Stuffed animal "Taz" a.k.a. Techbay "Beanie Baby"?

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Thanks for the responses everyone. Can't go back and multi-quote @ the moment, but, appreciate everyone weighing in.

Quick summary I'm reading:

1) Only one stuffed animal was recovered 7/18 (vs. two)
2) It was recovered by a neighbor down the street from G&C's (vs. in G&C's backyard/shed) that brought it to LE's attn
3) LE presented it to Cindy who did not recognize it as belonging to Caylee

So...OK...I haven't read the detailed report yet (:rolleyes:) that was kindly linked by Hot Dogs (and maybe others too) so maybe its in there. By the posts I've read I'm assuming it isn't...but no mention of WHEN the "stuffed animal" was found by the neighbor, eh?

I can see LE doing the triage 7/18 when Cindy indicated she didn't recognize it (esp. now that Hot Dogs kindly pointed out where it came from) and the thing falling off the radar screen as far as relevence to the case is concerned. could've been found 7/16-7/18 when the news was breaking and Hopespring Dr was swarming w/ LE patrol cars, etc. could've been found anytime <7/16 and the neighbor just stuck it somewhere and remembered they found it when all of this broke...thought about a possible connection and came forward w/ it (unlikley, I know, but, WTH :rolleyes:). the wildest of speculative modes...I kinda envision this stuffed animal bein' tossed on the shoulder of the road/edge of lawn and being found by the neighbor...say when they were checking their mailbox...or mowing the yard, etc. :waitasec:

Not great...I know...but...wouldn't hurt to first have JT take a look @ it to see if its anything like what he had to give away @ the store. Then, if wonder of wonders IF it was similar to what he recalls...have CSI check it out for trace evidence.

Thanks again everyone for entertaining the notion. :blowkiss:

One last tease...(one HP would enjoy ;) ) Recall the horse toy that was famously touted by NG to be among the things LE was looking for in the December search of G&C's. Never showed up that I recall. :waitasec: Just to further fuel some speculation...esp. re: timing of this statement being given (July '09)...anyone wanna go further out on that limb...:poke:...and think 'bout a 'horse toy' being what JT gave Caylee @ Techbay? :waitasec:

BTW...I reserve the right to be completely in the dark on any current details re: horse toy. I just recall enjoying HP's ranting about yet another NG'ism (multiple knives, etc.) that seemed to spontaneously generate themselves then evaporate into thin air.

This was a plastic toy horse, and it was reported that LE found similar horses in the A's house (maybe a set, or maybe various My Little Ponies")
There is something that kind of makes this a trivial issue to me as far as the guy's statement of the beanie baby and the Taz doll found in the shed. And it's the time lapse between Caylee getting the doll and the 16th. There's a week there. It would be extremely powerful if his statement said they had been in his shop on the 16th, Caylee had picked out a beanie baby, and then the "never before seen" Taz doll was found stowed in the shed, but that's not what happened. There's a week that passes.
There is something that kind of makes this a trivial issue to me as far as the guy's statement of the beanie baby and the Taz doll found in the shed. And it's the time lapse between Caylee getting the doll and the 16th. There's a week there. It would be extremely powerful if his statement said they had been in his shop on the 16th, Caylee had picked out a beanie baby, and then the "never before seen" Taz doll was found stowed in the shed, but that's not what happened. There's a week that passes.

Here you go, Val. Posted [ame=""]here[/ame] 'bout deconvoluting the two sightings and placing the Caylee @ Techbay event on 6/16...~5PM.

Be SURE to read the quoted part first...esp. regarding the detail of Casey & Caylee leaving Techbay "separately".
This was a plastic toy horse, and it was reported that LE found similar horses in the A's house (maybe a set, or maybe various My Little Ponies")

After looking, I still can't find the original post, but I did post recently about the pony coming from a Dora the Explorer packet & I finally was able to upload the photo. I'll go back & try to find the post I did, but this is similar to the My Little ponies toys. . . just that Caylee was into the Dora toys, and I have felt strongly that that Dora pony was an important piece of evidence.

This was a plastic toy horse, and it was reported that LE found similar horses in the A's house (maybe a set, or maybe various My Little Ponies")

It seems that Nancy Grace incorrectly said that matching toy horse(s) were found at the house.

Read about that here and here. I basically searched my own posts. Here is an entire thread devoted to the toy horse.

We had a number of myths and some of these may still persist.

Taz myth.
Toy horse myth.
Knife myth.
It seems that Nancy Grace incorrectly said that matching toy horse(s) were found at the house.

Read about that here and here. I basically searched my own posts. Here is an entire thread devoted to the toy horse.

We had a number of myths and some of these may still persist.

Taz myth.
Toy horse myth.
Knife myth.

It seems like some people read the search warrants as lists of what was found instead of what was being looked for.
OK, It's Friday afternoon, and what's happening? Instead of doing some other fun & productive activity,we're all attacking our computers and using our last brain cells and nerves to try and piece together the mystery of the death of Caylee Anthony. There is meticulous review of countless documents, statements, evidence and theories. This because not a one of these Blankety blanks can not tell the truth. I for one, now have recurring fantasies about a sympathetic and productive little Fairy godmother or Jenie in a bottle waving a magic wand, and wahlah . . all the pieces of truth, evidence and meaningful information will lay forth the whole picture. Then I want that fairy to hit my house which has been so sorely neglected since I can't push away from my laptop . . . "a waste, a complete waste" It's gotta be Happy Hour right? I'm still doing Shandy . . too early for cold weather

And Mods, I know , my bad, this is just my meager effort at introducing some levity into this horrific mess . :boohoo: :rolleyes: bad on the evidence spreadsheet.

The stuffed animal and plastic bag are mentioned in multiple documents, sometimes with and sometimes without the descriptions. IOW, there is only one plastic bag and one stuffed animal. Both were found down the street from the Anthony's.
Sorry, I know this post is a couple of days old, but I am trying to find out whether there has been a document that studies the plastic bag found with the remains, and what comparison was made to the bags from the A's home. I remember about the color of the handles and such, but was there microscopic comparisons that have been published? It's been so long it seems.
Completely O/T but I just gotta ask...When this case is finished will BondJamesBond and JWG please remove their masks and reveal their true identity. I just know these two have got to be well known, maybe even world renowned Mensa members. :rolling:
Completely O/T but I just gotta ask...When this case is finished will BondJamesBond and JWG please remove their masks and reveal their true identity. I just know these two have got to be well known, maybe even world renowned Mensa members. :rolling:

So moved AND seconded. All in favor...........................
Completely O/T but I just gotta ask...When this case is finished will BondJamesBond and JWG please remove their masks and reveal their true identity. I just know these two have got to be well known, maybe even world renowned Mensa members. :rolling:

See [ame=""]here[/ame] for Bond. As for me, there was a post I made that described what I do at Westcott, but I cannot find it now. :waitasec:
See here for Bond. As for me, there was a post I made that described what I do at Westcott, but I cannot find it now. :waitasec:

Bond---male model---:woohoo:
JWG---Westcott---:waitasec: did you forget what you do there? :floorlaugh: jk
I know you said you were a coach...remember :crazy:

I really do have the greatest respect for both of you and I just want to say if you're both not FBI, Counter Intelligence, CIA or at the very least LE or Mensa members, you've missed your true calling!
You both rock the the house here at WS!
I have looking everywhere, but noone seems o know. will the trial be on tv or maybe on the web? anyone heard anything at all
Bond---male model---:woohoo:
JWG---Westcott---:waitasec: did you forget what you do there? :floorlaugh: jk
I know you said you were a coach...remember :crazy:

I really do have the greatest respect for both of you and I just want to say if you're both not FBI, Counter Intelligence, CIA or at the very least LE or Mensa members, you've missed your true calling!
You both rock the the house here at WS!

Hmmmm....:waitasec:...lemme think 'bout that for a second, momtective.

I think "Counter Intellegence" is prolly a good description of what I do...considering...

in·tel·li·gence - the skilled use of reason

coun·ter - in a contrary manner or direction

Yep. :thumb: That pretty well sums it up. :)

Notice the 'male model' thing is past tense. Dint say anything 'bout being a successful one now...did I? :bang: My avatar was my mug for 'bout a month earlier this if you were payin' attention you'd be able to pick me outtuva line-up. Some other fun trivia I could throw in...but save that for the Game Room thread for later.

I join you in awe of my good friend JWG :clap: and so many other WS's from whom I learn so much everyday. I'm honored to be amongst you all.
I wish we knew what the Taz beanie baby looked like. It has been noted that red fibers were found on Q104 (strip of Henkel duct tape at scene), Q26 debris from trunk, Q54 vacuuming of spare tire wheel well. I found this image of a Taz stuffed animal with a heart and wondered if the one Caylee picked out at Techbay may have been similar or had something red sewn on it.

At the risk of doing this: :other_beatingA_Dead (as much as some of us did about the . . . . . oh, where is a blackjack emoticon when needed??? LOL

Regarding the Taz Beanie knock-off, I'd like to "beat the horse" a little more because I think there may be a glimmer of life in that there stuffed animal.

That is, IF (big if, not a shouted if):

>If it is possible that there are fibers from a stuffed animal found with the evidence (Henkel duct tape)

>And if those fibers came from the stuffed animal that JT the Tech guy gave Caylee and described as a "beanie"

>And if it could be determined that the Tech guy's beanie was a Taz Beanie knock-off

>And if the Taz stuffed animal taken into evidence from down the street from the Anthony home

Then, maybe we should not throw out that line of thinking as perhaps the fibers from the duct tape evidence came from the Tech guy's (JT) gift to Caylee? Wouldn't that be a multi-faceted gift to the prosecution!

Now to respond to some other posts in this thread:

There is something that kind of makes this a trivial issue to me as far as the guy's statement of the beanie baby and the Taz doll found in the shed. And it's the time lapse between Caylee getting the doll and the 16th. There's a week there. It would be extremely powerful if his statement said they had been in his shop on the 16th, Caylee had picked out a beanie baby, and then the "never before seen" Taz doll was found stowed in the shed, but that's not what happened. There's a week that passes.

BBM The Taz stuffed animal was not found in the Anthony shed. It was from a down-the-street neighbor on Hopespring. I think the confusion comes from the report that Hot Dogs so kindly gave us a thumbnail for in the post below. Sorry, I can't duplicate Hot Dogs' thumbnail, but hopefully, if you click on his link below, you can see that the report is finishing up on stuff about the Anthony shed and begins a new paragraph that abruptly and confusingly describes the referenced Taz stuffed animal.

The week that passes does not deter me from thinking that JT's gift to Caylee may have ended up tossed out on Hopespring after being in the Pontiac driven by Casey for that week.

Your link shows a redacted address. It didn't come from the Anthony property. It was found about six houses away. Here is the original narrative, which can still be found here.
Hope clicking on Hot Dogs' "here" link shows up his thumbnail. If not, and this links to a multi-page report, it is handwritten page 3230 of the docs. ETA: handwritten page 3239 shows the handwritten property form describing the stuffed animal as "Taz." bad on the evidence spreadsheet.

The stuffed animal and plastic bag are mentioned in multiple documents, sometimes with and sometimes without the descriptions. IOW, there is only one plastic bag and one stuffed animal. Both were found down the street from the Anthony's.
BBM Thank you, JWG. "There is only one plastic bag and one stuffed animal" taken into evidence and originating from an Anthony neighbor who lives on Hopespring and said stuffed animal was described as a "Taz.".

Now all we need to do is:

1. Determine what kind of "Beanie" JT the Tech guy gave Caylee

2. Determine whether fibers found on the Henkel duct tape evidence could have come from a stuffed animal

3. Determine whether we can ever say where the duct tape fibers may have come from

Now, I'm not 'splainin' this very well, but you get the drift, I hope. In other words, I have called the vet for the horse called Taz -- he might not be dead yet.
--respectfully snipped

Now all we need to do is:

1. Determine what kind of "Beanie" JT the Tech guy gave Caylee

2. Determine whether fibers found on the Henkel duct tape evidence could have come from a stuffed animal

3. Determine whether we can ever say where the duct tape fibers may have come from

Now, I'm not 'splainin' this very well, but you get the drift, I hope. In other words, I have called the vet for the horse called Taz -- he might not be dead yet.


Maybe we could start by looking into Oriental Trading Co. (as referred to by Eunice Burns) in this post.


Obviously the best way would be to figure out which company Tech guy ordered the stuffed animals from, but other than asking him directly, I don't know we CAN figure that out.
--respectfully snipped


Maybe we could start by looking into Oriental Trading Co. (as referred to by Eunice Burns) in this post.

Obviously the best way would be to figure out which company Tech guy ordered the stuffed animals from, but other than asking him directly, I don't know we CAN figure that out.
I know. Even worse, this is not the only obstacle in my proposal. Basically, for me, part of my doggedness is a desire to complete at least a part of the puzzle we're working on -- even though it's without the benefit of the picture on the box, so to speak.

Realistically, I'm willing to wait for further discovery -- such as a deposition transcript. The actual trial, even. James T from TechBay is on the SA's witness list.

I just don't want to forget about these tentative possible connections. However, this is but another instance of being so close to having those puzzle pieces fit in a small part of the big picture.

Has anyone concidered that the "TAZ" toy may have come from a fast food child's meal?

Not that Casey bought it, but, I'm thinking that if this guy gave out toys, he probably didn't buy them in bulk.
He is a small time store.

It's possible that he just picked them up in various places.
GoodWill and Salvation Army always have tons of these toys.
Actually, the GW store where my mother lives lets you fill a 5qt ice cream bucket with "Happy Meal Type" toys for 50cents.
Many of them are still in their packages.

I doubt seriously that this guy went out of his way to place an order to have these items on hand.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of a few fast food places that always have a differant product series in their kids meals.
Burger King
Dairy Queen

I also think that he just referred to it as a "beanie baby", since that it is what most people call them if they see a small stuffed animal anymore.
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