Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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I recently posted to say thank you. We are getting ready for the hurricane so I didn't have a chance to catch Leonard on Nancy Grace until just now. In his final segment he was explaining about the security risk against Casey and the family now. My advice, go home and let the lawyer hire protection. He is a user in my opinion and will keep using you to provide protection. I think it's safer for you to revoke her bond and send her back to prison for her own protection. I honestly don't think it's worth putting your life at risk protecting her. Let her attorney do his job and rather than sail around with Geraldo, let him use that plane fare to hire his own security. Your job here is done. You came here under false pretenses, courtesy of Casey and her attorney. You owe them nothing and you can go home with your head high. There's nothing more for you to do here. I think you guys are awesome and the thought of you putting your lives in jeapardy really has me concerned. Please revoke the bond and go home. Be safe and be with your families.

I'd also add that in revoking her bail, it will probably help her parents & Lee make an easier transition to the next steps they'll have to deal with.

As long as Casey is in the home, I believe it will impede Cindy's real acceptance of the horrible realities she has to face.

And it might also allow Casey to continue to fantasize that her problems will just magically disappear if she's comfortable in her own bedroom.

Tony, Leonard & Rob, you all had good intentions & wanted to find Caylee. Casey did not. Baez did not.
Right, I'm officially team Padilla after seeing Leonard tonight on Nancy Grace...he was really genuine, and I feel like people connected with the case really let him down, and maybe didn't keep their word.

What she said!
Leonard, I have only one suggestion for you.

Listen to your guys.

ETA: And props to you and yours for trying. You did more for Caylee than her family has done, for damn sure.
As most of the other posters above say, I also commend your uncle's intentions and perserverence in sticking with this mess until the end. Such a roller coaster of a case! I will keep him and you in prayer for continued strength and dedication.

Any question I would have asked has already been asked, so I'll just sit back and wait for your responses on those.


Do you think maybe the "heat is on" Casey more so with her having to face her family every day, and see all of the negative media coverage on TV than if she were confined in jail? It's not like she can refuse her visitors when they are in the same house.

Thanks for all you and your uncle do,
Hello Everyone! It is with a sad but exhileraed voice that I come here tonight. It seems as though our friend Caylee might be in a better place tonight which is what is really sad. True and foremost the attachment to this case has changed my life and made me appreciate some things that we sometimes take for granted. I will never forget a little girl that I never had the opportunity to meet. I will continue to pray for her everyday and always.

I am exhilerated over the fact that there is so much support for what we attempted to accomplish. My uncle is truly an extraordinary person. Rob is also in that class as well. Our intentions were to bring a little girl home to a loving household and even though our attempts look as though they will fall short, it's very comforting to see intelligent people have enough insight and open mindedness into what we set forth in trying to do.

I am going to ask for a very important favor here tonight. I am going to answer as many questions as possible. I know that everybody has a say in the bail being revoked. My favor is to please have an open mind just as you did when we began this endeavor. It is not that simple and I want you to please be patient with my answers and to please have an understanding perception from my business and practical view from where I sit. I hope this makes sense but we will get to that.

Most importantly to all the WS'ers out there a sincere THANK YOU!!!! This place has allowed me to get some things off my chest and has been mentally theraputic. I cannot say enough about Tricia and her support!!! I will be a fan here for a long, long time.

A friend of mine recently lost his little girl to cerebral palsy a few days ago. He sent out a quote to all of us and I feel only fitting to share this with you all here tonight.

"Your true character is revealed by the clarity of your convictions, the choices you make, and the promises you keep. Hold strongly to your principles and refuse to follow the currents of convenience. What you say and do defines who you are, and who you are you are forever."

Again thanks to everybody!!!!

Now on with the questions, but please respect some possible no comments along the way!!
Hi Tony, thanks again for being here!

My question: I saw an interview with Leonard today on Fox 35 Orlando. He said there was a new story that Casey now went to Jay Blanchard Park, and Zenaida and "Sam" took Caylee from her there and gave her a "30-day script" she was to follow.

Since Casey is not talking to Leonard, this sounds to me like a story Cindy would come up with. Where did Leonard get this story from?
This must be very difficult for you. To leave is to give up and to stay just invites more criticism. I applaud you for your efforts in hoping for Caylee. The documents are so damaging to that hope. There are so many open questions about what happened to Caylee?
Hope has no end as long one continues to believe.
Hi Tony, thanks again for being here!

My question: I saw an interview with Leonard today on Fox 35 Orlando. He said there was a new story that Casey now went to Jay Blanchard Park, and Zenaida and "Sam" took Caylee from her there and gave her a "30-day script" she was to follow.

Since Casey is not talking to Leonard, this sounds to me like a story Cindy would come up with. Where did Leonard get this story from?

I don't know where. I have not spoken with Leonard about this one.

Do you think maybe the "heat is on" Casey more so with her having to face her family every day, and see all of the negative media coverage on TV than if she were confined in jail? It's not like she can refuse her visitors when they are in the same house.

Thanks for all you and your uncle do,

It seems to me that Casey doesn't know what heat is. Just speculation of course.
Tony ... I'm sure you've got a heavy heart tonight ... so thank you for being here ..

If you can answer this what are the pros & cons with revoking Casey's bail? Setting aside the already known constitutional right to bail.
As most of the other posters above say, I also commend your uncle's intentions and perserverence in sticking with this mess until the end. Such a roller coaster of a case! I will keep him and you in prayer for continued strength and dedication.

Any question I would have asked has already been asked, so I'll just sit back and wait for your responses on those.


Thanks for the kind words!!
Hi Mr. Padilla,
I would like to thank you and Leonard for all that you have done.

From your post above, are we to assume that you will NOT revoke Casey's bail? I do understand your position as a businessman and the position that you have been put in....

Thanks again for everything!
I think I understand why you might not revoke re bail, your business would only be as good as your word. Pull Bail, lose credibility. You leave bail as is than you are a man of your word.

What more could we ask of a person?

I have to be honest and say that I am NOT a big fan of what you have done in bailing Casey out, but that after reading your posts here, I have do have a new respect for you and your uncle that I would not have known otherwise.

My question is, what are your daily expenses in security, RV rental, and employee pay, and how can you continue to justify this expenditure when Casey is clearly just taking advantage of the limited freedom she has, knowing full well that everyones good intentions are all a waste.
Channel 9 reported that besides the air sample tests, that the hair found in the trunk had been related to Caylee's DNA. To my knowledge, that has not been reported anywhere else.

Do you have any comments? Has Caylee's DNA definitely been linked to the trunk?
Is bail revocation up to you or the judge? What if murder charges are filed against her? Is her bail then automatically revoked? Thanks in advance...

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