Suppose, just suppose, DP is innocent?

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I live in Canada and the only news I hear about this case is from here on websleuths - it also isn't mentioned on the local US news channels I watch so it not getting that much media attention. So if and that is a big IF she did go off somewhere she may not be aware of all the media attention. But I find it hard to believe that she hasn't looked in on her children if she just took off.

While I don't think this is the case, Stacy could have taken off with another creep who murdered her.
100% correct and he would not be looking for an attorney by going on national TV.;)

Why? If she just decided to take off for a couple of weeks why would she look to see if there was any news about her. If we believe Drew she told him she was taking a vacation. She wouldn't need to suspect people would be looking for her - but where is her cell phone and why hasn't she answered that. I don't believe that she just took off for a minute but was just adding what is in the news here and replying to the thread.
It would be nice to find out that DP did not kill his wife but what bit of a rational mind I have does not believe that to be the case. If she had decided to go away IMO she would have confided in someone, most likely her sister. Her children would not have been left abandoned and also, given how she was affected by her sisters death, I don't see how she ever would have left her sisters ashes there at the house with Drew, she would have taken them with her or would have seen that they were given to another family member. There is no trail what so ever, if she ran off with a man then wouldn't someone by now have noticed a man was missing also? Drew mentions the expensive jewelry he has given her, I'm betting all this jewelry is still there with him, if she'd left she would have taken it. Was there even a suitcase packed? A change of clothes? Is there anything missing besides Stacy herself and the clothes on her back? When I go away even just for a weekend I pack a lot of stuff. Didn't he say she was on medication, did she take the medicine with her? Sorry, as much as I'd like to think a husband would not kill the mother of his children I have to think that that's exactly what happened here and I just hope there will be enough evidence found for there to be justice and to prevent him from moving on to #5.


I will take his hand and with a pail in the other hand, go down the Yellow Brick Road with this Lion.

Now that I said that, thank God I don't have to worry about following through, as I don't believe for a minute he is innocent of ALL the disappearances/deaths of past wifes, and possibly others. (Christine Cales, Monica's brother), and any others.
Why? If she just decided to take off for a couple of weeks why would she look to see if there was any news about her. If we believe Drew she told him she was taking a vacation. She wouldn't need to suspect people would be looking for her - but where is her cell phone and why hasn't she answered that. I don't believe that she just took off for a minute but was just adding what is in the news here and replying to the thread.

I guess what I meant by that is that it hasn't been huge deal, but it is in the news somewhat.

Like when you are getting married or want to be or newly broken up and suddenly it seems that wedding stuff is everywhere. Same with pregnancy, etc. It's what you notice. I would think that even a tiny bit of news that had your name in it would jump out at you.

Also, I cannot believe that someone would go on vacation and tell their husband but NO ONE ELSE. And leave their kids behind but never call in to check on them. And never call in to see how anyone else is doing, never check email, never have any contact with anyone in your world. What if one of the kids were sick or Drew got sick or hurt and couldn't take care of them? What if there were some natural disaster in her town and she wasn't watching the news and something happened to her whole family? I just do not believe someone would be gone for that long and not at least glance at some news or touch base with someone at home.

And I think the less news there is about your town, the further you are from home, the more you worry about it.

If Stacey thought those kids were well taken care of, or if she didn't have kids at all, I might give Drew the benefit of the doubt. But I just can't see her leaving them with him and never checking to see how they are or making other arrangements for them.
If you were going to go on a vacation (leaving husband and kids),

would you be taking ONLY a bikini, $25,000 cash and a deed to a house??

It's been almost two weeks now, don't you think Stacy would have contacted someone to see how her kids are doing by now????

I think Stacy being on vacation, is a moot point. No how, no way.

Also, if she was to have gone on vacation, wouldn't there have been things such as looking up hotels etc on the computer, checking on flights. There is a ton of things I start checking on line when planning a trip to help pick where I want to stay and what I want to do when there.
And not taking make-up? Now what woman would leave that behind if they were running off with a new man?
She also would have made some arrangements for her children and told them good-bye.
As smug as DP is about himself, he sure didn't plan her disappearance very well.
Funny thing also about vacations, sooner or later they come to an end and the person comes home, if she had gone away for a week she would have been back by now.

If you were going to go on a vacation (leaving husband and kids),

would you be taking ONLY a bikini, $25,000 cash and a deed to a house??

It's been almost two weeks now, don't you think Stacy would have contacted someone to see how her kids are doing by now????

I think Stacy being on vacation, is a moot point. No how, no way.



And who takes the deed to their house on vacation anyway???

How did he know it was missing? Raise your hand if you check on the deed to your house on any sort of regular basis. Is DP telling us that he just happened to notice that this one article of clothing and the deed to the house was gone?

Was the safe left open? What made him think to look there? Does he go in and out of it often? Why? What else is in there? Maybe something that could implicate him in Kathleen's death.

Maybe something that could implicate Stacey (real or not) in Kathleen's death that he was holding over her head to make her stay. Maybe she decided she didn't care and she'd take her chances with LE, and he knew he had to kill her too.
I guess what I meant by that is that it hasn't been huge deal, but it is in the news somewhat.

Like when you are getting married or want to be or newly broken up and suddenly it seems that wedding stuff is everywhere. Same with pregnancy, etc. It's what you notice. I would think that even a tiny bit of news that had your name in it would jump out at you.

Also, I cannot believe that someone would go on vacation and tell their husband but NO ONE ELSE. And leave their kids behind but never call in to check on them. And never call in to see how anyone else is doing, never check email, never have any contact with anyone in your world. What if one of the kids were sick or Drew got sick or hurt and couldn't take care of them? What if there were some natural disaster in her town and she wasn't watching the news and something happened to her whole family? I just do not believe someone would be gone for that long and not at least glance at some news or touch base with someone at home.

And I think the less news there is about your town, the further you are from home, the more you worry about it.

If Stacey thought those kids were well taken care of, or if she didn't have kids at all, I might give Drew the benefit of the doubt. But I just can't see her leaving them with him and never checking to see how they are or making other arrangements for them.

I agree with you I believe he is guilty. I can't image any mother that wouldn't check on her kids while away. And it seemed to me she was the kids main caregiver - she got them up for school fed them clothes them. Every Drew made a comment like it hard getting the older kids ready in the morning/ out the door (it was in one of the articles I read on here).
I will be totally shocked if DP is innocent. I can't even bring my mind to think outside the 'guilty' box when it comes to him.. The only reason he said that Stacy did not send that email to her friend because it was not her words or the way she talked was because that was probably an email that Stacy was able to sneak past DP and ooooh how dare he not know her every move. So does he have a new women yet? There are still women out there (even after all this) that would jump at a chance of being with him...
Posted by Saddie:

There are still women out there (even after all this) that would jump at a chance of being with him...

My first thought when reading this way!!!!!!! But after reflection, I guess there could be some women that are so desperate for money, love, etc. that possibly they MIGHT entertain the possiblility of wanting a chance with him. How sad, that their own life is worth so little. Because, it would be a short life once they got together with DP.
Posted by Saddie:

There are still women out there (even after all this) that would jump at a chance of being with him...

My first thought when reading this way!!!!!!! But after reflection, I guess there could be some women that are so desperate for money, love, etc. that possibly they MIGHT entertain the possiblility of wanting a chance with him. How sad, that their own life is worth so little. Because, it would be a short life once they got together with DP.

Nah. These women would visit him in prison. They probably are already on a first name basis with the guards (or some of the other inmates).
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I will take his hand and with a pail in the other hand, go down the Yellow Brick Road with this Lion.

Now that I said that, thank God I don't have to worry about following through, as I don't believe for a minute he is innocent of ALL the disappearances/deaths of past wifes, and possibly others. (Christine Cales, Monica's brother), and any others.
If you were going on a vacation, you might take 25,000.00 and buy a few new bikinis:dance:

If you were going to go on a vacation (leaving husband and kids),

would you be taking ONLY a bikini, $25,000 cash and a deed to a house??

It's been almost two weeks now, don't you think Stacy would have contacted someone to see how her kids are doing by now????

I think Stacy being on vacation, is a moot point. No how, no way.


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