Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Tony in his time here has been a total class act. You could hear in his comments that he loves his family and loves his country and the freedoms and rights it provides. He spoke many times of his respect for his uncle and how smart he is and who things changed after the bail was posted. Leonard held on to his beliefs and moved forward with them. He put up $50,000 of his own money to pursue a theory that he believed in. The whole team deserves our respect IMHO because I truly believe they are here for Caylee.
Thank you for manning up and doingwhat was the right thing at the time for the facts you were privvy to at the time. You did it for Caylee and how can that be wrong. Bless you!
I am very proud to know these people on line here. Thank you!!! Tony, Leonard, Rob, and all of the unknown team members who have given your time, money, energy, and expertise to search for Caylee Anthony............You are heroes in my mind.

It really does not matter how it turns out now, because you did what you believed to be THE RIGHT THING. When people will step up and put their money and time where their mouth is, they are honorable people. Any naysayer is just that..........a nothing, because they did NOTHING, but condemn someone else's efforts.

I believe if you all could have gotten to Casey you would have found out the truth, but the same attorney who used you (in my opinion) to get his wants accomplished, cut you off at the pass when he realized this was really a homicide. If you noticed the documents progressed from missing child to homicide on the headings.

I thank you and I know many others do also, because much of this would never have been known without your help. I don't think Equisearch would have been there either without you.

So..a great ally is usually the most fierce enemy..........they thought they hoo dooed you, but I say LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
WOW. There are so many great posts on this thread. It is heartwarming to me to read how each and every one of you are reaching out to the Padilla's.
The candid comments you made after reading recently released docs speaks volumes and I for one appreciate it. Just needed to let you guys know.

Its crucial to find this child. To restore some dignity, to a situation that continues to amaze me.

Anger directed at the parties who appear to be involved feeds the flame of depraved life this case thrives on. Find the child, leave the rest to karma.

i commend you guys for what you did ..when no one else would . you cared enough about that baby to try to find her .. you WERE NOT worried about the money and that alone speaks volumes to me and im sure others .. and coming here and talking with us openly about this case says alot too .. that you value our opinions even though we are ametures . (some of us arn't im sure) you guys just wanted to be the babys knights and you still can be . i beleive everything happens for a reason .. and you guys were meant to get casey out we just havnt seen why yet . but something will happen .. the world knows you guys are good guys .
I had my doubts. I have them no more. Reading the responses from Tony I have come to see what an upstanding man he is. He refers to praying a lot and I like that because I know first hand that prayer changes things.
Leonard Padilla, I think you are a fine man with a good heart. I feel the Anthony's took advantage of that and for that I feel bad for you.
It's nice to know there are still a few good men in this world.
You two are genuine and I like that.
God Bless you both!
Their hearts were in the "right place". Hoping for an alive Caylee.

Hats off to you guys. If I ever need you to help me out, I hope you will be in my corner as well.

Leonard, Tony and the whole Padilla team,

I just wanted to say that at first I thought you guys were just coming to Orlando to get "free publicity". I no longer believe that. I think you guys were just like us, you wanted to bring this little girl home safely. This little girl has TOUCHED THE WHOLE WORLDS HEART! I think your intentions were good and that they came from a very compassionate place.

After seeing Leonard on Prime Time News and Nancy Grace, I felt HORRIBLE for him! He looks exhausted and like the "wind has been taken out of his sails". He truly believed that Casey was going to be forth coming with information. I held on to the hope that he might be able to bring Caylee home. But with each passing day, that glimmer of hope diminishes.
I want to thank you for what you have been doing to help locate Caylee. The whole world seems to care more about this girl than her own mother! Personally I think the only reason that Casey wanted out of jail was so she could prepare her defense without the "listening ears" of the jail. That is my opinion. I don't think she ever had ANY intentions of helping find Caylee! Casey said that she is innocent and wants to walk with her head held high,.. I have YET to see her do that! I think you guys were dubed by her and her attorney and I feel really bad that they sunk to that level and took advantage of your kindness. In my opinion, I believe they weren't ever going to talk to you about Caylee's whereabouts, it was all about getting out of jail. I am personally outraged by that!

I want to tell you guys that I am behind you 100% and I hope that you guys find Caylee, either alive or dead. Please continue to be strong and know you are in my prayers along with Caylee. You guys can hold your heads high, because you have done everything that you can possible do to find this precious little child, while her mother sits and DOES AND SAYS NOTHING! I commend you and I hope that you find her soon, so this whole thing ends. I (like most everyone else here) would not feel one ounce of sorrow for Casey if you revoked her bail. You guys were told that you could speak with Casey as long as her attorney was present. She has NEVER said one thing that could help find Caylee, when that was the WHOLE reason you guys were posting her bond. She didn't do what she said she would do, so I would revoke her bond. But hey, thats just me! Whatever you choose to do, you will do what is best for you and for sweet Caylee! Just know that you guys are in my prayers and that I commend you for everything you are doing! Be strong! God Bless!
Dear Leonard & Tony,

I know you both have taken a "beating" from the media but I truly believe that your intentions were sincere and from the heart. Thank you for every effort you have put forth in finding this sweet child. I am still praying that little Caylee is alive.

Be tough, hang in there and keep up the good work!

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Dear Tony and Leonard, and Rob, and the unknown crew inside:
When you guys came on board this case, many, including myself thought you were insane..Days went by and I actually started believing you cared about this child. I do fully realize now that I was 100% wrong about all of you.
I want you to know that as in my own heart, I know you know that there is no price on a child's life. I applaud you for stepping to the plate, and thank you for being in that 1% of this world who took a chance that the child was alive.
You are a true humanitarian and I will forever remember what you have done for the sake of a child. I hope that you are at peace in your hearts, and hope that you know that you did the right thing.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I wish I had the resources, and the guts to do what you did...
I would really like to commend the Padillas- especially Tony for giving us the opportunity to get to know him and his point of view through this.

I, like many others, was ANGRY when I heard some yahoo from California was gonna bail her out. Those Idiots! I thought!. So I came to Websleuths, and was shocked to see him actually making himself known.

And through his chats- he opened my eyes. Although I could have told you hands down (IMO) that Caylee was dead, before the Padillas came on the scene, I will admit that I gained a glimmer of hope that the sweet little girl was still alive. The belief that there could be some truth through the lies, the kind, honest words of Tony, and the faith of Leonard, convinced me that there was reason to keep hope alive.

I now believe that there is no reason to hope for her to be found alive, but at least keep hope (however small) for her recovery and proper burial.

I believe very faithfully that actions speak louder than words, and both Padillas are men of their word. Their actions show they are honorable men, who- good or bad, they chose to do the right thing, by taking a chance that they could find her alive. As they said, nothing else worked, why not try something new? What a way to live life.

Thank you Tony, and Thank you Leonard.

We all grieve with you.
Tony, I commend you for the great job done, motive and sincerity in hoping to locate a Missing Child, and the personal relationship established here between all of us. Keep in touch and book it Brother, put the peddle to the metal and high tail it back to California. You did your best, we love ya!!!
I tip my Texan hat to both of them for trying to find out the truth.
I also believe you both went into this with the best intentions - to find Caylee.

Leonard, I thought from the beginning that you were a straight shooter. You proved that in the past couple of days by admitting that it was a mistake to get involved. I have a lot of respect for that.
To the Padillas~

I thought you were all a little crazy for getting Casey bonded out of jail, but I'm grateful now that she can't hide in her little cell tonight and deny visitation with her parents. I imagine that the Anthony household is having lots of conversations about the new evidence released today and I'm hoping Casey is feeling the hot seat.
Just wanted to give my thanks to Tony and Leonard and Rob for their attempts to make progress in a heartbreaking and senseless tragedy. I knew from the beginning what you were attempting to do. Nothing was happening, Casey wasn't speaking and something, anything had to be done to try and change that.

I'm glad someone had the guts to at least try. Please ignore negative comments from the media, your hearts were and are in the right place. I'd like to see you guys stick around on these threads. Tony, your sense of humor on some of the posts was priceless. This whole case is tragic, and I'm glad you were able to open yourself up to all of the seasoned Websleuthers and spend some time here to answer questions. The group of people here amaze me with their intuition and investigative natures. I am new here and hope to be around for a long time.

Thanks again, and thanks to WS for giving Caylee a voice. :blowkiss:
Hi Tony and Leonard,

I have to say thank you to you both for trying to solve this case. I am sorry that it is turning out the way it has. I was so grateful that you both were there to try and help her find her daughter. Like you, like the parents, I just couldn't imagine someone hurting her when it was obvious that the grandmother loved the child and she could have just left her.

Anyway, I want to say that I think you both are awesome and HUMAN. Leonard, your humble manner has just left me speechless. Anyone can see that this is tearing at your heart. I know you wanted this to have a happy ending as we all did. You are a true gentleman and I commend you both on taking a chance with the hopes of finding Caylee. God bless you both. On another note, I feel that in light of the new information, it would be in everyone's best interest if you revoked the bond. There's no reason for her to stay out of jail and to be honest, I don't know how the parents can want to share the same roof with her at the moment. I think I would be entirely too emotional to be able to see her right now. I think they could use the time alone to start healing.

PS...With all of the beating up you have taken from the "panels" on shows and the hosts as well for the most part, I have to say that you handled yourself with dignity. Unlike CA, you truly can "hold your head high."
To the team, including the unnamed inside lady.
Sending you a big group hug. I know your hearts as ours have been 100% focused on Caylee. Stay save.

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