Susan Atkins wants out of jail to die...

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That's the way LWOP is supposed to work. When I think about it I can't help but wonder if she even cared where she died (her family pushed the issue). I had a heart attack last summer and flat lined. I didn't even know until my husband told me. But I will tell you it was the most peaceful thing ever and mad as he!! when they brought me back. When you are that sick and your pain is in control I just don't think you care where you die, I think you just want to die and get it over with. JMOO.
I really was not trying to get into a religious debate..Iam a very religious person so I will just say this.

I believe in order for God to forgive someone the person asking for forgivemenss must 100% want to be forgived and regret committing the sin.I stand in saying I think Susan is spending her first day in Hell today.

I'm with Trino.

I constantly forgive my children even when they do not want to be forgiven, do not think they need to be forgiven and don't regret their bad behavior. I'm hard-pressed to believe that God, as my parent, is less forgiving of his children than I am of mine.
That's the way LWOP is supposed to work. When I think about it I can't help but wonder if she even cared where she died (her family pushed the issue). I had a heart attack last summer and flat lined. I didn't even know until my husband told me. But I will tell you it was the most peaceful thing ever and mad as he!! when they brought me back. When you are that sick and your pain is in control I just don't think you care where you die, I think you just want to die and get it over with. JMOO.

I agree with you, wonders. I think the folks who wanted to bring her home to die near them had more invested in the outcome than Susan did.
Compared to the way Sharon Tate and her child died, her death was an easy one.
If she were given the opportunity or task to again commit these same murders she she did so willingly 40 yrs ago, I wonder if she would have said yes and done so in her later years.

I have read nothing about remorse on her part. xox
This picture certainly does not compare to the crime scene that I saw of Sharon Tate and the others that were murdered that will forever be in my mind. The picture I saw was in black and white and was still extremely graphic.
Susan Atkins Dies

Susan Atkins, a high-profile member of the Manson family who was sent to jail for life for her role in the killings of Sharon Tate and six others, has died. INSIDE EDITION reports.
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Good riddance Sadie Mae Glutz, you lived too long. I take great pleasure in knowing you died a fat, bloated, ugly, cancer ridden lump. You did nothing to deserve better, baby killer.
I'm with Trino.

I constantly forgive my children even when they do not want to be forgiven, do not think they need to be forgiven and don't regret their bad behavior. I'm hard-pressed to believe that God, as my parent, is less forgiving of his children than I am of mine.

Like I said................................. She has to ASK and WANT to be forgiven. She has to actully feel bad for what she did and want to be forgiven. WE dont KNOW if she did this .
Good riddance.

I do have a question, though. It's well documented that she's never expressed remorse, but is that because she recanted her quasi-confession? Did she die maintaining that she didn't kill Sharon and her baby? I have such a hard time reconciling her bragging about the deaths and her recollection of Sharon pleading for her baby, and the jump to "Oh, I was there but didn't stab her."

Because if she went to the grave knowing she was guilty, would she have at least pretended to fake remorse in order to help her with her compassionate release? Or did she feel like denying culpability would be the more strategic move? Because I have no doubt she did actually commit the murder of Tate and her baby.
Good riddance.

I do have a question, though. It's well documented that she's never expressed remorse, but is that because she recanted her quasi-confession? Did she die maintaining that she didn't kill Sharon and her baby? I have such a hard time reconciling her bragging about the deaths and her recollection of Sharon pleading for her baby, and the jump to "Oh, I was there but didn't stab her."

Because if she went to the grave knowing she was guilty, would she have at least pretended to fake remorse in order to help her with her compassionate release? Or did she feel like denying culpability would be the more strategic move? Because I have no doubt she did actually commit the murder of Tate and her baby.

My notes- I don't think she should have been released and really don't feel badly for her, but it appears she found religion, remarried, and it doesn't sound like she was a very active part of the request for release. That seems to have been driven by her husband. She wasn't even awake for the majority of the hearing.

"I don't have to just make amends to the victims and families," she said softly. "I have to make amends to society. I sinned against God and everything this country stands for." She said she had found redemption in Christianity. (2000)

Atkins' final chance at freedom was denied on Sept. 2. Terminally ill, she was brought to a parole board hearing on a gurney and slept through most of it, but managed to recite religious verse with the help of her husband, attorney James Whitehouse.

It's possible it will never be known exactly what happened inside the home in Bel Air that night. And though Bugliosi said he has questions about Atkins' specific actions that night, it had nothing to do with her legal culpability.Atkins had given conflicting statements around the time of her trial, Bugliosi said.

Still another version is found in the book by Charles "Tex" Watson, the main killer in both the Tate and LaBianca murders.
Watson said that Atkins boasted about killing Tate and her unborn baby to get attention but that Atkins actually held her down while he stabbed her. "It was my hand that struck out over and over until the cries of 'mother, mother' stopped," Watson wrote.

Atkins told co-inmates and Linda Kasabian, who was the star witness who testified against the Manson family, that she had lost her knife inside the Tate residence, Bugliosi said. Bugliosi said a short buck knife was found within three feet of Tate's body and the Los Angeles Police Department's forensic investigators were unable to find any blood on the knife including the blade.
-- Andrew Blankstein
My notes- I don't think she should have been released and really don't feel badly for her, but it appears she found religion, remarried, and it doesn't sound like she was a very active part of the request for release. That seems to have been driven by her husband. She wasn't even awake for the majority of the hearing.

"I don't have to just make amends to the victims and families," she said softly. "I have to make amends to society. I sinned against God and everything this country stands for." She said she had found redemption in Christianity. (2000)

Atkins' final chance at freedom was denied on Sept. 2. Terminally ill, she was brought to a parole board hearing on a gurney and slept through most of it, but managed to recite religious verse with the help of her husband, attorney James Whitehouse.

It's possible it will never be known exactly what happened inside the home in Bel Air that night. And though Bugliosi said he has questions about Atkins' specific actions that night, it had nothing to do with her legal culpability.Atkins had given conflicting statements around the time of her trial, Bugliosi said.

Still another version is found in the book by Charles "Tex" Watson, the main killer in both the Tate and LaBianca murders.
Watson said that Atkins boasted about killing Tate and her unborn baby to get attention but that Atkins actually held her down while he stabbed her. "It was my hand that struck out over and over until the cries of 'mother, mother' stopped," Watson wrote.

Atkins told co-inmates and Linda Kasabian, who was the star witness who testified against the Manson family, that she had lost her knife inside the Tate residence, Bugliosi said. Bugliosi said a short buck knife was found within three feet of Tate's body and the Los Angeles Police Department's forensic investigators were unable to find any blood on the knife including the blade.
-- Andrew Blankstein

BBM. So what if she held her down but didn't stab her? :banghead:Her actions allowed Watson to stab Sharon Tate. Does it make her any less Guilty???:behindbar I think not. She was just as evil for making it happen.:furious::furious::furious:

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