Students left hungry and shamed!!!

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Apr 7, 2005
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fair, Kersting's justification for starving kids is to teach the parents a lesson, but his reasons don't make a whole lot of sense: "We have more food than any other nation. You know, no kid is going to starve." Well, yes, there's plenty of food to go around. That's why the critics of the policy are mad. They object to throwing perfectly good food in the trash instead of feeding kids who are hungry. Even if a kid has plenty to eat when she gets home, skipping a meal and having low blood sugar means she's going to struggle to pay attention in class. Presumably, educating the actual students should be a higher priority for schools than teaching abstract lessons to the non-student parents about getting their chores done on time.

The new lunch program states that if kids, not on the Free and Reduced Lunch program, don't have money to pay for that school lunch, they will go hungry for the day.

The child & everyone else in line will witness his lunch tossed in the trash!
Starving a child to teach the parents a lesson? WTF?

Wouldn't it be better to starve the parent to teach the parent a lesson?

Why not starve the parent to teach the kid a lesson?

If we are going to keep the school's performances up...expecting a starving child to be able to concentrate on math, science etc is not going to help the schools keep their accreditation or whatever it's called there.

Then do we starve the teachers to teach the principal and school board a lesson?
WOW That just makes me so mad... and then I want to cry.

There were too many times to count that I forgot to write checks for my girls when they came home with the note to refill the lunch acct. Being a single parent, working 12 hr night shifts and stressed out, it happened unfortunately... thank God they didn't do that here. They just limit your child to a sandwich, milk and a piece of fruit which is all they usually ate anyway.
This article explains what is really happening, and the video explains it even more.

"Well, we're hoping it doesn't happen," says Dr. Ronald Taylor, the Superintendent. "It's either all or nothing type of policy, when you have parents not taking advantage of the reduced lunch and taking away dollars for instruction we have to adopt a policy to enforce it."

Superintendent Ronald Taylor explains that the new policy is in place because parents abused the Free and Reduced Lunch program last year.

"Upwards of $50,0000 for students who had not applied for Free and Reduced Lunch who received free lunches," says Dr. Taylor. "Part of the reason we're doing this is to help hold parents accountable."

Okay how is this supposed to save money when they are throwing the food away rather than have a child eat it? Either way the food gets prepared. Surely there has to be a better way than punishing a hungry child for something beyond the child's control.
There is no easy answer here.... districts have a hard enough time funding actual education. The article said the disrict in question lost $50k last year over parent that simply wouldn't fill out the paperwork for 'free lunches'.

This isn't a kid forgetting their $ occasionally and the parents paying it back.

This is a problem with parents not making sure they take the steps to feed (or have their child fed)

But, throwing the food away is ridiculous.

Maybe thats the only way they will get the parents attention?
One of my kids was always irresponsible about his lunch money. Forever forgetting it or losing it. He was so bad at one point I sent it by his older brother. There was simply no excuse for him. It got so bad at one point that I finally got a call from the school about his large lunch tab. One of the lunchroom ladies couldn't resist his charms and let him build up quite a tab it seems......I put my foot down. No more charging lunch if he didnt have lunch money. Amazing how he straightened up and got to the lunchroom with his lunch money after sitting in the lunchroom hungry as he watched his c lass mates eat.

It isn't going to hurt a healthy child to miss lunch if he is loosing his lunch money or the parents are too lazy to send it. A few days of said child coming home hungry and complaining will teach the guilty party some accountability, be it the child or parent. Not enough of that is being taught these days.
It is amazing that there are so many irresponsible parents. Even the incentive of a free or reduced lunch won't entice them to put forth the effort. It is a shame that the kids would go without a lunch but the social embarrassment is what I would hate to see happen to the kids. Most kids can miss a meal without a lot of problems but the stigma and embarrassment factor for the kids makes this an unacceptable solution.
"Well, we're hoping it doesn't happen," says Dr. Ronald Taylor, the Superintendent. "It's either all or nothing type of policy, when you have parents not taking advantage of the reduced lunch and taking away dollars for instruction we have to adopt a policy to enforce it."

Superintendent Ronald Taylor explains that the new policy is in place because parents abused the Free and Reduced Lunch program last year.

"Upwards of $50,0000 for students who had not applied for Free and Reduced Lunch who received free lunches," says Dr. Taylor. "Part of the reason we're doing this is to help hold parents accountable."

Okay how is this supposed to save money when they are throwing the food away rather than have a child eat it? Either way the food gets prepared. Surely there has to be a better way than punishing a hungry child for something beyond the child's control.

Also, How is making the child go hungry, going to make the parent be held accountable? :stormingmad:
When my now 16 year old was in kindergarten they stamped her hand one day that she was out of money in her account. After washing her hand in the bathroom, it was gone by the time she got home so I was not aware. The next day they told her she couldn't have a hot lunch and had to have a peanut butter sandwich. If that wasn't bad enough, all of the kids who had to eat the peanut butter sandwiches were forced to sit at a separate table from the rest of the kids. She was crushed when she got home. I called, both of her grandmothers called and several other family members called the school furious. Shortly thereafter the policy changed. They now can still have a hot lunch and instead of stamping their hands they call or email the parents. I will never forget how bad I felt for her.
There is absolutely no way on God's green earth that anyone should toss the child's meal while they are standing in line.

Send a note home to the parent and explain that the next day the child wont be entitled to lunch. Or something. Or send a bill. Or call.

But humiliating a child rather than dealing with the parent is kicking the dog. It is ridiculous.

Grown ups deal with grown ups in a grown up way. Sheesh.

What this district is doing is manipulating the parents by using the child. I am completely appalled.

I want to say that my sister's school district bills the parents via the Town Clerk if checks bounce or if there are deficits for school lunch. You know, like they collect excise taxes.
Oh my...this is so sad. In this district, parents go online to fill lunch accounts. I'd get emails and phone calls once my son's account was under 5.00. I don't know what they did when people didn't pay, but it gets cold here in the wintertime. It breaks my heart to think of kids not getting a hot lunch when it is freezing outside! There is absolutely no way I would throw someone's food away in front of them. For a lot of kids, that is the only good meal they get all day!

I'm glad I home school :(

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2
My hair about burst into flames when I heard this. This is the most ridiculous idiotic thing I've heard in a long time.

What are they they teaching the CHILDREN? You know...the ones tax dollars pay them for? WTF???

I don't give a rats behind if a parent hasn't paid.

You don't take food from a child and THROW it away!

You don't deny a child food when you have food available!
Oh my...this is so sad. In this district, parents go online to fill lunch accounts. I'd get emails and phone calls once my son's account was under 5.00. I don't know what they did when people didn't pay, but it gets cold here in the wintertime. It breaks my heart to think of kids not getting a hot lunch when it is freezing outside! There is absolutely no way I would throw someone's food away in front of them. For a lot of kids, that is the only good meal they get all day!

I'm glad I home school :(

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

You and me both!

I am seriously considering making huge pots of hearty soup, calling the media, with the intent of feeding the children they refuse to! This isn't too far from me....
Oh my...this is so sad. In this district, parents go online to fill lunch accounts. I'd get emails and phone calls once my son's account was under 5.00. I don't know what they did when people didn't pay, but it gets cold here in the wintertime. It breaks my heart to think of kids not getting a hot lunch when it is freezing outside! There is absolutely no way I would throw someone's food away in front of them. For a lot of kids, that is the only good meal they get all day!

I'm glad I home school :(

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

People in that district often live paycheck to paycheck. They may not have the money available if they're notified when the account gets to $5.00. But pay most of the time...

$50,000dollars isn't a whole lot of money in the grand scheme of things. I am so sick and tired of schools whining they're underfunded. Bull. Manage the money better. No frigging way does it cost 12-16K per pupil to educate a child per year. Trim the fat and feed the damn kids.
Here is a copy of the 106 page Eligibility Manual for School Meals as provided by the Federal Government.:

It seems to me that all the Superintendent is doing is trying to get all the parents and families who qualify for or want to participate in the free or reduced cost program is for people to fill out and submit the damn application.

They have already addressed the issue of informing people of the account balance for those who do put money in an account.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to get people to fill out the application and turn it in promptly?
Well consider the source- Fox news. I'd rather get my news from the town drunk.
It's as if they keep trying to shock people with how cold and indifferent they can be toward working class Americans and their problems.
Does anyone have suggestions for how to get people to fill out the application and turn it in promptly?

Our schools now have the paperwork basically filled out as much as possible- and use open house & parent conferences and after school care pickup to get them to sign it. Our Social Services/TANF workers also have been getting the paperwork signed at those visits too.
When my now 16 year old was in kindergarten they stamped her hand one day that she was out of money in her account. After washing her hand in the bathroom, it was gone by the time she got home so I was not aware. The next day they told her she couldn't have a hot lunch and had to have a peanut butter sandwich. If that wasn't bad enough, all of the kids who had to eat the peanut butter sandwiches were forced to sit at a separate table from the rest of the kids. She was crushed when she got home. I called, both of her grandmothers called and several other family members called the school furious. Shortly thereafter the policy changed. They now can still have a hot lunch and instead of stamping their hands they call or email the parents. I will never forget how bad I felt for her.
Our school district has installed a system whereby you can pay online and add money to your student's account. They also notify you when there is a low balance. No more having to remember to write a check or have cash handy. This whole situation could've been avoided with a system like this...

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