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Actually I think in a interview I believe ST said in check all flights in and out but I don't know if they check about the private jet about JAR....And Grandpa I don't know
I have a question, Does anybody get a hinky feeling about Patsy's daddy, I think he is Donald Paugh? I wonder if it was 100% verified he was not in boulder that night. Does anybody know?

While I don't think he was involved with the killing, I still think there's something wrong about him.
Same here about Donald Paugh just the way PR went acting like a child when asked certain questions....
This is something which crossed my mind too. We have been told that John Andrew Ramsey and Grandpa were not in Boulder that very evening.
Is that 100% true? Which sources have confirmed that this is a fact?

I don't think this has been confirmed. The Rs flew on private jets. No one has produced any boarding passes that I am aware of to prove either man was on a flight that took them out of Boulder at that time.
JAR also attended college right there in Boulder. While he could be expected to spend some time with his mother in Georgia while his dad and his other kids went on vacation, it doesn't mean he wasn't there that day. He was seen outside the house by neighbor Joe Barnhill, who lived across the street and knew the family well enough that he could be expected to make an accurate ID. If course, R defense lawyers got to Barnhill (as well as Melanie Stanton, who heard JB scream) and before you knew it, both had recanted. (Stanton later reversed her recanting, admitting that she actually DID hear the scream).
JR: Well, what I’ve been told is that, and I felt tremendous guilt after we lost JonBenet, because hadn’t protected her, like I failed as a parent. And was told that that’s, with that kind of emotion you shouldn’t take a lie detector test because you did have that guilt feeling, and, but, so I don’t know about the test, but I did not kill my daughter if that’s what you want to ask me. She was the most precious thing to me in the world. So if the lie detector test is correct and it was done correct, I’d pass it 100%.

And on this how many other parents would feel this way and took the lie detector test and if memeory serves correctly didn't Mark Klaas take one within 48 hours without a lawyer so we are lead to believe this is the reason JR didn't want to take one...

Yep! I have been on a chat board with Marc Klaas and I asked him point blank if he thought that an intruder killed JB. And he said..." intruder. It was done by someone that lived in the house".
While I don't think he was involved with the killing, I still think there's something wrong about him.

I agree, I don't think that he had anything to do with her murder. But, IMO...GrandPaugh molested his daughters, and JB too. Just a gut feeling that I have. That womans intuition thing....and it's never wrong.
from what I have read GP was there on Christmas Eve? Then he went home that night? strange. but what I wonder is...did GP invoke some emotion in Patsy when he was there...did he look at JB a certain way and Patsy saw...was she tormented about her past at that time and a huge Fury emerged?
Did dr.G ever had an opinion on the autopsy report in this case?Would have loved to hear it.
Did dr.G ever had an opinion on the autopsy report in this case?Would have loved to hear it.

If you mean whether she was molested- the coroner did tell those present at the autopsy (including Det. Arndt) that he saw evidence of digital penetration. He did not write it in the report, though. No explanation why not.
I agree, I don't think that he had anything to do with her murder. But, IMO...GrandPaugh molested his daughters, and JB too. Just a gut feeling that I have. That womans intuition thing....and it's never wrong.

It's a horrible thought. But one I can't shake either.
If you mean whether she was molested- the coroner did tell those present at the autopsy (including Det. Arndt) that he saw evidence of digital penetration. He did not write it in the report, though. No explanation why not.

Not only,I would have loved to hear her opinion on the COD and all the other stuff as well.
Hi Madeleine.

March 27, 2000,
LKL interview

John Ramsey fails to mention that he and FW discovered JBR's body.

YouTube - March 27, 2000


LKL: This is, this is hard
....When was the first time you saw your daughter,
after all of this you got the note
how long after this did you see JonBenet?
JR: when did they find her,
well they found her
later that morning
JR: hours hours PR: hours

How is his discovery of her body dealt with in DOI?


We continue our search,and a few mintues later I'm at the door by the furnace,I open it and see Jonbenet lying on the floor,with a white blanket around her.Black tape covers her mouth.That's my baby,lying there like that.Her hands are above her head,tied together with a shoestring-like cord.
My heart leaps and a rush runs through my body.I've found her!Thank God,I've found her!
I fall down over her body.Instantly I rip the tape off her mouth,begging her to talk to me.I pull the blanket off of her.Her delicate eyelids are closed and her skin is cool to the touch.
I can't stand the sight of her hands tied and have to do something to get them loose.I start untying her,but I can't get the tight knot undone.Everything begins to blur and I'm slipping out of my mind and losing control.I grab Jonbenet under her arms and pick her up.Stumbling out of the room,I run to the stairs,carrying my still child.From somewhere far inside of me,a scream erupts.That's all I can do.I scream like I'm in a nightmare but my body is still asleep;I'm deathly afraid."
Weird that he doesn't say pretty much about the other trip to the basement in DOI.
And I can't believe he didn't see the neck ligature.Unbelievable.
And I find it odd that he and FW, who was right behind him, didn't exchange any words down there.And and and........
Det. Arndt described the condition of JB's body as having been dead for a while. Not just cool to the touch. But stiff as a board, hands raised up in rigor, white, mottled, mouth agape, and having an odor of decay. Also red livor mortis pattern fixed in place on her back and right side of her face. Not a very pleasant description, but done to indicate the ridiculousness of JR's comments that he didn't know she was dead. He knew.
FW has not spoken publicly to my knowledge corroborating what happened in the wineceller that day. He was steps behind JR. He had to have seen the position of the body and observed JR's actions that day.
I am not sure of many things...........but I am SURE that JR's not telling the truth re finding JB's body&the timing.AND all his trips down to the basement.AND the broken window.Give me a break,in DOI he says he went down there specifically to find out how "they" got in,to find "their" point of intrance.Ok,so he finds that open window and he tells NO ONE about it?How many months later did he first speak about it?I don't buy it............RDI or IDI,the broken/open window issue is pure invention IMO.Good spin subject,that's all.
JR always admitted that he broke the window himself the previous summer, and they never had it fixed. That's why he never mentioned it But when he was pushing the intruder theory, and the RST was getting its "act" together, the broken window seemed like a good point to make.
Now with Det.Linda Arndt being a memeber of the Sexual Assault and Crimes Against Children thought JR killed JonBenet and Steve Thomas a Narcotics Undercover cop thinks PR killed JonBenet,who do you believe here..I mean one trained in sexaul assault and one in narcotics...
Kinda weird,ST thought PDI 100% and was so soft when it came to John,Arndt on the other hand was 100% JDI and felt compassion for PR.

How to put it,I think they were both right and they were both wrong...does this makes sense??

IMO it's not PDI or's RDI.They were both involved and sadly I don't think we'll ever know who did what.If you ask me,one is not less guilty than the other.

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