Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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Please don't hit me. But I just got to thinking.

To take a child into protective custody they have to have evidence that the child is in danger. Living with a parent who allegedly killed their mother isn't enough legally. Murder suspects bond out and retain custody of their children all the time.

Their grandfather is accused of taking and keeping possession of child *advertiser censored*. But the grandfather is removed from the home and none of the pictures have been alleged to be from the children themselves. And currently there isn't any indication of harm ever coming to the children. Ok children who are sexually abused by the father often continue to stay with the mother after the father is removed from the home as long as there is no indication that the mother was complict. And at this point there isn't any indication that JP knew what his father was doing or that the boys were involved at all.

So what are we missing? Why (other than the obvious speculation I have) what grounds did they use for removing the children from the home? It has never been alleged that JP ever harmed the kids themselves. And it seems the only person who can be charged with a crime has been removed from the HH. And there hasn't been any allegations of neglect at this point.

So is there something else happening behind the scenes? Something we don't know yet that gave them the grounds for removal? (Impending arrest???)
Just saw this, yes I agree. I think he may have poisoned her pancakes.

ETA: By the way, who makes pancakes for dinner??

I do. I make breakfast for dinner a couple times a month. Always have. That includes pancakes at times. Mostly biscuits, white gravy and eggs and left over ham.

About the arrest:

I was working out at the mini gym by myself and watched this on the TV the other night.

My jaw hit the treadmill, it's a wonder I didn't trip over it! WTH? I'm not sure I'm ready to rule out her Husband yet. He could be protecting Dad? Knowledge after the fact?

This is one very weird and interesting development! (I haven't followed Susan's threads for a long time). I hope they can track where this man was that night. Hopefully find Susan.

Just my thoughts, I'm still in shock at that interview.
According to an affidavit filed in Pierce County Superior Court in Washington, there were folders that also contained many graphic images of Steven Powell himself.*advertiser censored*-charges.html?pg=1
I guess I'm missing out on the pancakes for dinner idea. I have never done it. It probably helps that it may have been a usual dinner item for them, so it means this did not have to pre-meditated and orchestrated at all. He could have just added some poison to her pancakes in the skillet.
OT: We don't keep a lot of junk food or sweets around here. I occasionally bake a cake, cupcakes or cookies just to show 4YO GS how to measure or have fun decorating. Pancakes are a real treat when something sweet is called for :) I just love Mrs. Butterworths! Much less guilt when served to the 4YO with sausages and eggs than what cakes or cookies would be. I think we do this about every 3 mos. :)

Thank you ALL for the updates, truly!
Sherry Hill, a spokeswoman for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, said the 4 and 6-year-old sons of Steven and Josh Powell have been taken into state custody. The parents of Susan Powell, Chuck and Judy Cox, asked for custody of the children during a Friday morning court hearing, Hill said.

"The children were taken into state custody and they’re safe," she said. "We’ll work with the court to determine their placement."
I just finished reading from page 3 since I went to bed late last night. I was so looking forward to reading others reactions when they first read post about SP arrest.

While I'm in agreement over the sick, ick feeling of the crime, I'm still elated over the fact that KARMA is coming to JP and SP fast.

I'm not worried about the children now, the Cox's will make the correct decision's and getting sound advice from professionals.

It occurred to me if SP sent Susan those nude photo's of men perhaps he sent her photo's of other stuff and Susan confronted JP about it. Or what if Susan suspected that JP was indeed molested and that is why JP was answering to every whim daddy barked. Maybe Susan with her nurturing character was trying to help her husband get some help and she brought some issues about daddy face to face to JP and JP snapped.

Whatever it maybe I still think this is a strong case of motive on both parts. Remember "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Before the announcement of SP arrest we all knew that JP is so much like his father!

What if JP was caught by Susan commenting, or viewing child pictures, or taking pictures for daddy, threatened JP with that and that was the motive.

Finally, I slept very well last night knowing that some kids were a lot safer! In our household it is a family tradition every Monday night to have breakfast for dinner. why? well 4 boys, me are picky eaters, hub is the chef, Monday was hard enough (typical Monday days) so to make it easy on everyone hub cooked an easy dinner that everyone in the house didn't gripe about. This turned into a tradition like for Catholic's Friday Fish Day.
Sherry Hill, a spokeswoman for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, said the 4 and 6-year-old sons of Steven and Josh Powell have been taken into state custody. The parents of Susan Powell, Chuck and Judy Cox, asked for custody of the children during a Friday morning court hearing, Hill said.

"The children were taken into state custody and they’re safe," she said. "We’ll work with the court to determine their placement."

Tonight when I pray and burn sage and sweetgrass, I will offer a prayer of thanks to Creator that the beautiful sons of Susan will be resting in a safe place away from harm. Mitukaye Oyasin
Motive for JP was to keep the kids. "Over my dead body" was what he told her regarding this in the past. On the day of her murder/disappearance, JP had not gone to church that day. Susan had told a friend that if JP does not get more active in church by their April anniversary (so their temple would recommend him) she would divorce him. That was only four months away, and here JP is not with the program (thanks to a lot of coaching from dad.) They probably argued over this and it may have convinced Susan it was hopeless to get him active, and so she told him she was divorcing him. That would give him the motive to poison her and make it look like a missing person - so that he gets the kids.

With Steven Powell, the motive was fantasy driven. He wanted the control over her that she refused to give him. He wanted that body. But after a few days, he would want to be free of it.


And don't forget that Steven DESPISES the Mormon church. So, Josh and Susan live in Utah, where divorce laws really favor mothers. In a divorce, Josh would have gotten visitation, in all likelihood. That means that the boys would be raised LDS - by Susan, and Steven's indirect influence over them would be almost completely diluted.

And from an outsider's perspective (an LDS outsider), the first question I'd ask Steven is, "Do you think that part of why you became so disgruntled with the LDS Church was to repress the guilt you feel FROM LOOKING AT CHILD *advertiser censored*?"

But I digress.

Anyway, it's not all that far fetched a scenario to think that Josh doesn't go to church Sunday morning, Josh and Susan argue about it for the hundredth time, Susan says something along the lines of, "You know, this just isn't working," Josh calls Dad to whine about it, Dad goes on a diatribe about how THAT #$%!@# MORMON CHURCH DESTROYS FAMILIES, and Josh and Dad decide to do something about it.
According to an affidavit filed in Pierce County Superior Court in Washington, there were folders that also contained many graphic images of Steven Powell himself.*advertiser censored*-charges.html?pg=1

There goes my breakfast burrito!:sick:
BBM- Can you imagine SP waiting all this time, knowing at any minute LE was coming for him? Almost thirty days of torture while simultaneously doing those searches for Susan, he knew his goose was cooked and now LE had proof for a motive. It all makes sense in hindsight doesn't it?

Remember SP's girlfriend who said he told her about his "stash" in the locked closet? I bet she knew or suspected what he was doing. Was she the one who tipped LE off to all the pictures?

Yes, she was. She was contacted by LE in late July 2011 as she had earlier reported Steven Powell was bragging about how LE in their previous search of his WA home did not even go into the locked closet of his, which stashed Susan's underwear, photos and other items ("trophies".) They obtained the search warrant in early August before their Ely search.
Sherry Hill, a spokeswoman for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, said the 4 and 6-year-old sons of Steven and Josh Powell have been taken into state custody. The parents of Susan Powell, Chuck and Judy Cox, asked for custody of the children during a Friday morning court hearing, Hill said.

"The children were taken into state custody and they’re safe," she said. "We’ll work with the court to determine their placement."

This is what I wanted to hear :great:
Sherry Hill, a spokeswoman for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, said the 4 and 6-year-old sons of Steven and Josh Powell have been taken into state custody. The parents of Susan Powell, Chuck and Judy Cox, asked for custody of the children during a Friday morning court hearing, Hill said.

"The children were taken into state custody and they’re safe," she said. "We’ll work with the court to determine their placement."


I know that is a typo because they are Susan and Josh boys but can't help but think JP and his Dad see them as theirs and not Susan's.
Rats! I musta just missed this news last night! Ok, this makes 2 days in a row of running man dancing! I keep thinking that the more he talked about Susans sexual desires, it WAS him. Goes back to the old whatever someone accuses another of doing thats usually what the accuser is doing. Pig, just a disgusting pig. JP N SP you ARE as sick as your secrets and I hope hope hope that Susan is found and her family gets her boys. Please. :praying:
Tonight when I pray and burn sage and sweetgrass, I will offer a prayer of thanks to Creator that the beautiful sons of Susan will be resting in a safe place away from harm. Mitukaye Oyasin

And I so hope that is a permanent safe place.

I know Chuck probably has a lot going on today. His thoughts must be racing. But I hope that somewhere in there, he is meeting with a good attorney, formulating a plan to get (at least temporary) custody of those poor boys. They're still young enough to be able to hopefully put this insanity behind them - at least someday.
We're supposed to believe a religious mother of two small children willingly left said children, never to see them again? And that she's totally okay with her father, the local police, and the FBI believing she's been abducted or killed? And with her picture everywhere, she's savy enough not to be seen?

"I'm thinking she left." Totally passive on Josh's part. She's to blame for her being gone.

Josh and Steve Powell: Proof that misogyny isn't dead.

It's also VERY telling that Josh Powell has virtually zero reaction to his father's statements about having a "sexually charged" relationship with his daughter-in-law. And now, of course, Josh is aware that his father had peeping tom photos of not only little girls but Josh Powell's own wife. No reaction to that from Josh Powell either?! No shock at daddy's sick secret life?! Or is it just that Daddy's "secret life" wasn't any secret to his son?

Methinks it's the latter.

Thank God those poor sweet boys are finally away from these two!!
Please don't hit me. But I just got to thinking.

To take a child into protective custody they have to have evidence that the child is in danger. Living with a parent who allegedly killed their mother isn't enough legally. Murder suspects bond out and retain custody of their children all the time.

Their grandfather is accused of taking and keeping possession of child *advertiser censored*. But the grandfather is removed from the home and none of the pictures have been alleged to be from the children themselves. And currently there isn't any indication of harm ever coming to the children. Ok children who are sexually abused by the father often continue to stay with the mother after the father is removed from the home as long as there is no indication that the mother was complict. And at this point there isn't any indication that JP knew what his father was doing or that the boys were involved at all.

So what are we missing? Why (other than the obvious speculation I have) what grounds did they use for removing the children from the home? It has never been alleged that JP ever harmed the kids themselves. And it seems the only person who can be charged with a crime has been removed from the HH. And there hasn't been any allegations of neglect at this point.

So is there something else happening behind the scenes? Something we don't know yet that gave them the grounds for removal? (Impending arrest???)

Agree totally. Those boys have been there with their father a good length of time. Something is happening. They have to prove the children are in danger. So to remove them now is a huge red flag as I mentioned earlier..... What is happening behind the scenes? It could be that they are afraid Josh will hurt them in light of the arrest of his father or it could be more.

I'm just happy the children are going to be safe. They must be so scared right now. I believe the judge will award custody to the Cox family. They probably need to do a review of the family first but it won't take long.
:waitasec: I was just wondering about something -- which may have already been discussed here (I am so sorry but I have not been able to read all the threads here) ...

But, is it possible that Susan may have found out what her "sick" and "perverted" :sick: father-in-law :sick: was up to ? And, does anyone think that Joshua KNOWS what "daddy" was up to ?

According to an affidavit filed in Pierce County Superior Court in Washington, there were folders that also contained many graphic images of Steven Powell himself.*advertiser censored*-charges.html?pg=1

My eyes.

They bleed!

there were folders that also contained many graphic images of Steven Powell himself.

I just threw up in my mouth a little...
Ben Winslow
URGENT: Chuck Cox (#SusanPowell's dad) has just filed for custody of his grandkids.
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