Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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Corporal Yuri Melich,

You are Brilliant!!!! Your self control-astounding! Your calling Casey out on all her lies--I am applauding right now! You have many many people praying for you, and Caylee. I have faith that OSCO will do everything in its power to see this through and to make sure the guilty party is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I am sure that every officer has taken Caylee into their heart and that she urges all of you on in times of discouragement or weariness. Keep up the geat work, we are behind you. God Bless OSCO!

By the way, I so wish your request had been granted: "I request that she be held on a NO BOND status until the child is located.
Thank you Yuri and all the LE working on this case! I pray that you will find the truth. God bless you all!

(Can I join the YM Fan Club? LOL!)

good luck with that, SS is very territorial, but in this case, for Yuri, perhaps she will make an exception for us;)
I was impressed before I listened to the tapes, and after listening I am even more impressed how the detectives have handled this. My prayers are with you all as you continue to work on this case and bring justice for Caylee.
YM and all the detectives and OCSO are heroes and they are doing a wonderful job, I commend them, and trust that they will bring justice for Caylee.

I love Det. Melich! I need a shirt made with WWYMD and his pic.....((((((((he's cute too)))))))):D

I agree! But he is taken :silenced: I don't think she would mind at all though if I tell him what an OUTSTANDING JOB he and the rest of LE have done and continue to do. They must have the patience of Saints! I thank you from the bottom of my heart
I'm gonna take this a step further and give a huge shout out and pats on the back to the FAMILIES of these Detectives that are working so hard on this case. We all know that having your family behind you is half the battle. Detectives, you must have some great people behind you--keep up the hard work!!!
I'm gonna take this a step further and give a huge shout out and pats on the back to the FAMILIES of these Detectives that are working so hard on this case. We all know that having your family behind you is half the battle. Detectives, you must have some great people behind you--keep up the hard work!!!

Go Yuri! I know you will get her and I for one do not mind being patient while you do your job. Thank you!
Yuri PLEASE be Caylee's voice. I know that you guys are dotting all of the i's and crossing all of the t's. YOU are Caylee's voice in this case. Just hang in there, you will get the out come in the end that you are looking for.
Proud of the work you are all doing on this case. Wish you could share more info with us but know you cannot. Hope we have been able to help in some small measure. We've got your backs on this. What a wonderful effort so far. Thank you and thank your families for us. You are all amazing, professional and smart. You rock.

Go get her OCSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We have faith!
I applaud you for not taking the wench and throwing her against the wall.

I bet you wanted to! :behindbar
I for one have the utmost respect and love for the LE in this case. They are taking their time to make sure the charges stick. They are being very professional and even though they haven't brought murder charges yet, I trust their decision/hesitance until they can get enough evidence to provide the state with a solid case. If nothing else, there's at least all those economic crime charges...
Have a safe flight Detective Melich!!! You're in my prayers!!
Great Job LE .. you are Caylee's Voice ... just know you will bring that baby home to her peaceful resting place .... Go Yuri Go Yuri

I tell you what. I'll let SS rule here. Those audios were much more telling than just the written word. If I'd been in the room with YM smacking the table and calling me a liar, I would've peed my pants, spilled the beans, and probably implicated myself in JFK's assassination before it was all over.
<respectfully snipped>

Good heavens, I almost did, and I've never even had a parking ticket!

I grew up with 2 sociopaths. I know they're tough nuts to crack. But I'm pretty sure that Yuri could do it. (And oh, how much I'd enjoy the show!)

For the Love of God Woman- blot your chin and brow and open the front door. Your intervention is here.

i try and try to talk to her she never listens, all Yuri this and Yuri that... blah blah blah all the time Yuri.. Do you think Yuri will like this on me.. Do you think that was him when I missed the phone... I made up a new dance- it's called Yuri scurry... ugh
(Looks around outside only to find the cardboard cutout I had made of Yuri.) Who needs an intervention?! I think I need to be "interrogated" instead. heh

I would consider opening up the YM fan club to other WSers besides myself...but the T-shirts aren't ready yet. I am working on a new photo for those that someone graciously sent to me where he still looks very professional, but hot. :detective:= :cool2:
Detective Yuri

May the light of God show you the way to the answers you seek and soon so you may finally be able to rest. I know all have been 24/7 since this began and no one more than the lead folks. Bless you and Bless your family for also making the sacrifice to bring justice to this little one. I know it's personal to me when it's a child and I've no doubt this is probably the hardest case you've had. I don't envy you having to review all the evidence and details. May you know that we appreciate and care for you and all the investigators. That you are kept in prayer. I pray soon you will have some peace and time to rest your weary self. May God Bless and Keep you. God speed Thursday!

In times of darkness there are heroes
They follow paths no one knows
We keep them cherished in our heart
and honor them by doing our part
May the grace of God & and angel's prayer
let you know you are in our hearts care

love to all LE thank you so much for doing things we can not. We want so very much to put a little one to final rest so her spirit can be free, it hurts our hearts. May you take some rest and feel some warmth for those who stand behind you. God bless and thank you always

It is My understanding that Corporal Det. Yuri Melich will not be attending the meeting today as he was slightly injured on his Police Motorcycle this morning.

Witholding details of injury for privacy, but he is expected to be completely fine.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, we need him strong for the perp walk :)

Get well soon, Yuri!!! We are here for you, Buddy! I would be glad to come nurse you back to health anytime. hehehe
Yuri nooooooooo! Please get well soon we need you!

Seriously after hearing him in those tapes I don't know how he didn't keep from slammingher head into the table. IMHO of course.

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