Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Thanks for clarifying the bail question Tony.

I truly think that LE will be revoking her bail any day now!
I think I understand why you might not revoke re bail, your business would only be as good as your word. Pull Bail, lose credibility. You leave bail as is than you are a man of your word.

What more could we ask of a person?

That is a great way of putting it. We knew what we were getting into. We thought the risk was worth the reward.
LOL, I expected that you would feel this way. And I do respect that in you. Sometimes as we follow cases it is hard to remember that a suspect in any crime is still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and the bail is a part of this.
Tony, I've heard that Casey, herself, hasn't thanked you and the BH team. But have the other Anthony's? As you can see on this site, most everyone here is thankful for all that you have done.

I am so sorry you all were treated the way you were. Please don't let this one episode taint you from giving all your expertise to a willing, deserving family.
Okay I was waiting for this one.

Remember that the premise of bail is to guarantee a person's appearence in court. Essentially that is what it is. Think about this in the simplest terms possible. 1) There are no new charges in regards to the case. 2) She is still not a flight risk. 3) This is really important; The toughest part of my job is to separate guilt and innocence for people out on bail. Regardless of my thoughts I have to separate emotion from the fact that everybody that I bail or others bail have the right to be out and without any changes to the situation, I have to maintain my professionalism to the industry and protect the integrity of bail and our rights to it. I know that there is enlightening evidence that could and may have a twist on this case but it is imperative that I stay grounded or neutral either way. This is where I beg you to please see this from a side of a business and a right and not a personal attack. I hope this makes some sense and I know there will be numerous naysayers out there.

I completely understand this, however given the new information do you not feel there is now a significant risk to her physical safety either by herself or others? would she not be safer in jail? I just think the public would be further devastated if something happened to her before she had to stand trial. IMO
I think you did a great thing Tony... whatever you do, I know you will have put a lot of thought into it. ( I'm of course crossing my fingers that you revoke bail)

Did she have some sort of deal to uphold with you for granting bail/bond - or was it with no strings attached?
Do you think that TES coming into the picture will help your uncle Leonard make a graceful exit? It seems like it would be a natural transition.

You gotta feel for the guy. He must be beside himself that this callous snip of girl is thumbing her nose at everyone while her daughter lays cold.

But, Tony. From a purely business standpoint, when is it not worth it anymore?

Is having her mute on the street worth the money you're gonna have to shell out to keep tabs on her until November, simply because the risk of loss is enormous?

If you don't mind my asking.

I always tell my son to never be a quitter. No matter how tough it gets or how bad you're getting your *advertiser censored* kicked you have to persevere. We just have to work through this and pray for the best.
Tony, I've heard that Casey, herself, hasn't thanked you and the BH team. But have the other Anthony's? As you can see on this site, most everyone here is thankful for all that you have done.

I am so sorry you all were treated the way you were. Please don't let this one episode taint you from giving all your expertise to a willing, deserving family.

The report by Channel 9 is "sources close to the case said that the FBI said". Fox news reported that the Body Farm released a report that air samples said that their was a dead body in the trunk. OCLE is not saying one way or the other on anything. As far as it being a fact that the decomp was in the trunk it appears that is correct as far as the decomp is from Caylee nothing reliable or official has been released.
Does this report that is bases on nameless sources is the reason for your Uncle losing hope is it the documents that show how mentally ill Casey appears to be?
I think you did a great thing Tony... whatever you do, I know you will have put a lot of thought into it. ( I'm of course crossing my fingers that you revoke bail)

Did she have some sort of deal to uphold with you for granting bail/bond - or was it with no strings attached?

No strings attached on her end.
Hi Tony,

IMO, your team's efforts have proven another of Casey's lies (that she would help find Caylee if released.) Do you believe this fact can be used in court to help the prosecution if a body is never found?

Still praying for Caylee to be found,
I always tell my son to never be a quitter. No matter how tough it gets or how bad you're getting your *advertiser censored* kicked you have to persevere. We just have to work through this and pray for the best.
I am really glad to read this. You are truly a standup guy.
I thought I remember Leonard saying that if the evidence comes in that Caylee is no longer alive that he would support revoking was that his opinion at the time and not shared with you?
Okay I was waiting for this one.

Remember that the premise of bail is to guarantee a person's appearence in court. Essentially that is what it is. Think about this in the simplest terms possible. 1) There are no new charges in regards to the case. 2) She is still not a flight risk. 3) This is really important; The toughest part of my job is to separate guilt and innocence for people out on bail. Regardless of my thoughts I have to separate emotion from the fact that everybody that I bail or others bail have the right to be out and without any changes to the situation, I have to maintain my professionalism to the industry and protect the integrity of bail and our rights to it. I know that there is enlightening evidence that could and may have a twist on this case but it is imperative that I stay grounded or neutral either way. This is where I beg you to please see this from a side of a business and a right and not a personal attack. I hope this makes some sense and I know there will be numerous naysayers out there.

Ok I understand, so then how long is Leonard and his team required to stay?
I think it's only going to be a matter of days before a move is made with LE so hopefully you can go home soon. You aren't going to stay to protect the rest of the family at that point right? I mean I hope that they don't need it, but there are a few extremists out there.
Okay I was waiting for this one.

Remember that the premise of bail is to guarantee a person's appearence in court. Essentially that is what it is. Think about this in the simplest terms possible. 1) There are no new charges in regards to the case. 2) She is still not a flight risk. 3) This is really important; The toughest part of my job is to separate guilt and innocence for people out on bail. Regardless of my thoughts I have to separate emotion from the fact that everybody that I bail or others bail have the right to be out and without any changes to the situation, I have to maintain my professionalism to the industry and protect the integrity of bail and our rights to it. I know that there is enlightening evidence that could and may have a twist on this case but it is imperative that I stay grounded or neutral either way. This is where I beg you to please see this from a side of a business and a right and not a personal attack. I hope this makes some sense and I know there will be numerous naysayers out there.

I think we understand it, but as people not in the field...we don't have to accept it or like it.

IMO...So many thought your actions were for Casey, but I truly believe it was for Caylee.

I want to thank you and your family for the entire kit n' caboodle.

A special prayer for our darling Caylee with lots of {{{{hugs}}}} and for your, your family, employees and their families.


I have to be honest and say that I am NOT a big fan of what you have done in bailing Casey out, but that after reading your posts here, I have do have a new respect for you and your uncle that I would not have known otherwise.

My question is, what are your daily expenses in security, RV rental, and employee pay, and how can you continue to justify this expenditure when Casey is clearly just taking advantage of the limited freedom she has, knowing full well that everyones good intentions are all a waste.

The costs are plentiful. We are all grown ups and knew what we were getting into here. It's hard to justify but we are all still very hopeful that either way we can get closure to a very difficult situation. A resolution for everybody involved is very important.
Okay I was waiting for this one.

Remember that the premise of bail is to guarantee a person's appearence in court. Essentially that is what it is. Think about this in the simplest terms possible. 1) There are no new charges in regards to the case. 2) She is still not a flight risk. 3) This is really important; The toughest part of my job is to separate guilt and innocence for people out on bail. Regardless of my thoughts I have to separate emotion from the fact that everybody that I bail or others bail have the right to be out and without any changes to the situation, I have to maintain my professionalism to the industry and protect the integrity of bail and our rights to it. I know that there is enlightening evidence that could and may have a twist on this case but it is imperative that I stay grounded or neutral either way. This is where I beg you to please see this from a side of a business and a right and not a personal attack. I hope this makes some sense and I know there will be numerous naysayers out there.

I agree with your statements. However, Casey would still have the right to bail if you canceled your bail and returned her to jail. Further, she didn't pay the 10% bail bondsman fee, so there is no financial consideration for your promise of bail. The way I see it is you gave a unilateral offer of bail based on the stated understanding that if she was out of jail she would cooperate with Leonard and he would track down the people Casey said took Caylee. That is a unilateral promise that can be accepted by Casey's conduct of cooperation with Leonard. Casey took advantage and got out of jail, but then reniged on her promise to cooperate with Leonard. Further, now there is an unanticipated heightened security issue. In my humble opinion, you would be justified in canceling the bail you provided and returning her to jail based on her failing to cooperate with Leonard and based on the heightened security issue. I don't believe it would impact the bail industry's good faith; I believe it would support it. Would you reconsider this?

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