Stranger abduction theory

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I am not the fastest sleuth in the forum, so it dawns on me today; If Terri hired this guy to kill KH, that means she doesn't have the smarts or the stomach to take care of business herself. So if that is the case, what are the chances she didn't have the smarts or the stomach to take out a little boy? So I am still leaning to someone else took Kyron, either she arranged it or she tricked by someone who wanted him.

I think she arranged something Bern, I also feel like she took him to a drop off destination out in the boonies so to speak, maybe that is why the CSI shirt for identifiable reasons .... :shrug:
If what is reported is true that Terri tried to hire a hit man to kill her husband, how do we know that she didn't also hire someone to remove Kyron from her life. She could have taken him from the school and turned him over to someone else, maybe on Suave Island. That person could have taken him out of the country, sold him, or killed him. Or the person could be holding him somewhere. At first I thought Terri had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance but now I think she had everything to do with it.
If what is reported is true that Terri tried to hire a hit man to kill her husband, how do we know that she didn't also hire someone to remove Kyron from her life. She could have taken him from the school and turned him over to someone else, maybe on Suave Island. That person could have taken him out of the country, sold him, or killed him. Or the person could be holding him somewhere. At first I thought Terri had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance but now I think she had everything to do with it.

How would she have paid someone to do that?

IF the story about soliciting the landscaper to murder KH is true, it is easy to see how she planned to pay him: KH no doubt has life insurance. Maybe more than one policy (say, one to cover the mortgage and one to benefit his wife and children). As the remaining spouse, all TMH would have to do is wait for the payout. She wouldn't have anyone breathing down her neck to watch how she spent it.

I'd be surprised if a 7 year old boy had a life insurance policy. And even if he did, that 7 year old boy had a father who would no doubt raise an eyebrow at a large sum of money paid out for no good reason.
Hmmm. I don't think the person's comments are outside the realm of possibility (regarding the reasons for the landscaper coming forward with this info)

Gonna be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Obviously they need to check the guy out carefully.

Supposing the poster is the real thing, I don't know if I'd put much stock in the psychic abilities of a person who admits to being a friend of the family and getting insider information. A lot that he/she claims to have seen may simply have been told or hinted at by the family.

He/she has two different stories about where the baby was that morning.
I don't think Terri is capable of killing someone but I do think she was capable of getting Kyron out of the school and into the hands of someone who could steal him out of the country and place him with another family. This was definitely NOT a stranger abduction. How do we know this...only a parent or employee of the school would have known for sure that there were no security cameras and no policy of phoning home when a child was absent. A pedophile would not have taken the chance of being seen on a hidden camera...unless that pedophile was a parent of another child at the school or a school employee who knew that there was no camera. This simple fact is how police were able to assure us that it was an isolated incident. They have a closed circle of people to investigate, one by one, and this should make this a solveable crime. The landscaper, by the way, is part of the circle because he was employed by the school before he was employed by Terri.
Do we know for certain the landscaper did contract work for the school? If so, that places things in a different light for sure.
Do we know for certain the landscaper did contract work for the school? If so, that places things in a different light for sure.

I think this a rumor/elaboration/guess....have seen nothing to back it up.
That would be a little too coincidental.
I'm still on TH without any accomplice, as far as I am on anything in this case.
I'm just feeling more and more like I need a hot bath...this case just gives me the creeps, somehow. I don't want to know any more about any of the family members.
Hmmm. I don't think the person's comments are outside the realm of possibility (regarding the reasons for the landscaper coming forward with this info)

Gonna be interesting to see how this all plays out.
look at todays about the landscaper, is there any way to verify this 911 call
Breaking news from KVAL

ROSEBURG, Ore. - Police arrested a third-grade teacher on 500 criminal counts stemming from child *advertiser censored* officers said they found on his computer.

Steven Derlacki, 28, of Roseburg was arrested Sunday afternoon after officers investigated information that he may have had child *advertiser censored* on his computer.

Derlacki is employed as a third-grade teacher at Fullerton IV Elementary, and Roseburg school officials confirmed Tuesday morning that the case is under investigation by the school district as well.

Police arrested Derlacki on 500 counts of First Degree Encouraging the Sexual Abuse of a Child.

According to police, on July 4, they received information that Derlacki may have files containing child *advertiser censored* on his laptop computer.

Police said that officers contacted Derlacki at his residence and got consent to search the file son the computer. Police said they discovered more than 500 files containing images or video of children involved in sexual activity.

Police seized the computer, and Derlacki was arrested, lodged in the Douglas County Jail and is being held on $9.5 million bail.

Not directly connected ...but a coincidence ...perhaps suggesting inadequate screening procedures in the State's education environment or something in the water in Oregon.
thought we may want to revist this topic and consider the possibility of a stranger or sexual predator.
It's sad to see the date at the top of this page when I came to it, 7/5...seems like ages ago and it is so hard to believe we are no further along.

I've never not considered the stranger abduction to be a possibility. And in recent days, my mind goes there more often than before. Things just aren't holding together, as far as what we are being shown.

If this was done by a stranger, I fear we may never even know.
Thanks for looking this up, JBean!

Freefallzzzz and I talked about this while walking around the school and we honestly couldn't think of a way a stranger could have gotten Kyron out of there unseen. The only thing we thought of is if they went through the back of the school to the woods. The grass back there was short when we were there, but we don't know how long it was on June 4th.

Here's some pics. The first two are taken from the blacktop area behind the school and the last one is taken of the back exit door of the school.
If Terri can get out of the school with baby girl and Kyron, unseen, why couldn't a pedophile/predator? Preying on the vulnerable and getting away with it is a pedohile's life work.

IMO, A pedophile taking Kyron is as plausible as Terri taking him. Wonder how/when/why LE ruled a predator out? moo
Shall we review the scenarios real quick?

Terri leaves Kyron in the hallway near his classroom, but he never makes it into his classroom.

TP sees Kyron in the hallway outside his classroom, and Kyron says he going to see a cool electric (not electricity) project.

TP walks down the stairs.

Where does Kyron go?

a) to see an actual project one of the other children has made. Where would an electric project be? Every classroom? Right there on the same floor as his classroom? Downstairs? In the gym? Did he go to the gym where 7th grader K saw him (Kyron was without Terri. This is a possibility)? Where did Kyron go from the gym?

b) to see something else that is electric. What? Where? What is electric that is in the school? Outside the school?

c) a non-existent electric project. It was a ruse. To get Kyron to go where? Somewhere in the school? Somewhere just outside the school?

How does Kyron exit the building?

When Kyron exits the building, is he alive and walking? is he unconscious and concealed? Would he be concealed in something? Would he be in disguise? If concealed in something, what?

I'm way sleepy. Feel free to add, expand, whatever. I probably won't do much on this tonight. I will definitely be in here in the morning. :)

Thank you, JBean. :blowkiss:
If Terri can get out of the school with baby girl and Kyron, unseen, why couldn't a pedophile/predator? Preying on the vulnerable and getting away with it is a pedohile's life work.

IMO, A pedophile taking Kyron is as plausible as Terri taking him. Wonder how/when/why LE ruled a predator out? moo

LE ruled out a predator? When? I never saw that.
The assault on the 13 year old boy concerned me(to put it lightly; that is horrible!). That was stranger to stranger and I THINK it is close to Skyline school. Please correct me if I am wrong.

That worries me, if there are stranger to stranger assaults happening nearby. I don't know though, how often this goes on in this area. The locals thread people say that this area is near a large city, Portland. When I hear about things like this though, I do wonder if it might have been a stranger.
LE ruled out a predator? When? I never saw that.

You're right! LE have never said they ruled out a predator but with the questionnaire showing Terri's picture/truck/school/Kyron sent to those interviewed and put on the computer...and the 2nd questionnaire with DeDe's picture along with Terri/truck - that's my assumption. moo

I have wondered if maybe all the unidirectional focus on Terri might be a diversion that allows LE to look at someone else, but that doesn't seem quite right. moo mho Should I delete my post?
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