Suppose, just suppose, DP is innocent?

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Licensed Trouble-shooter. "My, that's a big one!"
Jul 23, 2007
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Granted, DP seems to be not such a "warm & cuddly" person. It is possible that he did something to Stacy, but suppose that she is found and someone else was responsible. What would you say then? Or, another scenario, suddenly Stacy shows up with (or without) another man? What would you say then? To those here ready to "string him up," would you be willing to admit, "I had him figured wrong"? Interesting food for thought.
Granted, DP seems to be not such a "warm & cuddly" person. It is possible that he did something to Stacy, but suppose that she is found and someone else was responsible. What would you say then? Or, another scenario, suddenly Stacy shows up with (or without) another man? What would you say then? To those here ready to "string him up," would you be willing to admit, "I had him figured wrong"? Interesting food for thought.

I would have absolutley no problem what so ever in admitting that I was wrong and way off base..........but I just don't see that happening. These men, sociopaths, are all alike. The are stalkers, abusers, wife beaters, child endangers, mind controlling and very very good about making sure that you know no-one else in this enite world would ever want you especially with two kids.
Yeah i would admit that i was wrong, but pardon me if I don't sit and hold my breath waiting for that to happen.:twocents:
sure i would say "boy i was wrong". i'm not 110% sure he did it, but if it looks like a duck........

I would be defending myself more if i were him and innocent. he's just like eh whatever.
It would have to be proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point.

I would gladly, then, admit that I was wrong and I would apologize.

Then I would strongly urge DP to get some serious mental health care. B/c if he is innocent, he seriously has issues.
I would be defending myself more if i were him and innocent. he's just like eh whatever.

If he is innocent (and he may be), he still has a lot of 'splaining to do.

As TiaDaxxy says, he is just like "whatever " -- as if a mother and wife (his wife) leaving on her own and never being heard from again is as normal a thing as going to the store for milk. He acts as if his explanation of events is all the world needs.
lol, good thread. If Stacy should show up, yes I would apoligize while I was rejoicing. But the way I feel right now, I don't think I will have to eat crow this week!
I too wouldn't have a problem admitting I was wrong. But, in this case, there's just too much evidence. It isn't a matter of just one marriage and the wife in that marriage missing.

There's 4 marriages, with wife #1 and wife #2 both frightened of Drew Peterson. Although we haven't heard from wife #1, the daughter of wife #2 has spoken of abuse and fear. Wife #3 is dead and her death originally labeled an accident. But there's documentation of abuse by Drew Peterson, and now her body has been exhumed with the possibility that after further investigation her death will be called a homicide.

There's just too much that indicates the likelihood that Drew Peterson is responsible for the death of wife #3 and the disappearance of wife#4.
I'd say Hooray! Stacy's been found.

Now let's completely rule him out as a murderer of his 3rd wife before I eat crow.
I've had this fleeting "what if" scenario run through my brain once today... that if she shows up, what would I think about him? But, it was once... and it was VERY fleeting... Lol. What kills me is to think how he is treating those two young kids he's now saddled with. He's obviously a pompous, arrogant jerk that I can't fathom being a good father to those children whose mother he murdered!!!!
^Funny, I was thinking of calling this thread "The "What If" Thread." I am amazed that in 1/2 hour since I started it there's so many responses. I agree, even if he is innocent, he definitely does seem to have issues.
I'd say "Da^^n Stacy!! Do you know what you put your husband and family through? What is wrong with you woman? Leaving like that and not telling anybody where you were."

Now... IF she "met someone else" like Drew claims isn't it ODD that he doesn't know who this someone is? That he doesn't know where she went with this someone? Other couples split up and still keep in touch with their families. I highly doubt Drew is telling the truth.
lol, good thread. If Stacy should show up, yes I would apoligize while I was rejoicing. But the way I feel right now, I don't think I will have to eat crow this week!

Thanks. Another purpose of this is to put a stop sign in front of those who may be rushing to judgement. Sometimes it is necessary to sit back and reassess what one knows (or doesn't know).
I'd say "Da^^n Stacy!! Do you know what you put your husband and family through? What is wrong with you woman? Leaving like that and not telling anybody where you were."

Now... IF she "met someone else" like Drew claims isn't it ODD that he doesn't know who this someone is? That he doesn't know where she went with this someone? Other couples split up and still keep in touch with their families. I highly doubt Drew is telling the truth.

It's bee reported that Stacy had a very close relationship with her sister, Cassandra. They talked every day. If there was anyone that Stacy would confide in (regarding another man), it would be her sister and not the man she was going to divorce (had an appointment with an attorney).
Can DP prove she left with another man? It would help clear him for sure. Of course, he doesn't have to but it seems to me that the so-called affair between Stacy and this alleged man would have left some physical and/or electronic records:

- Cell / home phone records
- Emails
- Free time she scheduled to spend with this man
- Bank withdrawal/Getting a credit card to pay for the getaway?
- Unexplained extra miles/gas usage on her car
- Her close friends that she confided in about her affair

DP ought to be able to "prove" her affair by producing any of these.
I'd like to ask Drew why - AFTER she told him she met someone else - he didn't ask her where he could send her the divorce papers.
Thanks. Another purpose of this is to put a stop sign in front of those who may be rushing to judgement. Sometimes it is necessary to sit back and reassess what one knows (or doesn't know).

I'll be honest. Very little of the actual physical evidence in Stacy's disappearance has been released. I will admit, my opinion has been based almost entirely on the little tidbits that Drew has released to the press.

But what he has released has been contradictory to other things he has said, has been contradictory to what others have said, has been contradictory to what Stacy herself has said (her email) and has been eerily similar to what others convicted of murdering their wives has said. Plus some of what he has said just downright doesn't make sense!

So that is what formed my opinion on Drew's involvement in the disappearance. Now Kathleen's death, it is too many convenient co incidents as well as the info from the autopsy.

Am I wrong? I admit it is possible. But I won't admit I am wrong until I see some evidence.
Can DP prove she left with another man? It would help clear him for sure. Of course, he doesn't have to but it seems to me that the so-called affair between Stacy and this alleged man would have left some physical and/or electronic records:

- Cell / home phone records
- Emails
- Free time she scheduled to spend with this man
- Bank withdrawal/Getting a credit card to pay for the getaway?
- Unexplained extra miles/gas usage on her car
- Her close friends that she confided in about her affair

DP ought to be able to "prove" her affair by producing any of these.

Considering he followed her every move, one would think he would know of this. He would know if Stacy was with another man.
Has anything surfaced that could possibly exonerate DP? Thus far, people have been looking for evidence that could prove he's guilty of something. But has anything come up that would cause (reasonable) doubt?

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