Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

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I had no idea but it makes so much more sense of the obituary. I sort of feel like mentioning an ex of his Dad's in the obit was probably a stab to his mom. IMO.

Mom has dumped dad, the charity is not even set up but Dellen is asking for money to be sent to his home. Now that is weird to say 'there really isn't a charity, but if you want to give," give it to me.

Seems to me it is more a stab at his father to say he WM wasn't handling things like he use to be able to do. To EG's family I got away with taking your sister's money. If he is a true sociopath would he not enjoy stating his power. But their you need to see a history of bully like actions, to prove my theory.
Thanks I totally get why it was important for AS to settle DM down but don't you find it odd that AS didn't meet with WM also just to continue an open business relationship?
There is the possibility that AS did meet with WM during his visit. He may even have told WM that he was having problems with DM and that may have caused some friction between WM and DM. The Post article doesn't cover much aside for the friction between AS and DM. MOO
I'm sure someone has mentioned this before but the thing about this quote from the friend of DM's girlfriend that makes no sense at all, is first saying she never even knew he had money, then saying how he'd take her on skydiving trips and tropical vacations.

Last time I checked, you have to have at least a few bucks in the bank somewhere, to be spending that kind of money on fun and games. If I had a friend whose boyfriend was taking her on trips like this, I'd automatically assume he did have money. Maybe that's just me.

I agree, I would assume someone has money if they are vacationing often.

wm was still alive why was he speaking to DM..DM was not the company owner yet? WM was not interested?

DM was in charge of the project: "The recent Waterloo venture was Wayne’s first major aviation initiative. He told both Mr. Sharif and a former Millardair pilot that it was designed to be “Dellen’s project” and provide his 27-year-old son with a secure future"
It makes sense to me that if this was to be "Dellen's project" then Dellen is the one that was somewhat in charge of it. Perhaps WM was wanting to involve DM from the start of the project so he knew what was going on. Making DM the go to person regarding the project.

That part troubled me too. I would have been fine with the dinner meeting provided there was also a meeting with WM after all he was the senior founder. It doesn't make business sense at all to me.

Dellen appears, per the article posted above, to be basically the project manager, so it makes sense. Not all senior founders have an active hand in projects.

From the quote below, it would appear that AS and DM had an argument about business and DM suggested that they discuss their differences over a private dinner..mmmmm...IMO, AS may have been in danger that night and didn't even know it...but once again...JMHO. From the sounds of it, DM was questioning WM's thought process and didn't like the fact that this business was costing so much money, so it made sense to me that AS met with DM privately to explain everything to him.

"AS paid a visit to the new hangar and DM questioned him as to why no contracts were yet in place for the new Millardair aircraft maintenance and repair business.

AS responded that until the facilities, estimated to have cost some $6 million, could be toured by potential customers, no deals would be signed. As the situation grew heated, DM suggested that they discuss their differences in private over dinner that evening."


Clearly there may be something more to the whole situation, but from the surface, removing the disagreement from the workplace where others probably were is the professional thing to do to not have the scuttle on public display.
The fact that Dellen was wondering where the contracts were makes me wonder if he wasn't as disinterested as many have assumed. To me that shows concern for viability of the business. Saying the financial coffers were running low is not an unusual thing to say IMO. A lot of business persons says this as a way of saying "get this done and don't waste money, the money train is not endless."

Mom has dumped dad, the charity is not even set up but Dellen is asking for money to be sent to his home. Now that is weird to say 'there really isn't a charity, but if you want to give," give it to me.

Seems to me it is more a stab at his father to say he WM wasn't handling things like he use to be able to do. To EG's family I got away with taking your sister's money. If he is a true sociopath would he not enjoy stating his power. But their you need to see a history of bully like actions, to prove my theory.

The "charity" didn't necessarily get EG's money, it was like usual obits asking for donations to charities in memory of the decedent. Even though we know the foundation/fund mentioned in EG's and WM's obits are not registered charities.
Carli, I find it very interesting to watch as you and BLomquist keep coming up with theories as to why DM didn't do it.

I understand that innocent people are sometimes charged and convicted and, like just about everyone else, I would like to avoid such miscarriages of justice and do everything possible to minimize their occurrences.

But what strikes me is that the people on this board most loudly voicing the opinion that DM is innocent seem to <modnsip> others, including those who have not been named by the police. <modsnip> UNless there is real evidence, we shouldn't be dragging people into this

Also, a while back your theory was that Millardair was so valuable that criminals were framing DM so they could have access to his corporate riches, wipe out the competition from this fabulous company, etc. Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

Now, you're suggesting, DM was the victim of incompetent colleagues and the company was a mess.

What I'd really like to know is why you are so completely convinced that DM is innocent. <modsnip>

I guess I for one find it equally interesting how so many people keep coming up with theories how DM could have done it. I guess its a case of personalities really. Some people prefer to maintain the presumption of innocence and try to ascertain who could be connected or linked. Others prefer to go with the presumption of guilt and like to keep the accused's feet to the fire as it were. I don't believe I have been tarring anyone...I have tried to find connections the same as those who are trying to find connections to seal DM's fate or attempt to show that he may be innocent.

I make no apology for presuming innocence as I believe that is what is supposed to be done according to the current justice system. As yet I have not seen any real evidence linking DM to LB or his fathers death but many seem to suggest this is the case.

Thank you for the link...but there are many many links to others posts that have suggested what may be the case. That is why we are here isn't it? IMO To sleuth out the crime and who is responsible....thus we will all come up with various suggestion along the way ... How can we be accurate at every stage .... when we are merely sleuthing.

I hope this explains my perspective for you being that you named me in particular CK. Of course this is all my own opinion JMO/MOO and I trust that you can appreciate that we all have different personalities and belief systems in place.... Thank you
Sorry if this was posted/asked already... but where is Dellen's mum?? Sorry mods if this is against the rules... it's just weird that she's just disappeared. With no immediate family available to notice her missing, is anybody concerned about her not being seen for so long?

I don't believe she's made a public statement or anything like that. However, DM did sign over a property to her and she has apparently taken the reigns as ceo Millardair.
I don't believe she's made a public statement or anything like that. However, DM did sign over a property to her and she has apparently taken the reigns as ceo Millardair.

I don't blame MB to not be near her home with all of the media. MB is a very private person that does not enjoy the limelight at all. She is smart to stay clear and focus on what she has to handle and it can be done from another location indeed.
I don't blame MB to not be near her home with all of the media. MB is a very private person that does not enjoy the limelight at all. She is smart to stay clear and focus on what she has to handle and it can be done from another location indeed.

I'm sure it's a pretty sad and stressful time for her. It must be terrible.
Blomquist. i do agree some what , i do see alot of nancy graces out here ,and they have this guy nailed ,so they think . we ve yet to see a 3 rd or 4 th person arrested . no 1 is talking , from what i see this isnt a win win situation , if police knew who other people were, im sure they would have them by now . people you have to admit theressomething not right here , However , body on his property , truck in moms driveway , there seems to be alot of evidence pointing right at him , people if they dont find other people involved , police wouldnt dare take these guys to court . police cant put a complete story together ,,also the people in custody have a right to a speedy court case , now im sure police no alot more then we ll ever know untill goes to court,,,but if we dont have all the suspect and people they have dont say anything , chances are alot slimmer those responsible will not be convicted of what they should be , im certain cops charged with this crime so be able to hold them in custody .
pretty soon alot of these people are goin to have d m on the grassy knoll in dallas .. stick with known facts , dont worry about video game b s ....what do you know - this case is a mess , do i think hes involved o yeah, do i think he killed Tim , that i cant say ,, ive got no proof , and thats what a jury will say people .. y because theresno proof who killed ,,,hes involved but up to the crown to prove , suspects dont have tto say a word .
I agree, I would assume someone has money if they are vacationing often.

DM was in charge of the project: "The recent Waterloo venture was Wayne&#8217;s first major aviation initiative. He told both Mr. Sharif and a former Millardair pilot that it was designed to be &#8220;Dellen&#8217;s project&#8221; and provide his 27-year-old son with a secure future"
It makes sense to me that if this was to be "Dellen's project" then Dellen is the one that was somewhat in charge of it. Perhaps WM was wanting to involve DM from the start of the project so he knew what was going on. Making DM the go to person regarding the project.

Dellen appears, per the article posted above, to be basically the project manager, so it makes sense. Not all senior founders have an active hand in projects.

Clearly there may be something more to the whole situation, but from the surface, removing the disagreement from the workplace where others probably were is the professional thing to do to not have the scuttle on public display.
The fact that Dellen was wondering where the contracts were makes me wonder if he wasn't as disinterested as many have assumed. To me that shows concern for viability of the business. Saying the financial coffers were running low is not an unusual thing to say IMO. A lot of business persons says this as a way of saying "get this done and don't waste money, the money train is not endless."

The "charity" didn't necessarily get EG's money, it was like usual obits asking for donations to charities in memory of the decedent. Even though we know the foundation/fund mentioned in EG's and WM's obits are not registered charities.

The fact that DM was wondering where the contracts were, while he didn't have the hanger cleared out and ready, this confuses me.
(refused to clear his collection of cars, jeeps, hot rods, jet skis and personal airplanes from the business premises)
If someone was in the position of DM, after your dad spent millions on a "project" to secure your future, would you not be working around the clock
( who didn&#8217;t meet his deadlines, almost never arrived at work before noon)
to make this "project" succeed. Perhaps DM had no ambition or interest in this business.

Mr. Sharif responded that until the facilities, estimated to have cost some $6 million, could be toured by potential customers, no deals would be signed. As the situation grew heated, Dellen suggested that they discuss their differences in private over dinner that evening.

Sounds like a reasonable answer by AS after DM asked where the contracts were, why did DM become so heated, why didn't he clean up the hanger and have it ready to meet potential customers.
That part troubled me too. I would have been fine with the dinner meeting provided there was also a meeting with WM after all he was the senior founder. It doesn't make business sense at all to me.

I would imagine that DM had a high position in the company regardless whether his father was alive or not. His father was in his seventies so one can assume that WM had handed over quite a bit of responsibility to DM. I hardly think WM would have lacked the foresight to realize that he needed to have Dellen on board to eventually take over the company. The AS guy from Texas has suggested the red mohawk was a problem, yet the mohawk was for a season only (Baja season) , his says DM refused to move his cars etc, do we know this as a fact or is it hearsay? WM could at any time have had someone remove DM's items from the hangar if he had really wanted. Lets be fair WM had the money to make anything happen if he had so wished. I still say IMO that there is a lot more to this case than has been many people coming out of the woodwork now for their 15 minutes of fame, but the truth is another matter IMO JMO MOO
Lets be fair WM had the money to make anything happen if he had so wished. I still say IMO that there is a lot more to this case than has been many people coming out of the woodwork now for their 15 minutes of fame, but the truth is another matter IMO JMO MOO

What makes you think WM had the money to make anything happen?????

Seems to me that WM started to use his own personal money, (DM's inheritance) to throw into the business, to get it up and running. The money is only flowing into the business, but zero is coming out. DM is upset, he sees the amount of money his father is throwing at the business.
theres so much hearsay here , no 1 knows what the facts are anymore ...cant convict on hearsay , facebooks , video game sites , u can only count what police have released as the facts , thatsall wehave ,, several peps areso far ahead of all ,, they confused alot of folks .. keep it simple dont convict un till we know , im sayin innocent , but i want true clues and facts
Blomquist. i do agree some what , i do see alot of nancy graces out here ,and they have this guy nailed ,so they think . we ve yet to see a 3 rd or 4 th person arrested . no 1 is talking , from what i see this isnt a win win situation , if police knew who other people were, im sure they would have them by now . people you have to admit theressomething not right here , However , body on his property , truck in moms driveway , there seems to be alot of evidence pointing right at him , people if they dont find other people involved , police wouldnt dare take these guys to court . police cant put a complete story together ,,also the people in custody have a right to a speedy court case , now im sure police no alot more then we ll ever know untill goes to court,,,but if we dont have all the suspect and people they have dont say anything , chances are alot slimmer those responsible will not be convicted of what they should be , im certain cops charged with this crime so be able to hold them in custody .
pretty soon alot of these people are goin to have d m on the grassy knoll in dallas .. stick with known facts , dont worry about video game b s ....what do you know - this case is a mess , do i think hes involved o yeah, do i think he killed Tim , that i cant say ,, ive got no proof , and thats what a jury will say people .. y because theresno proof who killed ,,,hes involved but up to the crown to prove , suspects dont have tto say a word .

Hi Shaky pi

I do agree that something is not right here..and the fact that all the findings ie truck at moms, body at farm and some guy saying the guy that came to his place had similar tattoo, but for me it is all too convenient and too obvious that it seems like it was lined up as such.

As you probably know, police do in fact charge people just on someone elses say its not too surprising that they don't need much to lay a charge given the current climate of LE. Just because someone sits on a toilet doesn't mean they left the evidence in the pan ...if you get my yes I agree the case is a right mess. I actually have a hunch that there are other people involved here that may never ever be held accountable. JMO

DM looks different in so many pics too.... but thats something for another day....
Well, uhm, because he IS innocent until proven otherwise. I'm just another one of those annoying Canadians who very, very strongly believes in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms as, I gather, so is Blomquist and several other people posting here.

Thanks for the reminder, but we are not in a court of law here. We are on a discussion forum and as such, we are not tied to the tenants of the court. I make no assumptions and attempt to be fair with all of my comments but I am driven to do so by my own judgement and morals. In a discussion, everyone reserves the same right to voice their opinion. Just as you do...

What makes you think WM had the money to make anything happen?????

Seems to me that WM started to use his own personal money, (DM's inheritance) to throw into the business, to get it up and running. The money is only flowing into the business, but zero is coming out. DM is upset, he sees the amount of money his father is throwing at the business.

It doesn't take too much money to make anything happen !!! But insofar as WM is concerned he obviously had a lot more than you or I.... (presumably) I think DM was more upset at how certain people were guiding his dad into spending money without adequate contracts to back up the spending. But the money was still available, look at the assets, both personal and in the business.
As far as conviction goes... I worry... The way I look at this is all the evidence we know of so far, can be explained away.. Giving reasonable doubt.. Murder one needs beyond a reasonable doubt.. So IF DM's prints were not on or in Tims truck, the prosecutor will have a tough time.. IMO... If Dellen has high priced seasoned lawyer, he/she won't have a problem creating reasonable doubt (if DM's prints are not found in or on Tims truck)..
Thanks for the reminder, but we are not in a court of law here. We are on a discussion forum and as such, we are not tied to the tenants of the court. I make no assumptions and attempt to be fair with all of my comments but I am driven to do so by my own judgement and morals. In a discussion, everyone reserves the same right to voice their opinion. Just as you do...


In general I quite agree, Pink Panther, <modsnip>
In general I quite agree, Pink Panther, but I was responding to an extraordinary and direct attack from another poster who evidently does not share your balanced view.

For the record, I believe in innocent until proven guilty before a court of law.

And I also believe in the right to free speech, which is protected in the charter as well.
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