Susan Atkins wants out of jail to die...

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This is a bit off topic, but has anybody watched the new documentary about the whole Manson killings on the history channel? It was on last night and dh and I watched it. Truely chilling.


Yes Vegas Bride I watched it and there were things in that show that I had forgotten. I was also surprised to hear that song that Manson himself sang I've never heard that before and I must say it was good but to bad he didn't persue a different avenue to try to get a contract. I suppose it is probably because he is a very violent and deadly person. I think all of them are right where they should be in prison for life.
Oh, my goodness. Let's let her out of jail so she can die?

What's wrong with her dieing in jail for her crime of murder? Isn't that what jail is for?
Oh, my goodness. Let's let her out of jail so she can die?

What's wrong with her dieing in jail for her crime of murder? Isn't that what jail is for?

This is from the website her lawyer-hubby maintains:
She is currently in a Skilled Nursing Facility within the California Department of Corrections where she is happy, comfortable, content, and prayed up, and where she continues to receive incredibly good care at the hands of dedicated and compassionate doctors, nurses and aides. Her affliction causes her no pain.
I don't consider this this dying in jail-in fact, she's getting better care than many people!! In my opinion, considering what she did, SA is truly blessed that she was able to live a long life and hopefully, for her sake, used that time to work on her soul!!
Yes Vegas Bride I watched it and there were things in that show that I had forgotten. I was also surprised to hear that song that Manson himself sang I've never heard that before and I must say it was good but to bad he didn't persue a different avenue to try to get a contract. I suppose it is probably because he is a very violent and deadly person. I think all of them are right where they should be in prison for life.

I recorded it. Hoping to get the chance to watch tonight.
This is from the website her lawyer-hubby maintains:
She is currently in a Skilled Nursing Facility within the California Department of Corrections where she is happy, comfortable, content, and prayed up, and where she continues to receive incredibly good care at the hands of dedicated and compassionate doctors, nurses and aides. Her affliction causes her no pain.
I don't consider this this dying in jail-in fact, she's getting better care than many people!! In my opinion, considering what she did, SA is truly blessed that she was able to live a long life and hopefully, for her sake, used that time to work on her soul!!

Well great for her then, sounds like she doesn't really need out after all. The prison nursing facility sounds heavenly!;)
She was a crazy drugged up young girl.

Even the prosecutor at her trial (attorney-turned-author Vincent Bugliosi) believed Atkins was demented. While I agree that she did not belong in society I don't put the same level of responsibility on her shoulders than on Manson's regarding the Tate-LaBianca murders and that even if Manson never killed anyone himself.

That said she did belong in prison but her current state of health will mandate a transfer to a hospital for palliative care anyway -I doubt prison infirmaries handle this sort of situation- and well, I'm not against it. Each year many prisoners afflicted with terminal conditions, including death row inmates, are sent to civilian hospitals to die and Atkins being famous shouldn't preclude her from obtaining the same treatment. She is almost dead anyway so her sentence is nearing its legal completion.
Even the prosecutor at her trial (attorney-turned-author Vincent Bugliosi) believed Atkins was demented. While I agree that she did not belong in society I don't put the same level of responsibility on her shoulders than on Manson's regarding the Tate-LaBianca murders and that even if Manson never killed anyone himself.

That said she did belong in prison but her current state of health will mandate a transfer to a hospital for palliative care anyway -I doubt prison infirmaries handle this sort of situation- and well, I'm not against it. Each year many prisoners afflicted with terminal conditions, including death row inmates, are sent to civilian hospitals to die and Atkins being famous shouldn't preclude her from obtaining the same treatment. She is almost dead anyway so her sentence is nearing its legal completion.

Well according to her husbandlawyer, it sounds as if she's getting outstanding care right where she is. If it's good enough for them, then it certainly is for me. And she's supposedly been almost dead for over a year now. :rolleyes:
Oh, my goodness. Let's let her out of jail so she can die?

What's wrong with her dieing in jail for her crime of murder? Isn't that what jail is for?
Yup, she received a Life sentence- that's what it means- you stay in prison until your life is over, and that's exactly what should happen. A criminal who gets cancer is still a criminal.
Her parole was denied-but she is getting a compassionate release from this earth! More than the victims got when they were released from this earth in 1969!!:twocents:

i agree she was sadistic and monstrous towards those innocent people and was I pleased the courts didnt grant her release .
Did she ever offically renounce Manson like Leslie and Patricia did?

She was the only one out of the three women to never give an interview about the murders.

I found a website of hers once. Well, someone else ran it obviously, but she wrote all the material.

It was about her "journey" and "finding God." It was so poorly written it would have been funny if not so infuriating.
Way off topic but interesting.

Ever wonder what happened to the Manson children? There are lots of them.

Check out this in-depth report. The reporter actually finds one of his kids.

Scroll down and underneath the article are the two videos.
Way off topic but interesting.

Ever wonder what happened to the Manson children? There are lots of them.

Check out this in-depth report. The reporter actually finds one of his kids.

Scroll down and underneath the article are the two videos.

Oh wow Tricia,I never gave a second thought about Mansons' children! You have got to feel so bad for them. Very interesting!
LKL tonight is replaying his interview with Linda Kasabian and Vincent B, also the sister of Sharon Tate is on later. They also showed more recent videos of Susan A.

Trica this is from the site you posted. Did you see this?

"kimberley davis (manson)
Date: 29 Sep 2004
charles manson is my biological father. he may be in the eyes of the public a horrable person but to me he is my daddy. i am 35 years old and he never even had the chance to meet me. his name is on my birth certificate as being my father. i was born november 22nd 1969 in alexandria louisiana. i love charles so much that it breaks my heart to read all the negative things that people write about my father. if anyone wants to comment about this post then please write all you want. Kimberly... (sic) This one is a dead-end. (From the website "
We always talk about Atkins and the Tate murders, but she also participated in the Gary Hinman murder. She was the one who wrote "Political Piggy" (or something like that) in his blood on the wall.
Why would anybody let a baby killer/murderess out of her sentence just because she has cancer? Tate's family didn't even want Linda K to get immunity. And can you imagine what that jury might feel as well? If I spent that much time listening to those horrific cases I would be so mad that somebody who wasn't even on the jury thought they knew better.
DROP DEAD SUSAN... Animal....:furious:
Then you can come out in a pine box.

Not one minute sooner.
Trica this is from the site you posted. Did you see this?

"kimberley davis (manson)
Date: 29 Sep 2004
charles manson is my biological father. he may be in the eyes of the public a horrable person but to me he is my daddy. i am 35 years old and he never even had the chance to meet me. his name is on my birth certificate as being my father. i was born november 22nd 1969 in alexandria louisiana. i love charles so much that it breaks my heart to read all the negative things that people write about my father. if anyone wants to comment about this post then please write all you want. Kimberly... (sic) This one is a dead-end. (From the website "

I feel sorry for this girl....
This girl is in love with any father figure. She can not be in love with a man she never met. If she did know him she may have been one to be abused. We do not know.
She is defending what she is reading because after all his name is on her BC and on some level even a subconscious level she knows she has his gens, so she is in defense mode.
If her BC said John Doe that would be whom she would love.
Ex-Manson follower Susan Atkins has died of brain cancer, according to the Los Angeles Times.

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