Supreme Court Nominee #2

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I'm a democrat and I've never supported the exploitation of anyone purely for revenge. CF asked for confidentiality and her own attorneys ignored her request.
I agree that issue is confusing and I don't know if we know yet exactly what happened. I'm concerned that someone who wanted to be confidential was not honored in that request. I hope the entire truth about that comes out.

My suspicion is the mess we see publicly about ALL of this is only a fraction of the entire mess.

I really wish these things could be straightforward, but I am realistic enough to know they never will be.

And since when has it been de rigueur to ask questions of the Senate Judiciary Committee? "Have you ever passed out due to drinking?" or something like that. "Do you like beer? What do you like to drink?"
When he lied about it.

That's my opinion. It became a topic when he lied. I agree it is ridiculous to ask some of these questions. Much of this is literally obscene! It's infuriating to ask a grown man about what he did in high school. He said he cringes at some memories of high school -well, I cringed listening to the hearing. It's weird!

Except he seems to have lied about the drinking.

How many lies are okay for a Supreme Court Justice?

When he lied about it.

That's my opinion. It became a topic when he lied. I agree it is ridiculous to ask some of these questions. Much of this is literally obscene! It's infuriating to ask a grown man about what he did in high school. He said he cringes at some memories of high school -well, I cringed listening to the hearing. It's weird!

Except he seems to have lied about the drinking.

How many lies are okay for a Supreme Court Justice?

He's lied to senators about the hacked Dem emails, issues in the Bush Admin, on and on.
He certainly has a right to defend his integrity and go for the position he is seeking Lets give him that chance
The integrity ship has sailed. There is ample evidence now that he has lied under oath at more than one hearing. That alone should make him ineligible for a seat on the Supreme Court. Unfortunatley there is no place for truth, justice, honor or integrity with many of our leaders anymore. It is win by any means now. Otherwise why would all of those documents on Kavenaugh been held back? Why couldn't all of the truth be known? Why? Because they want him and his bias on the court by any means. I think they have a nerve after what they did in regards to Merrick Garland. More dirty pool, business as usual, make up the rules as you go along as long as you win.
They hate him because he wrote the Ken Starr report. It is dirty political games, imo. They exploited CF's emotional trauma in order to exact revenge and destroy the man's entire career and his life.
I'm not sure anyone actually "hates" him, but if you want to discuss dirty political games, let's begin with DJT. And if you believe he's a Republican, you best do some reading.

Revenge? An actual human, an accomplished woman, has put everything on the line to inform all of us of the character of the SC nominee. I thank her.

Dr. Ford has a Batchelor's degree, two Master's degrees and a Doctorate degree. She has a family and a career and a life.

If you actually believe she is a Democratic "operative," you simply have not been paying attention. Or you hate women, in general.
Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony


To some members of the committee, those missing memories cast doubt on all of Ford’s allegations. But should they?

In an effort to assess her credibility — and by implication, that of Kavanaugh — The Times asked experts in sexual trauma whether Ford’s testimony was consistent with the research findings and clinical observations they have made or encountered in their own work.

Here’s what they told us.


The brain is always encoding memories, most of which we could not necessarily be able to recall years or decades later. Otherwise, we would remember every time and every place we ever parked our car.

But we do tend to remember stressful events. We do this because we need to use those memories to help us survive now and in the future. Memories are not there just for reminiscing — they are vital for our survival.

It is also important to realize that the people at the party who were not assaulted or stressed by the event are not as likely to remember it. For her, it was a memorable event; for them, it may have just been another time hanging out with few friends hanging at a house. This applies to the people downstairs but perhaps even for the two boys, especially if they were intoxicated.


She gave one of the most credible accounts I have ever heard from a victim.


Across several studies, I have found consistent evidence for a group of young men who perpetrate the type of sexual violence described in these allegations, but only at a relatively young age — about 14 to 20 years old. These men then stop perpetrating altogether either before or shortly after they begin college.

This is part of a more general trend researchers have identified regarding adolescent antisocial behavior that disappears once an individual reaches adulthood.

Based on my research, 70% to 75% of young men who perpetrated sexual violence only do so during a relatively limited time frame. Very few of the men who commit sexual violence are serial offenders, so I was not surprised by the idea that these behaviors were limited to adolescence.

Much more at link:

"It" happened to me too -- in college -- I was 100% sober; he was not. He was a privileged frat boy (and not all of them are like him, of course), but we were not at a frat party. I was staying the night with my best friend (female) in her apt -- I lived in a dorm. I was already in bed, ready to sleep. She was downstairs, and a couple of guys we knew just came over. One of them came upstairs to where I was. I do remember the bad part, but not much of the rest. At least it was quick. I have never mentioned it to anyone in all these years until the last several days.
I agree that issue is confusing and I don't know if we know yet exactly what happened. I'm concerned that someone who wanted to be confidential was not honored in that request. I hope the entire truth about that comes out.

My suspicion is the mess we see publicly about ALL of this is only a fraction of the entire mess.

I really wish these things could be straightforward, but I am realistic enough to know they never will be.

I think a couple of the dems on the committee were just as shocked as the republicans when CF said she didn't know they offered to come to Cali to interview her in private. The attorneys exploited their own client and that is what needs to be investigated. It sickens me.
They hate him because he wrote the Ken Starr report. It is dirty political games, imo. They exploited CF's emotional trauma in order to exact revenge and destroy the man's entire career and his life.
This is kind of looney. Off the deep end. We aren't suppose to discuss conspiracy stories here. Do you have any links for "They exploited CF's emotional trauma.." Who? George Soros, the Clintons?
That is what makes America great. We have to stick to our beliefs. Not try to affiliate to conservatives or liberals, left or right. Just do the right thing. Give everyone due process. Let everyone have the freedoms granted to us by the Constitution. Try to better ourselves as the great United States of America.
"It" happened to me too -- in college -- I was 100% sober; he was not. He was a privileged frat boy (and not all of them are like him, of course), but we were not at a frat party. I was staying the night with my best friend (female) in her apt -- I lived in a dorm. I was already in bed, ready to sleep. She was downstairs, and a couple of guys we knew just came over. One of them came upstairs to where I was. I do remember the bad part, but not much of the rest. At least it was quick. I have never mentioned it to anyone in all these years until the last several days.
I'm so sorry. This is so shocking that it's so common, an "ocean of pain" out there as Cory Booker (I think) put it Thursday.
This is kind of looney. Off the deep end. We aren't suppose to discuss conspiracy stories here. Do you have any links for "They exploited CF's emotional trauma.." Who? George Soros, the Clintons?
Whomever didn't tell CF the committee was willing to come to Cali to interview her in private. The offer was made to her legal counsel. Perhaps you missed that part of the hearing.
I'm not sure anyone actually "hates" him, but if you want to discuss dirty political games, let's begin with DJT. And if you believe he's a Republican, you best do some reading.

Revenge? An actual human, an accomplished woman, has put everything on the line to inform all of us of the character of the SC nominee. I thank her.

Dr. Ford has a Batchelor's degree, two Master's degrees and a Doctorate degree. She has a family and a career and a life.

If you actually believe she is a Democratic "operative," you simply have not been paying attention. Or you hate women, in general.
Excuse me. I NEVER suggested CF is a Democratic "operative." She asked for confidentiality and didn't receive it. That's not her fault, it is squarely the fault of her attorneys. Kindly stop misrepresenting my posts. Thanks.
Two people have asked Coons how this FBI investigation can be done in one week. Coons says the choice was one week or no weeks, and that “it’s about compromise.@6abc
I think a group of FBI agents could get a lot done in a week's time -- as long as there are a sufficient number of agents. I predict we will hear a lot of "I don't recall," and "I don't remember that," and the like. I do want to see Kavanaugh strapped up to a lie detector. At one time he had a lot to say about how valuable a tool they were. Now he's saying something different. Gee.
I'm so sorry. This is so shocking that it's so common, an "ocean of pain" out there as Cory Booker (I think) put it Thursday.

The RAINN network's been nearly overwhelmed. There really is an ocean of pain. :(

RAINN | The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization

"We are experiencing unprecedented wait times for our online chat. If you are able, we encourage you to call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to get routed to your local sexual assault service provider. If you are in immediate danger, call 911."
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