Swine Flu

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Will You Get the Swine Flu Shot?(for poll let's assume it is available)

  • Yes, I believe it will stop me from getting sick and it is safe

    Votes: 77 20.1%
  • Yes, only to make someone in my life quit nagging me

    Votes: 6 1.6%
  • No, the vaccine does no good

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • No, I don't trust the vaccine and its side effects.

    Votes: 97 25.3%
  • No, I don't trust the President when he says it is an epidemic

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • I don't know; I have to learn more about it.

    Votes: 16 4.2%
  • No, the vaccine is just a way for the drug company to make money.

    Votes: 19 5.0%
  • No, because I already had the swine flu

    Votes: 25 6.5%
  • No, due to allergy to a component of the shot.

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • Yes, IF my Dr. convinces me it's necessary.

    Votes: 26 6.8%
  • no

    Votes: 62 16.2%
  • No, not in priority groups

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • exposed to swine flu but didnt contract it

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • It interferes with the immune system and harms the body

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
It isn't available here unless you have an "in" with a doctor like one of my acquaintances. She has no health probs, a healthy 50 years old, not high risk, nothing, but he said here take it and don't tell anyone. (she has a big mouth, he should know that LOL) Kids can't get the shot here because they say they are out of vaccine but not really. You have to know someone. That ticks me off like you wouldn't believe. Of all times you would think politics and favoritism wouldn't enter in. I don't need it, I'm old, but let the kids and people with health issues have it IF the parents want them to.

If you have public health here in MA, the state ships out the allotment separately. A friend of mine was telling me how her pediatrician had to put out an email stating that those with Mass Health cannot come to any of the flu clinics because the state has not shipped the doses.

NIIICCCEEE. Talk about privilege!!!!!!!!
The shortage situation reminds me of gas prices....When we drove cross country from Ohio to California, it was amazing watching the fluctuating gas prices...some were paying through the nose, others were paying a lot less than we were in Ohio...

No rhyme or reason to me...

I hope everyone who wants the vaccine is able to get it soon. They still don't have it at the kid's pediatrician, but the health district does...
I would probably get the shot if I didn't have to wait in line with a ton of people who might already have it. I'm avoiding crowds as it is so it makes no sense to me to expose myself only to find out that the vaccine has run out or I don't qualify. As it turns out, me and my son are not in a priority group anyways.
3 1/2 days here after contracting the virus. No fever, no headache, no congestion and slight tired feeling. All is well and we at our home are now immune if it comes back. Smiling happy faces here.
Interesting reading about the symptoms posted. I had some nasty achy, headache, sinus, allergy thing and no fever a few weeks ago. It hit me within a day. Because I wasn't running a fever, my doc and I agreed it was probably was a sinus infection and I did the zpac antibiotics. Antibiotics didn't do anything. Now I'm wondering if I did have the swine flu? I was very sick for over two weeks.
I would probably get the shot if I didn't have to wait in line with a ton of people who might already have it. I'm avoiding crowds as it is so it makes no sense to me to expose myself only to find out that the vaccine has run out or I don't qualify. As it turns out, me and my son are not in a priority group anyways.

The Health Department told me (at the clinic) that they would not turn ANYONE away who wanted a shot, whether you fell into a high risk group, or not.

The lines moved fairly quickly...it was just waiting for them to get started, because we went early, as did most everyone. I just took a book to read.
I voted no. My six year old had it three weeks ago, and so far none of the rest of us have gotten it. He was on the couch for a whole week, fever of 102 and up. We have the vaccine here, but they are limiting who gets it.
I chose no, I don't trust the vaccine or the side effects.
I work in a VERY busy ER at a large hospital.
A hospital wide e-mail was sent, saying that the seasonal flu shot and H1N1 were both mandatory. The next day, only the seasonal vaccine was mandatory. I get this feeling that enough of a ruckus was made that the powers that be changed it. So, I got the seasonal flu shot. I'm the allergy queen, no way am I getting the H1N1 vaccine.
FWIW, one of the docs I work w specialized in infectious diseases before he moved to the ER. He and several other docs seem to think that the worst of it is over, now we have the seasonal flu to deal with.
So, in short, I took the seasonal flu shot (only because I had to), and I will not, in a million years, take the H1N1 vaccine unless made mandatory by my employer.
Wash hands, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands, wash hands, wash hands. :)
P.S. I don't know about other parts of the country, but in GA, they aren't even testing people as outpatients. People who are ill enough to need admission to the hospital w flu like symptoms are the only ones being tested.
My daughter just got over the swine flu last week. It kicked her to the curb, but she's fine now. She's in grad school...her doctor told her that it was infants and senior citizens, who have weak immune systems that had the serious problems with this. However, a few towns over a 17 year old was sent home from school w/the symptoms and two days later he passed away. I don't know more details...

I've known a few people now that have had it, they've all told me it's like a bad "regular" flu.

I'm not getting the shot...don't trust it, but that's not based on anything but my own wild imagination. I have very little interaction with humans (work with horses), so I'm hoping that's insurance enough, lol.

I haven't heard that H1N1 has mutated to horses yet, so you're right...you're probably safe.
You haven't been craving hay and oats lately, have you?
Here is one Doctor's thoughts on the H1N1 (Swine Flu) shots.
Certainly makes one wonder what to do.


This is an email sent to a friend of Dr. Blaylock and is now being
forwarded to anyone interested. Please pass it along. Also note the
attached biography of Dr. Blaylock. Dr. Blaylock is a board
certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU
School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his general surgical
internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of
South Carolina in Charleston, SC.

No one should take this vaccine (Swine Flu vaccine)—it is one of the
most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant
called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe
autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus.
The newsletter for August covers this and it may not be out yet.
This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War
syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200%
increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). This virus
H1N1 kills by causing a “cytokine storm”, which means that it causes
the body’s immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing
young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have
weakened immune systems.) This vaccine is a very powerful immune
stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality
of the virus much greater.

One’s best protection is vitamin D3.. One should take 5000 IU a day now
and when the disease begins to spread increase the dose to 15,000 IU a day.
Vitamin D3 modulates the immune reaction, reducing the chance of an
overreaction and stimulates the body to produce what are called
antimicrobial peptides, which are powerful killers of viruses that
does not involve immunity. This is dose related, which means the
higher the dose of vitamin D3 the better the protection. Fish oils
(the best is Carlson’s Norwegian lemon flavored fish oil) also
reduce immune overreaction. One teaspoon a day should be sufficient.
For severe symptoms, one teaspoon twice a day. Antioxidants of
various kinds also help—this includes, quercetin, curcumin,
grape seed extract, vitamin C and natural vitamin E.
A good multivitamin/mineral such as Extend Core (www.vrp.com) is also essential.

Feel free to spread this around. People need to know how to protect themselves.

Additonal Information from Dr. Blaylock:

Docs website:

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu:

Dr. Russell Blaylock on 1976 Swine Flu and Outbreak Today
In response to tarabull's post at the end of page 2:

I guess we can only do (as parents) what we think is best for our children...as well as ourselves.

I wonder how many of the parents whose children have died from Swine Flu wish they'd been able to have the vaccine? Those are statistics I'd like to see.
Here is one Doctor's thoughts on the H1N1 (Swine Flu) shots.
Certainly makes one wonder what to do.


This is an email sent to a friend of Dr. Blaylock and is now being
forwarded to anyone interested. Please pass it along. Also note the
attached biography of Dr. Blaylock. Dr. Blaylock is a board
certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU
School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his general surgical
internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of
South Carolina in Charleston, SC.

No one should take this vaccine (Swine Flu vaccine)—it is one of the
most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant
called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe
autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus.
The newsletter for August covers this and it may not be out yet.
This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War
syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200%
increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). This virus
H1N1 kills by causing a “cytokine storm”, which means that it causes
the body’s immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing
young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have
weakened immune systems.) This vaccine is a very powerful immune
stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality
of the virus much greater.

One’s best protection is vitamin D3.. One should take 5000 IU a day now
and when the disease begins to spread increase the dose to 15,000 IU a day.
Vitamin D3 modulates the immune reaction, reducing the chance of an
overreaction and stimulates the body to produce what are called
antimicrobial peptides, which are powerful killers of viruses that
does not involve immunity. This is dose related, which means the
higher the dose of vitamin D3 the better the protection. Fish oils
(the best is Carlson’s Norwegian lemon flavored fish oil) also
reduce immune overreaction. One teaspoon a day should be sufficient.
For severe symptoms, one teaspoon twice a day. Antioxidants of
various kinds also help—this includes, quercetin, curcumin,
grape seed extract, vitamin C and natural vitamin E.
A good multivitamin/mineral such as Extend Core (www.vrp.com) is also essential.

Feel free to spread this around. People need to know how to protect themselves.

Additonal Information from Dr. Blaylock:

Docs website:

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu:

Dr. Russell Blaylock on 1976 Swine Flu and Outbreak Today

According to THIS doctor (a senior physician in the infectious disease division of Boston's Children's Hospital), the H1N1 vaccine that is being given in the US DOES NOT CONTAIN SQUALENE, and not all doses contain thimerisol. (I have no idea, since it's not stated in your post if the doctor you cite is speaking of the US H1N1 vaccine, or those being given in Canada or Europe.)


I hate "emails" like the one posted above that do nothing except incite fear in people and serve to spread mass-hysteria. If you're going to take the time to read the above post, at least take the time to do a little research yourself to find out just how valid it is, and then make your own informed decision.
I have had two people that I work very closely come down with the flu - the first right after she got the flu shot, and the second right after she got the swine flu shot. I took the regular flu shot, and have now been offered the swine shot (thru work)...I don't know if I want to take it. I am scared/in denial. I'm like....nahhhh...don't really believe all the hulabaloo. I am 51 - not really in the target age for the swine flu. Just don't know what to do here.
I have had two people that I work very closely come down with the flu - the first right after she got the flu shot, and the second right after she got the swine flu shot. I took the regular flu shot, and have now been offered the swine shot (thru work)...I don't know if I want to take it. I am scared/in denial. I'm like....nahhhh...don't really believe all the hulabaloo. I am 51 - not really in the target age for the swine flu. Just don't know what to do here.
I'm wondering if your co-worker who got sick after receiving a flu shot may be allergic to eggs.

She may be allergic, and not even aware of it. (Not as strange as it sounds, as I'm allergic to eggs, but still eat an omelet now and then. My egg allergy effects my central nervous system. The reactions I get after eating eggs is a feeling of lethargy, a headache afterwards, and very cranky- but I've known of this allergy since childhood testing, and do my best to refrain from eating eggs. Except for those cheese and mushroom omelets about 3 times a year. Yumm).

But even though I can occasionally EAT egg, I cannot have it injected into me, lol!

If this co-worker is allergic to egg (the flu vacine is grown in an egg-based culture), keep in mind her body is reacting to her allergy, not the flu vaccine itself.

Who knows? She may have even already been exposed to the flu virus a day or two prior to getting the shot, and not known it, and would have gotten sick anyway.

Keep in mind any reaction she has, doesn't mean you will have the same one.
My 24 year old daughter called me from Wyoming a little while ago and she just spent the night in the hospital.

They told her she has H1N1, two ear infections, and bronchitis they are worried may turn in to pneumonia. Her dad took her to the hospital yesterday when her temperature reached 103 degrees. She said it came on very suddenly. One minute she was feeling fine, and the next she was dizzy and nauseous, and needed to lay down.

They gave her Tamiflu, which makes me feel somewhat better. She said she is lying on the couch, sleeping on and off, and her temperature right now is 100.2.

She is feeling miserable, and I am feeling helpless and sick with worry. Wyoming seems a long way from California right now! I want to be there to 'baby' my baby!
My 24 year old daughter called me from Wyoming a little while ago and she just spent the night in the hospital.

They told her she has H1N1, two ear infections, and bronchitis they are worried may turn in to pneumonia. Her dad took her to the hospital yesterday when her temperature reached 103 degrees. She said it came on very suddenly. One minute she was feeling fine, and the next she was dizzy and nauseous, and needed to lay down.

They gave her Tamiflu, which makes me feel somewhat better. She said she is lying on the couch, sleeping on and off, and her temperature right now is 100.2.

She is feeling miserable, and I am feeling helpless and sick with worry. Wyoming seems a long way from California right now! I want to be there to 'baby' my baby!

REALLY sorry to read this SB....I hope you can find comfort in knowing she's been diagnoised and treated and she should start to recooperate. I hope she's back to feeling herself just as quickly as it came on. I can only imagine what you're going thru, all those miles inbetween & not being able to baby your baby. Sending you & your family thoughts & prayers.

keep us posted ok....
I said no.
I just want a regular flu vaccine.
I have a question if I may.
Is there a regular flu vaccine or is it just the H1N1 vaccine you can get?


The first known case of the H1N1 flu virus in a cat has been confirmed

[snipped...] The virus can survive better on hard surfaces, like coins, than it can on paper money, but both are capable of passing it on.

The Public Health Agency of Canada reports H1N1 can survive up to 48 hours on hard surfaces, like coins, and eight to 12 hours on soft surfaces including money.
I said no.
I just want a regular flu vaccine.
I have a question if I may.
Is there a regular flu vaccine or is it just the H1N1 vaccine you can get?


There are 2 separate vaccines, seasonal and H1N1.

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