Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*

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OK.....Simon (tow mgr) interview says on pg. 9 line 10 & down.....

Afer opening the & trunk & tossing the trash, GA tried to start the car, Simon looks in the gas gauge is on empty, & the car wouldn't start.....

Maybe KC expected car thieves to come by w/ their own (full) gas can..LOL

I really think that George probably "assumed" that the car may have been out of gas, hence the reason it was towed. Since he did know that Casey had stolen the gas cans from the shed. And because in Gretas interview with the A's, they said that she had done that before too. Simon did say that George "reacted" to the stench but didn't say anything. Can you imagine what George was thinking to himself on that drive home in that stench filled car? :eek: I can't hardly even think about it.
I really question CA statement about this. If she drives past that area twice a day she must not have been able to see back by the dumpster; otherwise, why wouldn't she have stopped and tried to locate KC in one of the stores nearby. She claimed that she spoke to KC nearly everyday - if she had seen the car why would she not have questioned KC about it?

I personally side with the thought that KC wanted the car stolen - mainly because she left her purse visable inside. I'm guilty of leaving my own purse in the car if it's in my driveway (rural area, no traffic), but wouldn't ever leave it somewhere where people pass on a regular basis (next to a dumpster.

I thought I read that the keys were inside. . . does anyone know it that's true?

Cindy never did see the car, I think that she was responding about why KC would abandon it there, use that dumpster, since Cindy drove by there twice a day.

KC had a least a couple purses, Lee picked one up @ Tony's also.

NO keys were in the car, it was locked & only opened by GA @ the tow yard.
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT agree with the "Father's Day" alibi ! Either they all 'conspired' to refer to 'June7th-9th' as the last day initially, OR, totally fabricated the Father's Day scenario. Caylee was dead the week before that......may be tied-in with Nicole..the dead jogger. I think she is buried 'under' or, near Nicole....may have been jogging and 'saw' 'them' trying to bury Caylee. With Jesse the ex-cop, or, Tony so hung up on Casey's goodies...i think these people used their smarts to 'get rid' of this darling lil girl...what do you think?

The "Father Day' alibi has been confirmed by LE ....that's in several interviews.
I really question CA statement about this. If she drives past that area twice a day she must not have been able to see back by the dumpster; otherwise, why wouldn't she have stopped and tried to locate KC in one of the stores nearby. She claimed that she spoke to KC nearly everyday - if she had seen the car why would she not have questioned KC about it?

I drive past that intersection five days a week, twice a day. It is a mess there. Very congested, very busy, lots of construction going on. Unless CA was looking for the car, she would have driven right past it. It's not one where you can just stop and have a look around.
I really think that George probably "assumed" that the car may have been out of gas, hence the reason it was towed. Since he did know that Casey had stolen the gas cans from the shed. And because in Gretas interview with the A's, they said that she had done that before too. Simon did say that George "reacted" to the stench but didn't say anything. Can you imagine what George was thinking to himself on that drive home in that stench filled car? :eek: I can't hardly even think about it.

Yep, ITA....if you know your car has problems, when it breaks down you usually go prepared.......also if you kid steals gas often..;0)

Wonder if we'll ever have all the answers to our pages of questions ??
I drive past that intersection five days a week, twice a day. It is a mess there. Very congested, very busy, lots of construction going on. Unless CA was looking for the car, she would have driven right past it. It's not one where you can just stop and have a look around.

oooh....I didn't know you were what's your best guess, think this is the place to try & get rid of a body ??

ITA about noticing a small white car, someone posted 2 pics of this lot in both pics a small white car was parked there.....used to have one, try finding it in the Wal-Mart lot....LOL.....lots of white cars in hot places.
Yep, ITA....if you know your car has problems, when it breaks down you usually go prepared.......also if you kid steals gas often..;0)

Wonder if we'll ever have all the answers to our pages of questions ??

I highly doubt it, the way Casey spins her own lies. tx_Dot, do all these questions run through your mind when you go to bed at night? (I can't shut my fried brain off some nights!) I have tried to skip days looking on here, but it's so hard. I pray that Caylee will be able to rest in peace soon.
AngelCaylee said:
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT agree with the "Father's Day" alibi ! Either they all 'conspired' to refer to 'June7th-9th' as the last day initially, OR, totally fabricated the Father's Day scenario. Caylee was dead the week before that......may be tied-in with Nicole..the dead jogger. I think she is buried 'under' or, near Nicole....may have been jogging and 'saw' 'them' trying to bury Caylee. With Jesse the ex-cop, or, Tony 'to hung up on Casey's goodies...i think these people used their smarts to 'get rid' of this darling lil girl...what do you think?

The "Father Day' alibi has been confirmed by LE ....that's in several interviews.

Also the Nursing Home can tell you too that she was there. Video tapes and sign in sheet.
I just can't figure out what she did after dropping off the car until Tone came to get her. I wonder if the clerk is certain about the time she saw the car parked there on the 27th. Maybe it wasn't as early as she remembers?

Maybe the car was parked there at 7 and she parked next to the dumpster because of the smell -- went to Winn Dixie or whatever to get stuff to clean the trunk, went to carwash worked on the trunk and came back and parked in same spot. If it had been smelling I think she probably would have been parking next to dumpsters -- maybe it just wouldn't start that time.
I don't think Casey put Caylee in the Amscot dumpster, but wanted a place to put the vehicle where none of her friends, people around the apartments, or cops on the street might smell the vehicle. I think she already put her somewhere between the 24th and 27th then really did run out of gas or got vapor lock at Amscot from running out of gas so many times. If the car had vapor lock it might not start for several hours. Casey seemed to be trying to get a gas can to get back to the car, but that might have been a cover to prove later that she didn't abandon the vehicle. Maybe she was waiting until she had use of Tony's jeep to get gas and could get a ride back to the vehicle without any of her friends going near the smelly vehicle.
I highly doubt it, the way Casey spins her own lies. tx_Dot, do all these questions run through your mind when you go to bed at night? (I can't shut my fried brain off some nights!) I have tried to skip days looking on here, but it's so hard. I pray that Caylee will be able to rest in peace soon.

Yep, I spend a lot more time thinking about it than I should....

LOL.....IKE knocked me off for 4/5 DAYS.....& I'm still playing catch-up.

Me too !!
Originally Posted by AngelCaylee
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT agree with the "Father's Day" alibi ! Either they all 'conspired' to refer to 'June7th-9th' as the last day initially, OR, totally fabricated the Father's Day scenario. Caylee was dead the week before that......may be tied-in with Nicole..the dead jogger. I think she is buried 'under' or, near Nicole....may have been jogging and 'saw' 'them' trying to bury Caylee. With Jesse the ex-cop, or, Tony 'the wop cop' so hung up on Casey's goodies...i think these people used their smarts to 'get rid' of this darling lil girl...what do you think?

Also the Nursing Home can tell you too that she was there. Video tapes and sign in sheet.

"sign-in" sheet is EASILY changed, and, nobody can remember an exact date 5 weeks prior!!!! AND, Cindy's mother could've been EASILY convinced by Cindy that she was there on Father's Day!!! LE made a mistake!
"sign-in" sheet is EASILY changed, and, nobody can remember an exact date 5 weeks prior!!!! AND, Cindy's mother could've been EASILY convinced by Cindy that she was there on Father's Day!!! LE made a mistake!

*there was a video surveillance camera at the home that showed the date they were there.
*there was video take from the A's computer that had a date stamped that day.
*The nursing home worker, and the CAs mother stated they were there Father's Day.
*Casey and Caylee went on a walk with Casey's friend after the weekend of the 9th.
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT agree with the "Father's Day" alibi ! Either they all 'conspired' to refer to 'June7th-9th' as the last day initially, OR, totally fabricated the Father's Day scenario. Caylee was dead the week before that......may be tied-in with Nicole..the dead jogger. I think she is buried 'under' or, near Nicole....may have been jogging and 'saw' 'them' trying to bury Caylee. With Jesse the ex-cop, or, Tony so hung up on Casey's goodies...i think these people used their smarts to 'get rid' of this darling lil girl...what do you think?

The "Father Day' alibi has been confirmed by LE ....that's in several interviews.

Also the Nursing Home can tell you too that she was there. Video tapes and sign in sheet.

What they said. Also: nobody else is involved with this. Casey worked on her own. Family is covering up, but they had nothing else to do with it.

Keep in mind that at least AL's place has been search twice.

"sign-in" sheet is EASILY changed, and, nobody can remember an exact date 5 weeks prior!!!! AND, Cindy's mother could've been EASILY convinced by Cindy that she was there on Father's Day!!! LE made a mistake!

Not likely. Employees remember them there as well. If you go back and read and listen to all the docs, you'll see it.
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT agree with the "Father's Day" alibi ! Either they all 'conspired' to refer to 'June7th-9th' as the last day initially, OR, totally fabricated the Father's Day scenario. Caylee was dead the week before that......may be tied-in with Nicole..the dead jogger. I think she is buried 'under' or, near Nicole....may have been jogging and 'saw' 'them' trying to bury Caylee. With Jesse the ex-cop, or, Tony so hung up on Casey's goodies...i think these people used their smarts to 'get rid' of this darling lil girl...what do you think?

As a poster stated earlier, LE has confirmed with more than one source that Caylee was alive on the 15th. I don't think that the two cases are connected whatsoever, but that is JMHO.
oooh....I didn't know you were what's your best guess, think this is the place to try & get rid of a body ??

ITA about noticing a small white car, someone posted 2 pics of this lot in both pics a small white car was parked there.....used to have one, try finding it in the Wal-Mart lot....LOL.....lots of white cars in hot places.

I don't think it's a good place but KC has made some irrational movements, IMO. She seems to just fly by the seat of her pants, so to speak. If she plotted and planned, then I would say no. But if it was just a spur of the moment decision, then why not this dumpster? If she ran out of gas and needed to call for help, I could imagine her just deciding "Oh, I have to get rid of it before tone gets here!", so she tosses the bag in the dumpster and calls for a ride. She didn't want tone near the car so she stood out by the road when he picked her up.

I thought Tone said she spent the night with him on the 26th and left on the morning of the 27th. I think she went to her parent's house, got the food, and on her way back to Tones had some kind of car trouble. Maybe tone is mistaken about the time he went to pick KC up or the clerk is mistaken about the time she saw the car parked there. I mean, she could have hung around for four hours, I guess. There are businesses nearby and she could have walked around trying to wait a while before calling tone.

This is really the only part of the timeline that I find screwy. I hope LE can figure it out soon.
As a poster stated earlier, LE has confirmed with more than one source that Caylee was alive on the 15th. I don't think that the two cases are connected whatsoever, but that is JMHO.

LE comfirmed? If that 'video' was uploaded to a computer, I'm sure the date can be changed!! PLEASE....EVERYONE is VERY suspicious about the entire Anthony family referring to the 7th, 8th, and 9th: TRUE>???????? SOMETHING is very shady about THAT........the odds that several people ALL have the same basic recollection is a million to gives? What 'motive' did they possibly conspire to to make them all refer to a WEEK prior to June 15th?
LE comfirmed? If that 'video' was uploaded to a computer, I'm sure the date can be changed!! PLEASE....EVERYONE is VERY suspicious about the entire Anthony family referring to the 7th, 8th, and 9th: TRUE>???????? SOMETHING is very shady about THAT........the odds that several people ALL have the same basic recollection is a million to gives? What 'motive' did they possibly conspire to to make them all refer to a WEEK prior to June 15th?

I believe the reason they all conspired on a different date was to throw off the investigators as to the actual day. If they believed the story and only investigated where KC went on the 9th, then they would have a harder time finding the body.
Just read on another site that LP has pulled his reward money. Also, RG will be on NG tomorrow with additional information. No idea if this is true and accurate.
It does seem unusual- It's not like anyone is going to not know when Father's Day was if they look back at it. Still can't figure this one out.:confused:
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