Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*part 2

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Personally I think the reason WSers are getting "thrown under the bus" is because we are getting close to THE TRUTH and it is making certain people really upset about it. I also think that blogsite is a close friend of the family or supporter. This is just my opinion. I also don't believe anybody on this forum would send death threats to anyone. I call BS. PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! jmo
Well, I've lived in California for almost 30 years, and for over 20 of that in Los Angeles. Never heard of her.

OMG! Foothill Arthritis Connection is in Glendora (NOT one of the big entertainment communities, BTW). That's almost in my old neighborhood!

STILL never heard of her.

ROTFL, then settles it.
I am from Compton, born and raised, and I never heard of her either.

(You ssoo know Im kidding and just tryin to throw off the scent :)
I am confused as I have never seen a website that is her's. Are you confusing her with the The url's for the blog site and the A's site are very similar. Or is possible that you know that MB is connected to the A's and actually owns the website seeking donations?

MB has said that she's a family friend of the A's. I have no more knowledge about that than anyone else here has. MB owns the blog site, there were a number of posts here about her in just the last few days, posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted. I doubt anyone here would be stupid enough to send actual death threats, but I'm sure that what they did send was enough to make MB angry. Now she's fighting back. The mud slinging goes both ways.
Perhaps she works at Universal?

(sorry, couldnt resist,

San Dimas is pretty far from Universal Studios in Hollywood. It would be a long commute, unless of course, you don't really have a job, and quit that job a couple of years ago but still tell friends and family........Oh, wait, that's another story! :)
MB has said that she's a family friend of the A's. I have no more knowledge about that than anyone else here has. MB owns the blog site, there were a number of posts here about her in just the last few days, posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted. I doubt anyone here would be stupid enough to send actual death threats, but I'm sure that what they did send was enough to make MB angry. Now she's fighting back. The mud slinging goes both ways.
She's fighting back? She's a victim how? People have a right to disagree with her and when you set up a blog be prepared to hear from some of them. Making such accusations is not excused away by calling it mug slinging.
She's fighting back? She's a victim how? People have a right to disagree with her and when you set up a blog be prepared to hear from some of them. Making such accusations is not excused away by calling it mug slinging.

I didn't say she's a victim. She's reacting. That's what people do when other poeple say mean things to them and/or about them. We don't know what messages she may have received from WSers. We don't know each other on a personal level. One or two of us might be wacko enough to send a death threat. It could even be someone that never posts, just lurks. Never say never.
I didn't say she's a victim. She's reacting. That's what people do when other poeple say mean things to them and/or about them. We don't know what messages she may have received from WSers. We don't know each other on a personal level. One or two of us might be wacko enough to send a death threat. I could even be someone that never posts, just lurks. Never say never.
Most people don't react by accusing others of threatening to kill them. She needs to provide proof. Otherwise, she needs to say "those people said mean things to/about me" not "many Websleuthers made death threats." So until she provides actual proof I just don't believe her.
MB has said that she's a family friend of the A's. I have no more knowledge about that than anyone else here has. MB owns the blog site, there were a number of posts here about her in just the last few days, posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted. I doubt anyone here would be stupid enough to send actual death threats, but I'm sure that what they did send was enough to make MB angry. Now she's fighting back. The mud slinging goes both ways.

I would like to see some of these so called death threats, I doubt very much she has any, at lease not from us.
I do know that a special little group from here that was recently banned has started up their own Message Board, but they seem to spend more time here reading us than they do on their own board.
And then we have this Krause creature, lotsa people who would like to
put the screws to Websleuths.
Anyway, what MB has done is nasty and petty and she has put the name of WS at the top of her blog, almost like a headline, and I would like her to either produce these threats or take our name off her site.
I know if someone online threatened my life, the last place I'd be is on my computer, I be at my local Police filing a very detailed report!
Most people don't react by accusing others of threatening to kill them. She needs to provide proof. Otherwise, she needs to say "those people said mean things to/about me" not "many Websleuthers made death threats." So until she provides actual proof I just don't believe her.

This is what she said:

"Webslueths folks, there are no words to express how shocked I am that so many of you feel the need to send me death threats and disgraceful opinions on me because of this site....."

She's not a good writer, I don't think she means to say that many people sent her death threats, she's lumping the death threats in with the other negative messages - and then it becomes 'many'.

Regardless, if she received even one death threat, that's one too many, IMO.
I just read that woman's long and asinine blog - First, CA is a public figure. As long as you are not specifically sending "threats" where she would be in "imminent danger" -- first amendment, baby. If Nazis can protest through a mainly Jewish town, a bunch of bloggers can post their honest opinions about an accused felon.

And since that woman wants us to focus on "finding Caylee" - and I'm not an expert on locating murdered children - I propose waterboarding any suspects. According to the President, it's not torture and therefore a legal interrogation technique. And because I'm sure our latest 15-minutes-of-fame-seeker is reading, that by law is not a threat its an expression of support for U.S. security agencies. The PATRIOT Act protects all of this.

YAWN Can't wait for the trial. Especially when her bond is revoked the first day for perjuring herself. I hope we get an activist judge who loves contempt.
MB has said that she's a family friend of the A's. I have no more knowledge about that than anyone else here has. MB owns the blog site, there were a number of posts here about her in just the last few days, posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted. I doubt anyone here would be stupid enough to send actual death threats, but I'm sure that what they did send was enough to make MB angry. Now she's fighting back. The mud slinging goes both ways.

Guess you misunderstood my confusion. I have no idea what to search for on this forum to find the things you are talking about. I thought you had the 2 sites confused because you had mentioned that MB had been but down for taking donations, but I can't find that on her site either. Just tell us what to search for to find

1. "Search her website name - you'll see lots of people here care and resent her very much"
I did search her blog site name, didn't see lots of people. If she has a website tell us that url so we can do the search.

2. "posters here said they sent her messages but didn't expect they'd be approved to be posted"
Didn't find, help with what to search for.

3. "There are tons of posts here about her site, alledging that she's misusing funds and should be shut down"
Again need the website addy to search for.

This is what she said:

"Webslueths folks, there are no words to express how shocked I am that so many of you feel the need to send me death threats and disgraceful opinions on me because of this site....."

She's not a good writer, I don't think she means to say that many people sent her death threats, she's lumping the death threats in with the other negative messages - and then it becomes 'many'.

Regardless, if she received even one death threat, that's one too many, IMO.

I am going to assume she meant what she wrote until she says she was misunderstood. I, nor you, have any way of knowing if she meant to say something else. I won't even go there.
Let me just state a disclaimer now: I do not know this woman, have never spoken with her, and only saw her blog for the first time today. I am not claiming that she is telling the truth because I do not know. Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way...

I think that the behavior in response to this is extremely poor. Everyone has been so quick to jump to the defense and become extremely snarky, accusing her of wanting only more hits on her page(s), lying, and being in league with the Anthonys (which is a big insult when you consider how many of you believe that the Anthonys are either murderers or harboring a murderer knowingly). I have always commented on how mature and level this site is with the intelligent posters and great discussions, but this is just the latest outrageous reaction I've seen lately.

Some have talked of this woman's ego, saying she thinks a little bit much of herself. How in the world can any of you claim that this is not true? Do you know every single poster? Every single guest and banned poster? Have you indeed seen her email? She didn't post the death threats, and maybe she didn't realize that she would need to in order to stop the mud slinging on here. I hope she does post them if they're true, and I hope that Tricia takes the appropriate action.
Still, until someone does find out the truth, I do not think this snarky and immature reaction is necessary. I’ve not been posting on this site for long, but I have been reading for years, and one thing that has always impressed me is the rational and logical discussions that occur here. Lately however, that isn’t always easy to find.

I read over her blogs and so far I just see some opinions that may be different than the majority of the posters here, and is that the reason that you’re all so upset at her claims? What if she does produce “proof” that she has received death threats from a WS member (or someone who claims to be)? What will you all say then? Someone earlier in this thread claimed that someone needs to apologize for her claims, but if the claims ARE true, I think there are a lot of apologies owed to her.

Maybe somebody commented on this and I missed it, but I believe she is also a blogger on the Huffington Post.
This is what she said:

"Webslueths folks, there are no words to express how shocked I am that so many of you feel the need to send me death threats and disgraceful opinions on me because of this site....."

She's not a good writer, I don't think she means to say that many people sent her death threats, she's lumping the death threats in with the other negative messages - and then it becomes 'many'.

Regardless, if she received even one death threat, that's one too many, IMO.
I don't get it with an occupation of "Event Production & Non-Profit Management" I would think that she would have to be a good writer. BTW, I didn't dig for that informtion, its on her site. I honestly do not see the how you can group death threats with disgraceful opinions when there is an "AND" between them.
I didn't say she's a victim. She's reacting. That's what people do when other poeple say mean things to them and/or about them. We don't know what messages she may have received from WSers. We don't know each other on a personal level. One or two of us might be wacko enough to send a death threat. It could even be someone that never posts, just lurks. Never say never.

Chilly- that is our point, unless I have missed it, I do not see anyone saying anything about her attributable to WS. If we dont know, and there is no proof, I am trying to understand why you feel compelled to defend her?
NO-ONE, repeat NO-ONE has the right to bash or personally attack anyone they do not know on a personal level, for their opinions under the auspice of the First Ammendment, period.

BUT it works both ways, you dont get accuse people of things without basis in fact either

( I knew I could count on you Lilt. LOVE the *ahem*)

Speaking of Kidfinders...........on Sept. 11th I wrote them about the rolling billboard, and how, at that time, George was using it as a shield parked in front of his house to block media view of his house, and possibly an arrest of his daughter. This was at a time when it was believed that another arrest on check fraud was about to happen.

It's taken a few weeks for a reply to my email. What I got was poorly written, and defended the need to keep that billboard out there for the public. It was explained that Caylee is a missing child and therefore her picture must be kept in the public eye in case someone sees her somewhere. :rolleyes:
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