Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #2

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AE, IMO, DM may have purchased the farm because he saw true value in the large dairy barn and topography of the land. IMO, this particular farm offers a tremendous amount of privacy, both out in the bowl like field flanked by bush, or at the barn which has a main entrance obscured from view of any neighbors. If there was manure, straw & hay left behind in the barn, it could come in handy if you had to compost a carcass or two. Of course an incinerator is just a bit faster. MOO

IMO, what's always struck me as unusual about the whole farm acquisition is how DM became aware of it. DM lived in Etobicoke and the airport is on the Etobicoke side of Cambridge. IMO, it seems strange that DM would have found himself scouring the country side on the other side of Cambridge looking for a place to build his dream home. He didn't find the listing on any website, he called the Realtor off of the sign, indicating to me that a young man from Oakville, with business between Cambridge & Toronto, just happened to be driving down "Roseville" Road that day and said "wow...this is the place for me! and I'll pay $835K for it!!" IMO, I would think that there was plenty of property between Oakville and Bresleau that would have not only been more prestigious, but would have served DM better if he was actually looking to build his dream home. Perhaps WM became suspicious about DM's true intentions later on down the road?

" Nicholson recalls that events moved quickly in the spring of 2011. A few months earlier, Dellen Millard had called Nicholson from 2548 Roseville Rd., dialing the number on the For Sale sign and introducing himself.

Millard explained his interest in the farm, a 46-hectare property with an old barn, but no residence. Nicholson met him to walk the property. Millard eventually explained that he planned to build a house there for himself and his fiancée. “He was discussing, ‘where do you think is a good spot?’ ”

They met several times at the farm, joined sometimes by Dellen’s father Wayne Millard, president of family business Millardair. The father has since passed away.

I dunno, my doctor and landlord etc. live in Ayr. I've had the impression that a lot of people with a lot of bucks live in that area. DM probably heard of people looking for spreads there and decided to check out the area on his own. Of course there are still the (fewer and fewer) farmers, but they are selling out an the area is becoming more gentrified. Close (3 mins) access to the 401 and he's 3 minutes from the Fisher Hallman. Great place for a professional that has to commute (not saying DM is a pro anything, just that's the feel of Ayr to me)
Oh no don't make me go looking for that one lone article that talked about someone meeting his gorgeous gf/fiancée at the airport.

Is this the article you were thinking of?

The pretty girl he introduced as his fiancée at the Runways Café at the region's airport remains a mystery woman.

Except she's not really a mystery woman, is she? Didn't WS find out who she was several months ago?
I agree that there must have been a name tied to a purchase agreement somewhere, and I think that after LE had time to look into it, they found that name and realized it wasn't the person that had been named in the media as the purchaser so many times previously. And I think for reasons of privacy or perhaps the PB, the actual purchaser was not named for the media, but all the stories changed, and now instead of saying "DM purchased the incinerator in July..." They all now say something "LE removed an incinerator from land belonging to DM". I think that if they could still say that he bought it, they would, because that sells more papers (or whatever they call it now, generates more hits).

I totally agree with this. It amazes me that people think of DM as "an employee" of Millardair, but don't think that AS can be considered an "employee".

If the incinerator was paid for by a company credit card, all that would be required by the supplier is that the charge went through successfully. I guess if it was purchased by Millardair, and if Millardair had to approve the purchase, and if DM was only an employee of Millardair, then WM was the actual buyer since he was still alive at that point. A lot of "ifs" there. ;)

I've always wondered how people knew if the fiance was the same person as the current girlfriend, or was that just assumed? Maybe I missed that back in the very early posts at the beginning.

No it was a question that got raised that never got resolved, IMO
I totally agree with this. It amazes me that people think of DM as "an employee" of Millardair, but don't think that AS can be considered an "employee".

If the incinerator was paid for by a company credit card, all that would be required by the supplier is that the charge went through successfully. I guess if it was purchased by Millardair, and if Millardair had to approve the purchase, and if DM was only an employee of Millardair, then WM was the actual buyer since he was still alive at that point. A lot of "ifs" there. ;)


Not really, every place of employment I've worked and had a "Corporate" or "Company/Agency" card, it was linked to me by number. Also any PO that I issued over the phone, I gave the PO number to the seller, the item I wanted, and I sent the copies of the signed by me PO to A/Payable, My superior/whomever. If it was with a totally new OEM that didn't know me are whom I may work for they validated/verified the PO.

There would likely be a trail and quite possibly even a cash trail under certain conditions.

No ifs there. It shouldn't be an unsolvable mystery on who purchased it unless it is simply deemed not important to know who purchased it to the investigation/prosecution. Or for example if the purchaser was a totally innocent office worker.

Maybe you could explain exactly how it would be untraceable, I'm always interested in expanding my skill set/knowledge base. TIA
Boy, he's sure trying to put a good spin on why he knows his client wouldn't make bail. The comment about DM still wanting to build his dream house is comical!

I think DP mis-spoke wrt dream house ... and really meant to say that DM is planning on spending his life in The Big House :floorlaugh:
I must have missed the proof that he was getting a salary and on the payroll, can you please post a link to it?

So if he was an owner who may or may not be getting a salary, the best we could come up with is that he may or may not have purchased the incinerator; we cannot state as a fact that he did, as I was correcting.
Juballee, there is no link, so my apologies. It was simply my opinion that if he was Manager of Hanger Construction, that WM had given him a job and he would be on the payroll. I'm comfortable believing that WM was major shareholder in Millardair, therefore "controlling interest" and was calling the shots. MOO

However, there is no link to anything that say's DM was a shareholder at that time as well. All corporations whether private or public have shareholders. They are the owners of the company. A shareholder can also be employed by the company. IMO It's important to realize that DM may have been a shareholder or an employee, or both. His ownership in Millardair up until the death of WM is an unknown and since it was a private company, will probably remain such. JMHO
I totally agree with this. It amazes me that people think of DM as "an employee" of Millardair, but don't think that AS can be considered an "employee".


Employee is defined to include officers, directors and former employees

A good example would be if Millard Air had an employee benefit plan. Whether the janitor, or DM as a manager or director of the company, employees would all be entitled to them. AS was a self-employed consultant out of the US. He would not be on payroll (whether hourly or salary), he would not be entitled to benefits that are extended to company employees, and he would invoice Millard Air for his services.

ETA: Also, AS would not have the usual deductions taken for EI, Canada Pension, WCB, etc. that are required to be paid by, and contributed to, by Canadian employers on behalf of their employees.
MsSherlock, It wasn't me or you that pointed out DM had so much money from Millardair that he could have bought TB's truck was it?

So he got that money from somewhere.........was it possibly from funds skimmed from the Canadian Flora and Fauna Society then? Or was he on the payroll/dividends and an employee of Millardair.
Not really, every place of employment I've worked and had a "Corporate" or "Company/Agency" card, it was linked to me by number. Also any PO that I issued over the phone, I gave the PO number to the seller, the item I wanted, and I sent the copies of the signed by me PO to A/Payable, My superior/whomever. If it was with a totally new OEM that didn't know me are whom I may work for they validated/verified the PO.

There would likely be a trail and quite possibly even a cash trail under certain conditions.

No ifs there. It shouldn't be an unsolvable mystery on who purchased it unless it is simply deemed not important to know who purchased it to the investigation/prosecution. Or for example if the purchaser was a totally innocent office worker.

Maybe you could explain exactly how it would be untraceable, I'm always interested in expanding my skill set/knowledge base. TIA

Where did I say it was untraceable? I'm sure LE already knows who ordered it. It only seems to be an issue here because we don't have that information. The person who ordered it is probably on the no contact list and under the PB.


A good example would be if Millard Air had an employee benefit plan. Whether the janitor, or DM as a manager or director of the company, employees would all be entitled to them. AS was a self-employed consultant out of the US. He would not be on payroll (whether hourly or salary), he would not be entitled to benefits that are extended to company employees, and he would invoice Millard Air for his services.

ETA: Also, AS would not have the usual deductions taken for EI, Canada Pension, WCB, etc. that are required to be paid by, and contributed to, by Canadian employers on behalf of their employees.

Yes, that is the CRA definition for remitting EHT in Ontario. Interesting though, that if AS was based in Ontario, Millardair may have had to remit EHT for him anyway. From your link:

Payments to corporations

If you contract for the services of an individual who operates through a corporation such as a personal services business, you may be required to pay EHT on payments you make to the individual’s corporation if:
•it is reasonable to consider that the payments are made in consideration for services rendered, and
•if not for the existence of the corporation, the individual could reasonably be regarded as your employee.

In the previous conversations, it wasn't the CRA regulations being discussed. Some just felt AS could be considered an employee since he was hired to do a job for Millardair and received payment from them for that job.

I'm gonna say it was to house drugs. Perhaps even to make drugs. JMO. Was there any electrical hookup at the farm?

There might be hydro as there is a milking room according to one sleuthers post way back where sleuther mentioned this was originally a cow milking farm in the early days. I just watched MS's bizarre video and there is graffiti on a wall in that video. Is DP trying to use the tactic now, whatever LE find could be related to trespassers planting evidence against DM?! Actually I find it quite laughable on DP's part. Again trying to raise reasonable doubt here. He seems to be so in the dark about this case, poor guy. :floorlaugh: AND may I ask how he knows about the hole and graffiti? After talking to DM, maybe he has been to the barn and tried to remove evidence but couldn't locate it, did locate it but of course couldn't get rid of all evidence as per Constable Kwong statement below. Maybe DP didn't want to get his suit dirty digging through hay. :facepalm: The graffiti must be internal as I saw no graffiti on the outside, unless it was around the back or to the left side of the barn. :moo:

Mr. Paradkar said that, since late May, trespassers had punched a hole in a wall of the barn on the property and defaced it with graffiti – raising questions of “how relevant” anything found there might be.

When asked if police have such concerns, Constable Kwong said it depends on what investigators are seeking now. “Certain things won’t ever go away,” he said.
Is the Sept 12 court appearance still on ?? ... or was that going to be the (now cancelled) bail application hearing ?

For DP to not want "any more info released" at a bail hearing makes it sound unfavorable for DM

From recent reports it sounds like it's still on for tomorrow. Can hardly wait to hear what Napoleon has to say about the latest search. :floorlaugh:
Let's try to keep our facts straight, please.

I believe it was stated by LE that the incinerator was purchased by an employee of Millardair. DM would not be considered an employee in my opinion. I don't think that information was released to the public by accident, or for the purpose of misdirection or misinformation, I believe it was put out there to clarify an aspect that may effect his ability to receive a fair trial.

Not fact but I guess it's likely MS was on payroll with Millardair. I can see CEOs of companies being too important to stoop so low as to having to do their own calling, therefore putting an employee up to the job. Maybe DM claimed he was an employee, embarrassed that an all important CEO of a fair sized business would have to lower his "standards" and place orders. Also a good smoke screen down the road to hide behind. DM could then call upon that employee to try and back him stating what DM's supposed intentions for the incinerator was for. Don't forget something which is highly important; someone handled the accounting aspects of Millardair (if highly doubt DM), therefore wouldn't if seem obviously strange DM ordering an incinerator which never arrives at the hangar but a good chunk of money is taken from the account. I feel certain WM was keeping close tabs on his investment. Again JMO referencing to DP stating DM is intelligent.

When you assume that information (employee made purchase) was made public for intended purposes, I believe you could be right. It'll go to show down the road how much planning and slyness DM went through to cover his butt. He's going to get a very fair trial; don't you worry about that Jub. HTH and MOO.
Is the Sept 12 court appearance still on ?? ... or was that going to be the (now cancelled) bail application hearing ?

For DP to not want "any more info released" at a bail hearing makes it sound unfavorable for DM

Agree, way too much evidence IMHO. And he would not go into detail as to why they are not seeking bail. :lol: He doesn't want to tell the public the Crown has a *****load of direct evidence. Why do I think if Napoleon were alive, he would file a lawsuit against DP for dragging his name through the mud or impersonation; maybe identity theft?! :floorlaugh:

His lawyer, Deepak Paradkar would not go into detail about the decision against seeking bail, but said trying to achieve release is a “very, very onerous task” in first-degree murder cases.

“There are a lot of tactical reasons why one might not go for bail, because at a bail hearing, [the Crown] might get to present a case which might affect a lot of things,” he said,

Mr. Millard, 28, and his co-accused, 26-year-old Mark Smich, are slated to appear in court on Thursday.
I think DP mis-spoke wrt dream house ... and really meant to say that DM is planning on spending his life in The Big House :floorlaugh:

:laughcry::hot: I think this could be a fact SB!
mmmm I think a wood chipper would come in handy if you had to compost a carcass as well. Where did I see a wood chipper? But then again,OMAFRA does have recipes to follow and sometimes, like everyone knows, recipes may look easier then they really are. An incinerator may very well be the answer 2nd time around. Wonder if anyone did a google search on carcass disposal? JMHO

Great thought MsS. The wood chipper was in the hangar IIRC from pictures; a big green chopping machine. That could have been DM's first purchase for the jobs but when he put his philosophy to work by way of nature and back on his reading, he realized DNA could still be gathered. So the way DM would deal with those optics would be to use an incinerator. ;) IMHO they wanted to be certain no DNA would be found and the incinerator would do the best job. HTH and MOO.

Well R Pickton found a way to rid of carcasses...pigs. Maybe DM was intending on getting some pigs down the road when his dream house was complete and he lived there and was able to tend to the pigs. He already had housing for them so I guess they could have been a possibility to use in conjunction with the wood chipper maybe... :scared: :moo:
Ok, I'll admit that the wood chipper thing is usually where I hit a wall. I know it was used in a movie, but it is really feasible for dealing with remains? Wouldn't it just spread evidence everywhere? Wouldn't the chipper (in addition to being an extremely large smoking gun with DNA all over it) then smell like, well, death, forever thereafter? Am I visualizing how these things work incorrectly?
Also, o/t: if you haven't upgraded your tapatalk iPad client and it's nagging you to, DO NOT DO IT. This thing crashes about every ten minutes after the last update.
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