Suspicious behavior of Haleigh Cummings father

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Ron claims LE has Plenty of tips, most of them are bogus. LE is trying to help though. Misty looks so drugged in this interview. Ron turns to her and tells her to look at the camera.
In this interview Misty claims that she noticed the kitchen light on when "She walked into the living room".

Misty claims she did not lock the back door because it is always locked and they don't use it. Ronald agrees. Ronald says he dose keep it locked and he checks it every afternoon before he goes to work. Misty then says they only use the door to take the trash out or to vacuum the car.
Misty only claims that her "older brother came over and the A/C guy". If you listen closely as she is saying who came over, you hear someone making a shushing sound. When asked who was sleeping closer to the back door Misty says Haleigh and Ronald says he would like to comment...Misty keeps talking and then Ron talks about what edge of the bed Haleigh was in and Misty was in. Ron says they took a poly the day before and they both passed. Ronald said that they told him he passed...Misty claims she passed as well.

I would like to know how Ron knew what side of the bed Haleigh was sleeping in and what side of the bed Misty was sleeping in?
On JVM it is said that Misty's older brother may of came over with children and cousin Joe HOURS BEFORE HALEIGH WENT MISSING. In this show they also talk about Ron having a fight with Joe the night before Haleigh disappeared. Ron says that there was no fight. JVM says the report of the fight came from a RELATIVE.
February 21, 2009

Thank You Maven2379 for the quick reply. Correction Timothy Croslin DOB: 9/29/87
I now wonder about Timmy as well. Him so eager to send Misty money, his tax refund being spent on her when he has a family to take care of. I could understand him sending a few dollars, but it seems he sent her money for cantine and phone calls as well as Tommy.

Hank Jr. (Tommy) Croslin
DOB 8/2/1986

Timothy Croslin DOB: 9/29/87
yosande I agree, I think Ron is a drug dealer from way back. But, my thought was that the comparison that he was complaining about being so well know because of Haleigh's disappearance but yet still took the risk of dealing even though he believed he was under the radar. Most people aware of that distinction, would lay low and keep away from anything that could get them in more trouble. Ron is either a dumb player or he really saw himself as untouchable.
Maybe he played right into LE's hands when they kept remarking that Misty was the key. Fooled you Ron!

I agree Az that Ron's been dealing for a long time, perhaps nothing "big time" but certainly enough to support his and his underage gf's habits. I think a couple things contributed to him being susceptable at getting caught recently - as you mentioned (above), Ron seeing himself as untouchable would have only increased (IMO) considering that his child had been missing for nearly a year, her body hadn't been found and he hadn't even been arrested for it - this further contributed to his mentality that LE are fools and he (Ron) walks on water... secondly, business had to have dropped off. Who is going to buy/sell narcotics from/to Ronald & Misty considering all of the publicity, in addition to the media rumors about Ronald being a narc?! :crazy: That should have been their #1 clue right there; the only person(s) that would do business with them, in light of the circumstances, would be undercovers - No-brainer. But addiction combined with Ronald's "I can walk on water" attitude did him in. I can't wait for LE to get the goods on him for HaLeigh's death which I am convinced he is involved in up to his eyeballs! JMO~
What do we know about RC's anger toward blacks? I've missed something.

RC has made some very antagonist remarks while in jail to his telephone-pal, about black prisoners. Extremely insulting, I would say—asking for trouble.

He made a threat toward WBG (who is black) alluding to wanting to put a gun down his throat, and I just wonder if he harmed someone in the black community (perhaps another acquaintance of one of his girl friends) or raised the threat level enough that someone decided to hurt him the worst way you ever could.

I think LE may be leaning toward this theory since they have said something about foul play by someone known to MC or RC or both.

What do we know about RC's anger toward blacks? I've missed something.

:furious:Ron is a very disrespectful person. He used the "N" word while on the phone in jail with his gal pal. He also wanted to try and make Misty abort her so called pregnancy that was thought to be from a black man I assume. Ronald is a pure and IMO the "N" word is part of his disgraceful vocabulary.
I know some are leaning towards someone else came and took Haleigh maybe a black person, but I would think any person regardless of color if they had a bone to pick with Ron, they would of picked it with Ron himself. Ron made it even clearer in his UC video that a dope boy did not take Haleigh. Adding all of Ron's inconsistencies, lies, and protection of Misty has lead me to believe that what ever happened to Haleigh, happen in his presence because if someone else did something to Haleigh that he knew, he would of had a gun down their throat by now IMO. For today
Words could not describe the misery I would be in if my son were to go missing. The last thing I would do is get married. The last thing I were to do would sell drugs. Honestly, I would be on my knees praying to god to have him home. I would do whatever possible to keep his name in the media. So what if people recognize you, good let them. This means they would recognize Haleigh as well. Ronald and Misty are too self absord and selfish. When u have a child the word selfish isn't in your vocabulary. In my opinion, Ronalds lifestyle ultimately lead to his daughters disappearance. Misty is not someone you place in your life as a role model for your children nor fit to watch them knowing she uses drugs she went on a drug binge the weekend before for god sakes. Ronald cheated on his most recent babies mother with her she was the baby sitter. Didn't that child too have health issues? What struck a nerve with me is her on the jail tapes asking where her money is? I wonder of Nancy Grace is going to post what she spends her jail money on ! And She was pissed about her purse missing with her camera in it? Wonder what's on that camera? her selfishness makes u think if Haleigh got in her way somehow maybe to much to handle and she struck ending in her death. Ronalds gotten out of everything his whole life all those arrest and still selling drugs. I really would suggest we get cell phone records from everyone that's a suspect or related to the families. Who was MC, RC in contact with in recent months prior to the disappearance. Which towers/ locations pings were coming from. Nay Nay, white bog Greg, cousin Joe, the whole croslin clan. If it's no stranger abduction then why not? O wait Misti did have her phone off that's a huge
ginkies. If us at websleuths could have access to all the info this case would be easily solved. God bless lil Haleigh if somehow she is alive and out there, what would u think she would feel being missing and seeing her dad marry, seeing him selling drugs do you think she would feel wanted or loved? She is missing and her father chooses this over her. Sad sad sad
Ron claims LE has Plenty of tips, most of them are bogus. LE is trying to help though. Misty looks so drugged in this interview. Ron turns to her and tells her to look at the camera.
In this interview Misty claims that she noticed the kitchen light on when "She walked into the living room".

Misty claims she did not lock the back door because it is always locked and they don't use it. Ronald agrees. Ronald says he dose keep it locked and he checks it every afternoon before he goes to work. Misty then says they only use the door to take the trash out or to vacuum the car.
Misty only claims that her "older brother came over and the A/C guy". If you listen closely as she is saying who came over, you hear someone making a shushing sound. When asked who was sleeping closer to the back door Misty says Haleigh and Ronald says he would like to comment...Misty keeps talking and then Ron talks about what edge of the bed Haleigh was in and Misty was in. Ron says they took a poly the day before and they both passed. Ronald said that they told him he passed...Misty claims she passed as well.

I would like to know how Ron knew what side of the bed Haleigh was sleeping in and what side of the bed Misty was sleeping in?

Madj, I ran across this article a couple of days ago. Misty wasn't in the same room! (per this article) I also noticed that this station was on NG last night reporting...

WDBO Local News

Haleigh's family to be re-questioned by investigators
By Drew Petrimoulx @ February 13, 2009 2:49 PM Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBacks (0)


In initial reports, Misty Croslin(pictured) had told investigators that she was sleeping in the same bed as Haleigh and her younger brother. But Croslin told reporters Thursday that she was sleeping in another room, got up to use the bathroom, and found the girl missing.

This article came from, there's more articles.
On JVM it is said that Misty's older brother may of came over with children and cousin Joe HOURS BEFORE HALEIGH WENT MISSING. In this show they also talk about Ron having a fight with Joe the night before Haleigh disappeared. Ron says that there was no fight. JVM says the report of the fight came from a RELATIVE.
February 21, 2009

Thank You Maven2379 for the quick reply. According to Timmy's MS he is 22.
I now wonder about Timmy as well. Him so eager to send Misty money, his tax refund being spent on her when he has a family to take care of. I could understand him sending a few dollars, but it seems he sent her money for cantine and phone calls as well as Tommy. I now wonder if it is true that Timmy and Cousin Joe were at the MH that night.

The RELATIVE who reported it was TERESA. She states it in the same interview where the marital privilege comes up. When Teresa says Joe was over there, Ron looks at her and says, "No" or "What?" [Yesterday I mentioned that vid & thought it was on GVS; IDK - but they were sitting in the same chairs that are in one of the videos you posted earlier today.]

btw - I thought that we determined last week that Tommy was the older brother. Everybody was surprised because Timmy seems to be the "responsible" one. It would make sense - the oldest son would tend to be named after the father ["Junior"]. I sure wouldn't rely on myspace for the info.

I just checked the booking log for Putnam County. Tommy is 23.

Booking Date & Time: 9/15/2009 6:49:40 PM - Booking#: 09-03842
Release Date & Time: 9/24/2009 12:25:19 PM
DOB: 8/xx/1986 - RACE: W - SEX: M
I am curious about the brother that went over that night to check on Misty per Rons instructions to do so. After he found out she wasn't there did we ever find out if he called RC back to notify him or if Ron called him back. To go thru the trouble of having sum one go over wouldn't you think he followed up? If so if not? Why did he not go directly home? He went out of his way to a gas station? To buy beer? Also this puts that possibly the cousin rode with him at the crime scene. 2nd question Did the AC get repaired? If not some people prop doors open for a to let air in?
Don't anyone find it odd that ron says the back door stays locked and he checks it everytime he leaves for work. well, if thats so then how could someone come in that back door with out any force?? very odd to me.
I don't suspect Timmy at all. Based on his "wadda 'ya know, Sis?" on the jail call. He sincerely wanted an answer.

But I do believe that a true enemy, for instance racial provoking the wrong person of any color, would hurt you by hurting a relative. If MC wasn't there, or was distracted in the living room by accomplice ...

Anyway, I think that's the theory LE is working on because they have traced a thousand leads and seem to discount accident, parent, or pedophile ... :twocents:
Suspicious behaviour of Ronald Cummings? This will take more than one post....

I'll start with this image:


-Isn't that the girl who was supposed to be safe guarding his children on February 9th?

-Isn't she the one about whom LE said "we factually know that she is consistently inconsistent"?

-Isn't she the one who was gone for several days on a sex and drugs binge with WBG until less than 48 hours before his daughter vanished?

-Isn't she the one who Teresa Neves had to offer cash to get her to stay with the children on February 9th?

It is highly suspicious to me that Ronald Cummings is on his knees asking this dumb b**** (his words not mine) to marry him less than a month after his child disappeared while under her care.
Hands down! How many of you would sell drugs after your kid goes missing?
To much like that movie gone baby gone but unfortunatly this stories ending is much different. They know no body no evidence. Someone has got to admit the truth!
It strikes me as suspicious that someone who had frantically called his girlfriend 2, 20, or 90 times during the evening without success would take the time to go 2 miles out of the way to a store, that just happened to have video surveillance, to buy beer, cigarettes, and peanuts before going home after finally getting off work.
It seems exceedingly odd and highly suspicious that Ronald Cummings stated the following about a self closing door:

GRACE: Exactly. Mr. Cummings, you said the door was propped open. Describe to me what you saw when you got home.

CUMMINGS: I came in the house and immediately checked all the bedrooms, the bathroom, everywhere, just to be sure, and walked to the back door, it was wide open. As I walked out the back door, the screen door was propped open with a cinderblock.

Notice, even in his narrative, the only door mentioned as being held or propped open was the outer screen door
IMO, "suspicious" doesn't quite do justice to Ronald Cummings telling Misty EXACTLY where his "stolen" gun was hidden in a drainage culvert over fifteen miles from where he lived!

From the 12:48 mark of Misty's LVA:

“Ronald says check the culvert....


I checked the culvert and the gun was laying right there!!!”

There's very few ways he could know something like that.
IMO, "suspicious" doesn't quite do justice to Ronald Cummings telling Misty EXACTLY where his "stolen" gun was hidden in a drainage culvert over fifteen miles from where he lived!

From the 12:48 mark of Misty's LVA:

There's very few ways he could know something like that.

Hummmmmmmmmm, wonder if Ron gave his gun to someone to do a deed for him and that is where that someone was suppose to leave it after the deed was done.
Don't anyone find it odd that ron says the back door stays locked and he checks it everytime he leaves for work. well, if thats so then how could someone come in that back door with out any force?? very odd to me.

It irritates me that the front door is never mentioned by Ron or Misty. What???? Are kidnappers trained to use side or back doors only??? Entirely too much is said by the two of them regarding only one door to the home.
Don't anyone find it odd that ron says the back door stays locked and he checks it everytime he leaves for work. well, if thats so then how could someone come in that back door with out any force?? very odd to me.

You know, I never use the french doors in my dinning room either, but I never check to make sure they are locked. You know why? Because my husband and I never use them! It's as dumb as checking the gas in your second car, if you never drive it. Why?
It strikes me as suspicious that someone who had frantically called his girlfriend 2, 20, or 90 times during the evening without success would take the time to go 2 miles out of the way to a store, that just happened to have video surveillance, to buy beer, cigarettes, and peanuts before going home after finally getting off work.[/QUOTE]

i have always thought this was strictly done for alibi purposes...he knew by then that something had happened and was already "in character" for the rest of the charade...surprised police never found a badly spelled checklist of things to do...get on video 911...swear and brake things in kichen...
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