything the cops said about him.
As for Steve, I just don't know. Once again, I go back to the plethora of evidence left right at his front door. I can't be the only one thinking about that am I?