Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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Yuri :slap: ring-a-ding

Well, at least we now know why, Casey was able to dial 911 :waitasec:

Rest well
A Great Work Pat goes to you and all of LE ***** & Family
Stay Safe 10/4
Get well and healing thoughts being sent your way. Thank you for your hard work, determination, and justice for Caylee.

You are the true definition of HERO.

~~~~~~healing vibes~~~~~~

Tough Break. ;)
Feel Better Soon Detective Yuri!
You, Det. Allen, Det. Wells and all those working
on this case are Caylee's Heros and Ours!
Yuri out of commission? I smell a conspiracy!! Were all of Casey's boy toy cops busy being sanitized?

Get your orders in early for 2009 ladies...before SS buys them all!!

Casey's huge sunglasses to avoid eye contact with the paparazzi: $40.00

Casey's entourage for security detail to and from jail every 3 weeks: $500.00

Casey's personal umbrella holder: $150.00 per hour

Yuri Melich's crutch tripping her on last perp walk: PRICELESS!!!

Yuri, if you're out there reading this and I know you could be... ;)

I was at the command center on Sat. afternoon when you stopped to chat with a lady (retired Le) that I had been searching with.
Websleuths came up and I said that you had a fan club here and everyone calls you a "hottie" hahaha.... :)

See, I wasn't kidding!

Hope you feel better soon!

It's almost "show time" and I can't say "break a leg" ....
You already did! Ouch! :eek:

Best wishes and sending out a shout for a speedy recovery!

~drumstick~ :)
Yuri, I think you and your detectives are doing a fantastic job. After hearing the transcripts of your interview with Casey, I have to say that you showed a tremendous amount of restraint and patience. Had I been conducting the interview, I would have surely been fired for beating her. It takes a special person Yuri, and you're it.

I wish you a speedy recovery so you can get back to work and help put that monster away once and for all.
Hey, Drumstick! I called him intelligent, too!

Complete faith in the ability to run down a case and dig through the lies to finally bring justice for a missing child doesn't come often for me when watching some LE agencies as people have seen in the past. I have been quite vocal about other departments not doing their job and dropping the ball which did result in cold cases. (I wasn't wrong!)

From the first time we saw Yuri, I knew the OCSO were on the right track and would proceed methodically to bring this case to a close for Caylee. I still believe she will find justice because of all their hard work and determination. They have done everything right and I have been so impressed!

WWYMD? isn't just a joke anymore. It keeps me focused and from going down Liar Lane to look for answers.
Casey's huge sunglasses to avoid eye contact with the papparazzi: $40.00

Casey's entourage for security detail to and from jail every 3 weeks: $500.00

Casey's personal umbrella holder: $150.00 per hour

Yuri Melich's crutch tripping her on last perp walk: PRICELESS!!!

LMAO! Can I borrow that in my signature, credit given of course! lol
LOL Sure! Just trying to make Yuri smile through his pain. :) Would you mind fixing the spelling of Paparazzi tho? Only has one P! Thanks!
I found this for Yuri since he has this "Bond" quality. It was used in the movie Golden Eye. I think it would be a nice addition to his cast.:

Wheelchair and Leg Cast missile
Tested by Q Branch, this gadget was made to look like someone had broken their leg, when in fact, the leg hid a missile, which could be fired from the seated position.

Começ o poço logo, Yuri! Tome-o fácil e começ algum descanso! Você estará em nossos pensamentos e orações.
Det. Melich - you have my utmost respect for the professional way you handled yourself with Miss KC. You embody the phrase "good things come to those who wait" - your patience was amazing. I send good thoughts your way and pray for a speedy and painless recovery for you. Kudos to you and all those great folks you work with! You'll get her, I have no doubt.

I tell you what. I'll let SS rule here. Those audios were much more telling than just the written word. If I'd been in the room with YM smacking the table and calling me a liar, I would've peed my pants, spilled the beans, and probably implicated myself in JFK's assassination before it was all over.

Everyone handling this has been very, very good in dealing with Mom of the Year and her fan club. I've been impressed at how they've handled this, particularly considering the circus and nut-fest it has turned into. Kudos to OCSO.

I almost peed my pants reading your post. I agree with you about confessing to everything. I would probably have admitted to the Lincoln assassination even tho I wasn't born then.

Way to go Yuri.:blowkiss:
Get Well Soon, Det. Melich!

I don't want to see anyone but you arresting KC for the murder of Caylee!
Dear Detective Melich,

I hope your leg heals soon, I have confidence that you and
your fellow officers will find justice for Caylee.

:detective::heart: :cop:

I found this for Yuri since he has this "Bond" quality. It was used in the movie Golden Eye. I think it would be a nice addition to his cast.:

Wheelchair and Leg Cast missile
Tested by Q Branch, this gadget was made to look like someone had broken their leg, when in fact, the leg hid a missile, which could be fired from the seated position.

Começ o poço logo, Yuri! Tome-o fácil e começ algum descanso! Você estará em nossos pensamentos e orações.

Omg, that made me laugh so loud I scared everyone here.

Yuri, here's wishing you a speedy recovery. I am looking forward to the much anticipated Perp/crutch tripping walk.
Detective Melich, Sending good thoughts and warm wishes for your speedy recovery.:rose:
And I also want to commend you on your professionaliam in your handling of this case, and in your dealings with Casey Anthony.
You have so much strength and patience! Your ability to stay composed throughout her interrogation astounded me! You are indeed a hero to many and a voice for Caylee Marie Anthony.
Dear Detective Melich,

I have the utmost respect for you and the other detectives on this case. I don't know how you guys do it! I know you guys have alot more information than we have and I am having a hard time handling it with what we know! You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work and let's get Justice for Caylee!
By the way,.. I hope you feel better and your leg heals soon!

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