Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

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Thing is Caylee would still be able to move around if her arms and legs weren't bound. But yeah it could have been used to make it so she couldn't make any noise.
I think that's exactly what the duct tape was for. I also think Casey could've sat on her, duct taped her mouth and then given her the shot. I also wonder though if she could've just injected it directly into her mouth and with it covered Caylee had no way to spit it out or throw up? :waitasec: MOO
I'm a lab tech and every 2 or 3 year old patient that I've either had to take a blood sample from or give an injection to had to be restrained by the parent, even the chronically ill children who are used to needles. It's also usually difficult to find a vein because they're normally chubby and their veins are small.

If KC did inject Caylee, maybe she temporarily knocked her out with chloroform vapours? To me, giving an IV injection to a child seems too advanced for KC. (She strikes me as a person who takes the easy way out of everything and wouldn't bother to learn something that's complicated).
IMO she did not give her a shot. I appreciate the thread for the info & views but for this (serious diffuculty) and other reasons I dont think it happened.

I don't think it was injected into Caylee, I feel she probably used the syringe to draw up what she thought she needed from the container it was in, and put it into the Gatorade, then applied it to her face with a cloth, to be inhaled. There is NO way Casey could find a vein on a 2yr old- it calls for skills and patience that she doesn't have.

ITA. if there was chloro in the needle. I dont know.
Resp bold by me...

Oh, great, now I'm getting confused about the things I thought I understood! :banghead: Was there actually a "bag of rotting garbage" in the trunk? If possible, could you do a copy/paste of items in that bag, or (at worst) provide a specific link? I really thought I'd followed this subject carefully months ago, but evidently I didn't. TIA, DevilsAdvocate. Sorry to be a bother.

Sorry to any who misunderstood my rotting bag of garbage comment. The white trash bag that was found in the back of Casey's car contained a pizza box, an Oscar Meyer package and other trash. It was said to have maggots in it. The maggots were found in the bag as detailed in the latest doc dump, and the items in the bag are mentioned numerous times in the previous doc dump. I guess the problem is in my opinion that a bag filled with trash and maggots to me is a rotting bag of garbage, sorry if I caused any confusion. There is no where I have found in the docs that refers to a rotting bag of garbage.
Could Casey have sat on Caylee's upper half, held down a leg with her one hand and did the injection? I think I can see this happening.
I don't think it was injected into Caylee, I feel she probably used the syringe to draw up what she thought she needed from the container it was in, and put it into the Gatorade, then applied it to her face with a cloth, to be inhaled. There is NO way Casey could find a vein on a 2yr old- it calls for skills and patience that she doesn't have.

Good point.
I don't think it was injected into Caylee, I feel she probably used the syringe to draw up what she thought she needed from the container it was in, and put it into the Gatorade, then applied it to her face with a cloth, to be inhaled. There is NO way Casey could find a vein on a 2yr old- it calls for skills and patience that she doesn't have.
I think the Gatorade bottle was just used as a container and was already empty of Gatorade. Maybe the day she was killed wasn't the first time Casey had done this and she'd "practiced" the maneuver ~ such as how to hold her down, and injecting into a vein? MOO
Not offended in the least and totally understand the disclaimer. I would rather provide my information/identity than have anyone doubt the accuracy of the information that I post. I'll send you whatever you need. :)

...FWIW...I know just a teensy bit 'bout these things (GC's, etc.) too and IMHO, D2M's hittin' these outta the park. :thumb: Very nicely done, D2M.
Wouldn't it be a shocker if it was found out she had help from Cindy who is in the medical feild?
I don't think it was injected into Caylee, I feel she probably used the syringe to draw up what she thought she needed from the container it was in, and put it into the Gatorade, then applied it to her face with a cloth, to be inhaled. There is NO way Casey could find a vein on a 2yr old- it calls for skills and patience that she doesn't have.

Were traces of Chloroform found in the Gatorade bottle?
My answers in red. Hope this helps some, sorry I don't have all the answers you need. I'll keep trying though.
Wow. More answer than than I would know to do Thanks for your explanations and research. I did find the answer I was looking for.

part of your answer:
The "control" you're talking about it a standard... look back at my post earlier about quantification. The standards are used to set up a calibration curve, are not in contact with the sample, are injected separately, and really have nothing to do with the unknown samples analysis

Resp bolded by me...

I really think the duct tape on Caylee's face was what made investigators veer sharply from accidental death to murder.
I believe it was the duct tape on her skull also, but I also wonder how long it was before LE knew there were traces of chloroform in the syringe. MOO
I am finding no where in this report where it states chloroform was detected in the syringe.
Now I'm totally confused. Where was the chloroform detected then? :waitasec: (going back to re-reading the report)
I am finding no where in this report where it states chloroform was detected in the syringe.

I'm having a hard time cutting and pasting this. But I typed it out.

Item Q240.1.1 = liquid from syringe

Q240.1.1 Compounds detected: ethanol; chloroform. Technique used "HS-GC/MSD (PI/EI)
I first want to say that all of you amaze me. :applause: You are really GOOD at figuring things out. I don't post a lot cause you're always way ahead of me. LOL

Anyway, I was wondering... do you think KC put the needle through the duct tape and pushed in the chloroform in her little mouth, or do you think she injected it through a vein (sorry :( ?
Sorry to any who misunderstood my rotting bag of garbage comment. The white trash bag that was found in the back of Casey's car contained a pizza box, an Oscar Meyer package and other trash. It was said to have maggots in it. The maggots were found in the bag as detailed in the latest doc dump, and the items in the bag are mentioned numerous times in the previous doc dump. I guess the problem is in my opinion that a bag filled with trash and maggots to me is a rotting bag of garbage, sorry if I caused any confusion. There is no where I have found in the docs that refers to a rotting bag of garbage.

There were no meat products found in the trash bag. The maggots were collected with pupa, from the paper towels, which have since been shown to contain Adipocere or 'grave wax' from the liquidized results of decomposition.
... I am not convinced this bottle/syringe is connected to the case. I hope I am wrong, as it would be another nail in KC's coffin - so to speak. Too many variables and not enough clear info from the reports for me to decide. I want to thank all the posters who are trying to decipher the info and put it into 'layman's terms for us.

respectfully snipped

Exactly my thoughts at the moment, Macushia. I need fingerprints or DNA to tie this to KC directly. Amazing how many coincidences there are in this case though.
Sorry to any who misunderstood my rotting bag of garbage comment. The white trash bag that was found in the back of Casey's car contained a pizza box, an Oscar Meyer package and other trash. It was said to have maggots in it. The maggots were found in the bag as detailed in the latest doc dump, and the items in the bag are mentioned numerous times in the previous doc dump. I guess the problem is in my opinion that a bag filled with trash and maggots to me is a rotting bag of garbage, sorry if I caused any confusion. There is no where I have found in the docs that refers to a rotting bag of garbage.

Thank you for the quick clarification! :blowkiss: But just so I'm clear on this for once and for all, there were no "rotting" food items in that bag whatsoever--Right? (Discounting some food wrappers, of course).
Now I am no doctor so I am hoping there is one on the boards who would be able to give their input on this. Based on what I know a child hates getting a shot and in some cases you literally have to hold the child down b.c they kick and scream.

I hate even bringing this up but do you think Casey could have had help in this? Someone that helped her hold Caylee down or do you think she maybe bound her up with tape or rope so she couldn't move. I would think it would be hard to inject a toddler b.c sometime even the parent has to help hold the child down when they get a shot.

Thoughts on this one?

ETA: Just talked to my mom and she told me with a chloroform injection you would have to put it into the vain b.c of the fact its an anesthetic. She told me you would have to have some medical knowledge into that.
They had the prescription drug clonipin (sp?) on premises. She EASILY could have given this crushed to Caylee in her cup and got her to fall asleep. THEN she could have applied the duct tape and put the shot into her. I am still of the mind that she taped a rag under the duct tape and it was into that rag that she injected the deadly concotion.

Also, she COULD have taped Caylee's hands behind her back and then sat on her to put the injection into her fully conscious. If one is EVIL enough to inject ones child with chloroform and cleaning solution? I think one would figure out a method to restrain said child. Heck, she could have wrapped her tightly in the Pooh blanket for that matter and injected the chloroform right into her chest or her mouth. Who knows when one is dealing with a MONSTER!~!:furious:
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