Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Leonard - I was so sad for you tonight as I watched you on Nancy Grace. Please don't be so hard on yourself - and I think your actions *did* get this moving along. Something had to happen, and you did the right thing.

Tony - Thank you so much for your candid and honest answers here, and for sharing a piece of yourself.

Both of you are good and decent men. Thank you.
Thank you Leonard and Tony. Thank you for showing us that there are still good people out there in the world wanting to come and help a stranger in need. To come and try and make things right for those who can't fight for themselves. I am so terribly sorry that you were duped into doing what you thought was right. But it is so refreshing to see people wanting to give of themselves to help those who can't do it for themselves. Leonard, here is a big group hug for you. Your intentions were noble and admired. I thank you on behalf of Caylee for helping bring her home. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I am very sorry for both of the Padillas and the BHteam (R.Dick). LP is known for cracking cases, finding people (alive or dead) -getting confessions without aggressive coercion. I commend you both for trying your best and going out to try to help find Caylee.
Leonard and Tony.
I commend you both for being true humanitarians and coming to Orlando to find precious Caylee. You are both real heros!
Thank you both for all of your time, effort and hard work.
God's blessings to you both... sweetmop
I echo all of what has been said before me. Keep your big hearts open...
I recently posted to say thank you. We are getting ready for the hurricane so I didn't have a chance to catch Leonard on Nancy Grace until just now. In his final segment he was explaining about the security risk against Casey and the family now. My advice, go home and let the lawyer hire protection. He is a user in my opinion and will keep using you to provide protection. I think it's safer for you to revoke her bond and send her back to prison for her own protection. I honestly don't think it's worth putting your life at risk protecting her. Let her attorney do his job and rather than sail around with Geraldo, let him use that plane fare to hire his own security. Your job here is done. You came here under false pretenses, courtesy of Casey and her attorney. You owe them nothing and you can go home with your head high. There's nothing more for you to do here. I think you guys are awesome and the thought of you putting your lives in jeapardy really has me concerned. Please revoke the bond and go home. Be safe and be with your families.
I recently posted to say thank you. We are getting ready for the hurricane so I didn't have a chance to catch Leonard on Nancy Grace until just now. In his final segment he was explaining about the security risk against Casey and the family now. My advice, go home and let the lawyer hire protection. He is a user in my opinion and will keep using you to provide protection. I think it's safer for you to revoke her bond and send her back to prison for her own protection. I honestly don't think it's worth putting your life at risk protecting her. Let her attorney do his job and rather than sail around with Geraldo, let him use that plane fare to hire his own security. Your job here is done. You came here under false pretenses, courtesy of Casey and her attorney. You owe them nothing and you can go home with your head high. There's nothing more for you to do here. I think you guys are awesome and the thought of you putting your lives in jeapardy really has me concerned. Please revoke the bond and go home. Be safe and be with your families.

Well said!!:)
I would like to thank Tony and Leonard Padilla for their help, and particularly Tony for spending the time to answer one of my questions.

This case is not over yet. But I can only imagine that Tony and Leonard are feeling quite defeated at this moment.

It was Casey's right to be on bail, one you graciously afforded her. Now it is Caylee's right to have some justice.
For the Padillas and Crew,

I was wrong to immediately make assumptions about your motives and your involvement. Through your interviews I have seen your heart and I have been humbled. Thank you for putting yourself out there to help find a precious angel. I have three children of my own, and if one of them were missing, I would want all of you on my side.

Much love to you all,

Right, I'm officially team Padilla after seeing Leonard tonight on Nancy Grace...he was really genuine, and I feel like people connected with the case really let him down, and maybe didn't keep their word.
Also, I don't feel like Mr. Padilla should regret getting involved at all! He provided hope to many people connected with this case, and who knows if Casey did or said something in that house that a family member might decide to give up to the prosecution, now that they know what they know?

Don't regret it. Everything is for a reason.
My heartfelt message here tonight would be to you both! In which I want to express to you guys that tonight on the NG show I saw something in Leonards eyes! It was quite impressive to see "Humanity" in someones eyes- truely it was, something you dont see a lot of on Media News shows these days.
<br>Well, you see alot of good and a lot of bad in this world we live in.......but tonight I heard and I saw someone being "real", because you can see the pain in his eyes! Tony, whatever you decide to do on your end is your choice and I completly would support that in heart whatever it may be. You guys came with good intentions......and in my opinion- you guys the ones who tried here- are the only ones in this mess that has blessings to "walk outa there with your head(s) held high"......Peace & Sincere admiration be with you! & Dont be a stranger
OMG. Leonard broke my heart tonight on Nancy Grace. If anyone still questions his intentions I challenge them to watch his appearance on tonight's show and still make the same claim.

I hope to God this does not close Leonard and Tony's big wonderful hearts. This would sour most people on the human race. I am praying that L&P will continue to believe that most people are good and appreciate the help they can provide.
Tony and Leonard - God Bless Your Good Intentions in Trying to Bring Little Caylee Home.
Leonard,Tony I just want you to know that I truly feel your hearts were in the right place and that most of the world has become so harsh that there are very few people like you left those who have true compassion for another person whom they feel is truly in pain or need. It is a shame that all of humanity does not have your heart. But then if that were the case we would not be in the middle of this mess that Casey has made for us all.
you know it takes a big person to first trust their heart and then say hey I have made a mistake. If people like you were not left on this earth it would be a very very sad place. And when all is said and it is over I am sure you will have learned some valuable lessons from it all. I only hope you continue to be the people we have come to know these few days you have been in our lives. But them I am a lot like you guys I try to find some good in everyone and a positive experience even when it does not look so good.
You guys are the greatest don't ever change.
Leonard and Tony, I come here with a heavy heart because although I always believed Caylee was no longer with us...You did give me a teensy bit of hope (leonard), You rode in with your big hat and big Cowboy heart and I came to know that if little Caylee was indeed alive you would be the man to find her and bring her home!!

How I wish we would have all had that ending but it wasnt in the plans :(

I wish I could still see the good in people like you can Leonard, please keep that cowboy charm and know that you are right...Most mothers would not harm their beautiful 3 yr old baby...

I dont even know what else to say exscept.cut your losses, pack up your things and take a long long shower...please put her into protective custody and hug your grandbabies!!!
Leonard, your heart was in the right place. You put up with alot of bs to help Caylee, but somebody had to do it.
Leonard, Tony, and all of the valuable Padilla Crew:

I was a loudmouth and immediately posted that I did not want Casey to be out of jail. I was SO OPPOSED to it. I am now thinking that she needs to go directly back to jail.

But here's where I am wrong:

My anger was/is toward Casey. She was Caylee's mother and responsible for her wellbeing. Casey did not properly care for her. Now she is missing and in all probability dead.
What I have seen over the last several days is how deeply all of you cared and wanted so badly to bring little Caylee home. I saw Leonard on TV this afternoon and tonight. He actually made me ashamed of myself for thinking that he might just be wanting publicity. I WAS WRONG. He has been genuine.
I have seen Tony try to stay out of the limelight, and he has come here to answer questions and has been very patient with all of the questions coming at him so hard and fast. He has been sincere. He has been genuine. I WAS WRONG.
ALL of them came to Florida with a mission. As with any endeaver, you have to be confident and you have to believe in your cause. That was misconstrued by me as cocky. It wasn't and I am sorry for having thought that.

I would just like to say that I was wrong about you, Leonard Padilla. I would like to say that I was wrong about you, Tony Padilla. And I was wrong about your faithful crew.
All of you are genuine people and you have my genuine respect.

When a baby, child, adult, or an elderly adult is missing, no stone should be left unturned in trying to locate them before it is too late. Thank you all for having made a difference, and I wish all of you great health and wonderful success in the future.

GB all of you, and thank you!
I wrote "way to go" and a bit more in another thread, but now that there is this thread I have to comment again. I really believed the whole time something along the lines of what you believed happened. It may have happened and I missed it, but I think the Anthonys and Casey should have acted more thankful that you bailed Casey out. A public statement is the least they could have done. I mean your partner would be taking a bullet for her (Casey, there daughter) if any attempts for Casey's life were taken.
One other thing, Leonard you should not let any of the media interviewers speak to you like you are below them. Like they are better than you. Wear your hat and be proud.:clap:
Leonard & Tony,

I have the utmost respect for both of you. You will never know how grateful we have felt that you trusted and believed in our forum, the owner, and moderators, Tricia, Windchime, and others. I cannot thank you both enough.

You touched my heart tonight on Nancy Grace when you stated that the new evidence was very different than what you had hoped, strived for, and believed in. You had hope, and came into this case honestly and heartfully. You had reason to believe that Lee, Cindy, George, and Casey would be truthful, and help to locate this baby. You came in with the best of intentions to find this baby girl, and we all appreciate that!

You have an optimistic attitude and a heartfelt desire to help. I felt this when you talked about your little grandbabies. Love you LP.

Do not ever forget the trust and heartfelt caring you showed all of us. Thank you for letting us in on your persoanl feelings. Your feelings are the same that we express here.

I have a new respect for both of you with telling the truth on NG. You may have seemed to be beaten down and sad (like the rest of us), but you showed us what a true hero is. I cannot thank you enough for trying to do all you could. You were honest with us, and that is what Websleuths is all about. Honesty and respect.

I respect your honesty and heartfelt intent to find this missing baby. You will never know how much you have touched us all. Thank you! :blowkiss:


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