Sweden - Gay Marriage Now Legal In.....

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The UK will be legalising it shortly. The House of Lords has just passed the gay marriage bill by a majority of 242 - much larger than expected.
The UK will be legalising it shortly. The House of Lords has just passed the gay marriage bill by a majority of 242 - much larger than expected.

This has surprised me. My impression from gay British celebrities was that they were content with domestic partnerships. I assumed their rigid class system conditioned them to "separate but equal".

My mistake and good for the Brits!
This has surprised me. My impression from gay British celebrities was that they were content with domestic partnerships. I assumed their rigid class system conditioned them to "separate but equal".

My mistake and good for the Brits!
Genuinely speechless at this post. Particularly the comment in bold.

Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill said: ‘Some regrettably shrill anti-gay campaigners have taken to suggesting gay people aren’t really that bothered about equal marriage. A new YouGov poll shows 91% of Britain’s 3.7 million lesbian, gay and bisexual people want equal marriage. Not sure what percentage of those are 'celebrities'.

Of the general public, 71% support the Government’s commitment to extend marriage to same-sex couples. That figure rises to over 80% of people aged 18-50 http://www.stonewall.org.uk/documents/living_together_2012.pdf

The only reference to social class in recent research on UK public opinion: 83% would be ‘very comfortable’, ‘comfortable’ or ‘neutral’ if the first child – and heir to the throne – of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge grew up to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. http://www.stonewall.org.uk/documents/living_together_2012.pdf
Too soon for a link yet, but Supremes just ruled 5-4 that DOMA is discriminatory and unconstitutional! :woohoo:
And on the Prop 8 case, the ruling is that there is no standing, and so marriages can begin again in CA! :woohoo:
I didn't see a thread so wanted to say congratulations to those affected by today's decisions! This is a phenomenal day in LGBT history! I am so happy right now!



"DOMA singles out a class of persons deemed by a State entitled to recognition and protection to enhance their own liberty."

After the shameful VRA ruling yesterday, at least today our country can be proud of some true progress made for human rights.
Its going to be a great parade and very happy weekend in San Francisco this coming weekend!
Governor Jerry Brown says he and Attorney General Kamala Harris have determined that county clerks and county registrars must comply with Wednesday's ruling and begin registering same-sex marriage licenses once the stay is lifted.

The state Department of Public Health says in a letter to counties that it could take a month or more before that happens.


A month or more? WTF?
Genuinely speechless at this post. Particularly the comment in bold.

Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill said: ‘Some regrettably shrill anti-gay campaigners have taken to suggesting gay people aren’t really that bothered about equal marriage. A new YouGov poll shows 91% of Britain’s 3.7 million lesbian, gay and bisexual people want equal marriage. Not sure what percentage of those are 'celebrities'.

Of the general public, 71% support the Government’s commitment to extend marriage to same-sex couples. That figure rises to over 80% of people aged 18-50 http://www.stonewall.org.uk/documents/living_together_2012.pdf

The only reference to social class in recent research on UK public opinion: 83% would be ‘very comfortable’, ‘comfortable’ or ‘neutral’ if the first child – and heir to the throne – of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge grew up to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. http://www.stonewall.org.uk/documents/living_together_2012.pdf

There's no reason to be speechless. I said my assumption was wrong. Anyway, it was just an impression based on celebrity interviews. I didn't claim to have done a poll.
Governor Jerry Brown says he and Attorney General Kamala Harris have determined that county clerks and county registrars must comply with Wednesday's ruling and begin registering same-sex marriage licenses once the stay is lifted.

The state Department of Public Health says in a letter to counties that it could take a month or more before that happens.


A month or more? WTF?

They have to print new forms that say "Spouse 1" and "Spouse 2", rather than "Husband" and "Wife". Or at least dig the forms from 2008 out of the basement.
This is wonderful news! Congratulations to all those who are affected by this ruling!!!
They have to print new forms that say "Spouse 1" and "Spouse 2", rather than "Husband" and "Wife". Or at least dig the forms from 2008 out of the basement.

There will be a little reworking of some existing forms like the marriage certificate. Maybe my brother will marry his partner of ten years in the near future.

Our forms at my old job just said employee and spouse. You also had the option of adding a non married unrelated other person to health care, life insurance etc. Just can't remember how those forms were worded for the significant other!
Too soon for a link yet, but Supremes just ruled 5-4 that DOMA is discriminatory and unconstitutional! :woohoo:

I've been on the phone all morning and crying off and on all day after hearing the news. I'm stunned and relieved and proud of my country!!!!!

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