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I am deeply saddened by the verdict. I am truly heartbroken that Caylee will never receive justice. But I started trying to think of something, anything, to be grateful about in the midst of my extreme disappointment.

I am grateful that Casey was brought to trial. I am glad that she had to face a judge and a court and the public at large, even if it was only for 6 weeks. She had to sit there and listen to every word that was said about her and her beautiful daughter. I think of all the missing people, so many of them children, who may never even be found, much less have anyone stand trial for killing them. I think of Hailey Dunn, Kyron Horman, Kara Kopetsky, Joshua Davis, on and on, and the list is truly endless. We may never even find many of these children and their accused murderers quite possibly will never even get indicted in many cases.

At the end of the day, Casey walks free and I can't understand that, but I am grateful that there was at least an effort made to punish Caylee's murderer.

You now the saying "It's better for ten guilty people to go free than one innocent person to be imprisoned"? Well.... one down 9 to go
So glad to see this thread because I needed a place to vent my frustration. My power went out Monday night and didn't come back on until yesterday evening! After 3 years of following this case, I missed the verdict!!! And then, once I heard what the verdict was, I couldn't get on here to gripe (b word is censored) about it. Whoa is me!

I think we were allllll trying to get in because it took me like two days to get in to websleuths! Haha
You know what I think is driving me the most crazy, though I hate to admit it, not the justice for Caylee as much as the fact that my husband and I have been struggling this year because he lost his job. (so have a lot of others) and the idea that murderer or at the very least a child abuser is going to reap millions now, and of course you know she will, if she writes a "Casey's Story" or does interviews. etc.

Honestly I could MAYBE get over her getting off but her becoming a wealthy woman for killing her child is the thing that is just completely unbelievable to me.

She's already been offered a *advertiser censored*....I don't even thnk she's gonna need to stoop to that. She'll write memoir, everyone will say they won't buy it but lots of people will.

I really hope that there is some way for the judge to put a gag order on her as part of the sentences for lying.

I'm just really bummed by our country these days.

Ah Chewy, it is disgusting, but we have to believe in karma. I was very upset about the OJ case, but I didn't cry. I cried for Laci Peterson, but I didn't weap. Yesterday, I literally wept and today my mood was low.

I'm not so sure it is our country, as much as it is our society and how we
are so afraid of demanding civility. The fall of the roman empire has nothing over on us.
I'd like to be able to say something...but don't even have the strength to post.
oxoxoxox to you all.
Hi guys.

Thought I would post this video. I had the amazing honor to meet a beautiful little girl named Natasha who died of cancer one month before her seventh birthday. I really struggled with my faith, although Natasha never waivered in hers. This is a song from her favorite band, Casting Crowns. It helped me get through that loss in my life. Mark Hall says a little something in the beginning that is very powerful to me. If you are a person of faith, I hope you find it comforting.

YouTube - ‪Praise you in this Storm (live)‬‏

Thank you, Irish Eyes.....your post here has touched my heart......I can't find the words at this moment what I am feeling through these tears. All I can tell you is that it has given me great comfort. It is interesting how our children teach us so much and we will find a gem that Caylee will soon leave for all of us in this....we just have grieve a bit and then allow ourselves to again look for it. She will heal us through Him.
I'm 22, and I work with criminals at my job, and I took up psychology. It was a hard day to go into work, let me tell you. I see people there that are like Casey, who are liars, manipulators, sociopaths. I said to myself though, "at least these people didn't walk away free." I was really angry, and I still am, and I will be for awhile, because I know logically, and in my heart that this woman killed her daughter. I know that she is a sociopath. I wish I could be clueless, so it didn't bother me so much. I guess the one, and only good thing is that I'm definitely not the only one that feels this way. These jurors came to the wrong decision, unfortunately, and it goes to show our system isn't perfect, but it is what it is.
I guess I can agree with guilty people going free, so an innocent person isn't suffering, but it's a shame it had to be her. She will continue to be a parasite on others, if she is lucky enough to ever meet another person in her life, and lie and manipulate, and the worst part is she will never feel any remorse, or guilt for any of her wrongdoings. It's all about her, and being infamous from here on out, sadly. I'm sure she will bask in it.
I would hope that somewhere in her twisted self, she would become a better person, but I know how unlikely that is. Karma will catch up with her, including the fact that she won't be able to keep herself from committing another crime, and she will end up in jail where she belongs.
southern_scout's Avatar

When I look at your avatar, I want to weep. Atticus could maybe have fixed this for us. Made us feel better about the verdict.

But we don't have Atticus Finch, do we? What do we get? Nancy Grace
Loss anger deep sadness, it has been a long time that I have mourned the loss of a beautiful baby another thread broken in the fabric of my country.
I won't say despair today as there are so many that have come together in our grief that it still gives me some hope.
I don't think I will give up the anger to what has been loss though knowing we will have to protect her now and for quite awhile to come that what should be taught to our children has gone to the wayside. I will certainly be glad to get ahold of this hate that has shocked me and to put it to something constructive.
I cannot bear to listen tomorrow I will just check the boards.
I will tell myself to find it in myself to forgive what I must forgive and remind myself also that I am quite proud to be one of so many that came together and bonded in loving a child.
This is the saddest outcome. I cannot bear to see her walk out of jail unpunished, while there will be no justice for Caylee. And to think she will have other kids!!! She ought to have no right to!!
This is the saddest outcome. I cannot bear to see her walk out of jail unpunished, while there will be no justice for Caylee. And to think she will have other kids!!! She ought to have no right to!!

If it's any comfort I don't think she'll ever have other kids. I don't think she wanted any to begin with. :( I know she said that, but can you really believe anything she says?

The only sure thing is that where Caylee is, ICA will never be able to harm her again, nor will any harm come to her. We grieve, but she is at peace.
You now the saying "It's better for ten guilty people to go free than one innocent person to be imprisoned"? Well.... one down 9 to go

Time to turn that around lol

I am still so mad I cannot stand it. I cannot watch any coverage.
Today I noticed I started attempting to distant myself and move on to the next missing child. Which one will I fall in love with next?
I dont usually follow missing children cases as I am an emotional woman and cannot handle the heartbreak of the reality of what some do to children. I have one that likes to push my buttons but Ive never thought Id kill him. And if he drowned I dont care what the circumstances were Id call the pd. Have mercy these jurors and the fam really have lost their minds. Vent off.

And I was nice..haha.. facebook is another story, lmao ;)
I haven't even begun to finish reading this thread, but I'm so, so grateful to hear that I'm not alone in my experiences. I had become so used to getting up, turning on InSession, logging in here, and settling in for the day. Even though towards the end there I couldn't get WS to load, and even if I had, I couldn't keep up with everyone!

I felt comforted knowing I was not alone in my interest (OK, obsession) in this case.

Today, my sister (my co-obsessor) and I went to the grocery store for the first time since the case began. Seriously. I'd been keeping us fed with take out and gas station/convenience mart food (I live a 30 minute drive from a grocery store)!!

This morning, I woke up realizing my TV was still on from the night before. I kept hearing in my half sleep the words "Anthony", "jurors", and hearing the voices of JA, LDB, HHJP and others. The only thing was my TV was on Animal Planet!! And the show was about elephant seals. Nothing at all to do with this case. LOL.


At least that was better than the dreams I've had of searching in swamps and being in jails.

The thing for me is that I'm not a kid person. I've never been particularly fond of children. But Caylee has become like my own nieces are to me. And I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of disconnect I had when it dawned on me -- 3/4 of the way through the State's case -- that Casey had committed an unspeakably horrific act against that little girl. After that, I couldn't get Caylee's face out of my mind, nor the horror of what happened to her. :( And I couldn't forget that LE and the SA seemed to have that same feeling, even where her own mother didn't.

Did anyone see Judge Jeanine last night on Fox? It may have been a re-run, I'm not sure. But it's the one where she interviewed JA (one of my heroes for being a real life, modern-day white hat!!). At the end when she talks about the injustice for Caylee, she choked up. REAL choking up. As soon as her voice cracked, I burst into tears totally unexpectedly. Wow. That just doesn't happen to old cynical me any more.

The despair and outrage that is crossing socio-economic and political barriers is amazing. I hope everyone keeps up their outrage about this jury's verdict and does just what JA recommends. Ignore Casey. It's the worst thing we could do to her.

I feel like I know so many of you, after just this short time I've been here. I found much needed agreement and/or humor just when I needed it here. Here's my thanks to you all!!!

I think some of us are taking this so hard because we are the type people who come to this site to try to help. We have invested so much of ourselves in this case for three years. We have hoped, prayed, and some have even helped search. Many have donated money. This has not been just a distraction to pass time. We have seen the beautiful face of sweet Caylee and heard her sing "You Are My Sunshine" in her sweet little voice. We have seen the behaviour of her mother while she was missing, and know this is not the behavior of any mother we have known. We saw some of the antics in the courtroom and accusations that were never proven and even no attempts made to prove them. Just thrown out there. We are not the kind of people who will try to seek justice on our own by hurting anyone. We fight our battles with words and prayers. We don't seek justice on our own, but we had a deep faith that our courts would arrive at that justice for little Caylee. We are crushed that that didn't happen. We are shocked that they jury didn't seem to understand what they were supposed to do, and didn't take the time to do what they should have known they needed to do. Some seem more interested in the money they can make. This has hurt in two basic ways. We are sad that the one we believe killed little Caylee will not be held accountable, and we are disappointed that our system of justice failed.
I hope this isn't too long. I started to start a new thread on it, but decided maybe this is a good place for it.
Dug this up because of it being difficult today for some reason and I don't even know why.
A week yesterday and i TRY to let go and let god but it's hard. It's just hard. this day more than the past 3 or 4.
Anyway. thanks for letting me bawl and vent here.

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