Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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Lol, 2 breaks, same leg. He does not want me to tell you any more than that lest you realize he is immobile and well, you know, vulnerable.
I suppose your just going to hang out on this thread indefinately aren't ya?
yeesh, o, starts with y, you'll probably like that word.
hee hee

tib? fib? femur? That will tell how long he'll be out of commission. We all want Yuri back on the case. B ut the down time may give him some additional think time which could be a good thing. Take the time to heal well.
I heard this existed, and finally decided to visit. It definately brought a smile to my face and I wanted to send a thank you to you all. Thank you for your prayers, your support, and your kind words of encouragement. Also thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We all are working for her. She's much more than one person or one agency now. I can only hope that we find her soon so these many thousands of people who have been enveloped by this case can find some closure.

As to the leg, Blink was almost right. It broke in three places. A spiral fracture towards the bottom of the left leg (Tibia bone) and two linear fractures one on top and one of the bottom of the fibula. It came during a professenicy ride for the motors unit, of which I recently started cross-training in before this case errupted. I did good the first time around, but in the second time I well... let's say I'm here now. Anyway, Doc's say 6-8 weeks and its' an internal cast with titanium rod and some screws. No external cast which I suppose is good.

Anyhow, thanks again for your support and please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.


I pray you are not in too much pain. I am also glad it was not the femur as that is very very painful and a slow recovery. I am sure you will be on crutches and mobile soon. In the meantime, keep your brain going on this case and it will be solved. I admire your patience in talking with Caylee's mom - it would try the patience of a saint .

After all, everyone wants to just btring Caylee home and that justice is done in her name.
Detective Melich,

Thanks for all of your hard work.

Get better soon. Sending thoughts and prayers.
Detective Melich,

Wishing you a speedy recovery, and remember- slow and steady wins the race! (although I am sure you know that already.:))

Thank you for your diligent work in the search for Caylee. It is evident your heart is truly with this precious little girl, as I am sure it is with all children you serve. I know once you're on your feet again, you will be back up and at 'em, fighting for justice for the most innocent among us.

Take good care of yourself and God bless.
Sending prayers your way and thanks for all that you do for our loved ones! Get well soon!
I heard this existed, and finally decided to visit. It definately brought a smile to my face and I wanted to send a thank you to you all. Thank you for your prayers, your support, and your kind words of encouragement. Also thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We all are working for her. She's much more than one person or one agency now. I can only hope that we find her soon so these many thousands of people who have been enveloped by this case can find some closure.

As to the leg, Blink was almost right. It broke in three places. A spiral fracture towards the bottom of the left leg (Tibia bone) and two linear fractures one on top and one of the bottom of the fibula. It came during a professenicy ride for the motors unit, of which I recently started cross-training in before this case errupted. I did good the first time around, but in the second time I well... let's say I'm here now. Anyway, Doc's say 6-8 weeks and its' an internal cast with titanium rod and some screws. No external cast which I suppose is good.

Anyhow, thanks again for your support and please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.


I hope you mend quickly Yuri. Thank-you for everything you do.

And yes I will keep the Anthony family in my prayers. Like your colleague Chief Mark Strobridge says; I truely do feel they (Cindy George) are victims.
Yuri, I am so sorry that this happened to you, but with all the prayers and get well wishes from all of us, you will be up and raring to go in no time.

I can't thank you enough as well as all of LE involved in finding Caylee. Giant hugs to all of you! :hug:

Thanks for writing back. And please ignore my posts about sponge bath, massage, etc. Now I'm embarrassed!:blushing::blushing:

Get plenty of rest and feel better! You're in my prayers.
Det. Melich,

I am so sorry to hear of your injury. I know first hand how painful it is.
I had the same type of break 7 years ago when I fell while walking on wet grass. Please know that the worst is over, and if you have the screws or the rod removed sometime in the future, it is nowhere near as painful as installing it.

Rest up, and if you are up to it, check out the website
I found lots of tips there for getting by. I don't know if it's as good as it used to be, but there are lots of others in your shoe. (Yes, one shoe!)

My prayers are with you.

P.S. How do I sign up for the fan club?

Tell Seriously Searching. She appointed me Yuri's Secretary of Defense. Guess I didn't do a very good job.:blushing:
Heartfelt wishes for your quick recovery and restoration to a painless use of your leg. We will continue with the prayers for everyone involved in the case, particularly Caylee, you and presiding judges, John Jordan and Stan Strickland.
Det. Melich ~ Many, many thanks for all the hard work you and the department have done and continue to do to find Caylee. :clap::clap::clap: Hoping for a speedy recovery for yourself!
Gosh, Yuri, it's been 2 to 3 days since you were injured, why aren't you well yet????? :crazy:

You've done a great, great job so far! May I suggest this? While you're home recuperating, please skip all political news, CNN, Prime Time News, Larry King, Oprah, the "judge" programs, Deal or No Deal, and the 10,000th repeat of the movie "Legally Blonde" and, instead, continue reading posts here at WebSleuths to help you in your search for Caylee Anthony.

Best to you, Corp. Melich! Get well ASAP. I'll give you until next Wednesday, deal? :)

Yuri you are a hero to so are on the right path, continue that path for Caylee and others like her who can not speak.

If you need my alligator cart..well I will be glad to surrender the gator cart to you.
Gosh, Yuri, it's been 2 to 3 days since you were injured, why aren't you well yet????? :crazy:

You've done a great, great job so far! May I suggest this? While you're home recuperating, please skip all political news, CNN, Prime Time News, Larry King, Oprah, the "judge" programs, Deal or No Deal, and the 10,000th repeat of the movie "Legally Blonde" and, instead, continue reading posts here at WebSleuths to help you in your search for Caylee Anthony.

Best to you, Corp. Melich! Get well ASAP. I'll give you until next Wednesday, deal? :)


Wow...I loved "Legally Blonde " it showed young women who thought they were all about the look how this young lady really was..good looking, smart, and kind..other people gave her the raspberry but she continued on in her own right. It is OK today to be pretty, smart, dress in vogue, love your dog and still make an impact in law.

Machines are mean, LOL. The injuries I sustained only left me immensely sore and black + blue. I did need new clothing attire though, if that's any consolation. I recall the sky being blue the pavement Grey and the growl of the engine.............................................

Please fellow WS members remember not to ask, WWMYD any questions regarding this case.
I know your in pain as I have also had a break with metal, so do rest up and please enjoy your time at home, the mat always awaits you.
Corporal Melich,

Just wanted to say thank you, to you and all of the OCSD, for sacrificing countless hours with your own loved ones, to provide a voice for Caylee.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, and probably some much needed rest! :)

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