Study:Women feel "cheap" and "used" after one night stands.

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Cheap Tramp I think is the right term:rolleyes::blowkiss:
so as long as you are friends, it is ok and classy? doesnt have to be someone you love then?

I dont know why my posts are so difficult to understand. All i said was FWB is a whole other ball game. Never did i say FWB is classy and okay to do.

I am sorry that you cant understand me & that you cant respect my opinion.
I dont know why my posts are so difficult to understand. All i said was FWB is a whole other ball game. Never did i say FWB is classy and okay to do.

I am sorry that you cant understand me & that you cant respect my opinion.
I understand you perfectly. :blowkiss:
I dont know why my posts are so difficult to understand. All i said was FWB is a whole other ball game. Never did i say FWB is classy and okay to do.

I am sorry that you cant understand me & that you cant respect my opinion.
I am trying to understand- that was why I quoted your 3 comments that then confused me-
I first felt you were dead set against ons- but then YOU said fwb was a whole different ballgame- what else can that mean, other than it is ok?
I am trying to understand- that was why I quoted your 3 comments that then confused me-
I first felt you were dead set against ons- but then YOU said fwb was a whole different ballgame- what else can that mean, other than it is ok?

FWB usually has a story or baggage behind it. Be it a best friend since you were in diapers, an ex boyfriend that you were close to, an ex husband....I dont do it but i would rather you do this than have a bunch of one night stands. ONS to me is just about being horny one night and needing someone to fulfill that need for you and peacing out the next day..never seeing that person again.

Would you rather have sex every night with a friend that you have known for years OR have sex with Joe on monday night after meeting him at the local bar...then have sex with Alex tuesday night....John wednesday night...Bryan thursday night......and never even know their last names??

I dont think FWB is ok i just feel if you dont have a SO and you need to have sex FWB would be a better safer route than one night stands.
I'm probably one of the older ones here. ONS's weren't quite as complicated 30 yrs ago as they are now. I'm not saying they were right, but we didn't worry about AIDS back then. Sure there was still STD and the thought of becoming pregnant, but it didn't mean there had to be a cheap feeling the next morning if it was consensual. ONS's were enjoyed by both sexes, if you were part of the bar scene back then. Shameful? Maybe, but it happened then and happens today.

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