Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*part 2

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I just read that woman's long and asinine blog - First, CA is a public figure. As long as you are not specifically sending "threats" where she would be in "imminent danger" -- first amendment, baby. If Nazis can protest through a mainly Jewish town, a bunch of bloggers can post their honest opinions about an accused felon.

And since that woman wants us to focus on "finding Caylee" - and I'm not an expert on locating murdered children - I propose waterboarding any suspects. According to the President, it's not torture and therefore a legal interrogation technique. And because I'm sure our latest 15-minutes-of-fame-seeker is reading, that by law is not a threat its an expression of support for U.S. security agencies. The PATRIOT Act protects all of this.

YAWN Can't wait for the trial. Especially when her bond is revoked the first day for perjuring herself. I hope we get an activist judge who loves contempt.

One of the best posts I've ever seen here :clap:
Chilly- that is our point, unless I have missed it, I do not see anyone saying anything about her attributable to WS. If we dont know, and there is no proof, I am trying to understand why you feel compelled to defend her?
NO-ONE, repeat NO-ONE has the right to bash or personally attack anyone they do not know on a personal level, for their opinions under the auspice of the First Ammendment, period.

BUT it works both ways, you dont get accuse people of things without basis in fact either
I'm not defending her, she doesn't need defending. I'm just not closing my eyes to the fact that some people here were discussing her in a negative way and mentioned sending messages to her on her blog. Now she says she's received messages from here and those messages are indeed negative and threatening. I don't know if she received death threats, but I think it would be foolish to assume that not one thousands of people who post or read here is capable of sending one.
Chilly- that is our point, unless I have missed it, I do not see anyone saying anything about her attributable to WS. If we dont know, and there is no proof, I am trying to understand why you feel compelled to defend her?
NO-ONE, repeat NO-ONE has the right to bash or personally attack anyone they do not know on a personal level, for their opinions under the auspice of the First Ammendment, period.

BUT it works both ways, you dont get accuse people of things without basis in fact either

Who has she bashed on a personal level from here? On her blog, she just says generally "WS posters" or something like that. It's perfectly fine to try to demand proof, but I've seen a LOT more personal bashing on this thread toward her than I have seen her do to any particular poster.

Until this person does have a chance to prove herself, we're filling in the time with bashing and insults and over-the-top reactions.

I had thought that WS was open to all opinions, and yet this woman has an opinion that Casey is not guilty of intentional homicide, and that seems to be the well for all the hatred and accusations against her. We have a whole Caylee Alive thread on here, which would certainly be against the popular opinion that Casey is guilty, but yet we do not go and bash the posters who believe that.

I'm not defending her, she doesn't need defending. I'm just not closing my eyes to the fact that some people here were discussing her in a negative way and mentioned sending messages to her on her blog. Now she says she's received messages from here and those messages are indeed negative and threatening. I don't know if she received death threats, but I think it would be foolish to assume that not one thousands of people who post or read here is capable of sending one.
I feel no need to assume what she is saying is true. Why should I? I'm sure WS, and every other website out there, has it's share of strange folks visit. The point is if you are going to say such a thing about a specific group of people you should offer proof. If she were to just say "some people have sent death threats" that's one thing...but she went a step further and pointed the finger. IMO she is then obligated to prove what she is saying is true.
Let me just state a disclaimer now: I do not know this woman, have never spoken with her, and only saw her blog for the first time today. I am not claiming that she is telling the truth because I do not know. Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way...

.....snipped for space..

Excellent post, AG, and I agree completely. Being an Anthony supporter doesn't automatically make someone a liar any more than being against the Anthonys makes someone honest. Whatever happened to sleuthing? Shouldn't we get all the information before determining someone is guilty of lying?
Who has she bashed on a personal level from here? On her blog, she just says generally "WS posters" or something like that. It's perfectly fine to try to demand proof, but I've seen a LOT more personal bashing on this thread toward her than I have seen her do to any particular poster.

Until this person does have a chance to prove herself, we're filling in the time with bashing and insults and over-the-top reactions.

I had thought that WS was open to all opinions, and yet this woman has an opinion that Casey is not guilty of intentional homicide, and that seems to be the well for all the hatred and accusations against her. We have a whole Caylee Alive thread on here, which would certainly be against the popular opinion that Casey is guilty, but yet we do not go and bash the posters who believe that.

People don't believe her until she provides some proof. What has she been accused of doing besides making accusations w/o backing them up? I also have not seen anyone express any hatred toward her. Do you have to hate someone to be upset with them?
I feel no need to assume what she is saying is true. Why should I? I'm sure WS, and every other website out there, has it's share of strange folks visit. The point is if you are going to say such a thing about a specific group of people you should offer proof. If she were to just say "some people have sent death threats" that's one thing...but she went a step further and pointed the finger. IMO she is then obligated to prove what she is saying is true.

You, of course, can assume whatever you choose to assume. I'd rather not assume anything without more information.
I saw that. Like having your friend steal from you should be ok and you should still be loyal?
I found in her blogs that while she admits that KC is a liar and probably a bad person that she still wants to believe that Caylee is alive and won't show comments that question that (that is why she has so few comments, she has to approve them and obviously doesn't show anyone that disagrees with her). She suggests that even though KC is untrustworthy we should still be looking for an alive Caylee since we can't find out from her own mother. Todays blog was the first where she talked about finding Caylee dead or alive that I have seen.

I noted that all responses have to be approved by her, and that there were very few responses, all of which echoed her belief that Caylee is alive. Logic dictates that she may be getting a lot of responses, but few the coincide with her belief, therefore most responses never see the light of day.
Who has she bashed on a personal level from here? On her blog, she just says generally "WS posters" or something like that. It's perfectly fine to try to demand proof, but I've seen a LOT more personal bashing on this thread toward her than I have seen her do to any particular poster.

Until this person does have a chance to prove herself, we're filling in the time with bashing and insults and over-the-top reactions.

I had thought that WS was open to all opinions, and yet this woman has an opinion that Casey is not guilty of intentional homicide, and that seems to be the well for all the hatred and accusations against her. We have a whole Caylee Alive thread on here, which would certainly be against the popular opinion that Casey is guilty, but yet we do not go and bash the posters who believe that.


Its not her OPINION (that Casey is not guilty) it is her ACUSATION that she received death threats from WSers that is the problem. No one understands why if someone that is receiving death threats would not contact the LE first instead of posting on a blog. Its the same fustration that people have with this whole case, when things aren't done in what is generally deemed a logical manner. I really don't think anyone hates her they are just fustrated with what she has done, because it is not logical.
Its not her OPINION (that Casey is not guilty) it is her ACUSATION that she received death threats from WSers that is the problem. No one understands why if someone that is receiving death threats would not contact the LE first instead of posting on a blog. Its the same fustration that people have with this whole case, when things aren't done in what is generally deemed a logical manner. I really don't think anyone hates her they are just fustrated with what she has done, because it is not logical.

If it were an anti-Casey site owner claiming to have received death threats do you think the first reaction of posters here would be that the person was lying, had a big ego, and was looking for attention?
Area code 321 is the area code for a lot of cell phones used by people in Orlando. I'm not sure why, but I know that quite a few of my friends who live in Orlando have cell phones with the area code 321.

Hi, just cathching up on this thread and noticed the discussion on phone numbers. Saw you got an answer but for future reference here is a pretty good site for searching for prefixs that I had a bookmark on. Comes in handy.
You, of course, can assume whatever you choose to assume. I'd rather not assume anything without more information.
I don't want to get into a p'ing match about this but you were the one assuming she didn't mean what she wrote. I only took her at her word.
So, we should be looking for a live KC, though her OWN mother is not? :confused::confused:

"no one is going to get the truth out of Casey or the whereabouts about her daughter, so why bother" is what she says. So she agrees that KC is giving worthless information but still thinks she should be looking for a live Caylee when the only person who would know that information is a liar? We are supposed to believe that person and discount the forensics that state otherwise because she doesn't want to believe it? Apparently the only thing I can find that supports her theory that she is alive is that none of her friends have said she is a bad mother.
When she needed to dispose of her permantly (on the 27th) she removed her from the container, put her in the trunk and dumped her somewhere. The body would have leaked decomp fluid quickly, but maybe the smell didnt come till later, after it had been towed. She may have taken the container from her parents house.

In the media shots of the Anthonys in their garage, I've noted one wall (right side) that seems to be lined with ice chests and large storage containers.
If it were an anti-Casey site owner claiming to have received death threats do you think the first reaction of posters here would be that the person was lying, had a big ego, and was looking for attention?


Respectfully, the fact that this site belongs to the new official family blogger should give any reasonable person pause.
I don't want to get into a p'ing match about this but you were the one assuming she didn't mean what she wrote. I only took her at her word.

If you take her at her word regarding how she wrote the claim, why don't you take her at her word when she says she received death threats? :waitasec:
Does anyone know/understand why the Witness List thread was closed? I'm confused???
I don't know, I walked away for a couple minutes and it was closed. Maybe because of full names being used?

Ok. Maybe. But aren't the full names now in the public domain - given that they've been published and broadcast by various media?
If it were an anti-Casey site owner claiming to have received death threats do you think the first reaction of posters here would be that the person was lying, had a big ego, and was looking for attention?

IMHO, yes I think they would. WS is a family, they would not take a death threat acusation well, no matter who, or what side it came from.

However, I am interested in finding the other things you talked about, and it looks like my question got buried so here it is again:

MB has said that she's a family friend of the A's. I have no more knowledge about that than anyone else here has. MB owns the blog site, there were a number of posts here about her in just the last few days, posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted. I doubt anyone here would be stupid enough to send actual death threats, but I'm sure that what they did send was enough to make MB angry. Now she's fighting back. The mud slinging goes both ways.

Guess you misunderstood my confusion. I have no idea what to search for on this forum to find the things you are talking about. I thought you had the 2 sites confused because you had mentioned that MB had been but down for taking donations, but I can't find that on her site either. Just tell us what to search for to find

1. "Search her website name - you'll see lots of people here care and resent her very much"
I did search her blog site name, didn't see lots of people. If she has a website tell us that url so we can do the search.

2. "posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted"
Didn't find, help with what to search for.

3. "There are tons of posts here about her site, alledging that she's misusing funds and should be shut down"
Again need the website addy to search for.

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