Sweden - Gay Marriage Now Legal In.....

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Iowa of all places. I have always thought of Iowa as flat and conservative - guess I was wrong. If they can legalize it in Iowa we can legalize it in ALL the states of this country. The law nor the constitution has the right to dictate who can marry whom. Courts are supposed to make their rulings based on pragamtism not moralism.

This makes me smile... go Iowa and Sweden!

The news about IOWA made my day today!!! Here in Idaho, it is still legal to fire someone just because they are gay. Idaho will likely be one of the last to jump on the equality train, but I am so proud of Iowa! Hopefully we will have good news about Vermont and California soon, too!

ETA: Thanks for starting this thread, southcitymom! I was going to, but was too afraid, haha. The last thread we had about California quickly turned into political bickering and got moved to the Political forum. Praying that this time we can avoid that.
I was just coming here to post this! Yea Iowa - 3rd state to legalize gay marriage! :clap::clap::clap::woohoo: It makes my heart swell with happiness.

4th state, SCM. :blowkiss:

Gay marriage is still legal for some of us in California, and will be legal for all some day. (Though maybe not without another referendum.)
4th state, SCM. :blowkiss:

Gay marriage is still legal for some of us in California, and will be legal for all some day. (Though maybe not without another referendum.)
OT but stay safe from those fires Nova! :blowkiss:

The news about IOWA made my day today!!! Here in Idaho, it is still legal to fire someone just because they are gay. Idaho will likely be one of the last to jump on the equality train, but I am so proud of Iowa! Hopefully we will have good news about Vermont and California soon, too!

ETA: Thanks for starting this thread, southcitymom! I was going to, but was too afraid, haha. The last thread we had about California quickly turned into political bickering and got moved to the Political forum. Praying that this time we can avoid that.
[my bold]

That's beyond my comprehension re firing someone because of lifestyle preference.

:thumb: to Iowa.
OT but stay safe from those fires Nova! :blowkiss:

Thanks, JBean. It was really scary. The fires (and evacuations) were on the other (north) side of town, but there were uprooted trees, downed powerlines and roofs blown off all over. I haven't seen anything like it since I was a kid and enjoying (because I didn't own the property and wasn't in charge of the clean up back then ;)) Florida hurricanes.
Another one down!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Vermont, the state that invented civil unions, on Tuesday became a pioneer once again as the first state to legalize gay marriage through a legislature's vote. The House barely achieved the votes necessary to override Gov. Jim Douglas' veto of a bill that will allow gays and lesbians to marry beginning September 1. Four states now have same-sex marriage laws and other states soon could follow suit.

Bills to allow same-sex marriage are currently before lawmakers in New Hampshire, Maine, New York and New Jersey. The three other states that currently allow same-sex marriage — Connecticut, Massachusetts and Iowa — each moved to do so through the courts, not legislatures.

Nova, it looks like they're not giving California credit. (It still blows my mind what happened there.)
:woohoo:GO VERMONT!!!! :woohoo:
First one through legislative vote! More to come!

Our country has DOUBLED the states that allow gay marriage in one week! If only we could do the same every week!
My whole family is from Iowa! They are conservative about SOME things, (imo, the right things), but I have observed, often not in the "stereotypical" ways. My daughter is in college at U of Iowa (4th generation in our family to go there) and said many students were proud of this ruling, and so am I! Let people love and officially commit to whomever they please! Good 'ole Iowa. NOT flat at all. Believe me.

Oh, and glad you're safe, Nova!

It's frustrating that it's taking so long for this to happen all over the country, but :woohoo: @ Iowa and Vermont!
:woohoo:GO VERMONT!!!! :woohoo:
First one through legislative vote! More to come!

Our country has DOUBLED the states that allow gay marriage in one week! If only we could do the same every week!

That would be great!
4th state, SCM. :blowkiss:

Gay marriage is still legal for some of us in California, and will be legal for all some day. (Though maybe not without another referendum.)

You are right, of course, Nova - I just didn't know how to count Cally after the latest prop!:blowkiss:
...Nova, it looks like they're not giving California credit. (It still blows my mind what happened there.)

I think it's all in the verb tense: the original statement was "3rd state to legalize." In that case, CA must be counted, because we did legalize it, even if a referendum later changed the situation.

In your cite, they use the words "currently legal" and probably don't count CA because gays can't "currently" marry one another.

I'm wondering whether the recent rash of legalizations will have any effect on the CA supremes. (Probably not and anyway they would never admit it.)

Experts who watched the oral arguments believe the CA court will rule that it can't annul the Prop 8 amendment to the state constitution, but will also rule that the amendment can't be retroactive. We'll see... So gay marriage may continue to be both legal and not legal in this state.

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