Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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Just that alone, no. Children are classified as anyone under 18. Perhaps you're meaning under say 11? Then maybe if the agency has enough resources to work the case. A true missing persons investigation is akin to a murder investigation without a body. At least in a homicide, you have a last known location and possible evidence to be found. Heck, the "george orwell" side of me says to allow parents to install a GPS chip free of charge on their child until their 18th birthday when they can then choose to have it removed. I'll probably get some big brother heat about that but it is my opinion. ;)
I agree with the chip.....we could make it less a gps bracelet (non removable...perhaps kevlar LOL)

Heck...we treat our animals better than we do our children in terms of gps chipping options. The chips I have in my pets can be tracked world wide! So no matter if we are stationed in Alaska, Germany, Korea, or Saudi Arabia we can find our pets if they wander off (or meet up with a Casey).
Just that alone, no. Children are classified as anyone under 18. Perhaps you're meaning under say 11? Then maybe if the agency has enough resources to work the case. A true missing persons investigation is akin to a murder investigation without a body. At least in a homicide, you have a last known location and possible evidence to be found. Heck, the "george orwell" side of me says to allow parents to install a GPS chip free of charge on their child until their 18th birthday when they can then choose to have it removed. I'll probably get some big brother heat about that but it is my opinion. ;)

Hey, where can I get that chip??? (here 16yr old dd, this will only sting for a second:angel:)

I would so buy that chip!

Oh, sorry, thought you asked for a Slap not a Snap. :) Wish I could help with the addiction but I'm a bit "enveloped" with the same so I can't offer any advice aside from patience my young padawan. ;)

I'm not a football fan, sorry to say, but my wife is. She's a Seminole grad so her heart is with them. That being said, she loves it when Florida gets beat. Guess I have to be a seminole fan by default. My sport is international soccer. When the world cup comes around (whether mens, womens, or under 18) I'm a fan and try to watch every game. Go HDTV!

Oh my family has always been huge Soccer fans. Back in the day, we used to go to all the Tampa Bay Rowdies home games, what a kick in grass!! Sadly, now I'm a fair-weathered Bucs fan but what can you do?

As for this little addiction that we all have? She'll soon be going away, hopefully for good!!:woohoo:
As a terrified mother who had a scare with a prowler last night, I would do the microchip/gps thing in a second. And I'm a huge civil rights advocate... my kids are not only my responsibility, they are also my life. I've always been anti-1984 stuff but this isn't about following someone for political reasons, this is protecting your kids... removal at 18 would be fine, they can't vote until they are 18, therefore, there would be no political reasons... great idea!

Thanks for all you do and I hope you heal quickly and well.
Go Feyenoord. hehehe

Hi Yuri,
IMO this case has gained a lot of attention due to a lying Mother. Just like I knew Susan S was lying.
Get rest but also keep chatting with us.

Great to see you're doing well DTO.

Speaking of GPS, I seen on one of the news type shows last spring, late winter, that a shoe designer was working on a brand of children shoes with a built in GPS. I thought a great idea!
Just that alone, no. Children are classified as anyone under 18. Perhaps you're meaning under say 11? Then maybe if the agency has enough resources to work the case. A true missing persons investigation is akin to a murder investigation without a body. At least in a homicide, you have a last known location and possible evidence to be found. Heck, the "george orwell" side of me says to allow parents to install a GPS chip free of charge on their child until their 18th birthday when they can then choose to have it removed. I'll probably get some big brother heat about that but it is my opinion. ;)

I, in a moment of desperation the other day, had the same thought. Unfortunately with the same reservations. Damn!!!

Maybe while you are recovering - having more time to let all you have learned wash over your mind - something will come to you that will help you solve the case. Hoping.
Yuri~ While I know you were only joking about the tracking system, I would like to make sure you are aware of this organization for those with Autism, Alzheimers, and special needs. It is called Project Lifesaver International. They partner with the National Sheriff's Association , various Sheriff Departments, and others. OCSO should look into it as it serves to protect the citizens who need it the most. They are a non-profit organization.

I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do! You're so good at what you do. I think you deserve a HUGE raise.
I know this case must be very hard (emotionally as well as physically)
You and all the detectives are doing a great job.
Yuri, Yuri, Yuri...

It's great to see you're healing well and hope you'll be back in full swing soon enough. Thank you for your dedication and hope you can bring closure soon. I'm patiently playing that 'hurry up and wait' game.

Godspeed to you.

ETA: Please pay no attention to the status message below my name. It's an inside joke on a certain case I've been following. Heh. :rolleyes:
Maybe while you are recovering - having more time to let all you have learned wash over your mind - something will come to you that will help you solve the case. Hoping.

Actually, the time at home has been good, all things considered. I got to the point I was working 13-16 hrs days with no days off. It was suggested I try and take some time off but I didn't quite mean to do it this way. Sometimes, you need to step away from something then come back and look at it in a different way. This is what I feel like i've done with having been away from the office for a while. That's a good thing.

I heard another website is questioning why I'm here. I read their thread this morning. To answer that question for anyone who wants to know, I came here after having heard about the site and the blogs about this case. This isn't the only site I lurked in. As part of an investigation, I read through a lot of blogs and go to a lot of websites, knowing by experience, that people involved in crimes tend to want to talk about their achievements. Case in point, a with a my space account is silly enough to post images of himself with guns and drugs, then wonders how we identified him. I read blogs to see if there's anyone out there with more information about a case than they should have. I'm not the only detective who'se solved murder cases by surfing the internet and going onto certain websites, thereby identifying witnesses and suspects.

I came out here after seeing this thread, and wanted to say thank you for your well wishes and support. Not just for me, but for our agency and for all the people working hard to solve this case. Again, my thanks.
Det. Melich - I think we all have the utmost respect for you and all other OSCO and LEOs everwhere. I wouldn't worry about what other folks say is or is not appropriate for you to do in conducting your investigation in to this case and obviously, by your response above, you are not worried one bit. Please do not let anyone prevent you or any others investigating this case from doing what you need to do to solve this one - I am confident that nothing will stop you in that regard.

Again, we appreciate all that the LEOs involved in this investigation are doing!
Actually, the time at home has been good, all things considered. I got to the point I was working 13-16 hrs days with no days off. It was suggested I try and take some time off but I didn't quite mean to do it this way. Sometimes, you need to step away from something then come back and look at it in a different way. This is what I feel like i've done with having been away from the office for a while. That's a good thing.

I heard another website is questioning why I'm here. I read their thread this morning. To answer that question for anyone who wants to know, I came here after having heard about the site and the blogs about this case. This isn't the only site I lurked in. As part of an investigation, I read through a lot of blogs and go to a lot of websites, knowing by experience, that people involved in crimes tend to want to talk about their achievements. Case in point, a with a my space account is silly enough to post images of himself with guns and drugs, then wonders how we identified him. I read blogs to see if there's anyone out there with more information about a case than they should have. I'm not the only detectivve who'se solved murder cases by surfing the internet and going onto certain websites, thereby identifying witnesses and suspects.

I came out here after seeing this thread, and wanted to say thank you for your well wishes and support. Not just for me, but for our agency and for all the people working hard to solve this case. Again, my thanks.

I think the internet opens our minds to things we would have never dreamed of..I know, with myself, I never realized the problems of missing persons, and never thought it was as bad as it is..That too, and lord at the stuff I am finding out about the way our youth finds entertainment...The internet in its on way will help me to become a better parent, the bad things others do, teaches me to keep an eye open, and always think outside the box.

I think its great that detectives in any case pays attention to the internet, look at all the pedophiles who have been caught thanks to that!
I commend you for seeking ALL avenues to any case!
Actually, the time at home has been good, all things considered. I got to the point I was working 13-16 hrs days with no days off. It was suggested I try and take some time off but I didn't quite mean to do it this way. Sometimes, you need to step away from something then come back and look at it in a different way. This is what I feel like i've done with having been away from the office for a while. That's a good thing.

I heard another website is questioning why I'm here. I read their thread this morning. To answer that question for anyone who wants to know, I came here after having heard about the site and the blogs about this case. This isn't the only site I lurked in. As part of an investigation, I read through a lot of blogs and go to a lot of websites, knowing by experience, that people involved in crimes tend to want to talk about their achievements. Case in point, a with a my space account is silly enough to post images of himself with guns and drugs, then wonders how we identified him. I read blogs to see if there's anyone out there with more information about a case than they should have. I'm not the only detective who'se solved murder cases by surfing the internet and going onto certain websites, thereby identifying witnesses and suspects.

I came out here after seeing this thread, and wanted to say thank you for your well wishes and support. Not just for me, but for our agency and for all the people working hard to solve this case. Again, my thanks.

I read recently arrest were made in the Miami area with the perps actually bragging and showing the weapons in Youtube, stupid criminals, for them but not LE. I did read another blog making comments about you and I was angry, but I got over it quickly, because I always believed LE did surf the net for clues, and I am glad we are able to add a little humor to your day. When they said we were swooning over you, of course we are, we are trying to brighten your day.
Isn't it refreshing to applaud sincere integrity?

I commend Det. Melich, and all those at OCSO that have to ENDURE so much that comes with the territory of their profession. I would end up on the other side of those bars in a hurry with some of these people- truly.
Good Morning from Canada, Det. Melich. I was so glad to read your last post. I have to admit I've been feeling antsy that the defence might attempt to embarass you in court over your presence here. You have covered that beautifully, and I admire your professionalism and dedication.

Here's to a speedy recovery, and a different kind of "break" in the offing.
Det. Yuri

Just wanted to express again and some how put into words a heart-felt THANK YOU to not only you, but everyone on LE who have done everything humanly possible to bring this baby girl home.

My uncle is a chaplain/psychologist with LE in Michigan and has tried to explain to me in layman’s terms the range of emotions that each of you face daily and the sacrifices that you and your families make. Good and honest men and women who want nothing more than to make this a better and safer world for all, never wanting to tell another family that their loved one is no longer with us.

I’ll stop now……I will never be able to put into words what he was able to say so eloquently in describing the special human that is able to see such evil and hatred that one can do to another, but never waiver in their determination, passion and compassion to bring justice to each and every victim.

Thank you and hoping you continue to heal and please pass on my thankfulness to your colleagues.

LLL ~ Liza

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