Support Thread: Judge Strickland

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Thank you, Your Honor, for your efforts to ensure that Caylee will get the justice she so richly deserves. Thank you for being her champion these last two years.
You are a class above, being over this Circus an keeping your cool..I am sadden by this motion that you had to make,,but u did it with STYLE an CLASS an a few ziggers..I loved it...

Enjoy, sit back an watch from afar if u want to see the circus act continue..(probably not) but we are still here for Caylee an to get Justice for HER as I know you were.
Thank you Judge Strickland for performing your job with patience, fairness, humility and humor. Your service was outstanding in difficult circumstances. Your wife and children should be very proud.

While I'm sad to see you will no longer be on the Anthony case, your order granting the motion has me sitting on a rainbow.
Dear Judge Strickland,

You have made me a believer again in our justice system. You have been the kindest, fairest judge I have ever laid eyes on. You have made me believe that justice will be served in this case, and I was ferverently hoping it would be you there to see it through. Though it won't, I know you'll be there in spirit when that guilty verdict comes down.

I am disappointed, saddened, and angry beyond belief that it came to this, but I understand your decision, and it just makes you look more classy and refined than the defense ever will be. They have no idea what they have done to their case by getting rid of you.

I am sad there will be no more "Go Strickland!" from me and many others as we watch the hearings and the trial from this day forward. But I am so happy that you were a part of this case and spoke so loudly not just for justice in general, but for fairness and honesty no matter who the defendant or defense may be.

May God bless you in future endeavors, and know that so many people love you and look up to you even more not only for what you've done in this case, but also for your response to such a frivolous, embellished, waste of a motion that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

In Closing, I'm offering a edited rendition of the Overture from Bye Bye Birdie. You are loved and will never be forgotten! You will stay in our hearts forever!

We love you Judge Strickland
Oh yes we do
We love you Judge Strickland
And will be true
When you're not near us
We're blue
Oh, Judge Strickland, we love you
We love you Judge Strickland!
We love you Judge Strickland!

Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart,

Dawn C., aka, Aedrys
You've done a very unselfish deed, Honorable Judge Strickland. There's been so little of that with this case. You have my utmost respect.
Once, when I was VERY young, I got a speeding ticket for driving VERY much too fast, and I came before a judge who asked me simply, did you do it? Yes, I did, was my response. His next question, Do you learn your lessons the hard way? And again, I responded, Yes, I do unfortunately. He reduced the wreckless so I received no points off my license and then he fined me BIG TIME! I learned my lesson and did not speed any more. In later years, my husband came to work for this very same Judge and came to know him as a very fair and balanced MAN in addition to being a well respected and well thought of judge. He worked for him for many many years hand in hand side by side, working the land that was the judges legacy. He died in an accident on his farm shortly after his retirement and there was a horrible grief in all the land. He was SO good and SO fair.

I know in my heart of hearts that YOU and HE have much in common and that you, like he, are an extremely fair and patient man. I have come to absolutely admire and respect you over these last couple of years of this case, and cannot express to you the depth of how great a man, and judge you are. I thank you for the eloquent and enlightening exit orders, and bid you farewell and good wishes and blessings be yours. You have become a hero to so many of us who have watched in wonder as you maintained your decorum in the face of what would have sent many a good man over the edge. May the peace of God surround you, and may you now be free to journey on to a better and more, uhm, sane place.

We love you and respect your opinion, in this as in all else...
Good luck and God Speed Your Honor.
Thank you Judge Strickland! I pray that this was a blessing for you and your family. You served professionally and with great dignity. May the citizens of Florida be proud of you!
With grace, aplomb, patience, wisdom, and honorably you sat before the Court and our televisions. You did show a lot of home viewers what a Judge is and should be in the United States, something they may never have known otherwise. Enjoy a few days away if you can, you will be missed.

Dear Judge Strickland, It has been a pleasure to watch you in Court.You are an Honorable man,fair and very just.I too hope you may take a vacation.You surely have earned one and then some.I hope what I read of Judge Perrys' record is correct. This nonsense must stop. Blessings go to you.Nore.
You did the honorable thing by recusing yourself.:clap::clap::clap: Now there can be no more questions of impartiality from the defense!
Judge Strickland,

Thank you for your service, patience, humor and, above all, FAIR rulings. Thank you for the opening statement in your Order - "an innocent is dead and the life of an accused citizen hangs in the balance". I understand why you chose to grant the motion and appreciate your willingness to sacrifice yourself in hopes of discouraging potential appellate issues. I'll even thank you for exhibiting amazing self-control in not embarrassing Jose Baez in open court over his poorly written, completely ridiculous motions. Evident of your kind nature.

I am so sorry that in Cheney Mason's last hurrah, he felt the need to attempt to shed doubt on your integrity. Please find comfort in the knowledge that he failed miserably.

Hearings will not be the same. I will miss you very much. :(

God Bless you and your family. Wishing you only the best.
Your Honor,
It has been a pleasure through televised viewing to have watched you preside in your courtroom through this circus-like atmosphere with honor, grace and integrity in order to preserve justice for Caylee.
I have watched every hearing that has been televised and I have been very impressed by you, Judge Strickland. I feel that you have been fair in every single ruling. Thank you for your service!!
Judge Strickland,
In all my many years I never really gave judges a second thought. They were there and did their job. But, since the Caylee Anthony case began I have watched and read and blogged and cried and ranted and raved!! I have learned just how important the judge is in a case such as this one. As I sat and watched the shenanigans played by the defense in this case I am in awe of your self control! You, Sir, are a hero in the eyes of many more people than you could ever imagine!! You have shown just how important a judge is in a case like this........and what it means and looks like to have integrity.......and class!!
I will always remember the comment made at the beginning of this case....SOMETHING LIKE .."it appears that the truth and Ms. Anthony are not aquainted"......badly paraphrased.........
You are a man of integrity and honor and I salute you!
Judge Strickland,
Your Honor -- you will and have walked away with just that - YOUR HONOR. This attempt to gain media spotlight and smear the reputation of a fair and calm judge like yourself will come back to bite the defense team, many times over, IMHO. I thought you gave the rookie and his squad many chances, a patience that I have never seen from a judge and fairness and true integrity toward maintaining the case and securing it from future appeals, etc.
The defense should be careful what they ask for, but more importantly they should be careful how they go about it. What they did here, was take the best in you and use it as a weapon for their own gain. There is never gain when your intent is less than pure. Your interactions were always pure, even when you reached out to a fellow citizen who was ill. You are a class act and it was OUR HONOR to know you and YOUR HONOR.
Judge Strickland, it has indeed been an honor to watch someone do their job so well. You've handled everything given to you with grace and much wisdom.
People from all states now, along with other countries, know there is a Judge in Florida who really is everything (plus more) that a Judge should be.
If only everyone could have the good traits you have, then there would be no need for all our courts to be filled with the Casey Anthony's of the land.

With Highest Regards,
Vegas Bride
Honorable sir, you have done your profession and the citizens of the state of Florida proud. You have endured things in this case that would mostly likely try the patience of a saint, and still managed to be fair and even-handed, demonstrating how you have earned your sterling reputation over these past decades.

You have also managed to take the high road when dealing with a crowd for whom the truth will always be a stranger. And thanks for leaving us with such memorable words.

Justice could not ask for a better champion!
Honorable Judge Strickland, I have had the HONOR of working in the Judicial system for almost 20 years and have seen many many Judges in action. You are a class act. I am upset you will not be presiding over this case. You are fair and impartial and your rulings and patience with a very incompetent defense team consistently showed your demeanor.

I wish you had not stepped down. But after switching from trial court to Appeals court I understand why. YOU ROCK!

Thank you for your service to the citizens of Florida. They are lucky to have you. Bless!
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