Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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Well, it was a profeciency excercise on the police motor, which is an '08 Road King. The course was designed as an on road/off road course with the off road consisting of hills, sugar sand and the like. The road course is the typical police motors course with slow speed maneuvers. I ran the course the first time out with no problems, which impressed the heck out of me. I went to run it again and on the first off road obstacle, the back end of the bike started to kick out and I put my left foot down. I don't remember doing this, but with the injury, it's rather obvious now. This is something we're trained not to do since your foot can get caught under the saddle bag and sucked under. Well, i'm here to tell you that that does indeed happen so here I am.

OMG, sugar sand? I even avoid sand on the road as much as possible! But I still parrot what they told me in the rider's course, I have entry level street skills; entry level street skills. And I think I'm going to keep saying that for a lot of years to come! At our Harley dealership in Palm Bay, they have had police motor exhibits. You guys do truly rock! Get that leg healed up and back in the saddle. Do you ever, in your spare time -- if you can remember back pre-KC having spare time, go on bike runs? Or are you strictly a business rider? Hubby and I don't do runs; I'm too chicken so far. But we love riding up and down the coast and back and forth to Okeechobee. And yes, we wear helmets -- sometimes. :)
My sport is international soccer. When the world cup comes around (whether mens, womens, or under 18) I'm a fan and try to watch every game. Go HDTV!

Are you sure you're not really my husband? He's an international soccer fan, too. He will adjust his sleep schedule to watch World Cup games live. He's a lonely soccer fan. Not many of his friends are as devote.

(Thanks for the HDTV tip - I know what sports package he'll be getting for Christmas!)

Thank you for your hard work. I wish you a speedy recovery. I imagine this case has been all-consuming. I do hope you find peace during your recovery. Or, at the very least, a forgotten bottle of your favorite beer in the back of the fridge just before a soccer game.
I want to say Thank you to Yuri and the others whom are being the voice for Caylee now. She needed a voice for her to stand up and give her justice. Bless you Yuri and all others that have continued this forward path to end this case. Prayers are with you for healing and strength as well as with you all to solve this case and bring Caylee home,one way or another.
OMG, sugar sand? I even avoid sand on the road as much as possible! But I still parrot what they told me in the rider's course, I have entry level street skills; entry level street skills. And I think I'm going to keep saying that for a lot of years to come! At our Harley dealership in Palm Bay, they have had police motor exhibits. You guys do truly rock! Get that leg healed up and back in the saddle. Do you ever, in your spare time -- if you can remember back pre-KC having spare time, go on bike runs? Or are you strictly a business rider? Hubby and I don't do runs; I'm too chicken so far. But we love riding up and down the coast and back and forth to Okeechobee. And yes, we wear helmets -- sometimes. :)

I never knew how much I didn't know about riding until I took the police motorcycle course. Boy, did I learn a lot! The key is knowing how to find that sweet spot and using the back brake. Keep power to the back wheel and any bike can do amazing things! I never thought I'd be able to do what I saw the LEO bikes do until I went through the couse. Now it seems easy. As to the sand, they teach us to ride in pretty much anything. The key is to expose us to it in training so it doesn't surprise us on the road. If you haven't taken an advance course, I'd highly recommend it. Also, several agencies put on motorcycle rodeo courses. We put one on last year and it was a blast so I heard. I was out of town so I couldn't go see. One day, maybe, I'll be good enough for some rodeo riding. Until then, I just have to keep my foot on the floorboard. ;)

As to riding, I haven't had a good ride since this case started. My wife and I rode (yes, she rides too) to Knoxville back in early June. Two days up, four there, then two back, all backroads. I highly recommend such a trip! What a great ride and thankfully, no issues along the way. We also wear helmets. Old habits die hard. I ride a '05 VTX retro and the wife a '03 Shadow Spirit. Both good bikes. They don't vibrate as much at high speeds as does the roadking.
QUOTE=bluegal;2764369]Good Morning Mr. Melich,

Last night when Nancy Grace announced that KC was now a 'suspect' and not just a person of interest- I thought of you!!

I hope when the day comes & she is arrested and YOU will be there. I don't care if you are on crutches or they wheel you up to the door in a wheel chair -- but I want you to have the satisfaction of taking her down.

No need to comment - I just wanted to share.[/QUOTE]

I think with all the great things Yuri has done in this case, the very least Webbies like us can do is make sure he gets new pimped out hoover round. I am sure my grand sons have more than enough stickers to help pimp it . When you are all healed you could sell it on Ebay: how would a pimped out hoover round used in the Casey go for? Be worth even more if it had a side seat with handcuff bar & Yuri drove her up himself in the tricked out hoover round, staight into the sally port.We hope our humor adds to you feeling better. Laughter is great for the soul.:cop::smiliescale:

Get Well Soon:smiliecup:See, we are taking good care of you, you don t have to get up to get your coffee.
I never knew how much I didn't know about riding until I took the police motorcycle course. Boy, did I learn a lot! The key is knowing how to find that sweet spot and using the back brake. Keep power to the back wheel and any bike can do amazing things! I never thought I'd be able to do what I saw the LEO bikes do until I went through the couse. Now it seems easy. As to the sand, they teach us to ride in pretty much anything. The key is to expose us to it in training so it doesn't surprise us on the road. If you haven't taken an advance course, I'd highly recommend it. Also, several agencies put on motorcycle rodeo courses. We put one on last year and it was a blast so I heard. I was out of town so I couldn't go see. One day, maybe, I'll be good enough for some rodeo riding. Until then, I just have to keep my foot on the floorboard. ;)

As to riding, I haven't had a good ride since this case started. My wife and I rode (yes, she rides too) to Knoxville back in early June. Two days up, four there, then two back, all backroads. I highly recommend such a trip! What a great ride and thankfully, no issues along the way. We also wear helmets. Old habits die hard. I ride a '05 VTX retro and the wife a '03 Shadow Spirit. Both good bikes. They don't vibrate as much at high speeds as does the roadking.

Ok, so not only do you rock, Mrs. Y does, too! My hubby's my favorite person to ride with. I keep thinking about the advanced course. LOL. I had enough trouble working up the nerve to take the basic course! Florida's great for riding though, isn't it?

Hubby wants to know if when you and the Mrs. went to Knoxville did you ride through the Great Smokies? That would have to have been wonderful! We spend a few months a year in Virginia (our alter-ego, you know?) and we've ridden the Blue Ridge Parkway. That was a thrill; I can't imagine the Smokies!

Even more reason for you to heal. I bet Mrs. Y's looking forward to riding again. All our best to you. :)
Not sure if this was started for the injury or for a great job as can't read threads (bad attention span) Anyway, I think you are AWESOME, watched you on the stand at the first hearing. Hope your better soon! I also support all the LE's in this case... hmmm just waiting for the bomb to drop :)
There are alot of good and bad things about my job. If I had to pick one, I'd say the best part is identifying and arresting a suspect in a who-done-it murder and telling the victim's familiy of the arrest. The worst is what you mentioned above, making notificiation to a family of a loved ones passing. Well, that and breaking your leg in a training excercise....

While you're recovering you might want to come up with a better 'story' for how you were injured. Over the years you must have been in some scary situations, you could borrow from that or make up an incredible chase scene. You know bullets and bad guys, maybe even toss in some fire and an auto vs bike chase where you ended up jumping a moving train and catching the perp!

:detective: here's a safer mode of transportation! :Bicicleta:
Best wishes to your speedy recovery & return to your team.

Was reading on another message board that Noreen Renier would be most interested in working with your team at no charge. She had requested items from Cindy Anthony belonging to both KC & Caylee but was denied. If you want a copy of the email received by that poster from Noreen Renier, if you haven't seen it, you need only PM me & I will provide never to be spoken of again. Would never speak of any contact on my end. I believe that the poster did send a fax to OCSO & just didn't want that to get by you.

Just think that it is an interesting avenue to pursue as Ms. Renier has been utilized successfully as a tool by other LE personnel in cases. I know that Ms. Renier had been contacted by Jackie Peterson while Laci Peterson was missing but Jackie Peterson didn't like the results & denied a different item from Laci when requested by Ms. Renier, think the only item sent was a sneaker, which of course was returned to the murderer's mother.
Ok, so not only do you rock, Mrs. Y does, too! My hubby's my favorite person to ride with. I keep thinking about the advanced course. LOL. I had enough trouble working up the nerve to take the basic course! Florida's great for riding though, isn't it?

Hubby wants to know if when you and the Mrs. went to Knoxville did you ride through the Great Smokies? That would have to have been wonderful! We spend a few months a year in Virginia (our alter-ego, you know?) and we've ridden the Blue Ridge Parkway. That was a thrill; I can't imagine the Smokies!

Even more reason for you to heal. I bet Mrs. Y's looking forward to riding again. All our best to you. :)

We sure did. Rode up US441 through the Smokeys to Knoxville. We even road Deals Gap. 2nd time for me, 1st for the wife and she did great! It was such an accomplishment for her and she made me proud. We love that area of the country and find ourselves there at least once a year. We had plans on a quick trip up in October but that's not going to happen... at least not on two wheels.
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.

God speed in your further recovery, Yuri, and in Justice for Caylee as well.
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.

Thank you and be safe.....Godspeed to you and yours.:)
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.

Thank you for spending time with us:) And please take care of yourself! Remember if you ever feel down you can always come here and see how we all support you and your department 100%. Thanks so much for being the voice for Caylee. God bless you :blowkiss:
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.

So glad to hear the healing is going well and that your getting some mobility back! It was an honor having you join us here in our discussion and we will all continue to pray for you and the work you have ahead of you, and especially for Caylee. Hopefully you'll have time to stop in every once in a while in the future to say hello.
Take care! :)
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.

You and LE are in my prayers also. Go Yuri and Co. Go!
It was a pleasure having you here, Yuri! It has been an honor. Glad we helped keep you busy while you were on your self-induced vacation and we hope the healing process continues to go so well. Go get 'em, Yuri!!! The "Suspect" awaits...

Don't forget to come back when all of this is over to give us a chance to ask questions! It will be quite a learning experience for all of us at WS.


He would solve this case because that is what Yuri Melich does! ;)
As of today, I'm back to work on a light duty capacity. The leg is healing very well and hopefully I'll be back on two feet soon. I wanted to thank you all again for the kind words and well wishes. Thanks again for helping me pass the past two weeks. Given I'm back to work, I don't forsee being on here much if at all so I wanted to take a moment again to say thanks.

Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers.

So glad to know you are back at work, although I am sure your dogs will miss you being around all day.

We are waiting patiently (oh, okay, not really patiently) for the arrest. I am hoping OCSO was waiting for you to be back at work before they arrested her, so you could be 'in on it', and we will see an arrest soon. You could always handcuff her to one of your crutches, right?

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